private void ShowPositionsArray(Vector3[] positionsArray, float pixelSize, Color4 pixelColor, Bounds positionBounds)
            if (_isUsingPixelsVisual3D)
                // The easiest way to show many pixels is to use PixelsVisual3D.
                var pixelsVisual3D = new PixelsVisual3D()
                    Positions  = positionsArray,
                    PixelColor = pixelColor.ToWpfColor(),
                    PixelSize  = pixelSize

                // It is highly recommended to manually set the PositionsBounds.
                // If this is not done, the bounds are calculated by the DXEngine with checking all the positions.
                pixelsVisual3D.PositionsBounds = positionBounds;


                // !!! IMPORTANT !!!
                // When PixelsVisual3D is not used any more, it needs to be disposed (we are using DisposeList to dispose all in Unloaded event handler)


            // First stop in showing positions in the positionsArray as pixels is to create a SimpleMesh<Vector3>.
            // This will create a DirectX VertexBuffer that will be passed to the shaders.
            var simpleMesh = new SimpleMesh <Vector3>(vertexBufferArray: positionsArray,
                                                      indexBufferArray: null,
                                                      inputLayoutType: InputLayoutType.Position);

            simpleMesh.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.PointList; // We need to change the default PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList to PointList

            // To correctly set the Camera's Near and Far distance, we need to provide the correct bounds of each shown 3D model.

            if (positionBounds != null && !positionBounds.IsEmpty)
                // It is highly recommended to manually set the Bounds.
                simpleMesh.Bounds = positionBounds;
                // if we do not manually set the Bounds, then we need to call CalculateBounds to calculate the bounds


            // We will need to dispose the SimpleMesh

            // Create a new PixelMaterial
            _pixelMaterial = new PixelMaterial()
                PixelColor = pixelColor,
                PixelSize  = pixelSize



            // Now create a new MeshObjectNode
            _meshObjectNode = new Ab3d.DirectX.MeshObjectNode(simpleMesh, _pixelMaterial);


            // To be able to add the MeshObjectNode (or any other SceneNode) to WPF's Viewport3D,
            // we need to create a SceneNodeVisual3D
            var sceneNodeVisual3D = new SceneNodeVisual3D(_meshObjectNode);
