Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the key method and houses the key parts of the algorithm. Initially,
        /// checks are made to the maze parameter that has been inputted from the 'Start'
        /// class. These either fail and return the relevant error message or pass and
        /// the process begins. The details of each part will be discussed in their
        /// relevant sections.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maze"> </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string.
        /// If the maze parameter is valid, the maze directions.
        /// If not, an error message, the type of which depends on the maze parameter.
        /// </returns>
        public static string AStarSearch(List <String> maze)
            // Checks if maze is empty.
            if (maze.Count == 0)
                return("\nThe maze provided is empty, please input a valid Maze.\n");

             * Nested foreach loops, the first converts each string (line) to a char
             * array, allowing the second to go through each character and check if
             * the correct characters for this maze type are within (in this case;
             * A, B, x and .).
            var isAInMaze   = false;
            var isBInMaze   = false;
            var isXInMaze   = false;
            var isDotInMaze = false;

            foreach (var line in maze)
                var ca = line.ToCharArray();
                foreach (var c in ca)
                    if (c.Equals('A'))
                        isAInMaze = true;
                    if (c.Equals('B'))
                        isBInMaze = true;
                    if (c.Equals('x'))
                        isXInMaze = true;
                    if (c.Equals('.'))
                        isDotInMaze = true;

            // Checks if the maze is in invalid.
            if (isAInMaze == false | isBInMaze == false | isXInMaze == false | isDotInMaze == false)
                return("\nThe maze provided is not valid, please input a valid Maze.\n");

             * Creates a new Node object called start and assigns it's Y value to
             * the index value of that which contains 'A' - the start point. This
             * process takes advantage of the C# LINQ framework (although the use
             * of LINQ is minimised as much possible for efficiency purposes). The
             * X value is then assigned using the value of Y as a reference point.
            var start = new Node
                Y = maze.FindIndex(s => s.Contains("A"))

            start.X = maze[start.Y].IndexOf("A");

            // This process is identical to the above.
            var end = new Node
                Y = maze.FindIndex(s => s.Contains("B"))

            end.X = maze[end.Y].IndexOf("B");

             * Here we create two queues, one called openPriorityQueue which is a
             * SimplePriorityQueue (this is a third-party data structure, designed
             * for pathfinding use cases - the reference of which can be found in
             * the ReadMe) and is used for queuing the nodes that may be visited.
             * This queue has a priority level for each node enqueued and it is
             * this priority level which is used to dictate which nodes shall be
             * visited at any given time.
             * The second queue is called the ClosedQueue and it is a HashSet. This
             * queue is used to store all the previously visited nodes, and as
             * such grows rapidly in size in relation to maze complexity. A HashSet
             * was therefore chosen for its performance, and from testing the
             * difference between implementing it as a HashSet rather than a
             * SimplePriorityQueue was around 2-3x faster.
            var openPriorityQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue <Node>();
            var closedQueue       = new HashSet <Node>();

            // Adds the start node to the openPriorityQueue.
            openPriorityQueue.Enqueue(start, 0);

            // Initialises an int called gCost.
            var gCost = 0;

            // The start of the main loop.
            while (openPriorityQueue.Count > 0)
                 * This assigns the node current to the value of the node at the top
                 * of the queue, which should have the lowest fCost.
                var current = openPriorityQueue.First;

                 * If the final node has been reached, assign the string variable to
                 * the result of the PrintDirections method. This will contain the
                 * NSEW directions and then return them.
                if (current.X == end.X && current.Y == end.Y)
                    var mazeDirections = PrintDirections(current);

                // Adds the current node to the closed queue (visited).

                // Removes the head of the queue from the open queue.

                 * If the destination is within the closed list, then the Path has
                 * been found, and the while loop is broken.
                //var endFound = false;
                foreach (var node in closedQueue)
                    if ((node.X == end.X) && (node.Y == end.Y))
                        var mazeDirections = PrintDirections(current);

                 * Assign the HashSet neighbours to the value of the GetNeighbours
                 * method, which will contain 0-4 of the surrounding nodes.
                var neighbours = GetNeighbours(maze, current);

                // Increment the gCost.
                gCost = current.gCost + 1;

                 * A foreach loop is used to iterate through the neighbours to find
                 * the best path moving forward.
                foreach (var neighbour in neighbours)
                    // If the neighbour is already in the closed queue, it's ignored.
                    var neighbourInClosedQueue = false;
                    foreach (var node in closedQueue)
                        if ((node.X == neighbour.X) && (node.Y == neighbour.Y))
                            neighbourInClosedQueue = true;
                    if (neighbourInClosedQueue == true)

                     * If the neighbour is not within the open queue, then CalculateNodeCost
                     * is called, which generates the costs of the node. The parent of the
                     * neighbour is set as the current node being dealt with. Following this
                     * a foreach loop is used to sort through the nodes of the open queue and
                     * if the neighbour fCost is lower, then it's assigned a higher priority
                     * (lower priority number), if the fCost is equal, it remains at the same
                     * priority, and if the fCost is higher, it's assigned a lower priority
                     * (high priority number). The initial if statement uses LINQ, as it was
                     * the only appropriate way to check if a node within the open queue is
                     * equal to neighbour's X and Y value.
                    if (openPriorityQueue.FirstOrDefault(node => node.X == neighbour.X && node.Y == neighbour.Y) == null)
                        CalculateNodeCost(gCost, end, neighbour);

                        neighbour.parent = current;

                        openPriorityQueue.Enqueue(neighbour, 1);

                        foreach (var node in openPriorityQueue)
                            if (node.fCost < neighbour.fCost)
                                openPriorityQueue.UpdatePriority(node, 0);
                            else if (node.fCost > neighbour.fCost)
                                openPriorityQueue.UpdatePriority(node, 2);
            // If the maze cannot be solved, a message is returned saying so.
            return("\nThis maze cannot be escaped from...\n");
        public ActionResult _CrearCSPF(CSPFViewModel newModel)
            //Proyecto proyectoActual = new Proyecto(newModel.idProyecto);
            NodoDijkstra RouterOrigen = new NodoDijkstra(newModel.nRouterOrigen, newModel.idProyecto);

            SimplePriorityQueue<NodoDijkstra> routerQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue<NodoDijkstra>();
            routerQueue = Dijkstra.GenerarRutas(RouterOrigen, newModel.idProyecto);

            NodoDijkstra RouterDestino = routerQueue.FirstOrDefault(x => x.idRouter == newModel.nRouterDestino);

            List<NodoDijkstra> result = new List<NodoDijkstra>();
            result = Dijkstra.GetRutaMasCortaHasta(RouterDestino);

            return Json(1);