Exemple #1
        private (Matrix <double>, Matrix <double>) Filter(Matrix <double> A, Matrix <double> B)
            var Ap = A.SubMatrix(0, 1, 0, A.ColumnCount);
            var Bp = B.SubMatrix(0, 1, 0, B.ColumnCount);

            for (int i = 1; i < A.RowCount; i++)
                var At = SignalUtils.Stack(Ap, A.SubMatrix(i, 1, 0, A.ColumnCount));
                var Bt = SignalUtils.Stack(Bp, B.SubMatrix(i, 1, 0, B.ColumnCount));
                if (At.Rank() == At.RowCount)
                    Ap = At;
                    Bp = Bt;
                else if (SignalUtils.Append(At, Bt).Rank() != At.RowCount)
                    logger.Debug($"Same constrains detected at NO.{i}, which will be ignored.");
                    logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(At, "At"));
                    logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(Bt, "Bt"));
                    throw logger.Error(new LigralException($"Conflict constrains detected at NO.{i}."));
            return(Ap, Bp);
Exemple #2
        private (Matrix <double>, Matrix <double>) Filter(Matrix <double> A, Matrix <double> B, Matrix <double> A0, Matrix <double> B0)
            if (A == null || B == null)
                return(A0, B0);
            if (A0 == null || B0 == null)
                return(Filter(A, B));
            var Ap = A0;
            var Bp = B0;

            if (Ap.ColumnCount != A.ColumnCount)
                throw logger.Error(new LigralException($"Constrain dimensions do not agree in SQP(A) {Ap.ColumnCount}: {A.ColumnCount}"));
            if (Bp.ColumnCount != B.ColumnCount)
                throw logger.Error(new LigralException($"Constrain dimensions do not agree in SQP(B) {Bp.ColumnCount}: {B.ColumnCount}"));
            for (int i = 0; i < A.RowCount; i++)
                var At = SignalUtils.Stack(Ap, A.SubMatrix(i, 1, 0, A.ColumnCount));
                var Bt = SignalUtils.Stack(Bp, B.SubMatrix(i, 1, 0, B.ColumnCount));
                if (At.Rank() == At.RowCount)
                    Ap = At;
                    Bp = Bt;
                else if (SignalUtils.Append(At, Bt).Rank() == At.RowCount)
                    logger.Debug($"Same constrains detected at NO.{i}, which will be ignored.");
                    logger.Debug($"Conflict constrains detected at NO.{i}, which are resulted from bound constrains and will be ignore.");
            return(Ap, Bp);
Exemple #3
        public override Matrix <double> Optimize(MFunc cost, Matrix <double> x0, MFunc equal, MFunc bound)
            int n = x0.RowCount;

            if (x0.ColumnCount != 1)
                throw logger.Error(new LigralException($"Only x with shape nx1 is supported, but we got {n}x{x0.ColumnCount}"));
            var x = x0;
            var c = cost(x);

            for (int i = 0; i < MaximumIteration; i++)
                var H  = Algorithm.RoughHessian(cost, x);
                var C  = Algorithm.RoughPartial(cost, x);
                var Ae = Algorithm.RoughPartial(equal, x);
                var Be = equal(x);
                if (Ae != null)
                    Ae       = Ae.Transpose();
                    (Ae, Be) = Filter(Ae, Be);
                    if (Be.ColumnCount != 1)
                        throw logger.Error(new LigralException($"Only h(x) with shape mx1 is supported, but we got {Be.RowCount}x{Be.ColumnCount}"));
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(Ae, "Ae"));
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(Be, "Be"));
                var Ab = Algorithm.RoughPartial(bound, x);
                var Bb = bound(x);
                if (Ab != null)
                    Ab = Ab.Transpose();
                    int bRowCount = Bb.RowCount;
                    for (int j = 0, k = 0; j < bRowCount; j++)
                        if (Bb[j - k, 0] < BoundaryConstrainTolerant)
                            Ab = Ab.RemoveRow(j - k);
                            Bb = Bb.RemoveRow(j - k);
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(Ab, "Ab"));
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(Bb, "Bb"));
                (var A, var B) = Filter(Ab, Bb, Ae, Be);
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(A, "A"));
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(B, "B"));
                if (B != null && B.ColumnCount != 1)
                    throw logger.Error(new LigralException($"Only g(x) with shape px1 is supported, but we got {B.RowCount-Be.RowCount}x{B.ColumnCount}"));
                var build = Matrix <double> .Build;
                int mp    = B == null?0:B.RowCount;
                var K     = SignalUtils.Stack(
                    SignalUtils.Append(H, A == null?A:A.Transpose()),
                    SignalUtils.Append(A, mp == 0?null:build.Dense(mp, mp, 0))
                if (K == null)
                    logger.Warn("No constrain is given, optimizer quit");
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(K, "K"));
                var p = SignalUtils.Stack(-C, -B);
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(p, "p"));
                var r = K.Solve(p);
                var s = r.SubMatrix(0, n, 0, 1);
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(s, "s"));
                var lambda = r.SubMatrix(n, mp, 0, 1);
                logger.Debug(SignalUtils.SPrint(lambda, "lambda"));
                x += s;
                var cp = cost(x);
                if (lambda.RowAbsoluteSums().ForAll(sum => sum < OptimizationStopLambdaTolerant))
                    logger.Info("SQP Optimizer stops as lambda is close to zero");
                else if ((cp - c).RowAbsoluteSums().ForAll(sum => sum < OptimizationStopCostTolerant))
                    logger.Info("SQP Optimizer stops as costs did not change.");
                    c = cp;