public void SaveFamily()
     SimitoneNeighbourGenerator.CreateFamily(FamilyPanel.SecondName.CurrentText, WIPFamily.Count, WIPFamily.Select(CASToNeighGen).ToArray());
        public override VMPrimitiveExitCode Execute(VMStackFrame context, VMPrimitiveOperand args)
            //make the character iff, save it, and return their new neighbour id.

            var operand = (VMTS1MakeNewCharacterOperand)args;
            var guid    = SimitoneNeighbourGenerator.GenerateGUID(new uint[0]);

            var color  = context.Locals[operand.ColorLocal];
            var age    = context.Locals[operand.AgeLocal];
            var gender = context.Locals[operand.GenderLocal];

            SimTemplateCreateInfo info;

            if (operand.AvatarType == 0)
                var simtype = ((gender > 0) ? "f" : "m") + ((age < 18) ? "c" : "m");
                var skin    = ColorNames[color];
                var code    = simtype;

                var heads = Content.Content.Get().BCFGlobal.CollectionsByName["c"].ClothesByAvatarType[simtype];
                if (simtype[1] == 'c')
                    simtype += "chd";
                var bodies = Content.Content.Get().BCFGlobal.CollectionsByName["b"].ClothesByAvatarType[simtype];

                //pick a random head and body.

                var tex      = (TS1AvatarTextureProvider)Content.Content.Get().AvatarTextures;
                var texnames = tex.GetAllNames();

                var headTex      = heads.Select(x => RemoveExt(texnames.FirstOrDefault(y => y.StartsWith(ExtractID(x, skin))))).ToList();
                var bodyTex      = bodies.Select(x => RemoveExt(texnames.FirstOrDefault(y => y.StartsWith(ExtractID(x, skin))))).ToList();
                var handgroupTex = bodies.Select(x => (RemoveExt(texnames.FirstOrDefault(y => y == "huao" + FindHG(x))) ?? "huao" + skin).Substring(4)).ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < heads.Count; i++)
                    if (headTex[i] == null)

                for (int i = 0; i < bodies.Count; i++)
                    if (bodyTex[i] == null)

                var headInd = (int)context.VM.Context.NextRandom((ulong)heads.Count);
                var bodyInd = (int)context.VM.Context.NextRandom((ulong)bodies.Count);

                var body = bodies[bodyInd];

                var ind      = body.IndexOf("_");
                var bodyType = body.Substring(ind - 3, 3);
                code += bodyType;
                info  = new SimTemplateCreateInfo(code, skin);

                info.BodyStringReplace[1] = body + ",BODY=" + bodyTex[bodyInd];
                info.BodyStringReplace[2] = heads[headInd] + ",HEAD-HEAD=" + headTex[headInd];

                var hand = (simtype[1] == 'c') ? 'u' : simtype[0];
                var hg   = handgroupTex[bodyInd];
                info.BodyStringReplace[17] = "H" + hand + "LO,HAND=" + "huao" + hg;
                info.BodyStringReplace[18] = "H" + hand + "RO,HAND=" + "huao" + hg;
                info.BodyStringReplace[19] = "H" + hand + "LP,HAND=" + "huao" + hg;
                info.BodyStringReplace[20] = "H" + hand + "RP,HAND=" + "huao" + hg;
                info.BodyStringReplace[21] = "H" + hand + "LO,HAND=" + "huao" + hg;
                info.BodyStringReplace[22] = "H" + hand + "RC,HAND=" + "huao" + hg;
                var index = context.StackObject.GetAttribute(8);

                Tuple <string, string>[] outfits;
                if (operand.AvatarType == 1)
                    info            = new SimTemplateCreateInfo("dog", gender > 0);
                    info.CustomGUID = 0x4A70DF92;
                    outfits         = VMTS1PurchasableOutfitHelper.GetValidOutfits(null, -1);
                    info            = new SimTemplateCreateInfo("kat", gender > 0);
                    info.CustomGUID = 0x7BEA0977;
                    outfits         = VMTS1PurchasableOutfitHelper.GetValidOutfits(null, -2);

                info.BodyStringReplace[1] = outfits[index].Item1;

            info.Name = context.StackObject.Name;
            info.Bio  = "";
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                info.PersonalityPoints[i] = 500; //todo: randomize
            var n = SimitoneNeighbourGenerator.CreateNeighbor(guid, info);

            context.StackObjectID = n.NeighbourID;