Exemple #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Book abook = new Book();

            //Here's an instance of our type to serialize

            abook.setAuthorName("Michael Feathers");
            abook.setTitle("Working Effectively with Legacy Code");

            SimplTypesScope book_example_sts = new SimplTypesScope("book_example", typeof(Book));

            //Serialize to JSON
            String jsonResult = SimplTypesScope.Serialize(abook, StringFormat.Json);

            //Serialize to XML
            // (Just change the StringFormat parameter!)
            String xmlResult = SimplTypesScope.Serialize(abook, StringFormat.Xml);

            Object result1 = book_example_sts.Deserialize(jsonResult, StringFormat.Json);
            Book   r1      = (Book)result1;

            Object result2 = book_example_sts.Deserialize(xmlResult, StringFormat.Xml);
            Book   r2      = (Book)result2;


        public void OnMetadataExtracted(object sender, JSCallbackEventArgs args)
            if (args.Arguments.Length == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("No value returned");
            JSValue value = args.Arguments[0];

            String metadataJSON = value.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine("Extraction time : " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(parseStart).TotalMilliseconds);

            Console.WriteLine("Done getting value. Serializing JSON string to ElementState.");
            TranslationContext context = new TranslationContext();

            SimplTypesScope metadataTScope     = SemanticsSessionScope.MetadataTranslationScope;
            Document        myShinyNewMetadata = (Document)metadataTScope.Deserialize(metadataJSON, context, new MetadataDeserializationHookStrategy(SemanticsSessionScope), StringFormat.Json);

            Console.WriteLine("Extraction time including page load and deserialization: " + DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeStart).TotalMilliseconds);
            _webView.LoadCompleted -= WebView_LoadCompleted;

            SemanticsSessionScope.GlobalDocumentCollection.AddDocument(myShinyNewMetadata, _puri);


Exemple #3
        private void ReceiveMessageWorker()
            Console.WriteLine("Entering OODSS Recieve Message loop");
            while (_isRunning)

                    int    uidIndex    = _response.IndexOf("uid:") + 4;
                    string intString   = _response.Substring(uidIndex, _response.IndexOf("\r\n", uidIndex) - uidIndex);
                    int    responseUid = int.Parse(intString);

                    ServiceMessage serviceMessage = (ServiceMessage)SimplTypesScope.Deserialize(_response.Substring(_response.IndexOf('<')), StringFormat.Xml);
                    if (serviceMessage == null)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException(string.Format("Received a null {0} object. Deserialization failed?", "serviceMessage"));

                    if (serviceMessage is UpdateMessage)
                        var updateMessage = serviceMessage as UpdateMessage;
                    else if (serviceMessage is ResponseMessage)
                        var responseMessage = serviceMessage as ResponseMessage;

                        QueueObject queueObject;
                        _pendingRequests.TryGetValue(responseUid, out queueObject);
                        if (queueObject == null)
                            Console.WriteLine("No pending request with Uid: {0}", responseUid);
                            TaskCompletionSource <ResponseMessage> taskCompletionSource = queueObject.Tcs;
                            if (taskCompletionSource != null)
                                Console.WriteLine("--- Finished Request : {0}", queueObject.Uid);
                catch (OperationCanceledException e)
                    Console.WriteLine("The operation was cancelled." + e.TargetSite);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Caught Exception :\n " + e.StackTrace);
        public override void Parse()
            SimplTypesScope metadataTScope = SemanticsSessionScope.MetadataTranslationScope;;

            Document parsedDoc = metadataTScope.Deserialize(Simpl.Fundamental.Net.PURLConnection.Stream, Format.Xml) as Document;


            // post parse: regex filtering + field parser
Exemple #5
        public void TestMethod1()
            Book abook = new Book();

            //Here's an instance of our type to serialize


            SimplTypesScope book_example_sts = new SimplTypesScope("book_example", typeof(Book));

            //Serialize to JSON
            String jsonResult = SimplTypesScope.Serialize(abook, StringFormat.Json);

            //Serialize to XML
            // (Just change the StringFormat parameter!)
            String xmlResult = SimplTypesScope.Serialize(abook, StringFormat.Xml);

            Object result1 = book_example_sts.Deserialize(jsonResult, StringFormat.Json);
            Book   r1      = (Book)result1;

            Object result2 = book_example_sts.Deserialize(xmlResult, StringFormat.Xml);
            Book   r2      = (Book)result2;


            Assert.AreEqual(r1.getAuthor(), abook.getAuthor());
            Assert.AreEqual(r1.getBookID(), abook.getBookID());
            Assert.AreEqual(r1.getTitle(), abook.getTitle());

            Assert.AreEqual(r1.getAuthor(), "Michael Feathers");
            Assert.AreEqual(r1.getBookID(), 1337);
            Assert.AreEqual(r1.getTitle(), "Working Effectively with Legacy Code");

            Assert.AreEqual(r2.getAuthor(), abook.getAuthor());
            Assert.AreEqual(r2.getBookID(), abook.getBookID());
            Assert.AreEqual(r2.getTitle(), abook.getTitle());
Exemple #6
        public void TestSemanticServiceError()
            SimplTypesScope repositoryMetadataTranslationScope = RepositoryMetadataTranslationScope.Get();

            SimplTypesScope typesScope = SimplTypesScope.Get("MetadataServicesTranslationScope",
            String response = "<semantic_service_error code=\"2001\" error_message=\"Error\" />";

            ServiceMessage serviceMessage = (ServiceMessage)typesScope.Deserialize(response, StringFormat.Xml);

                (serviceMessage as SemanticServiceError).Perform();
            catch (Exception ex)

            Console.WriteLine(SimplTypesScope.Serialize(serviceMessage, StringFormat.Xml));
        /// <summary>
        /// deseiralizes the data, given the input stream and format. returns object representation of the input data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simplTypesScope">Simpl type scope for deserialization</param>
        /// <param name="inputStream">Input stream of the serialized representaiton</param>
        /// <param name="format">Format of the serialization</param>
        /// <returns>a deserialized object from the type scope</returns>
        public static Object TestDeserialization(SimplTypesScope simplTypesScope, Stream inputStream, Format format)
            Object deserializedObj = simplTypesScope.Deserialize(inputStream, format);

        public void RealRssXml()
             * Read in RSS feed from URL
            const string url            = "http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_us.rss";
            WebRequest   objRequest     = WebRequest.Create(url);
            Stream       responseStream = objRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();

            if (responseStream != null)
                String rssContent = new StreamReader(responseStream).ReadToEnd();

                PrintMessage("Raw RSS Feed:");

                 * Get the simpl types scope. This references all of the classes that we
                 * are considering for translation.
                SimplTypesScope rssScope = SimplTypesScope.Get("rss", typeof(Rss), typeof(Channel), typeof(Item));

                 * Instantiate Rss by translating the xml to C# objects. Take a
                 * look at Rss, Channel, and Item to see how they are annotated to
                 * facilitate translation. Notice that Rss's class tag is rss. This is
                 * an inherent rule: all classes that subclass ElementState have a class
                 * tag of just the class name. Normally Simpl.Serialization uses a camel-case
                 * translatio. Fields that are translated into attributes
                 * and sub elements use a similar convention for determining identifiers.
                Rss feed = (Rss)rssScope.Deserialize(rssContent, StringFormat.Xml);

                 * Notice that, translated back to xml, not all attributes and elements
                 * still remain. If an attribute or element is not annotated in the
                 * corresponding class it is simply ignored.
                PrintMessage("Feed Translated back to XML by Simpl.Serializaion");
                TestHelper.TestMethods.TestSerialization(feed, Format.Xml);

                 * Create our own item to add to the channel
                Item ecologylabItem = new Item
                    Title       = "The Interface Ecology Lab",
                    Description = "Highlights the cool research going on at the lab.",
                    Author      = "Dr. Andruid Kerne",
                    Link        = new ParsedUri("http://www.ecologylab.net")

                 * Add our item to the front of the channel.
                feed.Channel.Items.Insert(0, ecologylabItem);

                PrintMessage("Feed Translated back to XML with our added item");
                TestHelper.TestMethods.TestSerialization(feed, Format.Xml);