public void PageLoad_RequestNull_FillDataField() { // Arrange ShimSPContext.CurrentGet = () => new ShimSPContext() { SiteGet = () => new ShimSPSite() { RootWebGet = () => new ShimSPWeb() { PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var stringDictionary = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag) { ItemGetString = key => PropertySiteTemplateIds }; return(propertyBag); }, SiteGet = () => new ShimSPSite() { CatchAccessDeniedExceptionSetBoolean = catchAccess => { } } } } }; // Act _privateObject.Invoke(PageLoadMethodName, this, EventArgs.Empty); // Assert var actualData = (string)_privateObject.GetField(DataFieldName); actualData.ShouldBe("Request is not available in this context"); }
private void SetUpShims() { shimsContext = ShimsContext.Create(); guid = Guid.NewGuid(); spWeb = new ShimSPWeb() { IDGet = () => guid, SiteGet = () => new ShimSPSite() { IDGet = () => guid, WebApplicationGet = () => new ShimSPWebApplication(), RootWebGet = () => new ShimSPWeb() }, PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var sd = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag); sd.ItemGetString = (key) => { return("EPMLive_MyWork_Grid_GlobalViews"); }; return(propertyBag); } }.Instance; ShimSqlConnection.AllInstances.Open = _ => { }; ShimSqlConnection.AllInstances.Close = _ => { }; ShimSPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivilegesSPSecurityCodeToRunElevated = _ => { }; ShimSPPersistedObject.AllInstances.IdGet = _ => guid; ShimCoreFunctions.getReportingConnectionStringGuidGuid = (_, _1) => ConnectionString; ShimCoreFunctions.getConfigSettingSPWebString = (_, _1) => string.Empty; threadManager = new ThreadManager(new DBConnectionManager(spWeb, false)); activityManager = new ActivityManager(new DBConnectionManager(spWeb, false)); streamManager = new StreamManager(new DBConnectionManager(spWeb, false)); }
public SimSPPropertyBag(SPPropertyBag instance) : base(instance) { base.Fake.Update = (delegate { this.Updated = true; }); var shimStringDictionary = new ShimStringDictionary(base.Instance); shimStringDictionary.AddStringString = (delegate(string key, string value) { this.values.Add(key, value); }); shimStringDictionary.Clear = (delegate { this.values.Clear(); }); shimStringDictionary.ContainsKeyString = ((string key) => this.values.ContainsKey(key)); shimStringDictionary.ContainsValueString = ((string value) => this.Values.Values.Contains(value)); shimStringDictionary.CountGet = (() => this.values.Count); shimStringDictionary.GetEnumerator = (() => this.values.GetEnumerator()); shimStringDictionary.IsSynchronizedGet = (() => false); shimStringDictionary.ItemGetString = ((string key) => this.values[key]); shimStringDictionary.ItemSetStringString = (delegate(string key, string value) { this.values[key] = value; }); shimStringDictionary.KeysGet = (() => this.values.Keys); shimStringDictionary.RemoveString = (delegate(string key) { this.values.Remove(key); }); shimStringDictionary.SyncRootGet = (() => this); shimStringDictionary.ValuesGet = (() => this.values.Values); }
public void AddBasicSecurityGroupsTest() { using (new SPEmulators.SPEmulationContext(SPEmulators.IsolationLevel.Fake)) { var user = new ShimSPUser() { IDGet = () => { return(1073741823); } }; var listitem = new ShimSPListItem() { ItemGetGuid = (guid) => { return(Guid.NewGuid()); }, IDGet = () => { return(1); }, TitleGet = () => { return("Adam Bar"); }, SystemUpdate = () => { } , FieldsGet = () => { return(new ShimSPFieldCollection() { GetFieldByInternalNameString = (s) => { return new ShimSPField() { IdGet = () => { return Guid.NewGuid(); } }; }, ItemGetGuid = (guid) => { return new ShimSPField() { IdGet = () => { return Guid.NewGuid(); } }; } }); }, ItemSetGuidObject = (a, b) => { }, Update = () => { } }; ShimSPList list = new ShimSPList() { ItemsGet = () => { return(new ShimSPListItemCollection() { GetItemByIdInt32 = (id) => { return listitem; } }); } }; ShimCoreFunctions.AddGroupSPWebStringStringSPMemberSPUserString = (a, b, c, d, e, f) => { return("final"); }; ShimSPWeb fakespweb = fakespweb = new ShimSPWeb() { IDGet = () => { return(Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86D03")); }, CurrentUserGet = () => { return(user); }, SiteGroupsGet = () => { return(new ShimSPGroupCollection() { ItemGetString = (id) => { return new ShimSPGroup() { NameGet = () => { return Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } }; } }); }, AllowUnsafeUpdatesSetBoolean = (b) => { }, SiteGet = () => { return(new ShimSPSite() { UrlGet = () => { return ""; }, OpenWebGuid = (gg) => { return new ShimSPWeb() { IDGet = () => { return Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86D03"); }, PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var sd = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag); sd.ItemGetString = (key) => { return "EPMLive_MyWork_Grid_GlobalViews"; }; return propertyBag; }, SiteGet = () => { return new ShimSPSite() { IDGet = () => { return Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86D03"); } }; }, Dispose = () => { }, AllowUnsafeUpdatesSetBoolean = (b) => { } }; }, RootWebGet = () => { return new ShimSPWeb() { ListsGet = () => { return new ShimSPListCollection() { ItemGetString = (s) => { return list; } }; }, IDGet = () => { return Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86D03"); } }; } }); }, ParentWebGet = () => { return(null); }, PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var sd = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag); sd.ItemGetString = (key) => { return("EPMLiveLockConfig"); }; return(propertyBag); } , Update = () => { } }; fakespweb.Dispose = () => { }; var objSecurityUpdates = new SecurityUpdate(); var dict = objSecurityUpdates.AddBasicSecurityGroups(fakespweb, "title", user, listitem); Assert.IsTrue(dict.Count == 3); } }
public void AddSynchedTemplatesColumn_WithChild_ReturnsTrueFieldNodeXml() { // Arrange var webChild = new ShimSPWeb() { IDGet = () => DummyGuidWeb2, WebsGet = () => new ShimSPWebCollection().Bind( new List <SPWeb>().AsEnumerable()), PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var stringDictionary = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag) { ItemGetString = key => PropertyTemplateId, ContainsKeyString = keyParam => true }; return(propertyBag); }, SiteGet = () => new ShimSPSite() { RootWebGet = () => new ShimSPWeb() { PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var stringDictionary = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag) { ItemGetString = key => DummyGuidWeb2.ToString() }; return(propertyBag); } } } }; var web = new ShimSPWeb() { IDGet = () => DummyGuidWeb, WebsGet = () => new ShimSPWebCollection().Bind( new List <SPWeb> { webChild }.AsEnumerable()), PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var stringDictionary = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag) { ItemGetString = key => DummyGuidSite.ToString(), ContainsKeyString = keyParam => false }; return(propertyBag); }, SiteGet = () => new ShimSPSite() { RootWebGet = () => new ShimSPWeb() { PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var stringDictionary = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag) { ItemGetString = key => DummyGuidSite.ToString(), ContainsKeyString = keyParam => true }; return(propertyBag); } } } }; ShimSPSecurableObject.AllInstances.DoesUserHavePermissionsSPBasePermissions = (sender, permissionMask) => true; var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(XmlFull); var mainNode = doc.ChildNodes[0]; _privateObject.SetField(DocFieldName, doc); var expectedXml = new List <string>() { "<rows>", "<head>", "<column type=\"tree\" width=\"298\">Sites</column></head>", "<row open=\"1\" locked=\"1\" id=\"------\">", $"<row open=\"1\" locked=\"1\" id=\"{PropertyTemplateId}\">", "<cell image=\"ICODCT.GIF\"> </a></cell></row>", "<cell image=\"STSICON.GIF\"> </a></cell></row></rows>" }; // Act var actualResult = (bool)_privateObject.Invoke(AddSynchedTemplatesColumnMethodName, web.Instance, mainNode); // Assert var actualXml = mainNode.OuterXml; this.ShouldSatisfyAllConditions( () => actualResult.ShouldBeTrue(), () => expectedXml.ForEach(c => actualXml.ShouldContain(c))); }
public void PageLoad_TTypeTmp1tColOnly_FillDataField() { // Arrange ShimSPContext.CurrentGet = () => new ShimSPContext() { SiteGet = () => new ShimSPSite() { RootWebGet = () => new ShimSPWeb() { PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var stringDictionary = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag) { ItemGetString = key => PropertySiteTemplateIds }; return(propertyBag); }, SiteGet = () => new ShimSPSite() { CatchAccessDeniedExceptionSetBoolean = catchAccess => { } } } } }; ShimPage.AllInstances.RequestGet = sender => new ShimHttpRequest() { ItemGetString = itemName => { switch (itemName) { case "maxlistsyncdate": return("maxlistsyncdate"); case "ttype": return("tmpltcolonly"); default: break; } return(null); } }; ShimPage.AllInstances.ResponseGet = sender => new ShimHttpResponse() { CacheGet = () => new ShimHttpCachePolicy() { SetCacheabilityHttpCacheability = cacheAbility => { } }, ExpiresSetInt32 = expires => { }, ContentTypeSetString = contentType => { } }; // Act _privateObject.Invoke(PageLoadMethodName, this, EventArgs.Empty); // Assert var actualData = (string)_privateObject.GetField(DataFieldName); actualData.ShouldBe("<rows><head><column type=\"tree\" width=\"598\">Sites</column></head></rows>"); }
public void AddWebs_WithoutChild_ReturnsTrueFieldNodeXml() { // Arrange var web = new ShimSPWeb() { IDGet = () => DummyGuidWeb, SiteGet = () => new ShimSPSite() { IDGet = () => DummyGuidSite, RootWebGet = () => new ShimSPWeb() { PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var stringDictionary = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag) { ItemGetString = key => DummyGuidWeb.ToString() }; return(propertyBag); }, GetFileString = url => new ShimSPFile() { ExistsGet = () => true, TimeLastModifiedGet = () => DummyDateTime }, SiteGet = () => new ShimSPSite() { UrlGet = () => DummyUrl } } }, WebsGet = () => new ShimSPWebCollection().Bind( new List <SPWeb>().AsEnumerable()), PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var stringDictionary = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag) { ItemGetString = key => PropertyTemplateId, ContainsKeyString = keyParam => true }; return(propertyBag); }, ServerRelativeUrlGet = () => DummyRelativeUrl }; ShimSPSecurableObject.AllInstances.DoesUserHavePermissionsSPBasePermissions = (sender, permissionMask) => true; ShimSPContext.CurrentGet = () => new ShimSPContext() { WebGet = () => new ShimSPWeb() { UrlGet = () => DummyUrlWeb } }; var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(XmlRowNodeOnly); var mainNode = doc.ChildNodes[0]; _privateObject.SetField(DocFieldName, doc); _privateObject.SetField("sMaxListSyncDate", "2017,1,1"); var expectedXml = new List <string>() { "<rows>", "<row open=\"1\" locked=\"1\" id=\"/\">", "<cell image=\"ICODCT.GIF\"> </a></cell>", "<cell> <a href='' target='_blank'>Edit</a></cell>", "<cell> <a href='#' onclick=\"showSaveTemplateForm('');return false\">Save</a></cell>", "<cell> <a href='#' onclick=\"showRenameTemplateForm('','');return false\">Rename</a></cell>", "<cell> <a href='#' onclick=\"delTemplate('/');return false\">Remove</a></cell>", "<cell align=\"center\" title=\"Based on the date/time of the last Enterprise List Synchronization, this template is up to date.\"><img src=\"/_layouts/images/green.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"Based on the date/time of the last Enterprise List Synchronization, this template is up to date.\" ></cell>", "<cell align=\"center\">1/1/2018 12:00:00 AM</cell></row></rows>" }; // Act var actualResult = (bool)_privateObject.Invoke(AddWebsMethodName, web.Instance, mainNode); // Assert var actualXml = mainNode.OuterXml; this.ShouldSatisfyAllConditions( () => actualResult.ShouldBeTrue(), () => expectedXml.ForEach(c => actualXml.ShouldContain(c))); }
private string ProcessNewSaveRequest(bool hasPermission) { PrivateType objToTestPrivateMethod = new PrivateType(typeof(EPMLiveCore.API.MyWork)); using (new SPEmulators.SPEmulationContext(SPEmulators.IsolationLevel.Fake)) { ShimSPWeb fakespweb = fakespweb = new ShimSPWeb() { IDGet = () => { return(Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86D03")); }, CurrentUserGet = () => { return(new ShimSPUser() { IDGet = () => { return 1073741823; } }); }, SiteGet = () => { return(new ShimSPSite() { UrlGet = () => { return ""; }, OpenWebGuid = (gg) => { return new ShimSPWeb() { IDGet = () => { return Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86D03"); }, PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var sd = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag); sd.ItemGetString = (key) => { return "EPMLive_MyWork_Grid_GlobalViews"; }; return propertyBag; }, SiteGet = () => { return new ShimSPSite() { IDGet = () => { return Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86D03"); } }; }, Dispose = () => { }, AllowUnsafeUpdatesSetBoolean = (b) => { } }; }, RootWebGet = () => { return new ShimSPWeb() { IDGet = () => { return Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86D03"); } }; } }); }, ParentWebGet = () => { return(null); }, PropertiesGet = () => { var propertyBag = new ShimSPPropertyBag(); var sd = new ShimStringDictionary(propertyBag); sd.ItemGetString = (key) => { return("EPMLiveLockConfig"); }; return(propertyBag); } }; fakespweb.Dispose = () => { }; ShimSPSite.ConstructorString = (instance, url) => { ShimSPSite moledInstance = new ShimSPSite(instance); moledInstance.Dispose = () => { }; ShimSPSite.AllInstances.OpenWeb = (ins) => { return(fakespweb); }; }; ShimSPSite.ConstructorGuid = (instance, url) => { ShimSPSite moledInstance = new ShimSPSite(instance) { IDGet = () => { return(Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86D03")); }, WebApplicationGet = () => { var webApp = new ShimSPWebApplication(); var persistedObject = new ShimSPPersistedObject(webApp); persistedObject.IdGet = () => { return(Guid.Parse("D4A8A5A3-5C26-45D0-876C-AC2B4FB86DAA")); }; return(webApp); } }; moledInstance.Dispose = () => { }; ShimSPSite.AllInstances.OpenWeb = (ins) => { return(fakespweb); }; }; ShimCoreFunctions.iGetConfigSettingSPWebStringBooleanBoolean = (p1, p2, p3, p4) => { return("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>\r\n<ArrayOfMyWorkGridView xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols>Flag:30,Work0000Type:131,Project:116,DueDate:100,WorkingOn:85</Cols>\r\n <Default>false</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|WorkingOn:1:11</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|</Grouping>\r\n <Id>7e9399ec83ae91854b600b808918b3c4</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:20,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:222</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>Working On It</Name>\r\n <Personal>false</Personal>\r\n <RightCols />\r\n <Sorting>DueDate</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>false</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols>Work0000Type:89,StartDate:97,DueDate:131,Status:38,PercentComplete:113,Flag:41,Project:83,WorkingOn:86</Cols>\r\n <Default>false</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|Due</Grouping>\r\n <Id>0007b12319302de33f227d1e08e089be</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:20,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:213</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>My Work by Due</Name>\r\n <Personal>false</Personal>\r\n <RightCols />\r\n <Sorting>DueDate</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>false</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols>Work0000Type:119,Due:98,StartDate:83,DueDate:112,Work:33,Status:56,PercentComplete:113,Flag:44,WorkingOn:86</Cols>\r\n <Default>false</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|Project</Grouping>\r\n <Id>2ba87d5cf4822160e548843193ad30db</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:20,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:140</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>My Work by Project</Name>\r\n <Personal>false</Personal>\r\n <RightCols />\r\n <Sorting>DueDate,Due</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>false</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols>DueDate:58,WorkingOn:100</Cols>\r\n <Default>false</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|</Grouping>\r\n <Id>0111d91d9fc6c72b3fe349a55e89048a</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:25,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:601</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>Work Summary</Name>\r\n <Personal>false</Personal>\r\n <RightCols />\r\n <Sorting>DueDate</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>false</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols />\r\n <Default>false</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|</Grouping>\r\n <Id>57bcc4f29adfe3c1f09d7e29e7128bdb</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:25,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:570</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>gg3</Name>\r\n <Personal>false</Personal>\r\n <RightCols>Flag:30,Work0000Type:125,Project:90,DueDate:100,WorkingOn:87</RightCols>\r\n <Sorting>DueDate</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>true</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols />\r\n <Default>false</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|</Grouping>\r\n <Id>dv</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:25,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:570</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>Default View</Name>\r\n <Personal>false</Personal>\r\n <RightCols>Flag:30,Work0000Type:125,Project:90,DueDate:100,WorkingOn:87</RightCols>\r\n <Sorting>DueDate</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>true</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols />\r\n <Default>true</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|</Grouping>\r\n <Id>ec6ef230f1828039ee794566b9c58adc</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:25,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:570</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>p1</Name>\r\n <Personal>true</Personal>\r\n <RightCols>Flag:30,Work0000Type:125,Project:90,DueDate:100,WorkingOn:87</RightCols>\r\n <Sorting>DueDate</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>true</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n</ArrayOfMyWorkGridView>"); }; ShimSPContext.CurrentGet = () => { return(new ShimSPContext() { WebGet = () => { return fakespweb; } }); }; ShimSPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivilegesSPSecurityCodeToRunElevated = (w) => { w(); }; ShimCoreFunctions.getConnectionStringGuid = (guid) => { return("Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Trusted_Connection=True;"); }; var openedConnections = 0; var closedConnections = 0; ShimSqlConnection.ConstructorString = (instance, connString) => { var connection = new ShimSqlConnection(instance); connection.Open = () => { openedConnections++; }; connection.Close = () => { closedConnections++; }; }; ShimSqlCommand.ConstructorStringSqlConnection = (instance, cmdText, sqlConnection) => { ShimSqlCommand sqlCommand = new ShimSqlCommand(instance); sqlCommand.ParametersGet = () => { var realSqlCommand = new SqlCommand(); return(realSqlCommand.Parameters); }; sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar = () => { return("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?>\r\n<ArrayOfMyWorkGridView xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\">\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols />\r\n <Default>false</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|</Grouping>\r\n <Id>7d7f7e971ca8152804ad89b891fba0b4</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:25,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:554</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>gg2</Name>\r\n <Personal>true</Personal>\r\n <RightCols>Flag:30,Work0000Type:125,Project:90,DueDate:100,WorkingOn:87</RightCols>\r\n <Sorting>DueDate</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>true</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols />\r\n <Default>false</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|</Grouping>\r\n <Id>57bcc4f29adfe3c1f09d7e29e7128bdb</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:25,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:554</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>gg3</Name>\r\n <Personal>true</Personal>\r\n <RightCols>Flag:30,Work0000Type:125,Project:90,DueDate:100,WorkingOn:87</RightCols>\r\n <Sorting>DueDate</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>true</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n <MyWorkGridView>\r\n <Cols />\r\n <Default>true</Default>\r\n <Filters>0|</Filters>\r\n <Grouping>0|</Grouping>\r\n <Id>ec6ef230f1828039ee794566b9c58adc</Id>\r\n <LeftCols>Complete:25,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:570</LeftCols>\r\n <Name>p1</Name>\r\n <Personal>true</Personal>\r\n <RightCols>Flag:30,Work0000Type:125,Project:90,DueDate:100,WorkingOn:87</RightCols>\r\n <Sorting>DueDate</Sorting>\r\n <HasPermission>true</HasPermission>\r\n </MyWorkGridView>\r\n</ArrayOfMyWorkGridView>"); }; sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery = () => { return(1); }; }; var data = "<MyWork><View ID=\"73c18c59a39b18382081ec00bb456d43\" Name=\"gg\" Default=\"true\" Personal=\"false\" HasPermission=\"" + hasPermission.ToString() + "\" LeftCols=\"Complete:25,CommentCount:36,Priority:25,Title:570\" Cols=\"\" RightCols=\"Flag:30,Work0000Type:125,Project:90,DueDate:100,WorkingOn:87\" Filters=\"0|\" Grouping=\"0|\" Sorting=\"DueDate\"/></MyWork>"; string result = ""; result = objToTestPrivateMethod.InvokeStatic("SaveMyWorkGridView", data) as string; Assert.AreEqual(openedConnections, closedConnections); return(result); } }