static private IEnumerator UITransition(CanvasGroup cg, bool show, float delayTime, float durationTime, ShowUIDelegate showUIComplete)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delayTime));

            float elapsedTime = 0;
            float start, end;


            if (show)
                start = 0f;
                end   = 1f;
                start = 1f;
                end   = 0f;

            while (elapsedTime < durationTime)
                cg.alpha     = Mathf.Lerp(start, end, elapsedTime / durationTime);
                elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
                yield return(null);

            //cg.alpha = end;
            cg.alpha = 1f;             //whether the UI gets activated or not, cg.alpha should always be 1f for later use.

            if (showUIComplete != null)
 static public void ShowUI(MonoBehaviour monoBehaviour, CanvasGroup cg, bool show, float delayTime, float durationTime, ShowUIDelegate showUIComplete = null)
     monoBehaviour.StartCoroutine(UITransition(cg, show, delayTime, durationTime, showUIComplete));