/// <summary>
        /// 将Dicom目录转化为NiFTI格式
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dicomPath">Dicom目录</param>
        /// <returns>转化成功之后的.nii.gz文件</returns>
        private string ConvetDicom2NiFTI(string dicomPath)
            ///TODO 吴昌霖继续完成
            string niFTIFilePath = "";


            /*      private static string[] GetFile(String filepath)
             * {
             * string[] file = null;
             * file = Directory.GetFiles(filepath);
             * return file;
             * }
             * public static void Main(string[] args)
             * {
             * var vs = new VectorString();
             * String[] dir = GetFile("C:/Users/dell/Desktop/d2n/T1");
             * int time = 0;
             * foreach (String fileName in dir)
             * {
             *  if (fileName.EndsWith(".dcm"))
             *  {
             *      string str = dir.GetValue(time).ToString();
             *      vs.Add(str);
             *      Console.WriteLine(str + "已经添加");
             *      time++;
             *  }
             *  else {
             *      time++;
             *  }
             * }
             * time = 0;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ;
             * ImageSeriesReader isr = new ImageSeriesReader();
             * isr.SetFileNames(vs);
             * //String strr = vs.ToString();
             * //Console.WriteLine(strr);
             * Image img = SimpleITK.ReadImage(vs);
             * //ImageSeriesWriter isw = new ImageSeriesWriter();
             * // isw.SetFileNames(vs);
             * //bool isTransport = isw.GetUseCompression();
             * //Console.WriteLine(isTransport);
             * //Console.ReadLine();
             * ImageFileWriter isw = new ImageFileWriter();
             * //
             * isw.SetFileName("C:/Users/dell/Desktop/d2n/dcm2nii.nii.gz");
             * isw.Execute(img);
             * }
             * }
             * }     */
    private Color[] LoadNIFTIFile()
        Color[] colors;
        Image   input = SimpleITK.ReadImage("/home/josher/Dropbox/UnityResources/2016.11.29.Brain.Tumor.in.Unity3D/Data/MRI_After_Surgery/AX_T1_3D_MPRAGE_NAVIGATION.nii.gz");

        MinimumMaximumImageFilter filter = new MinimumMaximumImageFilter();

        uint max = (uint)filter.GetMaximum();
        uint min = (uint)filter.GetMinimum();

        size[0] = input.GetWidth();
        size[1] = input.GetHeight();
        size[2] = input.GetDepth();

        size2p [0] = ClosestPowOfTwo(size [0]);
        size2p [1] = ClosestPowOfTwo(size [1]);
        size2p [2] = ClosestPowOfTwo(size [2]);

        //data = new float[size [0], size [1], size [2]];

        colors = new Color[size2p[0] * size2p[1] * size2p[2]];
        Color color = Color.black;

        for (uint x = 0; x < size2p[0]; x++)
            for (uint y = 0; y < size2p[1]; y++)
                for (uint z = 0; z < size2p[2]; z++)
                    float temp = (float)input.GetPixelAsInt16(new VectorUInt32(new uint[] { x *size[0] / size2p[0], y *size[1] / size2p[1], z *size[2] / size2p[2] }));

//					if(temp ==-1.0f) {
//						temp=1100.0f;
//					}
                    //data [x, y, z] = (temp-min)/(max-min);
                    color.a = (temp - min) / (max - min);
                    colors[x + y * size2p[0] + z * size2p[0] * size2p[1]] = color;
        public static int[] fGetDatasetLength()
            Class.manageImg managerView = HttpContext.Current.Session["managerView"] as Class.manageImg;
            String          sPath       = managerView.sCurrentImageFolder[0];

            String[] sFilenames;

            if (sPath == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("path variable in manageImg is not specified!");
                sFilenames = (System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(sPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => Constant.lsExtensions.Any(e => s.EndsWith(e)))).ToArray();
                int[] iSize = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                // get dataset length and set hiddenfield
                itk.simple.Image itkImage   = SimpleITK.ReadImage(sFilenames[0]); // Es wird nur das erste Listenelement ausgelesen?
                VectorUInt32     UInt32Size = itkImage.GetSize();
                iSize[0] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[0]);
                iSize[1] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[1]);
                iSize[2] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[2]);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 8)
                Console.WriteLine("Missing Parameters ");
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: " + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName +
                                  "inputImage initialModel outputImage cannyThreshold " +
                                  "cannyVariance advectionWeight initialModelIsovalue maximumIterations ");

            string inputFilename        = args[0];
            string initialModelFilename = args[1];

            string outputFilename = args[2];

            double cannyThreshold      = double.Parse(args[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            double cannyVariance       = double.Parse(args[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            double advectionWeight     = double.Parse(args[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            double intialModelIsovalue = double.Parse(args[6], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            uint   maxIterations       = uint.Parse(args[7], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Read input image

            SitkImage inputImage   = SimpleITK.ReadImage(inputFilename, PixelId.sitkFloat32);
            SitkImage initialModel = SimpleITK.ReadImage(initialModelFilename, PixelId.sitkFloat32);

            //  The input image will be processed with a few iterations of
            //  feature-preserving diffusion.  We create a filter and set the
            //  appropriate parameters.

            GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter diffusion = new GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter();

            SitkImage diffusedImage = diffusion.Execute(inputImage);

            // As with the other ITK level set segmentation filters, the terms of the
            // CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter level set equation can be
            // weighted by scalars.  For this application we will modify the relative
            // weight of the advection term.  The propagation and curvature term weights
            // are set to their defaults of 0 and 1, respectively.

            CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter cannySegmentation = new CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter();


            //  The maximum number of iterations is specified from the command line.
            //  It may not be desirable in some applications to run the filter to
            //  convergence.  Only a few iterations may be required.


            //  There are two important parameters in the
            //  CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter to control the behavior of the
            //  Canny edge detection.  The variance parameter controls the
            //  amount of Gaussian smoothing on the input image.  The threshold
            //  parameter indicates the lowest allowed value in the output image.
            //  Thresholding is used to suppress Canny edges whose gradient magnitudes
            //  fall below a certain value.


            // Finally, it is very important to specify the isovalue of the surface in
            // the initial model input image. In a binary image, for example, the
            // isosurface is found midway between the foreground and background values.


            SitkImage output = cannySegmentation.Execute(initialModel, diffusedImage);

            BinaryThresholdImageFilter thresholder = new BinaryThresholdImageFilter();


            output = thresholder.Execute(output);

            output = SimpleITK.Cast(output, PixelIDValueEnum.sitkUInt8);

            SimpleITK.WriteImage(output, outputFilename);

            // Print out some useful information
            Console.WriteLine("Max. no. iterations: {0}", cannySegmentation.GetNumberOfIterations());
            Console.WriteLine("Max. RMS error: {0}", cannySegmentation.GetMaximumRMSError());
            Console.WriteLine("No. elpased iterations: {0}", cannySegmentation.GetElapsedIterations());
            Console.WriteLine("RMS change: {0}", cannySegmentation.GetRMSChange());
Exemple #5
    /*! Constructor, fills most of the attributes of the DICOMSeries class.
     * \note This does some heavy file/directory parsing to determine the files which are part of
     *      this series and their order. This is why the DICOMSeries should be constructed in a
     *      background thread and then passed to the main thread. */
    public DICOMSeries(string directory, string seriesUID)
        // Get the file names for the series:
        filenames = ImageSeriesReader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames(directory, seriesUID);
        if (filenames.Count <= 0)
            throw(new System.Exception("No files found for series " + seriesUID + "."));
        this.seriesUID = seriesUID;

        // Load the first slice in volume to get meta information:
        firstSlice = SimpleITK.ReadImage(filenames[0]);
        VectorDouble o1 = firstSlice.GetOrigin();

        if (o1.Count < 3)
            throw(new System.Exception("Invalid origins found in first image."));
        origin = new Vector3((float)o1 [0], (float)o1 [1], (float)o1 [2]);

        numberOfSlices = filenames.Count;

        // Offset between two adjacent slices. If only one slice is present,
        // this defaults to zero.
        Vector3 sliceOffset = Vector3.zero;

        // If we have more than one slice, also load the last slice to be able to determine the slice spacing:
        if (filenames.Count > 1)
            lastSlice = SimpleITK.ReadImage(filenames[filenames.Count - 1]);

            // Get the origins of the two images:
            VectorDouble o2 = lastSlice.GetOrigin();
            if (o2.Count < 3)
                throw(new System.Exception("Invalid origins found in last image."));
            Vector3 lastOrigin = new Vector3((float)o2 [0], (float)o2 [1], (float)o2 [2]);

            // Calculate offset between two adjacent slices (assuming all neighbours are the same distance apart):
            // Note: I expect sliceOffset.x and sliceOffset.y to be zero most of the time.
            //		Using a Vector just for completeness.
            sliceOffset = (lastOrigin - origin) / (filenames.Count - 1);

        // Load the direction cosines:
        // ITK stores the direction cosines in a matrix with row-major-ordering. The weird indexing is because
        // we need the first and second column (0,3,6 for X and 1,4,7 for Y)
        VectorDouble direction = firstSlice.GetDirection();

        if (direction.Count < 6)
            throw(new System.Exception("Invalid direction cosines found in images."));
        directionCosineX = new Vector3((float)direction [0], (float)direction [3], (float)direction [6]);
        directionCosineY = new Vector3((float)direction [1], (float)direction [4], (float)direction [7]);

        sliceNormal = Vector3.Cross(directionCosineX, directionCosineY);

        // Calculate the which direction the normal is facing to determine the orienation (Transverse,
        // Coronal or Saggital).
        float absX = Mathf.Abs(sliceNormal.x);
        float absY = Mathf.Abs(sliceNormal.y);
        float absZ = Mathf.Abs(sliceNormal.z);

        if (absX > absY && absX > absZ)
            sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Saggital;
        else if (absY > absX && absY > absZ)
            sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Coronal;
        else if (absZ > absX && absZ > absY)
            sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Transverse;
            sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Unknown;

        // Load the direction cosines:
        // NOTE: It seems that the the first value is the spacing between rows (i.e. y direction),
        //		the second value is the spacing between columns (i.e. x direction).
        //		I was not able to verify this so far, since all test dicoms we had have the same spacing in
        //		x and y direction...
        VectorDouble spacing = firstSlice.GetSpacing();

        if (spacing.Count < 2)
            throw(new System.Exception("Invalid pixel spacing found in images."));
        pixelSpacing = new Vector2((float)spacing [1], (float)spacing [0]);

        // Set up the transformation matrix:
        Matrix4x4 transformMatrix = new Matrix4x4();

        // Column 1:
        transformMatrix [0, 0] = directionCosineX.x * pixelSpacing.x;
        transformMatrix [1, 0] = directionCosineX.y * pixelSpacing.x;
        transformMatrix [2, 0] = directionCosineX.z * pixelSpacing.x;
        transformMatrix [3, 0] = 0f;
        // Column 2:
        transformMatrix [0, 1] = directionCosineY.x * pixelSpacing.y;
        transformMatrix [1, 1] = directionCosineY.y * pixelSpacing.y;
        transformMatrix [2, 1] = directionCosineY.z * pixelSpacing.y;
        transformMatrix [3, 1] = 0f;
        // Column 3:
        transformMatrix [0, 2] = sliceOffset.x;
        transformMatrix [1, 2] = sliceOffset.y;
        transformMatrix [2, 2] = sliceOffset.z;
        transformMatrix [3, 2] = 0f;
        // Column 4:
        transformMatrix [0, 3] = origin.x;
        transformMatrix [1, 3] = origin.y;
        transformMatrix [2, 3] = origin.z;
        transformMatrix [3, 3] = 1f;

        // Convert to a the left-hand-side coordinate system which Unity uses:
        Matrix4x4 rightHandToLeftHand = new Matrix4x4();

        rightHandToLeftHand [0, 0] = 1f;
        rightHandToLeftHand [1, 1] = 1f;
        rightHandToLeftHand [2, 2] = -1f;
        rightHandToLeftHand [3, 3] = 1f;

        pixelToPatient = rightHandToLeftHand * transformMatrix;

        // Inverse transformation:
        patientToPixel = pixelToPatient.inverse;

        // Read the minimum and maximum values which are stored in this image:
        minPixelValue          = UInt16.MinValue;
        maxPixelValue          = UInt16.MaxValue;
        foundMinMaxPixelValues = false;
        try {
            minPixelValue          = Int32.Parse(firstSlice.GetMetaData("0028|0106"));
            maxPixelValue          = Int32.Parse(firstSlice.GetMetaData("0028|0107"));
            foundMinMaxPixelValues = true;
        } catch {
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            // image ID, brightness and contrast value
            Int32  iID, iBVal, iRot, iNoFiles;
            Double dCVal;
            String sPath;

            // response type
            context.Response.ContentType = "image/png";

            // get and convert image parameters
            if (context.Request.QueryString["NqC3ke"] != null)  // ID
                iID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["NqC3ke"]);
                throw new ArgumentException("No image id specified");

            if (context.Request.QueryString["tXt9X3"] != null)  // brightness
                iBVal = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["tXt9X3"]);
                throw new ArgumentException("No image brightness specified");

            if (context.Request.QueryString["XwjRGm"] != null)  // contrast
                dCVal = Convert.ToDouble(context.Request.QueryString["XwjRGm"]);
                throw new ArgumentException("No image contrast specified");

            if (context.Request.QueryString["WkYTCe"] != null)  // path
                string obscuredPath   = Convert.ToString(context.Request.QueryString["WkYTCe"]);
                string unobscuredPath = "";

                // old obfuscation
                //for (int z = 0; z < obscuredPath.Length; z++)
                //    int add = Constant.ceasarOdd;

                //    if (z % 2 == 0)
                //    {
                //        add =  Constant.ceasarEven;
                //    }
                //    char c = (char)(obscuredPath[z] - add);
                //    unobscuredPath += c.ToString();


                // new obfuscation
                string allowedChars = Constant.allowedCharacters;

                for (int p = 0; p < obscuredPath.Length; p++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < allowedChars.Length; c++)
                        if (obscuredPath[p] == allowedChars[c])
                        { // character is allowed
                            int add = Constant.ceasarOdd;
                            if (p % 2 == 0)
                                add = Constant.ceasarEven;

                            // remove unneccessary loops
                            add = add % (allowedChars.Length - 1);

                            int shift = c - add;

                            if (shift > (allowedChars.Length - 1))
                                shift = shift - (allowedChars.Length - 1);
                            else if ((shift) < 0)
                                shift = shift + (allowedChars.Length - 1);

                            char character = allowedChars[shift];

                            unobscuredPath += character.ToString();


                //Debug.Print("deobfuscation\t\t" + obscuredPath + "  ->  " + unobscuredPath);

                sPath = unobscuredPath;
                sPath = "";

            if (context.Request.QueryString["Hsfke2"] != null)  // rotate
                iRot = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["Hsfke2"]);
                iRot = 0;

            if (context.Request.QueryString["yAR8st"] != null)  // length
                iNoFiles = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.QueryString["yAR8st"]);
                iNoFiles = 1;

            // load image in byte array "bmVal"
            //var bOld = false;
            byte[] bmVal;
            int    iWidth;
            int    iHeight;
            int    iDepth;

            itk.simple.Image itkImage;

            if (!File.Exists(sPath))
                // file was not found

                itkImage = SimpleITK.ReadImage(sPath, PixelIDValueEnum.sitkFloat32);
            catch (System.StackOverflowException)
                itk.simple.ImageFileReader reader = new itk.simple.ImageFileReader();
                itkImage = reader.Execute();

            // get image direction
            var iDir = itkImage.GetDirection();

            // get spacing
            VectorDouble dSpacing = itkImage.GetSpacing();

            // get size and number of dimension
            VectorUInt32 iSize = itkImage.GetSize();
            int          len   = 1;

            for (int iDim = 0; iDim < itkImage.GetDimension(); iDim++)
                len *= (int)iSize[iDim];
            iWidth  = unchecked ((int)iSize[0]);
            iHeight = unchecked ((int)iSize[1]);
            iDepth  = unchecked ((int)iSize[2]);

            // convert mm->dpi
            float fResolutionX = System.Convert.ToSingle(System.Convert.ToDouble(iWidth) * 25.4 / dSpacing[0]);
            float fResolutionY = System.Convert.ToSingle(System.Convert.ToDouble(iHeight) * 25.4 / dSpacing[1]);

            // 2D image size
            int iLength = iWidth * iHeight;

            // copy buffer to new array
            IntPtr ipBuffer = itkImage.GetBufferAsFloat();

            float[] fArray = new float[iLength];

            // no negative indices
            if (iID < 0)
                iID = 0;

            // multiple DICOM files
            int iOffset = 0;

            if (iNoFiles > 1)
                if (iID >= (iNoFiles - 1))
                    iID = iNoFiles - 1;
                iOffset = 0;

            else if (iNoFiles == 1)
                // one DICOM file
                if (iDepth == 1)
                    iID     = 1;
                    iOffset = 0;

                // one 3D MHD file
                else if (iDepth > 1)
                    if (iID > (iDepth - 1))
                        iID = iDepth - 1;
                    iOffset = (iID - 1) * iLength;

            // new pointer to data (due to offset)
            Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(ipBuffer.ToInt64() + sizeof(float) * iOffset), fArray, 0, iLength);

            // convert floating point to 8 bit integer values - range:0 - 255
            float fMax = fArray.Max();
            float fMin = fArray.Min();

            bmVal = new byte[iWidth * iHeight];
            for (int iI = 0; iI < iLength; iI++)
                var tmp = (float)(((fArray[iI] - fMin) / (fMax - fMin) * 255) + iBVal) * (float)dCVal;
                if (tmp > 255)
                    tmp = 255;
                if (tmp < 0)
                    tmp = 0;
                bmVal[iI] = (byte)tmp;
            Bitmap bmOutput = fCreateBitmap(bmVal, new int[] { iWidth, iHeight }, new float[] { fResolutionX, fResolutionY });

            // rotate image and flip in X direction due to different image orientation convention

            // corrects *.mhd orientation

            List <String> lsExtensions = new List <String> {
                ".mhd", ".MHD"

            foreach (var ext in lsExtensions)
                if (sPath.EndsWith(ext))
                {                                                // *.mhd files have a different orientation (compared to *.ima)

            switch (iRot)
            case 0:

            case 90:

            case 180:

            case 270:


            // save new image to response stream
            bmOutput.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Png);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     Image input = SimpleITK.ReadImage("/home/josher/UnityProjects/Read_Niftis/Assets/Ax_SWI.nii.gz");
Exemple #8
    /*! Loads a single file and creates an array of colors from the pixels.
     * The array of colors can later be used to generate a texture, see getTexture2D() */
    private void loadImageData(int slice)
        VectorString fileNames = seriesInfo.filenames;

        // Read the DICOM image:
        Image image = SimpleITK.ReadImage(fileNames[slice]);

        origTexWidth  = (int)image.GetWidth();
        origTexHeight = (int)image.GetHeight();
        //int origTexDepth = (int)image.GetDepth ();
        texWidth  = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((int)image.GetWidth());
        texHeight = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((int)image.GetHeight());
        texDepth  = 1;
        colors    = new Color32[texWidth * texHeight];

        int intercept = 0;
        int slope     = 1;

        try {
            intercept = Int32.Parse(image.GetMetaData("0028|1052"));
            slope     = Int32.Parse(image.GetMetaData("0028|1053"));
        } catch {

        if (image.GetDimension() != 2 && image.GetDimension() != 3)
            throw(new System.Exception("Only 2D and 3D images are currently supported. Dimensions of image: " + image.GetDimension()));

        Int64 min = int.MaxValue;
        Int64 max = int.MinValue;

        // Copy the image into a colors array:
        IntPtr bufferPtr;
        UInt32 numberOfPixels = image.GetWidth() * image.GetHeight();

        if (image.GetPixelID() == PixelIDValueEnum.sitkUInt16)
            bufferPtr = image.GetBufferAsUInt16();

            Int16[] colorsTmp = new Int16[numberOfPixels];
            Marshal.Copy(bufferPtr, colorsTmp, 0, (int)numberOfPixels);
            int index = 0;
            //for (UInt32 z = 0; z < texDepth; z++) {
            for (UInt32 y = 0; y < texHeight; y++)
                for (UInt32 x = 0; x < texWidth; x++)
                    if (x < origTexWidth && y < origTexHeight)                     // && z < origTexDepth )
                        UInt16 pixelValue = (UInt16)((colorsTmp [index] - intercept) / slope);
                        colors [x + y * texWidth] = F2C(pixelValue);

                        if (pixelValue > max)
                            max = pixelValue;
                        if (pixelValue < min)
                            min = pixelValue;

        else if (image.GetPixelID() == PixelIDValueEnum.sitkInt16)
            bufferPtr = image.GetBufferAsInt16();

            Int16[] colorsTmp = new Int16[numberOfPixels];
            Marshal.Copy(bufferPtr, colorsTmp, 0, (int)numberOfPixels);

            int index = 0;
            //for (UInt32 z = 0; z < texDepth; z++) {
            for (UInt32 y = 0; y < texHeight; y++)
                for (UInt32 x = 0; x < texWidth; x++)
                    if (x < origTexWidth && y < origTexHeight)                     // && z < origTexDepth )
                        UInt16 pixelValue = (UInt16)((colorsTmp [index] - intercept) / slope);
                        colors [x + y * texWidth] = F2C(pixelValue);

                        if (pixelValue > max)
                            max = pixelValue;
                        if (pixelValue < min)
                            min = pixelValue;

        else if (image.GetPixelID() == PixelIDValueEnum.sitkInt32)
            bufferPtr = image.GetBufferAsInt32();

            Int32[] colorsTmp = new Int32[numberOfPixels];
            Marshal.Copy(bufferPtr, colorsTmp, 0, (int)numberOfPixels);

            int index = 0;
            //for (UInt32 z = 0; z < texDepth; z++) {
            for (UInt32 y = 0; y < texHeight; y++)
                for (UInt32 x = 0; x < texWidth; x++)
                    if (x < origTexWidth && y < origTexHeight)                     // && z < origTexDepth )
                        UInt32 pixelValue = (UInt32)((colorsTmp [index] - intercept) / slope);
                        colors [x + y * texWidth] = F2C(pixelValue);

                        if (pixelValue > max)
                            max = (Int64)pixelValue;
                        if (pixelValue < min)
                            min = (Int64)pixelValue;

            throw(new System.Exception("Unsupported pixel format: " + image.GetPixelID()));

        // If the DICOM header did not contain info about the minimum/maximum values and no one
        // has manually set them yet, set the min/max values found for this slice:
        if (!seriesInfo.foundMinMaxPixelValues)
            seriesInfo.setMinMaxPixelValues((int)min, (int)max);
        // Make the loaded image accessable from elsewhere:
        this.image = image;
Exemple #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 9)
                Console.WriteLine("Missing Parameters ");
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: " + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName +
                                  " inputImage outputImage seedX seedY " +
                                  " Sigma SigmoidAlpha SigmoidBeta TimeThreshold");

            string inputFilename  = args[0];
            string outputFilename = args[1];

            uint[] seedPosition = { Convert.ToUInt32(args[2]), Convert.ToUInt32(args[3]), 0 };

            double sigma         = double.Parse(args[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            double alpha         = double.Parse(args[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);;
            double beta          = double.Parse(args[6], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            double timeThreshold = double.Parse(args[7], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            double stoppingTime  = double.Parse(args[8], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Read input image

            SitkImage inputImage = SimpleITK.ReadImage(inputFilename, PixelIDValueEnum.sitkFloat32);

            //  The input image will be processed with a few iterations of
            //  feature-preserving diffusion.  We create a filter and set the
            //  appropriate parameters.

            CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter smoothing = new CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter();

            SitkImage smoothingOutput = smoothing.Execute(inputImage);

            SitkImage gradientMagnitudeOutput = SimpleITK.GradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussian(smoothingOutput, sigma);

            SitkImage sigmoidOutput = SimpleITK.Sigmoid(gradientMagnitudeOutput, alpha, beta, 1.0, 0.0);

            FastMarchingImageFilter fastMarching = new FastMarchingImageFilter();

            //VectorUIntList trialPoints; Add trialPoints into list if using multiple seeds. Here we only use one seedpoint

            VectorUInt32 trialPoint = new VectorUInt32(3);



            //  Since the front representing the contour will propagate continuously
            //  over time, it is desirable to stop the process once a certain time has
            //  been reached. This allows us to save computation time under the
            //  assumption that the region of interest has already been computed. The
            //  value for stopping the process is defined with the method
            //  SetStoppingValue(). In principle, the stopping value should be a
            //  little bit higher than the threshold value.


            SitkImage fastmarchingOutput = fastMarching.Execute(sigmoidOutput);

            BinaryThresholdImageFilter thresholder = new BinaryThresholdImageFilter();

            SitkImage result = thresholder.Execute(fastmarchingOutput);

            SimpleITK.WriteImage(result, outputFilename);
Exemple #10
    public DICOM2D(DICOMSeries seriesInfo, int slice) : base(seriesInfo)
        dimensions = 2;
        slice      = Mathf.Clamp(slice, 0, seriesInfo.filenames.Count - 1);
        this.slice = slice;

        VectorString fileNames = seriesInfo.filenames;

        // Read the DICOM image:
        image = SimpleITK.ReadImage(fileNames[slice]);

        VectorDouble o1 = image.GetOrigin();

        if (o1.Count < 3)
            throw(new System.Exception("Invalid origins found in first image."));
        origin = new Vector3((float)o1 [0], (float)o1 [1], (float)o1 [2]);

        // Load the direction cosines:
        // ITK stores the direction cosines in a matrix with row-major-ordering. The weird indexing is because
        // we need the first and second column (0,3,6 for X and 1,4,7 for Y)
        VectorDouble direction = image.GetDirection();

        if (direction.Count < 6)
            throw(new System.Exception("Invalid direction cosines found in images."));
        directionCosineX = new Vector3((float)direction [0], (float)direction [3], (float)direction [6]);
        directionCosineY = new Vector3((float)direction [1], (float)direction [4], (float)direction [7]);

        sliceNormal = Vector3.Cross(directionCosineX, directionCosineY);

        // Calculate which direction the normal is facing to determine the orienation (Transverse,
        // Coronal or Saggital).
        float absX = Mathf.Abs(sliceNormal.x);
        float absY = Mathf.Abs(sliceNormal.y);
        float absZ = Mathf.Abs(sliceNormal.z);

        if (absX > absY && absX > absZ)
            sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Saggital;
        else if (absY > absX && absY > absZ)
            sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Coronal;
        else if (absZ > absX && absZ > absY)
            sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Transverse;
            sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Unknown;

        // Load the pixel spacing:
        // NOTE: It seems that the the first value is the spacing between rows (i.e. y direction),
        //		the second value is the spacing between columns (i.e. x direction).
        //		I was not able to verify this so far, since all test dicoms we had have the same spacing in
        //		x and y direction...
        VectorDouble spacing = image.GetSpacing();

        if (spacing.Count < 2)
            throw(new System.Exception("Invalid pixel spacing found in images."));
        pixelSpacing = new Vector2((float)spacing [1], (float)spacing [0]);

        // Generate the transformation matrices which can later be used to translate pixels to
        // 3D positions and vice versa.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: SimpleGaussian <input>");

            // Read input image
            itk.simple.Image input = SimpleITK.ReadImage(args[0]);

            // Cast to we know the the pixel type
            input = SimpleITK.Cast(input, PixelId.sitkFloat32);

            // calculate the number of pixels
            VectorUInt32 size = input.GetSize();
            int          len  = 1;

            for (int dim = 0; dim < input.GetDimension(); dim++)
                len *= (int)size[dim];
            IntPtr buffer = input.GetBufferAsFloat();

            // Note: C# also has a GetConstBufferAs... methods which do not
            // implicitly call MakeUnique.

            // There are two ways to access the buffer:

            // (1) Access the underlying buffer as a pointer in an "unsafe" block
            // (note that in C# "unsafe" simply means that the compiler can not
            // perform full type checking), and requires the -unsafe compiler flag
            // unsafe {
            //   float* bufferPtr = (float*)buffer.ToPointer();

            //   // Now the byte pointer can be accessed as per Brad's email
            //   // (of course this example is only a 2d single channel image):
            //   // This is a 1-D array but can be access as a 3-D. Given an
            //   // image of size [xS,yS,zS], you can access the image at
            //   // index [x,y,z] as you wish by image[x+y*xS+z*xS*yS],
            //   // so x is the fastest axis and z is the slowest.
            //   for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++) {
            //     for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++) {
            //       float pixel = bufferPtr[i + j*size[1]];
            //       // Do something with pixel here
            //     }
            //   }
            // }

            // (2) Copy the buffer to a "safe" array (i.e. a fully typed array)
            // (note that this means memory is duplicated)
            float[] bufferAsArray = new float[len]; // Allocates new memory the size of input
            Marshal.Copy(buffer, bufferAsArray, 0, len);
            double total = 0.0;

            for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++)
                    float pixel = bufferAsArray[i + j * size[1]];
                    total += pixel;
            Console.WriteLine("Pixel value total: {0}", total);
Exemple #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: inputImage outputImage");

            string inputFilename  = args[0];
            string outputFilename = args[1];

            // Read input image
            SitkImage input = SimpleITK.ReadImage(inputFilename);

            // Cast so we know the the pixel type
            input = SimpleITK.Cast(input, PixelId.sitkFloat32);

            // calculate the number of pixels
            VectorUInt32 size = input.GetSize();
            int          len  = 1;

            for (int dim = 0; dim < input.GetDimension(); dim++)
                len *= (int)size[dim];
            IntPtr buffer = input.GetBufferAsFloat();

            // There are two ways to access the buffer:

            // (1) Access the underlying buffer as a pointer in an "unsafe" block
            // (note that in C# "unsafe" simply means that the compiler can not
            // perform full type checking), and requires the -unsafe compiler flag
            // unsafe {
            //   float* bufferPtr = (float*)buffer.ToPointer();

            //   // Now the byte pointer can be accessed as per Brad's email
            //   // (of course this example is only a 2d single channel image):
            //   // This is a 1-D array but can be access as a 3-D. Given an
            //   // image of size [xS,yS,zS], you can access the image at
            //   // index [x,y,z] as you wish by image[x+y*xS+z*xS*yS],
            //   // so x is the fastest axis and z is the slowest.
            //   for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++) {
            //     for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++) {
            //       float pixel = bufferPtr[i + j*size[1]];
            //       // Do something with pixel here
            //     }
            //   }
            // }

            // (2) Copy the buffer to a "safe" array (i.e. a fully typed array)
            // (note that this means memory is duplicated)
            float[] bufferAsArray = new float[len]; // Allocates new memory the size of input
            Marshal.Copy(buffer, bufferAsArray, 0, len);
            double total = 0.0;

            for (int j = 0; j < size[1]; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < size[0]; i++)
                    float pixel = bufferAsArray[i + j * size[1]];
                    total += pixel;
            Console.WriteLine("Pixel value total: {0}", total);

            // Set buffer of new SimpleITK Image from managed array.
            // bufferAsArray could also have come from a bmp,png,etc...

            uint width  = input.GetWidth();
            uint height = input.GetHeight();

            SitkImage outImage       = new SitkImage(width, height, PixelId.sitkFloat32);
            IntPtr    outImageBuffer = outImage.GetBufferAsFloat();

            Marshal.Copy(bufferAsArray, 0, outImageBuffer, (int)(size[0] * size[1]));

            // Write out the resulting file
            outImage = SimpleITK.RescaleIntensity(outImage, 0, 255);
            outImage = SimpleITK.Cast(outImage, PixelId.sitkUInt8);

            SimpleITK.WriteImage(outImage, outputFilename);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 6)
                Console.WriteLine("Missing Parameters ");
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: " + System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName +
                                  " inputImage outputImage" +
                                  " lowerThreshold upperThreshold seedX seedY [seed2X seed2Y ... ]");

            string inputFilename  = args[0];
            string outputFilename = args[1];

            double lowerThreshold = double.Parse(args[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            double upperThreshold = double.Parse(args[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Read the image

            SitkImage inputImage = SimpleITK.ReadImage(inputFilename, PixelIDValueEnum.sitkFloat32);

            // Blur using CurvatureFlowImageFilter
            CurvatureFlowImageFilter blurFilter = new sitk.CurvatureFlowImageFilter();

            inputImage = blurFilter.Execute(inputImage);

            // Set up ConnectedThresholdImageFilter for segmentation

            ConnectedThresholdImageFilter segmentationFilter = new sitk.ConnectedThresholdImageFilter();


            for (uint i = 4; i + 1 < args.Length; i += 2)
                VectorUInt32 seed = new VectorUInt32(new uint[] { Convert.ToUInt32(args[i]), Convert.ToUInt32(args[i + 1]), 0 });
                Console.WriteLine("Adding a seed at: ");
                for (int j = 0; j + 1 < seed.Count; j++)
                    Console.WriteLine(seed[j] + " ");
            SitkImage outImage = segmentationFilter.Execute(inputImage);

            // Write out the resulting file

            SimpleITK.WriteImage(outImage, outputFilename);

        public static string getListOfPackageImage(int index)

            Class.manageImg managerView = HttpContext.Current.Session["managerView"] as Class.manageImg;
            managerView.currentPageIndex = index;
            HttpContext.Current.Session["managerView"] = managerView;

            ViewImage_ that = HttpContext.Current.Session["viewImage"] as ViewImage_;


            // set default values
            managerView.allImages[index][0].getUnlabelled = new int[] { -1, -1 };
            managerView.allImages[index][0].getPercentage = "-";

            if (managerView.tc.ActiveLearning) // when active learning is enabled, check if threshold is reached
                if (DataAccess.DataAccessTestCase.checkThreshold(managerView))
                    return("alert('Active learning procedure has been executed, page index will be reset');  setTimeout(function(){ Reset=true; }, 3000);");

            if (index >= 0 && index <= managerView.iNGroups)
                managerView.sCurrentImageFolder = new List <String>(managerView.allImages[index].Count);
                for (var i = 0; i < managerView.allImages[index].Count; i++)
                    managerView.sCurrentImageFolder[i] = managerView.tc.dbPath + "\\" + managerView.allImages[index][i].Path.Replace('/', '\\'); //- Martin

                // get the labelscales
                for (int i = 0; i < managerView.allImages[index].Count; i++)
                    if (managerView.tc.DiskreteScale)
                        managerView.allImages[index][i].LableDiscrete = DataAccessTestCase.GetDiscreteLabel(managerView.IDUser, managerView.allImages[index][i].IdGroupImage);//pcw
                        managerView.allImages[index][i].LableContinuous = DataAccessTestCase.GetLableContinuous(managerView.allImages[index][i].IdGroupImage, managerView.IDUser, managerView.allImages[index][i].TypeScaleContinuous);//pcw

                List <String> sPath = managerView.sCurrentImageFolder;
                if (sPath == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("path variable in manageImg is not specified!");
                    // get paths and dimension of every individual image
                    for (int i = 0; i < managerView.allImages[index].Count; i++)
                        managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths = (System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(sPath[i], "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(s => Constant.lsExtensions.Any(e => s.EndsWith(e)))).ToArray();
                        int[]            iSize    = new int[] { 0, 0, 0 };
                        string           pfad     = managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths[0];
                        itk.simple.Image itkImage = SimpleITK.ReadImage(pfad);              // bei DICOM werden nur die Dimensionen des ersten Bildes ausgelesen, diese sind bei den anderen Schichten identisch

                        VectorUInt32 UInt32Size = itkImage.GetSize();
                        iSize[0] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[0]);
                        iSize[1] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[1]);

                        if (managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths.Length > 1)// for DICOM files
                            iSize[2] = managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths.Length;
                        else if (managerView.allImages[index][i].imagePaths.Length == 1)//
                            iSize[2] = unchecked ((int)UInt32Size[2]);
                        managerView.allImages[index][i].imageDimensions = iSize;

                // get index of the next/previous page with not completely labelled images
                try {
                    managerView.allImages[index][0].getNumOfPages = managerView.allImages.Count();
                    managerView.allImages[index][0].getUnlabelled = getUnlabelled(index);
                    managerView.allImages[index][0].getPercentage = getCurrPercentage();
                }catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException ex) {
                    return("alert('An error occurred while trying to load the image package, please contact the administrator');");

                //Obfuscate image paths

                for (int c = 0; c < managerView.allImages[index].Count; c++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < managerView.allImages[index][c].imagePaths.Length; z++)
                        managerView.allImages[index][c].imagePaths[z] = obfuscate(managerView.allImages[index][c].imagePaths[z]);

                // put the array in the JSON format
                var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(managerView.allImages[index]);

                //return managerView.allImages[index];
Exemple #15
    /*! Constructor, fills most of the attributes of the DICOMSeries class.
     * \note This does some heavy file/directory parsing to determine the files which are part of
     *      this series and their order. This is why the DICOMSeries should be constructed in a
     *      background thread and then passed to the main thread. */
    public DICOMSeries(string directory, string seriesUID)
        Debug.Log("Loading Meta Data for Series: " + seriesUID);
        // Get the file names for the series:
        filenames = ImageSeriesReader.GetGDCMSeriesFileNames(directory, seriesUID);
        if (filenames.Count <= 0)
            throw(new System.Exception("No files found for series " + seriesUID + "."));
        this.seriesUID = seriesUID;

        // Load the first slice in volume to get meta information:
        firstSlice = SimpleITK.ReadImage(filenames[0]);
        lastSlice  = SimpleITK.ReadImage(filenames[Math.Max(filenames.Count - 1, 0)]);

        numberOfSlices = filenames.Count;

        // Load the direction cosines:
        // ITK stores the direction cosines in a matrix with row-major-ordering. The weird indexing is because
        // we need the first and second column (0,3,6 for X and 1,4,7 for Y)
        VectorDouble direction = firstSlice.GetDirection();

        if (direction.Count < 6)
            throw(new System.Exception("Invalid direction cosines found in images."));
        directionCosineX = new Vector3((float)direction [0], (float)direction [3], (float)direction [6]);
        directionCosineY = new Vector3((float)direction [1], (float)direction [4], (float)direction [7]);

        sliceNormal = Vector3.Cross(directionCosineX, directionCosineY);

        if (lastSlice != null)
            // Get the origins of the two images:
            VectorDouble o1 = firstSlice.GetOrigin();
            if (o1.Count < 3)
                throw(new System.Exception("Invalid origins found in first image."));
            Vector3      origin = new Vector3((float)o1 [0], (float)o1 [1], (float)o1 [2]);
            VectorDouble o2     = lastSlice.GetOrigin();
            if (o2.Count < 3)
                throw(new System.Exception("Invalid origins found in last image."));
            Vector3 lastOrigin = new Vector3((float)o2 [0], (float)o2 [1], (float)o2 [2]);

            // Calculate offset between two adjacent slices (assuming all neighbours are the same distance apart):
            // Note: I expect sliceOffset.x and sliceOffset.y to be zero most of the time.
            //              Using a Vector just for completeness.
            sliceOffset = (lastOrigin - origin) / (numberOfSlices - 1);

        if (lastSlice != null && numberOfSlices > 1)
            // Load the direction cosines:
            // ITK stores the direction cosines in a matrix with row-major-ordering. The weird indexing is because
            // we need the first and second column (0,3,6 for X and 1,4,7 for Y)
            VectorDouble directionLast = lastSlice.GetDirection();
            if (directionLast.Count < 6)
                throw(new System.Exception("Invalid direction cosines found in images."));
            Vector3 directionCosineXLast = new Vector3((float)directionLast [0], (float)directionLast [3], (float)directionLast [6]);
            Vector3 directionCosineYLast = new Vector3((float)directionLast [1], (float)directionLast [4], (float)directionLast [7]);

            Vector3 sliceNormalLast = Vector3.Cross(directionCosineXLast, directionCosineYLast);

            // If the first and last slice have the same orientation, then consider this series to be a volume.
            // TODO: Better check?
            if ((sliceNormal == sliceNormalLast))
                isConsecutiveVolume = true;
                Debug.LogWarning("First and last slice of the series do not have the same orientation. This will not be considered a volume.\n" +
                                 "\tNormal first slice, Normal last slice: " + sliceNormal + " " + sliceNormalLast);
            isConsecutiveVolume = false;

        if (isConsecutiveVolume)
            // Calculate which direction the normal is facing to determine the orienation (Transverse,
            // Coronal or Saggital).
            float absX = Mathf.Abs(sliceNormal.x);
            float absY = Mathf.Abs(sliceNormal.y);
            float absZ = Mathf.Abs(sliceNormal.z);
            if (absX > absY && absX > absZ)
                sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Saggital;
            else if (absY > absX && absY > absZ)
                sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Coronal;
            else if (absZ > absX && absZ > absY)
                sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Transverse;
                sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Unknown;
            sliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.Unknown;                // Can't know what the orientation is if the first and last slice have different normals

        // Read the minimum and maximum values which are stored in this image:
        minPixelValue          = UInt16.MinValue;
        maxPixelValue          = UInt16.MaxValue;
        foundMinMaxPixelValues = false;
        try {
            minPixelValue          = UInt32.Parse(firstSlice.GetMetaData("0028|0106"));
            maxPixelValue          = UInt32.Parse(firstSlice.GetMetaData("0028|0107"));
            foundMinMaxPixelValues = true;
        } catch {