Exemple #1
        //Called ClientSide
        public void OnUseOver(IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel, bool mouseBreakMode)
            Cuboidf[] boxes = Circuit.GetCurrentSelectionBoxes();
            //If true, something is wrong with selection boxes or the board was selected.
            if (blockSel.SelectionBoxIndex >= boxes.Length)

            //From the hit position and the face we can infere a voxel position without using selection box index
            //It works but could be refined

            Vec3f rotation = SignalsUtils.FacingToRotation(this.orientation, this.facing);
            Vec3f hitPos   = blockSel.HitPosition.ToVec3f().Mul(16);

            BlockFacing selectionFacing = blockSel.Face;
            //We translate using the normal to avoid rounding and precision issues
            Vec3f hitPos2 = hitPos.AddCopy(selectionFacing.Normalf.NormalizedCopy().Mul(-0.5f));

            //We need to apply rotation now
            RotateFromBEtoCircuit(ref hitPos2, ref selectionFacing, new Vec3f(8, 8, 8));

            Vec3i voxelPos = new Vec3i((int)Math.Floor(hitPos2.X), (int)Math.Floor(hitPos2.Y), (int)Math.Floor(hitPos2.Z));

            Cuboidf box         = boxes[blockSel.SelectionBoxIndex];
            Vec3i   voxelBoxPos = new Vec3i((int)Math.Floor(box.MinX * 16), (int)Math.Floor(box.MinY * 16), (int)Math.Floor(box.MinZ * 16));

            OnUseOver(byPlayer, voxelPos, voxelBoxPos, selectionFacing, mouseBreakMode);
Exemple #2
        internal Cuboidf[] GetSelectionBoxes(IBlockAccessor blockAccessor, BlockPos pos, ItemStack holdingItemStack = null)
            ICoreClientAPI capi = Api as ICoreClientAPI;

            if (capi == null)
            VoxelCircuit.EnumCircuitSelectionType selType;

            Item  heldItem = holdingItemStack?.Item;
            Vec3i compSize = SignalsUtils.GetCircuitComponentSizeFromItem(capi, heldItem);

            if (heldItem?.Code?.ToString() == "signals:el_wire")
                selType = VoxelCircuit.EnumCircuitSelectionType.PlaceWire;
            else if (compSize != null)
                selType = VoxelCircuit.EnumCircuitSelectionType.PlaceComponent;
                selType = VoxelCircuit.EnumCircuitSelectionType.PlaceNothing;

            Cuboidf[] boxes = Circuit?.GetSelectionBoxes(compSize, selType);

            if (selType == VoxelCircuit.EnumCircuitSelectionType.PlaceNothing)
                Array.Resize(ref boxes, boxes.Length + 1);
                boxes[boxes.Length - 1] = new Cuboidf(0, 0, 0, 1, 1f / 16, 1);

            Cuboidf[] rotatedBoxes = new Cuboidf[boxes.Length];
            Vec3f     rotation     = SignalsUtils.FacingToRotation(orientation, facing);

            for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Length; i++)
                rotatedBoxes[i] = boxes[i].RotatedCopy(rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z, new Vec3d(0.5d, 0.5, 0.5));
Exemple #3
        private void RotateFromCircuittoBE(ref Vec3f vector, ref BlockFacing facing, Vec3f center)
            Vec3f rotation = SignalsUtils.FacingToRotation(this.orientation, this.facing);

            if (vector != null)
                SignalsUtils.RotateVector(ref vector, 0, 0, rotation.Z, center);
                SignalsUtils.RotateVector(ref vector, 0, rotation.Y, 0, center);
                SignalsUtils.RotateVector(ref vector, rotation.X, 0, 0, center);
            if (facing != null)
                facing = facing.FaceWhenRotatedBy(0, 0, rotation.Z * GameMath.DEG2RAD);
                facing = facing.FaceWhenRotatedBy(0, rotation.Y * GameMath.DEG2RAD, 0);
                facing = facing.FaceWhenRotatedBy(rotation.X * GameMath.DEG2RAD, 0, 0);