Exemple #1
        public GameState LoadGame()
            GameState gs   = new GameState();
            string    json = File.ReadAllText(@"savegame/game.json");
            Ship      ship = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Ship>(json);

            gs.ship             = ship;
            gs.BuildingTypes    = ShowBuildingTypes.GetBuildings();
            gs.JobTypes         = ShowJobTypes.GetJobs();
            gs.PersonalityTypes = ShowPersonalityTypes.GetPersonalitys();
            gs.SocialQueue      = new List <SocialQueue>();
Exemple #2
        public Character CreateCharacter(Ship ship, int job_id, int mother_id = 0, int father_id = 0, string last_name = null)
            Character NewChar = new Character();

            int gender = r.Next(1, 100);

            if (gender < 50)
                NewChar.gender = 0;
                NewChar.gender = 1;
            if (last_name == null)
                last_name = ShowCharacterNames.GetName(0, NewChar.gender);
            NewChar.idkey = ship.Characters.Count;
            string first_name = ShowCharacterNames.GetName(1, NewChar.gender);

            NewChar.name        = first_name + " " + last_name;
            NewChar.age         = r.Next(864, 1728);
            NewChar.spouse_id   = 0;
            NewChar.mother_id   = mother_id;
            NewChar.father_id   = father_id;
            NewChar.job_id      = job_id;
            NewChar.job_skill   = r.Next(1, 7);
            NewChar.dorm_id     = 0;
            NewChar.sleep_shift = 0;
            NewChar.stress      = (float)5;
            NewChar.happiness   = (float)5;
            NewChar.anxiety     = (float)5;
            int val = r.Next(3, 7);

            NewChar.strength = (float)val;
            val = r.Next(3, 7);
            NewChar.reflexes = (float)val;
            val = r.Next(3, 8);
            NewChar.constitution = (float)val;
            NewChar.stamina      = (float)5;
            NewChar.sanity       = (float)5;
            NewChar.mood         = (float)5;
            NewChar.Personality  = new List <CharacterPersonality>();
            foreach (var p in ShowPersonalityTypes.GetPersonalitys())
                var newper = new CharacterPersonality();
                val = r.Next(0, 10);
                if (val > 8)
                    val = r.Next(0, 10);
                if (val < 2)
                    val = r.Next(0, 10);
                newper.idkey      = (p.idkey - 1);
                newper.value      = (float)val;
                newper.value_mods = (float)0;
                if (val > 8 || val < 2)
                    newper.discovered = true;
                    newper.discovered = false;
            NewChar.Needs = new List <CharacterNeeds>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                var newneed = new CharacterNeeds();
                newneed.idkey      = i;
                newneed.value      = (float)r.Next(5, 10);
                newneed.value_mods = (float)0;
            NewChar.Wants            = new List <CharacterWants>();
            NewChar.Modifiers        = new List <CharacterModifiers>();
            NewChar.Memories         = new List <CharacterMemories>();
            NewChar.Relationships    = new List <CharacterRelationship>();
            NewChar.current_building = 22;
            NewChar.pos_x            = 0;
            NewChar.pos_y            = 0;
            NewChar.current_task     = "dorm";
            NewChar.dest_x           = 0;
            NewChar.dest_y           = 0;
            NewChar.hired            = false;
            NewChar.dead             = false;

            GameService gs = new GameService();

    // Member variables here, example:
    // private int a = 2;
    // private string b = "textvar";

    public override void _Ready()
        // Called every time the node is added to the scene.
        // Initialization here
        GameService gsi           = new GameService();
        GameState   gs            = gsi.LoadGame();
        Ship        ship          = gs.ship;
        var         shipnamelabel = (Label)GetNode("VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/sname");

        shipnamelabel.Text = gs.ship.name;

        var     jobnamelabel = (Label)GetNode("VBoxContainer/Screenbox/LeftSide/JobName");
        var     jobnamedesc  = (Label)GetNode("VBoxContainer/Screenbox/LeftSide/building");
        JobType job          = gsi.GetNextJob(gs.ship);

        if (job.idkey == 0 || job.name == null)
        if (ShowJobTypes.GetJobs() != null && ShowJobTypes.GetJobs() != null)
            List <JobType> JobList = gs.JobTypes;
            BuildingType building = job.GetBuilding(job.building_id);
            string       JobName  = job.name + " (" + building.name + ")";
            jobnamelabel.Text = JobName;
            jobnamedesc.Text  = building.description;
            GenerateCharacter cg        = new GenerateCharacter();
            List <Character>  Canidates = new List <Character>();
            string            npath     = "";
            int idx = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++)
                idx   = i + 1;
                npath = "VBoxContainer/Screenbox/VBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/canidate" + idx + "/VBoxContainer2/";
                Canidates.Add(cg.CreateCharacter(gs.ship, job.idkey));
                var    charnamelabel1 = (Label)GetNode(npath + "name1");
                string cname          = Canidates[i].name;
                float  age            = Canidates[i].age / 48;
                int    ageyrs         = (int)(Math.Floor(age));
                cname = cname + ", Age " + ageyrs;
                if (Canidates[i].gender == 0)
                    cname = cname + " Male";
                    cname = cname + " Female";
                charnamelabel1.Text = cname;

                var    traitlabel1 = (Label)GetNode(npath + "traits1");
                string strtrait    = "Known Traits: ";
                string pname       = "";
                bool   lined       = false;
                foreach (var p in Canidates[i].Personality)
                    if (p.discovered == true)
                        //int pid= (p.idkey + 1);
                        if (p.value < 3)
                            pname = ShowPersonalityTypes.GetPersonality(p.idkey).opposite;
                            pname = ShowPersonalityTypes.GetPersonality(p.idkey).adjective;
                        if (strtrait.Length > 50 && lined == false)
                            strtrait = strtrait + "\n";
                            lined    = true;
                        strtrait = strtrait + " " + pname + ",";
                traitlabel1.Text = strtrait;

                var skilllabel1 = (Label)GetNode(npath + "skill1");
                skilllabel1.Text = "Skill Level: " + Canidates[i].job_skill;

        var charnumlabel = (Label)GetNode("VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer2/chars");

        charnumlabel.Text = "Crew Hired: " + (ship.Characters.Count - 3);
        var inventorylabel1 = (Label)GetNode("VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/inventory1");
        var inventorylabel2 = (Label)GetNode("VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer5/inventory2");
        var inventorylabel3 = (Label)GetNode("VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer4/inventory3");
        var inventorylabel4 = (Label)GetNode("VBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer3/inventory4");

        inventorylabel1.Text = "Raw Food: \n Clean H20: \n Fuel: \n Power: \n Spare Parts: \n Medical: \n Oxygen:";
        int    total_gas = (ship.oxygen + ship.nitrogen + ship.hydrogen + (int)Math.Round(ship.carbondioxide));
        double oxy_perc  = Math.Round(100 * (double)((double)ship.oxygen / (double)total_gas));
        double co_perc   = Math.Round(100 * (double)((double)ship.carbondioxide / (double)total_gas));

        inventorylabel2.Text = ship.food + "\n" + ship.water + "\n" + ship.fuel + "\n" + ship.power + "\n" + ship.spare_parts + "\n" + ship.medical + "\n" + oxy_perc + "%";
        inventorylabel3.Text = "Cooked Meals: \n Dirty H20: \n Hydrogen: \n Raw Resources: \n Waste Parts: \n Organics: \n C02 : ";
        inventorylabel4.Text = ship.meals + "\n" + ship.dirty_water + "\n" + ship.hydrogen + "\n " + ship.raw_resources + "\n" + ship.waste_parts + "\n" + ship.organics + "\n" + co_perc + "%";