Exemple #1
 private void ShowProgress(int i)
     if (lblOutput.InvokeRequired)
         // This is hit if a background thread calls ShowProgress()
         var showProgressDel = new ShowProcessDelegate(ShowProgress);
         this.BeginInvoke(showProgressDel, new object[] { i });
         lblOutput.Text = i.ToString();
         pbStatus.Value = i;
Exemple #2
 private void ShowProgress(int i)
     // this is hit if a background thread calls ShowProgress
     if (lblOutput.InvokeRequired)
         // trick here is to assign the ShowProcess method to ShowProcessDelegate
         var del = new ShowProcessDelegate(ShowProgress);
         this.BeginInvoke(del, new object[] { i });
         lblOutput.Text = i.ToString();
         pbStatus.Value = i;
Exemple #3
        //update of controls will takes place here
        private void ShowProgress(int i)
            //1- we need to check if a label needs to be invoked in the GUI thread
            // - you can do that using "InvokeRequired" property
            if (lblOutput.InvokeRequired == true)
                // 2- if true this is hit by a background thread, so route the data from the background thread to the main thread
                // we need to use another delegate and pass the data(i) to the GUI Thread.
                // so we need to integrate another delegate with another async invocation, but this particular delegate
                // will be involved of routing the data from the background thread to main thread.

                // recursive call
                var del = new ShowProcessDelegate(ShowProgress);
                // using the word "this" which represent the "form" (main thread) with "BeginInvoke" will make
                // the main thread to run, so we re call the function and "else" will be hit, because "InvokeRequired" will be false
                this.BeginInvoke(del, new Object[] { i });
                lblOutput.Text = i.ToString();
                pbStatus.Value = i;
Exemple #4
        void ShowProgress(string pi, int totalDigits, int digitsSoFar, out bool cancel)
            if (_pi.InvokeRequired == false) // UI thread running
                cancel = _calcState == CalcState.Canceled;
                if (cancel)
                    _calcState = CalcState.Pending;
                    _calcButton.Enabled = true;
                    _calcButton.Text = "Calc";
                _pi.Text = pi;
                _piProgress.Maximum = totalDigits;
                _piProgress.Value = digitsSoFar;
                ShowProcessDelegate del = new ShowProcessDelegate(ShowProgress);
                object[] args = { pi, totalDigits, digitsSoFar, null };
                this.Invoke(del, args);
                cancel = (bool)args[3];
