Exemple #1
        public Player(MasterRenderer renderer, World world, SimpleCamera camera, Vector3 position, Team team)
            : base(position, 11, 5, 2.5f)
            this.masterRenderer = renderer;
            this.World          = world;
            this.camera         = camera;
            Team = team;

            if (!GlobalNetwork.IsServer)
                debugRenderer = renderer.GetRenderer3D <DebugRenderer>();
                entRenderer   = renderer.GetRenderer3D <EntityRenderer>();

                base.Renderer.VoxelObject = new DebugVOCube(world.GetTeamColor(team).ToColor4(), 1);

                flashlight = new Light(Vector3.Zero, LightType.Spot, 2, Color.White, new Vector3(1, 0, 0.002f))
                    Radius = MathHelper.ToRadians(45), Visible = false

            HitFeedbackPositions = new List <Vector3>();

            Viewbob     = GlobalNetwork.IsClient ? new ItemViewbob(this) : null;
            ItemManager = new ItemManager(renderer, this, world, Viewbob);
Exemple #2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Initialize()
            Camera = new SimpleCamera(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, new Vector3(-400f, 1000f, 2000f), 400, 1.0f, 1,

        protected Matrix4 CalculateWorldMatrix(ItemViewbob viewbob)
            SimpleCamera camera = OwnerPlayer.GetCamera();

            if (OwnerPlayer.IsRenderingThirdperson)
                       * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(0, 1.5f, -0.25f)
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(ModelRotation.X))
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(ModelRotation.Y))
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(viewbob.CurrentTilt + ModelRotation.Z))
                       * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(ModelOffset + viewbob.CurrentViewBob + new Vector3(-1.35f, 0, -viewbob.CurrentKickback + -2))
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(camera.Pitch))
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(-camera.Yaw) + MathHelper.Pi)
                       * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(OwnerPlayer.Transform.Position
                                                   + new Vector3(0, OwnerPlayer.Size.Y / 2f - 1.5f, 0)));
                return(Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(ModelRotation.X + viewbob.CurrentSway.X))
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(ModelRotation.Y + viewbob.CurrentSway.Y))
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationZ(MathHelper.ToRadians(viewbob.CurrentTilt
                                                                      + ModelRotation.Z + viewbob.CurrentSway.Y * 0.5f))
                       * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(ModelOffset + viewbob.CurrentViewBob + new Vector3(0, 0, -viewbob.CurrentKickback))
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(camera.Pitch))
                       * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(-camera.Yaw) + MathHelper.Pi)
                       * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(camera.OffsetPosition));
Exemple #4
 public BumperView(DrivableVehicle car)
     _car                     = car;
     _camera                  = new SimpleCamera();
     _camera.FieldOfView      = GameConfig.FOV;
     _camera.FarPlaneDistance = GameConfig.DrawDistance;
Exemple #5
        public void SimpleCameraTest()
            // Ray cast for screen coordinate 0,0
                var camera      = new SimpleCamera(new Tuple4(0.0, 0.0, -4.0, TupleFlavour.Point), 6.0, 600, 800);
                var ray         = camera.GetRay(0, 0);
                var expectedRay = new Ray(
                    new Tuple4(0.0, 0.0, -4.0, TupleFlavour.Point),
                    Tuple4.Normalize(new Tuple4(-3.0, 3.0, 1.0, TupleFlavour.Vector)));
                Assert.Equal(expectedRay.origin, ray.origin);
                Assert.Equal(expectedRay.dir, ray.dir);

                var t = Tuple4.Add(ray.origin, Tuple4.Scale(ray.dir, 4.35890));
                Assert.Equal(new Tuple4(-3.0, 3.0, -3.0, TupleFlavour.Point), t);

            // Ray cast for screen coordinate width,height
                var camera      = new SimpleCamera(new Tuple4(0.0, 0.0, -4.0, TupleFlavour.Point), 6.0, 600, 800);
                var ray         = camera.GetRay(600, 800);
                var expectedRay = new Ray(
                    new Tuple4(0.0, 0.0, -4.0, TupleFlavour.Point),
                    Tuple4.Normalize(new Tuple4(3.0, -3.0, 1.0, TupleFlavour.Vector)));
                Assert.Equal(expectedRay.origin, ray.origin);
                Assert.Equal(expectedRay.dir, ray.dir);

                var camera = new SimpleCamera(new Tuple4(0, 0, -1.0, TupleFlavour.Point), 2.0, 600, 600);
                var ray    = camera.GetRay(0, 0);

                var t = Tuple4.Add(ray.origin, Tuple4.Scale(ray.dir, 1.73205));
                Assert.Equal(new Tuple4(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0, TupleFlavour.Point), t);
Exemple #6
 public MPPlayer(MasterRenderer renderer, World world, SimpleCamera camera, Vector3 position, Team team)
     : base(renderer, world, camera, position, team)
     if (!DashCMD.IsCVarDefined("log_mpplayer"))
         DashCMD.SetCVar("log_mpplayer", false);
Exemple #7
 public DropCameraView(DrivableVehicle car)
     _car                     = car;
     _camera                  = new SimpleCamera();
     _camera.FieldOfView      = GameConfig.FOV;
     _camera.FarPlaneDistance = GameConfig.DrawDistance;
        public ClientMPPlayer(MasterRenderer renderer, World world, Camera camera, Vector3 position, Team team)
            : base(renderer, world, camera, position, team)
            this.camera = camera;
            camfx       = new CameraFX(this, camera);

            // Setup ClientInput Snapshot
            AOSClient            client = AOSClient.Instance;
            SnapshotNetComponent snc    = client.GetComponent <SnapshotNetComponent>();
            SnapshotSystem       ss     = snc.SnapshotSystem;

            ClientSnapshot = new ClientPlayerSnapshot(ss, client.ServerConnection);

            Camera.Active.FOV = Camera.Active.DefaultFOV;
            Camera.Active.FPSMouseSensitivity     = Camera.Active.DefaultFPSMouseSensitivity;
            Camera.Active.ArcBallMouseSensitivity = Camera.Active.DefaultArcBallMouseSensitivity;


            AudioBuffer hitAudioBuffer = AssetManager.LoadSound("Impacts/hit-player-local.wav");

            if (hitAudioBuffer != null)
                hitAudioSource = new AudioSource(hitAudioBuffer);
                hitAudioSource.IsSourceRelative = true;
                hitAudioSource.Gain             = 0.2f;

            AudioBuffer flashlightAudioBuffer = AssetManager.LoadSound("Player/flashlight.wav");

            if (flashlightAudioBuffer != null)
                flashlightAudioSource = new AudioSource(flashlightAudioBuffer);
                flashlightAudioSource.IsSourceRelative = true;
                flashlightAudioSource.Gain             = 0.2f;

            AudioBuffer jumpAudioBuffer = AssetManager.LoadSound("Player/jump.wav");

            if (jumpAudioBuffer != null)
                jumpAudioSource = new AudioSource(jumpAudioBuffer);
                jumpAudioSource.IsSourceRelative = true;
                jumpAudioSource.Gain             = 0.2f;

            AudioBuffer landAudioBuffer = AssetManager.LoadSound("Player/land.wav");

            if (landAudioBuffer != null)
                landAudioSource = new AudioSource(landAudioBuffer);
                landAudioSource.IsSourceRelative = true;
                landAudioSource.Gain             = 0.2f;

            walkingAudioSource = new CyclicAudioSource("Player/footstep.wav", 8, 0f);
            runningAudioSource = new CyclicAudioSource("Player/run.wav", 12, 0f);
Exemple #9
        public PlayUI(Data data, Screen parant) : base(data, parant)
            StandardFont = ContentExt.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("Font\\Noto");
            UISkin       = new UiSkinComponent();
            UISkin.AddSkin(new MKC_UISkin(UISkin));

            Status   = new StatusScreen(data, this);
            Item     = new ItemScreen(data, this);
            UICamera = new SimpleCamera();
        protected override void Initialize()
            SimpleCamera cameraService = new SimpleCamera(this);

            Services.AddService(typeof(ICameraService), cameraService);

            Components.Add(new ModelComponent(this, "Ship"));
            Components.Add(new BoundingBoxComponent(this, "Ship"));

Exemple #11
        public DashboardView(DrivableVehicle car)
            _car                     = car;
            _camera                  = new SimpleCamera();
            _camera.FieldOfView      = GameConfig.FOV;
            _camera.FarPlaneDistance = GameConfig.DrawDistance;

            var dashfile        = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(car.Descriptor.ModelFile) + "dh.fsh";
            var dashDescription = DashboardDescription.Descriptions.Find(a => a.Filename == dashfile);

            _dashboard = new Dashboard(car, dashDescription);
Exemple #12
 private void Awake()
     if (instance != null)
         instance = this;
     virtualCamera = GetComponent <CinemachineVirtualCamera>();
Exemple #13
        public SelectCarScreen(BaseMenuScreen parent)
            : base(parent)
            _titleFont = GameEngine.ContentManager.Load <SpriteFont>("LucidaConsole");

            SimpleCamera cam = GameEngine.Camera as SimpleCamera;

            cam.DrawDistance = 999999;

            _inAnimation = new AnimationPlayer(LoadAnimation("chcrcome.fli"));

            _outAnimation = new AnimationPlayer(LoadAnimation("chcraway.fli"));

            _effect = new BasicEffect2();
            //_effect.LightingEnabled = false;
            _effect.PreferPerPixelLighting = true;
            //_effect.TexCoordsMultiplier = 1;
            _effect.TextureEnabled = true;

            GameEngine.Camera.Position    = new Vector3(-1.5f, 3.5f, 10);
            GameEngine.Camera.Orientation = new Vector3(0, -0.28f, -1);
            _effect.View       = GameEngine.Camera.View;
            _effect.Projection = GameEngine.Camera.Projection;

            _opponents = OpponentsFile.Instance.Opponents;
            if (GameVars.Emulation != EmulationMode.Demo && GameVars.Emulation != EmulationMode.SplatPackDemo)
                // If we're not in demo mode, add car files in directory that havent been added to opponent.txt

                List <string> carFiles = new List <string>(Directory.GetFiles(GameVars.BasePath + "cars"));
                carFiles.RemoveAll(a => !a.ToUpper().EndsWith(".TXT"));
                foreach (string file in carFiles)
                    string filename = Path.GetFileName(file);
                    if (!_opponents.Exists(a => a.FileName.Equals(filename, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                        _opponents.Add(new OpponentInfo {
                            FileName = filename, Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename), StrengthRating = 1

            foreach (var opponent in _opponents)
                _options.Add(new CarModelMenuOption(_effect, opponent));
        public ClientMuzzleFlash(MasterRenderer renderer, Player ownerPlayer)
            this.renderer    = renderer;
            this.ownerPlayer = ownerPlayer;
            camera           = ownerPlayer.GetCamera();

            light         = new Light(Vector3.Zero, LightType.Point, 0f, Color.White, new Vector3(1, 0, 0.1f));
            light.Visible = false;

            flashCube = new DebugCube(Color4.Yellow, 0.7f);
            flashCube.ApplyNoLighting = true;
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Load camera
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraData">All the data needed for the camera to load</param>
        private void LoadCamera(Tuple <SimpleCamera, string> cameraData)
            SimpleCamera camera     = cameraData.Item1;
            string       uniqueName = cameraData.Item2;

            SubscribedCamera subscribedCamera = subscribedCameras.Find(x => x.UniqueName == uniqueName);

            subscribedCamera.Camera = camera;

            Grid  grid        = subscribedCamera.Camera.Content as Grid;
            Image cameraImage = grid.Children[0] as Image;

            cameraImage.Name = subscribedCamera.UniqueName + "_image";
 public void SwitchCamera(bool camera3d)
     if (camera3d)
         //cam2d.cam.enabled = false;
         //cam3d.cam.enabled = true;
         acvtive = cam3d;
         //cam2d.cam.enabled = true;
         //cam3d.cam.enabled = false;
         acvtive = cam2d;
Exemple #17
        public ServerMPPlayer(World world, Vector3 position, Team team)
            : base(null, world, new SimpleCamera(), position, team)
            camera = GetCamera();

            playerTransforms = new List <PlayerTransform>();
            bulletsToFire    = new Queue <NetworkBullet>();
            movementAnim     = new Vector3Anim();

            // Let client's handle movement.
            // - We don't need to bother with terrain collision, only entity collision.
            // - Gravity shouldn't be bother with either.
            CharacterController.CanCollideWithTerrain = false;
            CharacterController.IsAffectedByGravity   = false;

            CharacterController.OnCollision += CharacterController_OnCollision;

        private void InitNewScene()
            _scene = new Scene();
            var screen = new raytracer.core.Screen(1024, 768);

            _film = new MyFilm(screen, NSamples);
            Camera camera = new SimpleCamera(screen,
                                             Transformation.Translation((float)PositionX.Value, (float)PositionY.Value, (float)PositionZ.Value) *
                                             Transformation.RotateX((float)(RotationX.Value % 360)) *
                                             Transformation.RotateY((float)(RotationY.Value % 360)) *
                                             Transformation.RotateZ((float)(RotationZ.Value % 360)));

            _renderer = new Renderer(_scene,
                                     new GridSampler(screen), camera, _film,
                                     new WhittedIntegrator());
            _scene.Lights.Add(new PointLight(Transformation.Translation(100, 650, -500), SampledSpectrum.White() * 2000000));
            _scene.Lights.Add(new PointLight(Transformation.Translation(0, 0, -1000), SampledSpectrum.Random() * 200000));
            SimpleObjParser(_scene, _file);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will load the whole grid from the file saved on disk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gridName">Name of the grid that should be loaded</param>
        void reloadGrid(string gridName)
            currentGrid = gridName;
            if (!File.Exists(@"layouts/" + gridName + ".xaml"))
            StreamReader sR   = new StreamReader(@"layouts/" + gridName + ".xaml");
            string       text = sR.ReadToEnd();


            StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(text);
            XmlReader    xmlReader    = XmlReader.Create(stringReader);

            Grid grid = (Grid)XamlReader.Load(xmlReader);


            foreach (FrameworkElement child in grid.Children)
                if (child.GetType().ToString() == "HomeControler.Controls.SimpleLabel")
                    SimpleLabel label = CloneFrameworkElement(child) as SimpleLabel;
                else if (child.GetType().ToString() == "HomeControler.Controls.SimpleSwitch")
                    SimpleSwitch simpleSwitch = CloneFrameworkElement(child) as SimpleSwitch;
                else if (child.GetType().ToString() == "HomeControler.Controls.SimpleCamera")
                    SimpleCamera simpleCamera = CloneFrameworkElement(child) as SimpleCamera;

            Messenger.Default.Send("reload", "getSubscribedDevices");
            Messenger.Default.Send("subscribe", "subscribeToTopics");
        public ReplicatedPlayer(MasterRenderer renderer, World world, SimpleCamera camera, Vector3 position, Team team)
            : base(renderer, world, camera, position, team)
            this.camera = camera;

            interpPos = new Vector3Anim();

            yawAnim   = new FloatAnim();
            pitchAnim = new FloatAnim();

            // This is fully server controlled
            ItemManager.DontUpdateItems   = true;
            ItemManager.IsReplicated      = true;
            CharacterController.IsEnabled = false;


            AudioBuffer jumpAudioBuffer = AssetManager.LoadSound("Player/jump.wav");

            if (jumpAudioBuffer != null)
                jumpAudioSource             = new AudioSource(jumpAudioBuffer);
                jumpAudioSource.Gain        = 0.2f;
                jumpAudioSource.MaxDistance = 100f;

            AudioBuffer landAudioBuffer = AssetManager.LoadSound("Player/land.wav");

            if (landAudioBuffer != null)
                landAudioSource             = new AudioSource(landAudioBuffer);
                landAudioSource.Gain        = 0.2f;
                landAudioSource.MaxDistance = 120f;

            walkingAudioSource = new CyclicAudioSource("Player/footstep.wav", 1, 0f,
                                                       relative: false, maxDistance: 100f);

            runningAudioSource = new CyclicAudioSource("Player/run.wav", 1, 0f,
                                                       relative: false, maxDistance: 200f);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function will load camera object when the app is opened with already configured layout
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simpleCamera">Camera element that should be loaded</param>
        void LoadCamera(SimpleCamera simpleCamera)
            SimpleCamera cameraControl = new SimpleCamera();

            cameraControl.Margin = new Thickness(simpleCamera.Margin.Left, simpleCamera.Margin.Top, simpleCamera.Margin.Right, simpleCamera.Margin.Bottom);

            cameraControl.Name = simpleCamera.Name;

            Tuple <SimpleCamera, string> cameraData = new Tuple <SimpleCamera, string>(cameraControl, cameraControl.Name);

            Messenger.Default.Send(cameraData, "loadCamera");

            cameraControl.MouseDoubleClick += object_MouseDoubleClick;

            cameraControl.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            cameraControl.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

        /// <summary>
        /// This function will take care of adding the new camera element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        private void AddCamera(object sender)
            SimpleCamera simpleCamera = new SimpleCamera();

            Random RNG     = new Random();
            int    length  = 16;
            var    rString = "";

            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                rString += ((char)(RNG.Next(1, 26) + 64)).ToString().ToLower();

            SubscribedCamera subscribedCamera = new SubscribedCamera
                Id         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                UniqueName = rString,
                Camera     = simpleCamera,
                Topic      = ""

            simpleCamera.Name = subscribedCamera.UniqueName;
            Grid  grid   = subscribedCamera.Camera.Content as Grid;
            Image camera = grid.Children[0] as Image;

            camera.Name = subscribedCamera.UniqueName + "_image";


            simpleCamera.MouseDoubleClick += object_MouseDoubleClick;

            simpleCamera.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            simpleCamera.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            simpleCamera.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0);

            Messenger.Default.Send(subscribedCamera, "cameraAdd");
        protected override void Draw()
            if (Holder == null)
                renderer.WorldMatrix = Transform.Matrix;
                SimpleCamera holderCam = Holder.GetCamera();

                Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.CreateTranslation(
                    -PhysicsBody.Size.X / 2f + 0.25f,
                    -(Holder.Size.Z / 2f + PhysicsBody.Size.Z - 0.25f))
                                 * Matrix4.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(-holderCam.Yaw) + MathHelper.Pi)
                                 * Matrix4.CreateTranslation(Holder.Transform.Position);

                renderer.WorldMatrix = matrix;

Exemple #24
        public CockpitView(Vehicle vehicle, string cockpitFile)
            _vehicle = vehicle;
            if (GameVars.Emulation == EmulationMode.Demo)
                cockpitFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(cockpitFile) + "\\blkeagle.txt";
            else if (GameVars.Emulation == EmulationMode.SplatPackDemo)
                cockpitFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(cockpitFile) + "\\neweagle.txt";
            else if (!File.Exists(cockpitFile))
                cockpitFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(cockpitFile) + "\\blkeagle.txt";

            if (File.Exists(cockpitFile))
                _cockpitFile = new CockpitFile(cockpitFile);

                ActFile actFile = new ActFile(vehicle.Config.BonnetActorFile);
                if (!actFile.Exists)
                    actFile = new ActFile("EBONNET.ACT");
                _actors = actFile.Hierarchy;
                DatFile modelsFile = new DatFile(_actors.Root.ModelName);
                _actors.ResolveTransforms(false, null);

                //move head back
                _vehicle.Config.DriverHeadPosition.Z += 0.11f;

            _camera             = new SimpleCamera();
            _camera.FieldOfView = MathHelper.ToRadians(55.55f);
Exemple #25
 public static bool SelectUiSprite(SimpleCamera camera, Sprite sprite)
     return(InputExt.OnePressed(MouseButtons.Left) && sprite.Bounds.Contains(camera.ScreenToWorldMouse()));
Exemple #26
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void LoadContent()
            Random = new Random(5);

            SpriteFont = Game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>(ContentFolderSpriteFonts + "Arial");

            //The buffer pool is a source of raw memory blobs for the engine to use.
            BufferPool = new BufferPool();

            Radii  = new List <float>();
            Camera = new SimpleCamera(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, new Vector3(40, 60, 150), 55, 0.4f);

            var boxTexture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(ContentFolderTextures + "wood/caja-madera-3");

            Box = new BoxPrimitive(GraphicsDevice, Vector3.One * 10, boxTexture);

            Sphere = new SpherePrimitive(GraphicsDevice);

            SphereHandles = new List <BodyHandle>();
            BoxHandles    = new List <BodyHandle>();

            var targetThreadCount = Math.Max(1,
                                             Environment.ProcessorCount > 4 ? Environment.ProcessorCount - 2 : Environment.ProcessorCount - 1);

            ThreadDispatcher = new SimpleThreadDispatcher(targetThreadCount);

            // This are meshes/model/primitives collections to render
            // The PositionFirstTimestepper is the simplest timestepping mode, but since it integrates velocity into position at the start of the frame, directly modified velocities outside of the timestep
            // will be integrated before collision detection or the solver has a chance to intervene. That's fine in this demo. Other built-in options include the PositionLastTimestepper and the SubsteppingTimestepper.
            // Note that the timestepper also has callbacks that you can use for executing logic between processing stages, like BeforeCollisionDetection.
            Simulation = Simulation.Create(BufferPool, new NarrowPhaseCallbacks(),
                                           new PoseIntegratorCallbacks(new NumericVector3(0, -100, 0)), new PositionFirstTimestepper());

            // Creates a floor
            var floorTexture = Game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(ContentFolderTextures + "floor/adoquin-2");

            //Floor = new QuadPrimitive(GraphicsDevice);

            TilingEffect = Game.Content.Load <Effect>(ContentFolderEffects + "TextureTiling");
            TilingEffect.Parameters["Tiling"].SetValue(Vector2.One * 50f);

            FloorWorld = Matrix.CreateScale(400f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(75, 0, -150));
            Simulation.Statics.Add(new StaticDescription(new NumericVector3(0, -0.5f, 0),
                                                         new CollidableDescription(Simulation.Shapes.Add(new Box(2000, 1, 2000)), 0.1f)));

            BoxesWorld   = new List <Matrix>();
            SpheresWorld = new List <Matrix>();

            // Single Box
            var radius = 10;

            for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                    var boxShape = new Box(radius, radius, radius);
                    boxShape.ComputeInertia(0.4f, out var boxInertia);
                    var boxIndex = Simulation.Shapes.Add(boxShape);
                    var position = new NumericVector3(-30 + i * 10 + 1, j * 10 + 1, -40);

                    var bodyDescription = BodyDescription.CreateDynamic(position, boxInertia,
                                                                        new CollidableDescription(boxIndex, 0.1f), new BodyActivityDescription(0.01f));

                    var bodyHandle = Simulation.Bodies.Add(bodyDescription);


Exemple #27
 public ClientPlayer(MasterRenderer renderer, World world, SimpleCamera camera, Vector3 position, Team team)
     : base(renderer, world, camera, position, team)
 private void Start()
     _simpleCamera = Camera.main.GetComponent <SimpleCamera>();
Exemple #29
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Initialize()
            Camera = new SimpleCamera(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, Vector3.UnitZ * 55, 15, 0.5f);

Exemple #30
 public LineBatch()
     camera        = null;
     this.position = Vector3.Zero;
     this.rotation = Matrix.Identity;