/* * @name ShowPlayer, ShowCP1, ShowCP2, ShowCP3, S * @purpose disables and all canvases and shows the correct one based off of wich method * * @return Void */ //shows person player public void ShowPlayer() { ShowNone(); PersonCG.alpha = 1f; PersonCG.blocksRaycasts = true; PersonCG.interactable = true; ShowPerson.SetActive(true); }
//will show none public void ShowNone() //disables all canvases { //disables person PersonCG.alpha = 0f; PersonCG.blocksRaycasts = false; PersonCG.interactable = false; ShowPerson.SetActive(false); //disables CP1 Cp1CG.alpha = 0f; Cp1CG.blocksRaycasts = false; Cp1CG.interactable = false; ShowCP11.SetActive(false); //disables cp2 Cp2CG.alpha = 0f; Cp2CG.blocksRaycasts = false; Cp2CG.interactable = false; ShowCP21.SetActive(false); //disables cp3 Cp3CG.alpha = 0f; Cp3CG.blocksRaycasts = false; Cp3CG.interactable = false; ShowCP31.SetActive(false); //disables pause PauseCG.alpha = 0f; PauseCG.blocksRaycasts = false; PauseCG.interactable = false; ShowPause1.SetActive(false); //disables deck discard ShowDeckDiscardCG.alpha = 0f; ShowDeckDiscardCG.blocksRaycasts = false; ShowDeckDiscardCG.interactable = false; ShowDeckDiscard1.SetActive(false); //disables card info panel CardInfoPanelCG.alpha = 0f; CardInfoPanelCG.blocksRaycasts = false; CardInfoPanelCG.interactable = false; ShowCardInfoPanel.SetActive(false); //disables acidic waters AcidicWatersCG.alpha = 0f; AcidicWatersCG.blocksRaycasts = false; AcidicWatersCG.interactable = false; ShowAcidicWaters1.SetActive(false); //disables learn to play LearnToPlayCG.alpha = 0f; LearnToPlayCG.blocksRaycasts = false; LearnToPlayCG.interactable = false; ShowLearnToPlay1.SetActive(false); }
public virtual async Task ScrapeData() { Console.WriteLine("Started TvMazeScrape job"); var latestShowId = ShowsRepository.GetLatestAddedShowId(); int nextPage = 0; if (latestShowId > 0) { decimal pageNr = latestShowId / 250; nextPage = (int)Math.Floor(pageNr); } var shows = await TvMazeApi.GetShows(nextPage); Console.WriteLine("Loaded 250 shows"); foreach (var show in shows) { var existingShow = DbContext.Shows.Where(s => s.ShowId.Equals(show.Id)).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingShow != null) { continue; } var castResponse = await TvMazeApi.GetCastMembers((int)show.Id); Console.WriteLine("Received cast for show"); var newShow = new Show() { ShowId = (int)show.Id, Name = show.Name }; await ShowsRepository.AddShow(newShow); HashSet <long> AddedPersons = new HashSet <long>(); foreach (var castMember in castResponse) { // Some shows contain dubplicates if (AddedPersons.Contains(castMember.Person.Id)) { continue; } var person = PersonRepository.CreateOrGet(new Person() { PersonId = (int)castMember.Person.Id, Name = castMember.Person.Name, Birthday = castMember.Person.Birthday?.DateTime ?? new DateTime(1970, 1, 1) }); var showPerson = new ShowPerson() { PersonId = person.PersonId, ShowId = newShow.ShowId }; Console.WriteLine($"ShowId {newShow.ShowId}, PersonId {person.PersonId}"); DbContext.ShowPersons.Add(showPerson); AddedPersons.Add(castMember.Person.Id); } DbContext.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine($"Added show {newShow.Name}"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } }