public TimeSpan Duration() { TitleTime tt = new TitleTime(); TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.Zero; List<SimpleCell> SortedCells = new List<SimpleCell>(); int pgc_num = ifoGetNumPGCI(Handle); for (int i = 0; i < pgc_num; i++) { int num_cells = ifoGetPGCIInfo(Handle, i, ref tt); IntPtr ptr_cells = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(t_vs_vobcellid)) * num_cells); if (ptr_cells != IntPtr.Zero) { try { if (ifoGetPGCICells(Handle, i, ptr_cells)) { IntPtr ptr_cell = ptr_cells; for (int k = 0; k < num_cells; k++) { t_vs_vobcellid cell = (t_vs_vobcellid)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr_cell, typeof(t_vs_vobcellid)); ptr_cell = new IntPtr(ptr_cell.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(t_vs_vobcellid))); //ptr += offset //Сохраняем инфу от cell, если у нас такой еще нет (берутся только start\end_lba и time) SimpleCell obj = new SimpleCell() { start = cell.start_lba, end = cell.end_lba, time = cell.time }; if (!SortedCells.Contains(obj)) SortedCells.Add(obj); } } } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr_cells); } } } foreach (SimpleCell cell in SortedCells) { #region frames bits /* 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 (73) 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (9, & 0x3f) 25fps 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 (64, & ~0x3f) 25fps 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 (10, & 0x3f) 29fps 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (192, & ~0x3f) 29fps */ #endregion duration += TimeSpan.FromHours(cell.time.hours) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(cell.time.minutes) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cell.time.seconds) + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((cell.time.frames & 0x3f) * //Перевод кадров в ms (((cell.time.frames & (1 << 7)) != 0) ? 1000.0 / (30000.0 / 1001.0) : 40.0)); } return duration; }
/** * Returns a Cell based on the styleattributes. * * @param attributes * @param styleattributes * @return an iText Cell */ private IElement RetrieveTableCell(Properties attributes, Properties styleattributes) { SimpleCell cell = (SimpleCell)RetrieveTableRow(attributes, styleattributes); cell.Cellgroup = false; return(cell); }
public void AddCell(string container, SimpleCell cell) { _cells.TryGetValue(container, out CellContainer cellContainer); if (cellContainer == null) { _cells.Add(container, cellContainer = new CellContainer()); } cellContainer.Add(cell); }
public void SimpleTest() { var cell1 = new SimpleCell("1"); var cell2 = new SimpleCell("2"); var cell3 = new FormulaCell("={0}+{1}", cell1, cell2); var spreadsheet = new TSVSpreadsheet(); spreadsheet.AddCell(cell1, 0, 0); spreadsheet.AddCell(cell2, 1, 0); spreadsheet.AddCell(cell3, 1, 1); Assert.AreEqual("1\t2\t\n\t=A1+B1\t\n", spreadsheet.Export()); }
private void SetCellCostInternal(SimpleCell cell) { if (cell.IsOccupied) { cell.Cost = cell.Occupied == _playerID ? _playerCost : _occupiedCost; } else if (cell.IsPathClaimed) { cell.Cost = _claimedCost; } else { cell.Cost = cell.IsEdge? _edgeCost : _defaultCost; } }
public void Add(SimpleCell cell) { _cells.AddLast(cell); }
public static TSpreadsheet Create <TSpreadsheet>(IBlueprint bp, int rowNum = 0, TSpreadsheet existing = null, Cell blueprintCost = null, int numToMake = 1) where TSpreadsheet : class, Spreadsheet, new() { var spreadsheet = existing ?? new TSpreadsheet(); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell(CommonQueries.GetTypeName(bp.Product)), 0, rowNum); var quantity = new SimpleCell(numToMake.ToString()); var brokerFee = new SimpleCell("0.0045"); var transactionTax = new SimpleCell("0.0105"); rowNum++; spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Quantity"), 1, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Buy"), 2, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Sell"), 3, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("BrokerFee"), 4, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("TransactionTax"), 5, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Buy/Sell/CustomBuy"), 6, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Unit Cost"), 7, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Cost per run"), 8, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Total cost"), 9, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("(Needed)"), 10, rowNum); rowNum++; Cell topUnitCost = null, bottomUnitCost = null; Cell topCostPerRun = null, bottomCostPerRun = null; Cell topTotalCost = null, bottomTotalCost = null; foreach (var mat in bp.Materials) { spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell(CommonQueries.GetTypeName(mat.matID)), 0, rowNum); var matQty = spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("=" + mat.quantity.ToString() + "*" + mat.damagePerJob.ToString()), 1, rowNum); var buy = spreadsheet.AddCell(new EveCentralCell(mat.matID, type:, measure: PriceMeasure.max), 2, rowNum); var sell = spreadsheet.AddCell(new EveCentralCell(mat.matID, type: PriceType.sell, measure: PriceMeasure.min), 3, rowNum); var bfAmount = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}*{1}", brokerFee, buy), 4, rowNum); // 5 empty var buysell = spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Sell"), 6, rowNum); var unitCost = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("=if({0}=\"Sell\",{1},if({0}=\"Buy\",{2}+{3},{0}+{3}))", buysell, sell, buy, bfAmount), 7, rowNum); bottomUnitCost = unitCost; topUnitCost = topUnitCost ?? unitCost; var costPerRun = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}*{1}", unitCost, matQty), 8, rowNum); bottomCostPerRun = costPerRun; topCostPerRun = topCostPerRun ?? bottomCostPerRun; var totalCost = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}*{1}", costPerRun, quantity), 9, rowNum); bottomTotalCost = totalCost; topTotalCost = topTotalCost ?? totalCost; var needed = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}*{1}", matQty, quantity), 10, rowNum); rowNum++; } if (blueprintCost != null) { spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Blueprint (per unit)"), 0, rowNum); var costPerRun = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}", blueprintCost), 8, rowNum); bottomCostPerRun = costPerRun; topCostPerRun = topCostPerRun ?? bottomCostPerRun; var totalCost = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}*{1}", costPerRun, quantity), 9, rowNum); bottomTotalCost = totalCost; topTotalCost = topTotalCost ?? totalCost; rowNum++; } var totalUnitCost = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("=SUM({0}:{1})", topUnitCost, bottomUnitCost), 7, rowNum); var totalCostPerRun = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("=SUM({0}:{1})", topCostPerRun, bottomCostPerRun), 8, rowNum); var totalTotalCost = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("=SUM({0}:{1})", topTotalCost, bottomTotalCost), 9, rowNum); rowNum += 2; spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Buy/Sell/CustomSell"), 6, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Unit Value"), 7, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Total Value"), 9, rowNum); rowNum++; spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell(CommonQueries.GetTypeName(bp.Product)), 0, rowNum); var prodBuy = spreadsheet.AddCell(new EveCentralCell(bp.Product, type:, measure: PriceMeasure.max), 2, rowNum); var prodSell = spreadsheet.AddCell(new EveCentralCell(bp.Product, type: PriceType.sell, measure: PriceMeasure.min), 3, rowNum); // 4 empty var ttAmount = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}*{1}", prodSell, transactionTax), 5, rowNum); var prodBuySell = spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Sell"), 6, rowNum); var prodValue = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("=if({0}=\"Sell\",{1}-{3},if({0}=\"Buy\",{2},{0}-{3}))", prodBuySell, prodSell, prodBuy, ttAmount), 7, rowNum); var totalValue = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}*{1}", prodValue, quantity), 9, rowNum); rowNum += 2; spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Profit"), 9, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Margin"), 10, rowNum); rowNum++; var profit = spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}-{1}", totalValue, totalTotalCost), 9, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new FormulaCell("={0}/{1}", profit, totalValue), 10, rowNum); rowNum--; spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Number of runs: "), 0, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(quantity, 1, rowNum); rowNum++; spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Broker fee: "), 0, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(brokerFee, 1, rowNum); rowNum++; spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Transaction tax: "), 0, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(transactionTax, 1, rowNum); rowNum++; spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell("Production time: "), 0, rowNum); spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell(bp.ManufacturingTime().FormatSeconds()), 1, rowNum); var mt = spreadsheet.AddCell(new SimpleCell(bp.ManufacturingTime().ToString()), 2, rowNum); return(spreadsheet); }
/** * Returns a Cell based on the styleattributes. * * @param attributes * @param styleattributes * @return an iText Cell */ private IElement RetrieveTableRow(Properties attributes, Properties styleattributes) { SimpleCell row = new SimpleCell(SimpleCell.ROW); ApplyBordersColors(row, attributes, styleattributes); String width = null; if (attributes != null) { width = attributes[MarkupTags.HTML_ATTR_WIDTH]; } if (width == null) { width = styleattributes[MarkupTags.HTML_ATTR_WIDTH]; } if (width != null) { if (width.EndsWith("%")) { row.Widthpercentage = ParseLength(width); } else { row.Width = ParseLength(width); } } String margin = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_MARGIN]; float f; if (margin != null) { f = ParseLength(margin); row.Spacing = f; } margin = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_MARGINLEFT]; if (margin != null) { f = ParseLength(margin); row.Spacing_left = f; } margin = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_MARGINRIGHT]; if (margin != null) { f = ParseLength(margin); row.Spacing_right = f; } margin = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_MARGINTOP]; if (margin != null) { f = ParseLength(margin); row.Spacing_top = f; } margin = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_MARGINBOTTOM]; if (margin != null) { f = ParseLength(margin); row.Spacing_bottom = f; } String padding = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_PADDING]; if (padding != null) { f = ParseLength(padding); row.Padding = f; } padding = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_PADDINGLEFT]; if (padding != null) { f = ParseLength(padding); row.Spacing_left = f; } padding = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_PADDINGRIGHT]; if (padding != null) { f = ParseLength(padding); row.Spacing_right = f; } padding = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_PADDINGTOP]; if (padding != null) { f = ParseLength(padding); row.Spacing_top = f; } padding = styleattributes[MarkupTags.CSS_KEY_PADDINGBOTTOM]; if (padding != null) { f = ParseLength(padding); row.Spacing_bottom = f; } return(row); }
public TimeSpan Duration() { TitleTime tt = new TitleTime(); TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.Zero; List <SimpleCell> SortedCells = new List <SimpleCell>(); int pgc_num = ifoGetNumPGCI(Handle); for (int i = 0; i < pgc_num; i++) { int num_cells = ifoGetPGCIInfo(Handle, i, ref tt); IntPtr ptr_cells = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(t_vs_vobcellid)) * num_cells); if (ptr_cells != IntPtr.Zero) { try { if (ifoGetPGCICells(Handle, i, ptr_cells)) { IntPtr ptr_cell = ptr_cells; for (int k = 0; k < num_cells; k++) { t_vs_vobcellid cell = (t_vs_vobcellid)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr_cell, typeof(t_vs_vobcellid)); ptr_cell = new IntPtr(ptr_cell.ToInt64() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(t_vs_vobcellid))); //ptr += offset //Сохраняем инфу от cell, если у нас такой еще нет (берутся только start\end_lba и time) SimpleCell obj = new SimpleCell() { start = cell.start_lba, end = cell.end_lba, time = cell.time }; if (!SortedCells.Contains(obj)) { SortedCells.Add(obj); } } } } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr_cells); } } } foreach (SimpleCell cell in SortedCells) { #region frames bits /* * 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 (73) * 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 (9, & 0x3f) 25fps * 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 (64, & ~0x3f) 25fps * * 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 (10, & 0x3f) 29fps * 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (192, & ~0x3f) 29fps */ #endregion duration += TimeSpan.FromHours(cell.time.hours) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(cell.time.minutes) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cell.time.seconds) + TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((cell.time.frames & 0x3f) * //Перевод кадров в ms (((cell.time.frames & (1 << 7)) != 0) ? 1000.0 / (30000.0 / 1001.0) : 40.0)); } return(duration); }