public IViewComponentResult Invoke()
            var items = _shoppingCart.GetShoppingCartItems();

            _shoppingCart.ShoppingCartItems = items;

            var model = new ShoppingCartIndexModel
                ShoppingCart      = _shoppingCart,
                ShoppingCartTotal = _shoppingCart.GetShoppingCartTotal()

        public IActionResult Index(bool isValidAmount = true)

            var model = new ShoppingCartIndexModel
                ShoppingCart      = _shoppingCart,
                ShoppingCartTotal = _shoppingCart.GetShoppingCartTotal(),

            if (!isValidAmount)
                ViewData["InvalidAmountText"] = "The item is out of stock";

            return(View("Index", model));
        public IActionResult Index(bool isValidAmount = true, string returnUrl = "/")

            var model = new ShoppingCartIndexModel
                ShoppingCart      = _shoppingCart,
                ShoppingCartTotal = _shoppingCart.GetShoppingCartTotal(),
                ReturnUrl         = returnUrl

            if (!isValidAmount)
                ViewBag.InvalidAmountText = "*There were not enough items in stock to add*";

            return(View("Index", model));