Exemple #1
        void BindShippingCalculationTable()
            //We'll need shipping method shipping charge amounts to work with in building the data source
            using (DataTable gridData = new DataTable())
                //Populate shipping methods data
                using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn()))

                    string getShippingMethodMapping       = "exec aspdnsf_GetStoreShippingMethodMapping @StoreID = @StoreId, @IsRTShipping = 0, @OnlyMapped = @FilterByStore";
                    var    getShippingMethodMappingParams = new[]
                        new SqlParameter("@StoreId", SelectedStoreId),
                        new SqlParameter("@FilterByStore", FilterShipping),

                    using (IDataReader rs = DB.GetRS(getShippingMethodMapping, getShippingMethodMappingParams, sqlConnection))

                if (gridData.Rows.Count == 0)
                    AlertMessage.PushAlertMessage(String.Format("You do not have any shipping methods setup for the selected store. Please <a href=\"{0}\">click here</a> to set them up.", AppLogic.AdminLinkUrl("shippingmethods.aspx")), AspDotNetStorefrontControls.AlertMessage.AlertType.Error);
                    ShippingRatePanel.Visible = false;

                ShippingGrid.DataSource = gridData;
        void BindShippingCalculationTable(bool addInsertRow)
            //clear the columns to prevent duplicates

            //We're going to assemble the datasource that we need by putting it together manually here.
            using (DataTable gridData = new DataTable())
                //We'll need shipping method shipping charge amounts to work with in building the data source
                using (DataTable methodAmountsData = new DataTable())
                    //Populate shipping methods data
                    using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn()))

                        string getShippingMethodMapping       = "exec aspdnsf_GetStoreShippingMethodMapping @StoreID = @StoreId, @IsRTShipping = 0, @OnlyMapped = @FilterByStore";
                        var    getShippingMethodMappingParams = new[]
                            new SqlParameter("@StoreId", SelectedStoreId),
                            new SqlParameter("@FilterByStore", FilterShipping),

                        using (IDataReader rs = DB.GetRS(getShippingMethodMapping, getShippingMethodMappingParams, sqlConnection))

                    if (methodAmountsData.Rows.Count == 0)
                        AlertMessage.PushAlertMessage(String.Format("You do not have any shipping methods setup for the selected store. Please <a href=\"{0}\">click here</a> to set them up.", AppLogic.AdminLinkUrl("shippingmethods.aspx")), AspDotNetStorefrontControls.AlertMessage.AlertType.Error);
                        ShippingRatePanel.Visible = false;

                    using (DataTable shippingRangeData = new DataTable())
                        using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn()))
                            //populate the shipping range data
                            var sqlShipping = @"SELECT DISTINCT stp.RowGuid,stp.LowValue,stp.HighValue,stp.MinimumCharge,stp.SurCharge 
												FROM ShippingByTotalByPercent stp with (NOLOCK) 
												INNER JOIN ShippingMethod sm WITH (NOLOCK) ON sm.ShippingMethodid = stp.ShippingMethodId AND (@FilterByStore = 0 or @StoreId = stp.StoreID)
												order by LowValue"                                                ;

                            var shippingRangeParams = new[]
                                new SqlParameter("@StoreId", SelectedStoreId),
                                new SqlParameter("@FilterByStore", FilterShipping),

                            using (IDataReader rs = DB.GetRS(sqlShipping, shippingRangeParams, sqlConnection))

                        //Add the data columns we'll need on our table and add grid columns to match
                        gridData.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("RowGuid", typeof(string)));

                        gridData.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("LowValue", typeof(string)));
                        BoundField boundField = new BoundField();
                        boundField.DataField             = "LowValue";
                        boundField.HeaderText            = "Low";
                        boundField.ControlStyle.CssClass = "text-4";

                        gridData.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("HighValue", typeof(string)));
                        boundField                       = new BoundField();
                        boundField.DataField             = "HighValue";
                        boundField.HeaderText            = "High";
                        boundField.ControlStyle.CssClass = "text-4";

                        gridData.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("MinimumCharge", typeof(string)));
                        boundField                       = new BoundField();
                        boundField.DataField             = "MinimumCharge";
                        boundField.HeaderText            = "Minimum Dollar Amount";
                        boundField.ControlStyle.CssClass = "text-4";

                        gridData.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("SurCharge", typeof(string)));
                        boundField                       = new BoundField();
                        boundField.DataField             = "SurCharge";
                        boundField.HeaderText            = "Base Dollar Amount";
                        boundField.ControlStyle.CssClass = "text-4";

                        //Add shipping method columns to our grid data
                        foreach (DataRow methodAmountsRow in methodAmountsData.Rows)
                            var columnName = String.Format("MethodAmount_{0}", DB.RowField(methodAmountsRow, "ShippingMethodID"));
                            gridData.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(columnName, typeof(string)));
                            //add a column to the gridview to hold the data
                            boundField                       = new BoundField();
                            boundField.DataField             = columnName;
                            boundField.HeaderText            = DB.RowFieldByLocale(methodAmountsRow, "Name", LocaleSetting);
                            boundField.ControlStyle.CssClass = "text-4";

                        //now that our columns are setup add rows to our table
                        foreach (DataRow rangeRow in shippingRangeData.Rows)
                            var newRow = gridData.NewRow();
                            //add the range data
                            newRow["RowGuid"]       = rangeRow["RowGuid"];
                            newRow["LowValue"]      = rangeRow["LowValue"];
                            newRow["HighValue"]     = rangeRow["HighValue"];
                            newRow["MinimumCharge"] = rangeRow["MinimumCharge"];
                            newRow["SurCharge"]     = rangeRow["SurCharge"];
                            //add shipping method amounts to our grid data
                            foreach (DataRow methodAmountsRow in methodAmountsData.Rows)
                                var     shippingMethodId  = DB.RowFieldInt(methodAmountsRow, "ShippingMethodID");
                                var     shippingRangeGuid = DB.RowFieldGUID(rangeRow, "RowGUID");
                                Decimal surCharge;                                 // not used here
                                Decimal minimumCharge;                             // not used here
                                var     amount          = Shipping.GetShipByTotalByPercentCharge(shippingMethodId, shippingRangeGuid, out minimumCharge, out surCharge);
                                var     localizedAmount = Localization.CurrencyStringForDBWithoutExchangeRate(amount);

                                var colName = String.Format("MethodAmount_{0}", shippingMethodId);
                                newRow[colName] = localizedAmount;


                        //if we're inserting, add an empty row to the end of the table
                        if (addInsertRow)
                            var newRow = gridData.NewRow();
                            //add the range data
                            newRow["RowGuid"]       = 0;
                            newRow["LowValue"]      = 0;
                            newRow["HighValue"]     = 0;
                            newRow["MinimumCharge"] = 0;
                            newRow["SurCharge"]     = 0;
                            //add shipping method columns to our insert row
                            foreach (DataRow methodAmountsRow in methodAmountsData.Rows)
                                var shippingMethodId = DB.RowFieldInt(methodAmountsRow, "ShippingMethodID");
                                var amount           = 0;
                                var localizedAmount  = Localization.CurrencyStringForDBWithoutExchangeRate(amount);

                                var colName = String.Format("MethodAmount_{0}", shippingMethodId);
                                newRow[colName] = localizedAmount;
                            //if we're inserting than we'll want to make the insert row editable
                            ShippingGrid.EditIndex = gridData.Rows.Count - 1;

                        //add the delete button column
                        ButtonField deleteField = new ButtonField();
                        deleteField.ButtonType            = ButtonType.Link;
                        deleteField.Text                  = "<i class=\"fa fa-times\"></i> Delete";
                        deleteField.CommandName           = "Delete";
                        deleteField.ControlStyle.CssClass = "delete-link";
                        deleteField.ItemStyle.Width       = 94;

                        //add the edit button column
                        CommandField commandField = new CommandField();
                        commandField.ButtonType            = ButtonType.Link;
                        commandField.ShowEditButton        = true;
                        commandField.ShowDeleteButton      = false;
                        commandField.ShowCancelButton      = true;
                        commandField.ControlStyle.CssClass = "edit-link";
                        commandField.EditText        = "<i class=\"fa fa-share\"></i> Edit";
                        commandField.CancelText      = "<i class=\"fa fa-reply\"></i> Cancel";
                        commandField.UpdateText      = "<i class=\"fa fa-floppy-o\"></i> Save";
                        commandField.ItemStyle.Width = 84;

                        ShippingGrid.DataSource = gridData;

            btnInsert.Visible = !addInsertRow;              //Hide the 'add new row' button while editing/inserting to avoid confusion and lost data