/// <summary>
 /// Change orientation of bubble surface or tube
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">Event arguments</param>
 private void ChangeLevelOrientation(DeviceOrientationChangedEventArgs e)
     _bubbleSpeed = new Simple3DVector();
     if (DeviceOrientationHelper.IsFlat(e.CurrentOrientation))
         SurfaceShown = true;
         DeviceOrientationInfo priorDoi = DeviceOrientationHelper.GetDeviceOrientationInfo(e.PreviousOrientation);
         _bubblePosition = new Simple3DVector(priorDoi.NormalGravityVector.X, priorDoi.NormalGravityVector.Y, 0);
         DeviceOrientationInfo doi = DeviceOrientationHelper.GetDeviceOrientationInfo(e.CurrentOrientation);
         if (DeviceOrientationHelper.IsFlat(e.PreviousOrientation) || (e.PreviousOrientation == DeviceOrientation.Unknown))
             MoveLevel.Angle = doi.AngleOnXYPlan;
             _bubblePosition = new Simple3DVector();
             SurfaceShown    = false;
         double accumulatedLoops = MoveLevel.Angle / 360;
         accumulatedLoops          = Math.Floor(accumulatedLoops + 0.5);
         _tubeRotationAnimation.To = 360 * accumulatedLoops + doi.AngleOnXYPlan;
         if ((_tubeRotationAnimation.To - MoveLevel.Angle) > 180)
             _tubeRotationAnimation.To -= 360;
         if ((_tubeRotationAnimation.To - MoveLevel.Angle) < -180)
             _tubeRotationAnimation.To += 360;
         _bubbleDirection = doi.HorizontalAxisPolarity;
     _levelOrientation = e.CurrentOrientation;
        /// <summary>
        /// Process still signal: calculate average still vector
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessStillSignal()
            Simple3DVector sumVector = new Simple3DVector(0, 0, 0);
            int            count     = 0;

            // going over vectors in still signal
            // still signal was saved backwards, i.e. newest vectors are first
            foreach (Simple3DVector currentStillVector in _stillSignal)
                // make sure current vector is very still
                bool isStillMagnitude = (Math.Abs(_lastStillVector.Magnitude - currentStillVector.Magnitude) < StillMagnitudeWithoutGravitationThreshold);

                if (isStillMagnitude)
                    // sum x,y,z values
                    sumVector += currentStillVector;

                    // 20 samples are sufficent
                    if (count >= MaximumStillVectorsNeededForAverage)

            // need at least a few vectors to get a good average
            if (count >= MinimumStillVectorsNeededForAverage)
                // calculate average of still vectors
                _lastStillVector = sumVector / count;
        private void AddVectorToStillSignal(Simple3DVector currentVector)
            // add current vector to still signal, newest vectors are first

            // if still signal is getting too big, remove old items
            if (_stillSignal.Count > 2 * MaximumStillVectorsNeededForAverage)
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a vector the shake signal and does some preprocessing
        /// </summary>
        private void AddVectorToShakeSignal(Simple3DVector currentVector)
            // remove still vector from current vector
            Simple3DVector currentVectorWithoutGravitation = currentVector - _lastStillVector;

            // add current vector to shake signal

            // skip weak vectors
            if (currentVectorWithoutGravitation.Magnitude < WeakMagnitudeWithoutGravitationThreshold)

            // classify vector
            ShakeType vectorShakeType = ClassifyVectorShakeType(currentVectorWithoutGravitation);

            // count vector to histogram
        /// <summary>
        /// Classify vector shake type
        /// </summary>
        private ShakeType ClassifyVectorShakeType(Simple3DVector v)
            double absX = Math.Abs(v.X);
            double absY = Math.Abs(v.Y);
            double absZ = Math.Abs(v.Z);

            // check if X is the most significant component
            if ((absX >= absY) & (absX >= absZ))

            // check if Y is the most significant component
            if ((absY >= absX) & (absY >= absZ))

            // Z is the most significant component
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the accelerometer provides a new value
        /// </summary>
        private void OnAccelerometerHelperReadingChanged(object sender, AccelerometerHelperReadingEventArgs e)
            // work with optimal vector (without noise)
            Simple3DVector currentVector = e.OptimalyFilteredAcceleration;

            // check if this vector is considered a shake vector
            bool isShakeMagnitude = (Math.Abs(_lastStillVector.Magnitude - currentVector.Magnitude) > ShakeMagnitudeWithoutGravitationThreshold);

            // following is a state machine for detection of shake signal start and end

            // if still --> shake
            if ((!_isInShakeState) && (isShakeMagnitude))
                // set shake state flag
                _isInShakeState = true;

                // clear old shake signal

                // process still signal

                // add vector to shake signal
            // if still --> still
            else if ((!_isInShakeState) && (!isShakeMagnitude))
                // add vector to still signal
            // if shake --> shake
            else if ((_isInShakeState) && (isShakeMagnitude))
                // add vector to shake signal

                // reset still counter
                _stillCounter = 0;

                // try to process shake signal
                if (ProcessShakeSignal())
                    // shake signal generated, clear used data
            // if shake --> still
            else if ((_isInShakeState) && (!isShakeMagnitude))
                // add vector to shake signal

                // count still vectors

                // if too much still samples
                if (_stillCounter > StillCounterThreshold)
                    // clear old still signal

                    // add still vectors from shake signal to still signal
                    for (int i = 0; i < StillCounterThreshold; ++i)
                        // calculate current index element
                        int currentSampleIndex = _shakeSignal.Count - StillCounterThreshold + i;

                        // add vector to still signal

                    // remove last samples from shake signal
                    _shakeSignal.RemoveRange(_shakeSignal.Count - StillCounterThreshold, StillCounterThreshold);

                    // reset shake state flag
                    _isInShakeState = false;
                    _stillCounter   = 0;

                    // try to process shake signal
                    if (ProcessShakeSignal())
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the tube level visuals
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateTubeBubble(AccelerometerHelperReadingEventArgs e)
            // ANGLE TEXT
            // ----------

            // Use filtered accelemeter data (st5ady)
            double x = e.OptimallyFilteredAcceleration.X;
            double y = e.OptimallyFilteredAcceleration.Y;
            double horizontalAcceleration;
            double verticalAcceleration;

            // Choose appropriate axis based on orientation of level
            horizontalAcceleration = _bubbleDirection * (DeviceOrientationHelper.IsPortrait(_levelOrientation) ? x : y);
            verticalAcceleration   = _bubbleDirection * (DeviceOrientationHelper.IsPortrait(_levelOrientation) ? y : -x); // rotate XY plan by -90

            // Convert acceleration vector coordinates to Angles and Magnitude
            // Update reading on screen of instant inclination assuming steady device (gravity = measured acceleration)
            double magnitudeXYZ = e.OptimallyFilteredAcceleration.Magnitude;
            double angle        = 0.0;

            if (magnitudeXYZ != 0.0)
                angle = Math.Asin(horizontalAcceleration / magnitudeXYZ) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
            _angle = angle;
            // Display angles as if they were buoyancy force instead of gravity (opposite) since it is
            // more natural to match targeted bubble location
            _angleText = String.Format("{0:0.0}°", _angle);

            // BUBBLE POSITION
            // ---------------

            // ----------------------------------------------------------
            // For simplicity we are approximating that the bubble experiences a lateral attraction force
            // proportional to the distance to its target location (top of the glass based on inclination).
            // We will neglect the vertical speed of the bubble since the radius of the glass curve is much greater
            // than the radius of radius of usable glass surface

            // Assume tube curve has a 1m radius
            // Destination position is x and y
            // Current position is _bubblePosition.X (use only one dimension)

            // Update Buoyancy
            double lateralAcceleration = (horizontalAcceleration - _bubblePosition.X) * BuoyancyCoef * StandardGravityInMetric;

            // Update drag:
            double drag = _bubbleSpeed.X * (-ViscosityCoef);

            // Update speed:
            lateralAcceleration += drag;
            lateralAcceleration /= AccelerometerRefreshRate; // impulse
            _bubbleSpeed        += new Simple3DVector(lateralAcceleration, 0, 0);

            // Update position
            _bubblePosition += (_bubbleSpeed / AccelerometerRefreshRate);

            double edgeRadius = Math.Sin(EdgeGlassAngle);

            // Get resulting direction and magnitude of bubble position given X
            double magnitudeFlat = Math.Abs(_bubblePosition.X);
            double direction     = Math.Sign(_bubblePosition.X);

            bool atEdge = false;

            if (magnitudeFlat > edgeRadius)
            { // Bubble reaches the edge
                magnitudeFlat = edgeRadius;
                // lossy bouncing when reaching edges
                // change direction
                _bubbleSpeed *= -EdgeBouncingLossCoef;
                // limit bubble position to edge
                _bubblePosition = new Simple3DVector(magnitudeFlat * direction, 0, 0);
                atEdge          = true;

            // Calculate position of bubble
            MoveBubble.X = (_bubblePosition.X / edgeRadius) * ((UsableLateralAmplitude / 2) - (BubbleCanvas.Width / 4));

            // Change bubble shape
            double stretchRatio;

            if (atEdge)
                TubeBubbleSkew.AngleX  = 0;
                stretchRatio           = 1.0 + (Math.Abs(Math.Sin(angle / 180.0 * Math.PI)) - Math.Sin(EdgeGlassAngle)) * AngleBasedTubeBubbleStrechingAtEdgeCoef;
                TubeBubbleScale.ScaleX = 1.0 / stretchRatio;
                TubeBubbleScale.ScaleY = SideWayBubbleAtEdgeBoostOnYAxis * stretchRatio;
                double horizontalSpeed     = Math.Abs(_bubbleSpeed.X);
                double horizontalDirection = Math.Sign(_bubbleSpeed.X);
                // Stretch is proportional to horizontal speed
                stretchRatio = Math.Min(horizontalSpeed * SpeedBubbleStrechingCoef, MaximumBubbleXYStretchRatio - 1.0) + 1.0;
                if (stretchRatio < MinimumStretchRatio)
                    stretchRatio = MinimumStretchRatio;
                TubeBubbleSkew.AngleX = MaximumTubeBubbleSkew * (stretchRatio - 1.0) / (MaximumBubbleXYStretchRatio - 1.0) * horizontalDirection;
                // Stretch is also proportional to buoyancy
                stretchRatio -= TubeBubbleStretchBuoyancyCoef * ((verticalAcceleration / magnitudeXYZ) - MedianVerticalAcceleration);
                if (stretchRatio < MinimumStretchRatio)
                    stretchRatio = MinimumStretchRatio;
                TubeBubbleScale.ScaleX = 1.0 / stretchRatio;
                TubeBubbleScale.ScaleY = MaximumBubbleXYStretchRatio * stretchRatio;
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the surface level visuals
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSurfaceBubble(AccelerometerHelperReadingEventArgs e)
            // ANGLE TEXT
            // ----------

            // Use filtered accelemeter data (steady)
            double x = -e.OptimallyFilteredAcceleration.X; // Orientation compensation
            double y = e.OptimallyFilteredAcceleration.Y;

            // Convert acceleration vector coordinates to Angles and Magnitude
            // Update reading on screen of instant inclination assuming steady device (gravity = measured acceleration)
            double magnitudeXYZ = e.OptimallyFilteredAcceleration.Magnitude;
            double xAngle       = 0.0;
            double yAngle       = 0.0;

            if (magnitudeXYZ != 0.0)
                xAngle = Math.Asin(x / magnitudeXYZ) * 180.0 / Math.PI;
                yAngle = Math.Asin(y / magnitudeXYZ) * 180.0 / Math.PI;

            _angle = Math.Abs(xAngle) + Math.Abs(yAngle);
            // Display angles as if they were buoyancy force instead of gravity (opposite) since it is
            // more natural to match targeted bubble location
            // Also orientation of Y-axis is opposite of screen for natural upward orientation
            _angleText = String.Format("{0:0.0}°  {1:0.0}°", xAngle, -yAngle);

            // BUBBLE POSITION
            // ---------------

            // ----------------------------------------------------------
            // For simplicity we are approximating that the bubble experiences a lateral attraction force
            // proportional to the distance to its target location (top of the glass based on inclination).
            // We will neglect the vertical speed of the bubble since the radius of the glass curve is much greater
            // than the radius of radius of usable glass surface

            // Assume sphere has a 1m radius
            // Destination position is x and y
            // Current position is _bubblePosition

            // Update Buoyancy
            Simple3DVector lateralAcceleration = (new Simple3DVector(x, y, 0) - _bubblePosition) * BuoyancyCoef * StandardGravityInMetric;

            // Update drag:
            Simple3DVector drag = _bubbleSpeed * (-ViscosityCoef);

            // Update speed:
            lateralAcceleration += drag;
            lateralAcceleration /= AccelerometerRefreshRate; // impulse
            _bubbleSpeed        += lateralAcceleration;

            // Update position
            _bubblePosition += _bubbleSpeed / AccelerometerRefreshRate;

            double edgeRadius = Math.Sin(EdgeGlassAngle);

            x = _bubblePosition.X;
            y = _bubblePosition.Y;

            // Get resulting angle and magnitude of bubble position given X and Y
            double angleFlat     = Math.Atan2(y, x);
            double magnitudeFlat = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);

            bool atEdge = false;

            if (magnitudeFlat > edgeRadius)
            { // Bubble reaches the edge
                magnitudeFlat = edgeRadius;
                // lossy bouncing when reaching edges
                _bubbleSpeed *= EdgeBouncingLossCoef;
                // Mirror movement along center to edge line
                _bubbleSpeed = new Simple3DVector(_bubbleSpeed.X * Math.Cos(2 * angleFlat) + _bubbleSpeed.Y * Math.Sin(2 * angleFlat),
                                                  _bubbleSpeed.X * Math.Sin(2 * angleFlat) - _bubbleSpeed.Y * Math.Cos(2 * angleFlat),
                // change direction on x and y
                _bubbleSpeed *= new Simple3DVector(-1, -1, 1);
                // limit bubble position to edge
                _bubblePosition = new Simple3DVector(magnitudeFlat * Math.Cos(angleFlat), magnitudeFlat * Math.Sin(angleFlat), 0);
                atEdge          = true;

            // Set x and y location of the surface level bubble based on angle and magnitude
            double xPixelLocation = Math.Cos(angleFlat) * (magnitudeFlat / edgeRadius) * (UsableLateralAmplitude - SurfaceBubble.Width) / 2;
            double yPixelLocation = Math.Sin(angleFlat) * (magnitudeFlat / edgeRadius) * (UsableLateralAmplitude - SurfaceBubble.Width) / 2;

            SurfaceBubble.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, xPixelLocation + (SurfaceLevelOuter.Width - SurfaceBubble.Width) / 2);
            SurfaceBubble.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, yPixelLocation + (SurfaceLevelOuter.Height - SurfaceBubble.Width) / 2);

            // Change bubble shape
            double stretchRatio;
            double horizontalDirection;

            if (atEdge)
                stretchRatio        = MaximumBubbleXYStretchRatio;
                horizontalDirection = angleFlat - Math.PI / 2;
                x = _bubbleSpeed.X;
                y = _bubbleSpeed.Y;
                double horizontalSpeed = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
                horizontalDirection = Math.Atan2(y, x) - Math.PI / 2;
                stretchRatio        = Math.Min(horizontalSpeed * SpeedBubbleStrechingCoef, MaximumBubbleXYStretchRatio - 1.0) + 1.0;
            SurfaceBubbleDirection.Angle = horizontalDirection * 180.0 / Math.PI;
            SurfaceBubbleScale.ScaleX    = stretchRatio;
            SurfaceBubbleScale.ScaleY    = 1.0 / stretchRatio;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        ///     Called on accelerometer sensor sample available.
        ///     Main accelerometer data filtering routine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "sender">Sender of the event.</param>
        /// <param name = "e">AccelerometerReadingAsyncEventArgs</param>
        private void SensorReadingChanged(object sender, AccelerometerReadingEventArgs e)
            Simple3DVector lowPassFilteredAcceleration;
            Simple3DVector optimalFilteredAcceleration;
            Simple3DVector averagedAcceleration;
            var rawAcceleration = new Simple3DVector(e.X, e.Y, e.Z);

            lock (this.sampleBuffer)
                if (!this.initialized)
                    // Initialize file with 1st value
                    this.sampleSum = rawAcceleration * SamplesCount;
                    this.averageAcceleration = rawAcceleration;

                    // Initialize file with 1st value
                    for (int i = 0; i < SamplesCount; i++)
                        this.sampleBuffer[i] = this.averageAcceleration;

                    this.previousLowPassOutput = this.averageAcceleration;
                    this.previousOptimalFilterOutput = this.averageAcceleration;

                    this.initialized = true;

                // low-pass filter
                lowPassFilteredAcceleration =
                    new Simple3DVector(
                        LowPassFilter(rawAcceleration.X, this.previousLowPassOutput.X), 
                        LowPassFilter(rawAcceleration.Y, this.previousLowPassOutput.Y), 
                        LowPassFilter(rawAcceleration.Z, this.previousLowPassOutput.Z));
                this.previousLowPassOutput = lowPassFilteredAcceleration;

                // optimal filter
                optimalFilteredAcceleration =
                    new Simple3DVector(
                        FastLowAmplitudeNoiseFilter(rawAcceleration.X, this.previousOptimalFilterOutput.X), 
                        FastLowAmplitudeNoiseFilter(rawAcceleration.Y, this.previousOptimalFilterOutput.Y), 
                        FastLowAmplitudeNoiseFilter(rawAcceleration.Z, this.previousOptimalFilterOutput.Z));
                this.previousOptimalFilterOutput = optimalFilteredAcceleration;

                // Increment circular buffer insertion index
                if (this.sampleIndex >= SamplesCount)
                    this.sampleIndex = 0;
                        // if at max SampleCount then wrap samples back to the beginning position in the list

                // Add new and remove old at _sampleIndex
                Simple3DVector newVect = optimalFilteredAcceleration;
                this.sampleSum += newVect;
                this.sampleSum -= this.sampleBuffer[this.sampleIndex];
                this.sampleBuffer[this.sampleIndex] = newVect;

                averagedAcceleration = this.sampleSum / SamplesCount;
                this.averageAcceleration = averagedAcceleration;

                // Stablity check
                // If current low-pass filtered sample is deviating for more than 1/100 g from average (max of 0.5 deg inclination noise if device steady)
                // then reset the stability counter.
                // The calibration will be prevented until the counter is reaching the sample count size (calibration enabled only if entire 
                // sampling buffer is "stable"
                Simple3DVector deltaAcceleration = averagedAcceleration - optimalFilteredAcceleration;
                if ((Math.Abs(deltaAcceleration.X) > maximumStabilityDeltaOffset) ||
                    (Math.Abs(deltaAcceleration.Y) > maximumStabilityDeltaOffset) ||
                    (Math.Abs(deltaAcceleration.Z) > maximumStabilityDeltaOffset))
                    // Unstable
                    this.deviceStableCount = 0;
                    if (this.deviceStableCount < SamplesCount)

            if (this.ReadingChanged != null)
                var readingEventArgs = new AccelerometerHelperReadingEventArgs
                        RawAcceleration = rawAcceleration,
                        LowPassFilteredAcceleration = lowPassFilteredAcceleration,
                        OptimalyFilteredAcceleration = optimalFilteredAcceleration,
                        AverageAcceleration = averagedAcceleration

                this.ReadingChanged(this, readingEventArgs);
Exemple #10
        void _accelerometer_ReadingChanged(object sender, AccelerometerHelperReadingEventArgs e)
            if (_last == null)
                _last = e.RawAcceleration;
                Simple3DVector _current = e.RawAcceleration;

                double _cosa = (_current.X * _last.X + _current.Y * _last.Y + _current.Z * _last.Z) /
                               (Math.Sqrt(_current.X * _current.X + _current.Y * _current.Y + _current.Z * _current.Z) *
                                Math.Sqrt(_last.X * _last.X + _last.Y * _last.Y + _last.Z * _last.Z));

                if (_samplesCount < 10)
                    _dsamples[_samplesCount] += _cosa;
                    _samplesCount            += 1;
                    Array.Copy(_dsamples, 1, _dsamples, 0, _dsamples.Length - 1);
                    _dsamples[9] = _cosa;

                    if (_skip >= 10)
                        _skip       = 0;
                        _isSkipping = false;
                        if (_isSkipping)
                            _skip += 1;

                    if (!_isSkipping)
                        //double _weightedAverage = (double)Enumerable.Range(0, 9).Select(x => (x + 2) * _dsamples[x]).Sum() / 55;
                        ////don't know why +2 works but as long as it does...or not

                        //non-LINQ alternative
                        double _weightedAverage = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                            _weightedAverage += (i + 1) * _dsamples[i];
                        _weightedAverage = _weightedAverage / 55;

                        if (_weightedAverage > _lastAverage && _weightedAverage < 0.95) //hardcoded threshold
                            _isSkipping = true;
                            _skip       = 0;
                        _lastAverage = _weightedAverage;

                _last = _current;
 public DeviceOrientationInfo(double angle, int horizontalScreenAxisPolarity, Simple3DVector typicalGravityVector)
     this.AngleOnXYPlan          = angle;
     this.HorizontalAxisPolarity = horizontalScreenAxisPolarity;
     this.NormalGravityVector    = typicalGravityVector;
 public DeviceOrientationInfo(double angle, int horizontalScreenAxisPolarity, Simple3DVector typicalGravityVector)
     AngleOnXYPlan = angle;
     HorizontalAxisPolarity = horizontalScreenAxisPolarity;
     NormalGravityVector = typicalGravityVector;