public TargetTestBoard() { TestBoard = null; foreach (var dev in SignTest.Enumerate()) { try { TestBoard = new SignTest(dev); break; } catch { } } if (TestBoard == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to attach to a Sign Test board."); } SignComponent[] c = new SignComponent[1]; c[0] = new SignComponent() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = 32, Height = 32 }; CurrentConfig = new SignConfiguration(c); // Initialize test board. TestBoard.SetMode(SignTest.DeviceMode.On); TestBoard.SetMode(SignTest.DeviceMode.FpgaActive); }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenChainBuildingFails_ThrowsAsync() { var package = new SimpleTestPackageContext(); using (var packageStream = await package.CreateAsStreamAsync()) using (var test = SignTest.Create( _fixture.GetExpiredCertificate(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, packageStream.ToArray(), new X509SignatureProvider(timestampProvider: null))) { var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SignatureException>( () => SigningUtility.SignAsync(test.Options, test.Request, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal(NuGetLogCode.NU3018, exception.Code); Assert.Equal("Certificate chain validation failed.", exception.Message); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Errors); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Warnings); Assert.Contains(test.Logger.LogMessages, message => message.Code == NuGetLogCode.NU3018 && message.Level == LogLevel.Error && message.Message == "A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file."); Assert.Contains(test.Logger.LogMessages, message => message.Code == NuGetLogCode.NU3018 && message.Level == LogLevel.Warning && message.Message == "A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider."); } }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenCancellationTokenIsCancelled_ThrowsAsync() { using (var test = SignTest.Create(new X509Certificate2(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256)) { await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OperationCanceledException>( () => SigningUtility.SignAsync(test.Options, test.Request, new CancellationToken(canceled: true))); } }
protected override void EndProcessing() { var hypo = TestingHelper.GetOneSampleHypothesis(Alternate); var test = new SignTest(_data.ToArray(), HypothesizedMedian, hypo) { Size = Size }; WriteObject(test); }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenCancellationTokenIsCancelled_Throws() { using (var test = SignTest.Create(new X509Certificate2(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256)) { await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OperationCanceledException>( () => test.Signer.SignAsync( test.Request, Mock.Of <ILogger>(), new CancellationToken(canceled: true))); } }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenLoggerIsNull_Throws() { using (var test = SignTest.Create(new X509Certificate2(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256)) { var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>( () => test.Signer.SignAsync( test.Request, logger: null, token: CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal("logger", exception.ParamName); } }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenPackageIsZip64_ThrowsAsync() { using (var test = SignTest.Create( _fixture.GetDefaultCertificate(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, SigningTestUtility.GetResourceBytes(""))) { var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SignatureException>( () => SigningUtility.SignAsync(test.Options, test.Request, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal(NuGetLogCode.NU3006, exception.Code); Assert.Equal("Signed Zip64 packages are not supported.", exception.Message); } }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenCertificatePublicKeyLengthIsUnsupported_ThrowsAsync() { using (var certificate = SigningTestUtility.GenerateCertificate( "test", generator => { }, publicKeyLength: 1024)) using (var test = SignTest.Create(certificate, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256)) { var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SignatureException>( () => SigningUtility.SignAsync(test.Options, test.Request, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal(NuGetLogCode.NU3014, exception.Code); Assert.Contains("The signing certificate does not meet a minimum public key length requirement.", exception.Message); } }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenCertificateSignatureAlgorithmIsUnsupported_ThrowsAsync() { using (var certificate = SigningTestUtility.GenerateCertificate( "test", generator => { }, "SHA256WITHRSAANDMGF1")) using (var test = SignTest.Create(certificate, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256)) { var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SignatureException>( () => SigningUtility.SignAsync(test.Options, test.Request, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal(NuGetLogCode.NU3013, exception.Code); Assert.Contains("The signing certificate has an unsupported signature algorithm.", exception.Message); } }
public void SignTestConstructorTest() { // Example from double[] sample = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10, 20, 22, 25, 27, 33, 40, 42, 50, 55, 75, 80 }; SignTest target = new SignTest(sample, hypothesizedMedian: 30); Assert.AreEqual(OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsDifferentFromHypothesis, target.Hypothesis); Assert.AreEqual(0.043285, target.PValue, 1e-4); Assert.IsTrue(target.Significant); }
public void SignTestConstructorTest() { // Example from double[] sample = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 10, 20, 22, 25, 27, 33, 40, 42, 50, 55, 75, 80 }; SignTest target = new SignTest(sample, hypothesizedMedian: 30); // Wolfram Alpha gives 0.02896 // GNU R gives 0.04329 Assert.AreEqual(OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsDifferentFromHypothesis, target.Hypothesis); Assert.AreEqual(0.043285, target.PValue, 1e-4); Assert.IsTrue(target.Significant); }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenChainBuildingFails_Throws() { using (var packageStream = new SimpleTestPackageContext().CreateAsStream()) using (var test = SignTest.Create( _fixture.GetDefaultCertificate(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, packageStream.ToArray(), new X509SignatureProvider(timestampProvider: null))) { var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SignatureException>( () => test.Signer.SignAsync( test.Request, Mock.Of <ILogger>(), CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal(NuGetLogCode.NU3018, exception.AsLogMessage().Code); Assert.Equal("Certificate chain validation failed with error: UntrustedRoot", exception.Message); } }
public async Task SignAsync_WithUntrustedSelfSignedCertificate_SucceedsAsync() { using (var packageStream = new SimpleTestPackageContext().CreateAsStream()) using (var test = SignTest.Create( _fixture.GetDefaultCertificate(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, packageStream.ToArray(), new X509SignatureProvider(timestampProvider: null))) { await SigningUtility.SignAsync(test.Options, test.Request, CancellationToken.None); Assert.True(await SignedArchiveTestUtility.IsSignedAsync(test.Options.OutputPackageStream)); Assert.Equal(0, test.Logger.Errors); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Warnings); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Messages.Count()); Assert.True(test.Logger.Messages.Contains("A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.")); } }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenPackageEntryCountWouldRequireZip64_FailsAsync() { const ushort desiredFileCount = 0xFFFF - 1; var package = new SimpleTestPackageContext(); var requiredFileCount = desiredFileCount - package.Files.Count; for (var i = 0; i < requiredFileCount - 1 /*nuspec*/; ++i) { package.AddFile(i.ToString()); } using (var packageStream = await package.CreateAsStreamAsync()) { using (var zipArchive = new ZipArchive(packageStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read, leaveOpen: true)) { // Sanity check before testing. Assert.Equal(desiredFileCount, zipArchive.Entries.Count()); } packageStream.Position = 0; using (var test = SignTest.Create( _fixture.GetDefaultCertificate(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, packageStream.ToArray(), new X509SignatureProvider(timestampProvider: null))) { var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SignatureException>( () => SigningUtility.SignAsync(test.Options, test.Request, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal(NuGetLogCode.NU3039, exception.Code); Assert.Equal("The package cannot be signed as it would require the Zip64 format.", exception.Message); Assert.Equal(0, test.Options.OutputPackageStream.Length); Assert.Equal(0, test.Logger.Errors); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Warnings); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Messages.Count()); Assert.True(test.Logger.Messages.Contains("A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.")); } } }
public async Task SignAsync_WithUntrustedSelfSignedCertificate_SucceedsAsync() { var package = new SimpleTestPackageContext(); using (var packageStream = await package.CreateAsStreamAsync()) using (var test = SignTest.Create( _fixture.GetDefaultCertificate(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, packageStream.ToArray(), new X509SignatureProvider(timestampProvider: null))) { await SigningUtility.SignAsync(test.Options, test.Request, CancellationToken.None); Assert.True(await SignedArchiveTestUtility.IsSignedAsync(test.Options.OutputPackageStream)); Assert.Equal(0, test.Logger.Errors); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Warnings); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Messages.Count()); SigningTestUtility.AssertUntrustedRoot(test.Logger.LogMessages, LogLevel.Warning); } }
public async Task SignAsync_WhenChainBuildingFails_ThrowsAsync() { var package = new SimpleTestPackageContext(); using (var packageStream = await package.CreateAsStreamAsync()) using (var test = SignTest.Create( _fixture.GetExpiredCertificate(), HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, packageStream.ToArray(), new X509SignatureProvider(timestampProvider: null))) { var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SignatureException>( () => SigningUtility.SignAsync(test.Options, test.Request, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.Equal(NuGetLogCode.NU3018, exception.Code); Assert.Equal("Certificate chain validation failed.", exception.Message); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Errors); Assert.Equal(1, test.Logger.Warnings); SigningTestUtility.AssertNotTimeValid(test.Logger.LogMessages, LogLevel.Error); SigningTestUtility.AssertUntrustedRoot(test.Logger.LogMessages, LogLevel.Warning); } }
public void SignTestConstructorTest2() { // This example has been adapted from the Wikipedia's page about // the Z-Test, available from: // We would like to check whether a sample of 20 // students with a median score of 96 points ... double[] sample = { 106, 115, 96, 88, 91, 88, 81, 104, 99, 68, 104, 100, 77, 98, 96, 104, 82, 94, 72, 96 }; // ... could have happened just by chance inside a // population with an hypothesized median of 100 points. double hypothesizedMedian = 100; // So we start by creating the test: SignTest test = new SignTest(sample, hypothesizedMedian, OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsSmallerThanHypothesis); // Now, we can check whether this result would be // unlikely under a standard significance level: bool significant = test.Significant; // false (so the event was likely) // We can also check the test statistic and its P-Value double statistic = test.Statistic; // 5 double pvalue = test.PValue; // 0.99039 Assert.AreEqual(96, sample.Median()); Assert.AreEqual(statistic, 5); Assert.AreEqual(pvalue, 0.99039459228515625); }
public void Run() { Dev = new SignTest(SignTest.Enumerate().First()); Reset(); while (true) { if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { // Run without exception handling in the debugger. Loop(); } else { try { Loop(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Exception!"); Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); try { Dev.SetLed(false, true); } catch { } Thread.Sleep(2000); Console.WriteLine("Restarting..."); Reset(); } } // Check for some control characters if (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo k = Console.ReadKey(true); switch (char.ToLower(k.KeyChar)) { case '?': case 'h': WriteText("Special keys: 'x' Exit, 'r' Reprogram test board, <space> reprogram current board."); break; case 'x': // Clean up and exit WriteText("'x' pressed, exiting."); Reset(); return; case 'r': WriteText("'r' pressed, putting test board into reprogramming mode."); Reset(); Dev.Reprogram(); return; case ' ': WriteText("<Space> pressed, resetting test system state."); Reset(); break; case 'f': WriteText("'f' pressed, restarting FPGA"); try { Dev.SetMode(SignTest.DeviceMode.FpgaActive); // Restarts FPGA. } catch (Exception ex) { WriteText(ex.ToString()); } break; case 'c': WriteText("Going into a cycle of power on/off"); int count = 0; string statusText = ""; while (true) { if (count == 0) { statusText = "Power On"; Dev.SetLed(true, false); Dev.SetMode(SignTest.DeviceMode.On); try { Dev.SetMode(SignTest.DeviceMode.FpgaActive); } catch { } } if (count == 40) { statusText = "Power Off"; Dev.SetLed(false, false); Dev.SetMode(SignTest.DeviceMode.Off); } count++; if (count == 80) { count = 0; } UpdateStatus(statusText); Thread.Sleep(100); } } } Thread.Sleep(100); } }
/// <summary> /// 签章相关API /// </summary> /// <param name="client"></param> static void checkSign(SignClient client) { SignTest test = new SignTest(client); test.runAllTest(); }