private void Initialize()
            Host = new TServiceHost();

            BasePort = ServiceArguments.BasePortOverride ?? GetBasePortFromHttpServiceAttribute();

            SiloStopped = Task.Run(() => Host.Run(ServiceArguments));

            //Silo is ready or failed to start
            Task.WaitAny(SiloStopped, Host.WaitForServiceStartedAsync());

            if (SiloStopped.IsFaulted)
                    // Flatten Aggregated exception
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Silo Failed to start", e);
            else if (SiloStopped.IsCompleted)
                throw new Exception("Silo Failed to start");
        public override void Dispose()

            Host.Stop(); // don't use host.dispose, host.stop should do all the work

            var siloStopTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);

            var completed = SiloStopped.Wait(siloStopTimeout);

            if (!completed)
                throw new TimeoutException($"ServiceTester: The service failed to shutdown within the {siloStopTimeout.TotalSeconds} seconds limit.");

            var waitStopped = Host.WaitForServiceGracefullyStoppedAsync();

            // We aren't actually waiting?
            if (waitStopped.IsCompleted && waitStopped.Result == StopResult.Force)
                throw new TimeoutException("ServiceTester: The service failed to shutdown gracefully.");
