public void setRatings(Vector2 toAim) { topAttacks.Clear(); int range = convertVectorToAbstractRange(ShitUtilities.getVectorLength(toAim)); // Get range for (int i = 0; i < attacks.Length; ++i) { AttackBase attack = attacks[i]; int[] attackRanges = attack.getDesirableRange(); foreach (int r in attackRanges) { if (r == range && isAttackCooldownZero(attack) && !topAttacks.Contains(attack)) { topAttacks.Add(attack); } } } /*Debug.Log("-"); * Debug.Log(range); * Debug.Log(topAttacks.Count); * Debug.Log("-");*/ // calc range diff // calc cooldown }
private void calculateDodge() { if (dodgeFrame == 0) { // Do only when start dodging speedBefore = enemyMovement.speed; doingDodge = true; log("Do dodge"); // Find the perpendicular vector Vector2 vectorToBullet = (transform.position - bulletWeAreAvoiding.gameObject.transform.position).normalized; movementDirection = ShitUtilities.getPerpendicular(vectorToBullet); enemyMovement.speed = enemyMovement.speed * DodgeMovementSpeed; } }
void calculateMovement() { float minLen = float.MaxValue; Collider2D closestObstacle = new Collider2D(); Vector2 directionToClosestObstacle = new Vector2(); // Moving towards the player Vector2 directionToPlayer = getVectorFromBossToPlayer().normalized; float sizeToPlayer = ShitUtilities.getVectorLength(directionToPlayer); float playerMovementM = (sizeToPlayer - ApproachThePlayer) * PathStraightforwardness; // Moving around obstacles foreach (Collider2D obstacle in totalCommander.obstacles) { if (obstacle != null) { Vector2 directionToObstacle; float sizeToObstacle = myLegsCollider.Distance(obstacle).distance; ColliderDistance2D tmpCD = myLegsCollider.Distance(obstacle); directionToObstacle = tmpCD.normal; if (sizeToObstacle < minLen) { minLen = sizeToObstacle; closestObstacle = obstacle; directionToClosestObstacle = directionToObstacle; } // Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you. MF 5:42 } } if (minLen < 0.1f) { minLen = 0.1f; } float obstacleMovementM = (AvoidObstacles / minLen); float theDifference // Between An Amature And A Professional Is That You Write Your Own Compiler = Mathf.Abs((directionToPlayer + directionToClosestObstacle).x) + Mathf.Abs((directionToPlayer + directionToClosestObstacle).y); if (theDifference < 0.1f && aim == AIM_PLAYER && minLen < 2f) { //log("My aim has changed. I am moving towards PATH"); int mode = 0; float shortX = directionToPlayer.x; float shortY = directionToPlayer.y; if (isCloseTo0(shortX + 1) && isCloseTo0(shortY)) { mode = MovementPointsCalculator.CODE_RIGHT; // Right } if (isCloseTo0(shortX - 1) && isCloseTo0(shortY)) { mode = MovementPointsCalculator.CODE_LEFT; // Left } if (isCloseTo0(shortX) && isCloseTo0(shortY - 1)) { mode = MovementPointsCalculator.CODE_BOTTOM; // Bottom } if (isCloseTo0(shortX) && isCloseTo0(shortY + 1)) { mode = MovementPointsCalculator.CODE_TOP; // Top } aim = AIM_POINT; List <Point> path = MovementPointsCalculator.GetRandomPathForOurSituation(mode, closestObstacle, myLegsCollider); foreach (Point p in path) { points.Add(p); } } if (aim == AIM_POINT) { Vector2 directionToAim = -(transform.position - points[0].getPosition()); float distToPoint = ShitUtilities.getVectorLength(directionToAim); if (distToPoint < 0.05f) { //log("I've reached the POINT"); points.RemoveAt(0); if (points.Count == 0) { //log("My aim has changed. I am moving towards PLAYER"); aim = AIM_PLAYER; } else { //log("New POINT is at: " + points[0].x + " " + points[0].y); } } if (attackChooser.isNoObstaclesToPlayer()) { points.Clear(); aim = AIM_PLAYER; } } Vector2 mainVector = new Vector2(); switch (aim) { case AIM_PLAYER: mainVector = directionToPlayer * playerMovementM; mainVector += directionToClosestObstacle * obstacleMovementM; break; case AIM_POINT: Vector2 directionToAim = -(transform.position - points[0].getPosition()).normalized; if (points.Count > 0) { mainVector = directionToAim * playerMovementM; } else { log("WARNING! I lost point to go.", true); aim = AIM_PLAYER; } break; } movementDirection = mainVector; //movementDirection += -perpDirection * obstacleMovementM; Vector2 difference = directionToClosestObstacle; //-directionToClosestObstacle; difference.Normalize(); float rotationZ = Mathf.Atan2(difference.y, difference.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; if (rotationZ == 0f) { rotationZ = 0.000001f; } movementPointer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rotationZ); Vector2 difference2 = -mainVector; difference2.Normalize(); float rotationZ2 = Mathf.Atan2(difference2.y, difference2.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; if (rotationZ2 == 0f) { rotationZ2 = 0.000001f; } movementPointer2.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, rotationZ2); //Debug.Log( + " " + minLen.ToString()); movementDirection = movementDirection.normalized; }