protected void chooseStartLocation(SimpleAgent a) { MazeRoom r = laby.rooms [Random.Range(0, laby.rooms.Count)]; MazeCell c = r.cells [Random.Range(0, r.cells.Count)]; a.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(c.transform.position.x, 52f, c.transform.position.z); }
protected void hitAgent(GameObject others) { SimpleAgent a = others.GetComponent <SimpleAgent> (); // Actual damage float damage = (DAMAGE + Random.Range(0, RANGE_DAMAGE)); if ( > damage) { hasDamaged = true; -= damage; // update health bar GameObject bar = a.transform.GetChild(4).gameObject; bar.transform.localScale = new Vector3( * 0.015f, bar.transform.localScale.y, bar.transform.localScale.z); a.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material = a.redMat; a.state = SimpleAgent.STATES.FIGHTING; } else { a.onDie(); } }
protected internal static object FetchValue(Type type, NSJSValue value) { if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); } if (typeof(NSJSValue).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { return(type.IsInstanceOfType(value) ? value : null); } if (value == null || value.IsNullOrUndfined) { return(null); } if ((value.DateType & NSJSDataType.kFunction) > 0) { return(value); } if ((value.DateType & NSJSDataType.kArray) > 0 || (value.DateType & NSJSDataType.kObject) > 0) { Func <NSJSValue, object> converter = SimpleAgent.GetConverterBox(type, true); if (converter == null) { return(null); } return(converter(value)); } return(value.GetValue()); }
private void startToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { listLogs.Items.Clear(); List <WebAction> actions = new List <WebAction>(); //goto home url - actions.Add(new SimpleWebAction(new UrlWebStep("open search", ""), new LocatorCheckValidator(new SimpleHtmlElementLocator("q search box", new AttributeHtmlElementMatcher("q search box", "name", "q"))), waitForEvent: true)); //submit a search actions.Add(new SimpleWebAction(new FormWebStep("submit search", new IdElementLocator("locate form to submit", "sb_form"), new Dictionary <String, String> { { "sb_form_q", "WebScraper.NET github" } } ), waitForEvent: true)); //load results actions.Add(new ExtractWebAction <String>(new StringHtmlElementDataExtractor("href"), "firstNavLink", new TagElementLocator("match results", "ol", false, "firstResultLink", new SimpleChildHtmlElementLocator("find first link", filter: new SimpleChildHtmlElementLocator("get first a", new TagHtmlElementMatcher("match first a", "a"))), new IdHtmlElementMatcher("match results ol", "b_results")))); //goto first result actions.Add(new SimpleWebAction(new UrlWebStep("open search", "firstNavLink"), new TitleWebValidator("GitHub - perusworld/WebScraper.NET: A .Net based Web Scraper using the WebBrowser control"), waitForEvent: true)); SimpleAgent bingSearchAgent = new SimpleAgent(webBrowser, actions); bingSearchAgent.MonitorTimings = true; bingSearchAgent.AgentCallback = this; bingSearchAgent.init(); bingSearchAgent.startAgent(); }
protected void createAgents() { int nbAgents = this.transform.childCount; for (int i = nbAgents; i < MAX_AGENTS; i++) { GameObject o = Instantiate(agentPrefab) as GameObject; = "Agent"; SimpleAgent a = o.GetComponent <SimpleAgent> (); a.transform.parent = this.transform; a.maze = laby; chooseStartLocation(a); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Io.Initialize(); var agent = new SimpleAgent(); // game loop while (true) { var game = new Game(); game.Initialize(); var action = agent.GetAction(game); Io.WriteLine(action.GetAction()); } }
protected internal static NSJSValue ConvertValue(NSJSVirtualMachine machine, object obj) { if (machine == null) { return(default(NSJSValue)); } if (obj == null || obj == DBNull.Value) { return(NSJSValue.Null(machine)); } if (obj is NSJSValue) { return(unchecked ((NSJSValue)obj)); } NSJSValue value = ValueAuxiliary.As(obj, machine); if (value != null && !value.IsNullOrUndfined) { return(value); } return(SimpleAgent.ToObject(machine, obj)); }
private static Game GetGame() { IAgent agent = new SimpleAgent(); var factories = new List <ICellFactory>(); factories.Add(new EmptyCellFactory()); factories.Add(new PitCellFactory()); factories.Add(new BatCellFactory()); var actions = new List <IAction>(); actions.Add(new MoveAction()); actions.Add(new FireAction()); actions.Add(new TurnLeftAction()); actions.Add(new TurnRightAction()); actions.Add(new FindWumpusAction()); actions.Add(new GrabAction()); IMapGenerator generator = new RandomGenerator(factories); generator.AddMapGeneratedHook(new GoldAddHook()); var game = new Game(generator, actions, agent); game.RegisterInitialisationHook(new GiveArrowHook()); return(game); }
public VirusInterface(Virus virus, int tilesize = 20, bool immediateAI = false, params String[] names) { InitializeComponent(); this.virus = virus; this.tileSize = tilesize; this.immediateAI = immediateAI; this.MouseClick += MouseClickHandler1; this.Size = new Size( virus.Size * tileSize + 17, virus.Size * tileSize + 55); this.names.Add("Player 0"); this.names.AddRange(names); while (this.names.Count < virus.Players + 1) { this.names.Add("Player " + this.names.Count); } //Save("Lalalafil"); agents = new Agent[this.names.Count]; int n = 1; for (byte i = 1; i < this.names.Count; i++) { String p = this.names[i]; switch (p) { case "QAI": agents[i] = new QAgent(i); if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q") && File.Exists("TrainingData.N")) { ((QAgent)agents[i]).Load("TrainingData"); ((QAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffExploration(); ((QAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffLearning(); } this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AnnAI": agents[i] = new AnnAgent(false, virus.Size, i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "MinimaxAI": agents[i] = new MinimaxAgent(4, i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "MiniMaxMixAI": if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q")) { agents[i] = new MiniMaxMixAgent("TrainingData", 2, i); } else { agents[i] = new BruteForceAgent(i); } this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "MixedAI": agents[i] = new MixedAgent(0.5, false, i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "BruteAI": agents[i] = new BruteForceAgent(i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "RandomAI": agents[i] = new RandomAgent(i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "SimpleAI": agents[i] = new SimpleAgent(i); this.names[i] = "AI " + n; n++; break; } } message = this.names[1] + "'s turn"; colors = new Color[virus.Players + 1]; colors[0] = Color.White; colors[1] = Color.FromArgb(128, 160, 255); colors[2] = Color.FromArgb(96, 255, 96); if (virus.Players > 2) { colors[3] = Color.FromArgb(255, 96, 96); } if (virus.Players > 3) { colors[4] = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 64); } Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 5; i <= virus.Players; i++) { colors[i] = Color.FromArgb(rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256)); } }
public void StartGame( Virus virus, PerformedMoveCallback callback, UpdatePiecesCallback piecesCallback, EndCallback end, string id, params VirusPlayer[] players) { Random rand = new Random(); PerformedMove = callback; UpdatePieces = piecesCallback; End = end; PlayerID = id; this.virus = virus; this.immediateAI = true; this.MouseClick += MouseClickHandler1; tileSize = 49; this.Size = new Size( virus.Size * tileSize + 17, virus.Size * tileSize + 55); int smallestSide = this.Size.Height < this.Size.Width ? this.Size.Height : this.Size.Width; tileSize = smallestSide / virus.Size; this.players.Add(new VirusPlayer("Player 0", "", Color.White)); this.players.AddRange(players); while (this.players.Count < virus.Players + 1) { this.players.Add(new VirusPlayer("BruteAI", "AI", Color.FromArgb(rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256)))); } //Save("Lalalafil"); agents = new Agent[this.players.Count]; int n = 1; for (byte i = 1; i < this.players.Count; i++) { String p = this.players[i].Name; switch (p) { case "AIQ": agents[i] = new QAgent(i); if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q") && File.Exists("TrainingData.N")) { ((QAgent)agents[i]).Load("TrainingData"); ((QAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffExploration(); ((QAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffLearning(); } //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIMQ": agents[i] = new MemoryQAgent(i); if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q") && File.Exists("TrainingData.N")) { ((MemoryQAgent)agents[i]).Load("TrainingData"); ((MemoryQAgent)agents[i]).TurnOffExploration(); } //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIMinimax": agents[i] = new MinimaxAgent(4, i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIMiniMaxMix": if (File.Exists("TrainingData.Q")) { agents[i] = new MiniMaxMixAgent("TrainingData", 2, i); } else { agents[i] = new BruteForceAgent(i); } //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIMixed": agents[i] = new MixedAgent(0.5, false, i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIBrute": agents[i] = new BruteForceAgent(i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AIRandom": agents[i] = new RandomAgent(i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; case "AISimple": agents[i] = new SimpleAgent(i); //this.players[i].Name = "AI " + n; n++; break; } } message = this.players[1].Name + "'s turn"; /*colors = new Color[virus.Players + 1]; * colors[0] = Color.White; * colors[1] = Color.FromArgb(128, 160, 255); * colors[2] = Color.FromArgb(96, 255, 96); * if(virus.Players > 2) * colors[3] = Color.FromArgb(255, 96, 96); * if(virus.Players > 3) * colors[4] = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 64); * * for (int i = 5; i <= virus.Players; i++) * colors[i] = Color.FromArgb(rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256), rand.Next(256));*/ }
void Awake() { agent = GetComponent <SimpleAgent>(); Do(); }