/// <summary>
        /// Signs the document obtained at the source location and saves it to the specified destination.
        /// </summary>
        private static void SignDocument(string srcDocumentPath, string dstDocumentPath,
                                         SignPersonTestClass signPersonInfo, string certificatePath, string certificatePassword)
            // Create new document instance based on a test file that we need to sign.
            Document        document = new Document(srcDocumentPath);
            DocumentBuilder builder  = new DocumentBuilder(document);

            // Add info about responsible person who sign a document.
            SignatureLineOptions signatureLineOptions =
                new SignatureLineOptions {
                Signer = signPersonInfo.Name, SignerTitle = signPersonInfo.Position

            // Add signature line for responsible person who sign a document.
            SignatureLine signatureLine = builder.InsertSignatureLine(signatureLineOptions).SignatureLine;

            signatureLine.Id = signPersonInfo.PersonId;

            // Save a document with line signatures into temporary file for future signing.

            // Create holder of certificate instance based on your personal certificate.
            // This is the test certificate generated for this example.
            CertificateHolder certificateHolder = CertificateHolder.Create(certificatePath, certificatePassword);

            // Link our signature line with personal signature.
            SignOptions signOptions = new SignOptions
                SignatureLineId    = signPersonInfo.PersonId,
                SignatureLineImage = signPersonInfo.Image

            // Sign a document which contains signature line with personal certificate.
            DigitalSignatureUtil.Sign(dstDocumentPath, dstDocumentPath, certificateHolder, signOptions);
        public static void SignSignatureLineUsingSignatureLineId()
            string signPersonName      = "Ron Williams";
            string srcDocumentPath     = MyDir + "Document.docx";
            string dstDocumentPath     = ArtifactsDir + "Document.Signed.docx";
            string certificatePath     = MyDir + "morzal.pfx";
            string certificatePassword = "******";

            // We need to create simple list with test signers for this example.
            Console.WriteLine("Test data successfully added!");

            // Get sign person object by name of the person who must sign a document.
            // This an example, in real use case you would return an object from a database.
            SignPersonTestClass signPersonInfo =
                (from c in gSignPersonList where c.Name == signPersonName select c).FirstOrDefault();

            if (signPersonInfo != null)
                SignDocument(srcDocumentPath, dstDocumentPath, signPersonInfo, certificatePath, certificatePassword);
                Console.WriteLine("Document successfully signed!");
                Console.WriteLine("Sign person does not exist, please check your parameters.");
                Assert.Fail(); //ExSkip

            // Now do something with a signed document, for example, save it to your database.
            // Use 'new Document(dstDocumentPath)' for loading a signed document.