private void CreateMainSheet(SchematicLegacy k_schematic, int NumSheets, string ProjectName)
            List <string> Timestamps = new List <string>();

            SheetLegacy k_sheet = new SheetLegacy();

            k_sheet.Filename    = ProjectName;
            k_sheet.LibNames    = libraryConverter.LibNames;
            k_sheet.SheetNumber = 1;
            k_sheet.SheetCount  = NumSheets;

            k_sheet.SubSheets = new List <SheetSpecLegacy>();

            PointF cur_pos = new PointF(1000, 1000);

            for (int sheet_number = 0; sheet_number < schematic.Drawing.Schematic.Sheets.Sheet.Count; sheet_number++)
                k.Schema.SheetSpecLegacy sheet_spec = new SheetSpecLegacy();

                sheet_spec.Name      = new LegacyField("sheet" + (sheet_number + 1).ToString(), 50);
                sheet_spec.Filename  = new LegacyField(sheet_spec.Name.Value + ".sch", 50);
                sheet_spec.Position  = cur_pos;
                sheet_spec.Size      = new PointF(1600, 1000);
                sheet_spec.Timestamp = GetUniqueTimeStamp(Timestamps);


                cur_pos.X += 2000;
                if (cur_pos.X + 1600 > k_sheet.PageSize.Width * Common.mm_to_mil)
                    cur_pos.X  = 1000;
                    cur_pos.Y += 1500;
            k_schematic.MainSheet = k_sheet;
        private void ConvertSheet(k.Schema.SchematicLegacy k_schematic, int EagleSheetNumber, string DestName, bool IsMain, int SheetNumber, int NumSheets)
            List <PinConnection> connections = new List <PinConnection>();
            List <LineSegment>   BusLines    = new List <LineSegment>();

            Trace(string.Format("Processing schematic sheet: {0}", EagleSheetNumber + 1));

            Sheet       source_sheet = schematic.Drawing.Schematic.Sheets.Sheet[EagleSheetNumber];
            SheetLegacy k_sheet      = new SheetLegacy();

            k_sheet.Filename    = DestName;
            k_sheet.LibNames    = libraryConverter.LibNames;
            k_sheet.SheetNumber = SheetNumber;
            k_sheet.SheetCount  = NumSheets;


            if (IsMain)
                k_schematic.MainSheet = k_sheet;

            // first get the page size
            foreach (Instance instance in source_sheet.Instances.Instance)
                // find part ->
                Part part = FindPart(instance.Part);
                if (part == null)

                if (part.Library == "frames")
                    PageStr  = "A4";
                    PageSize = new SizeF(297, 210);


                    k_sheet.PaperName = PageStr;
                    k_sheet.PageSize  = new SizeF(PageSize.Width * Common.mm_to_mil, PageSize.Height * Common.mm_to_mil);

            // text items
            foreach (Text text in source_sheet.Plain.Text)
                bool mirror;

                k.Schema.sch_text k_text = sch_text.CreateNote(
                    StrToPointInchFlip(text.X, text.Y),
                    Common.xGetAngleFlip(text.Rot, out mirror),
                    false, false);

                switch (Common.GetAngle(text.Rot))
                case 0: break;

                case 90:
                    if (mirror)
                        k_text.Pos.X += (int)(k_text.TextSize * 1.5f);
                        k_text.Pos.Y -= (int)( * k_text.TextSize * 1.5f);

                case 180:
                    k_text.Pos.Y += (int)(k_text.TextSize * 1.5f);

                case 270:
                    if (mirror)
                        //k_text.Pos.X += (int)(k_text.TextSize * 1.5f);
                        k_text.Pos.Y += (int)( * k_text.TextSize * 1.7f);
                        k_text.Pos.X += (int)(k_text.TextSize * 1.5f);


            // lines
            foreach (Wire wire in source_sheet.Plain.Wire)
                k.Schema.sch_wire k_line = sch_wire.CreateLine(StrToPointInchFlip(wire.X1, wire.Y1),
                                                               StrToPointInchFlip(wire.X2, wire.Y2));


            #region === (Instance) components ====
            foreach (Instance instance in source_sheet.Instances.Instance)
                // find part ->
                Part part = FindPart(instance.Part);

                if (part == null)
                    Trace("error: Part not found: " + instance.Part);

                if (part.Library == "frames")

                k.Symbol.Symbol k_symbol = FindSymbol(part.Deviceset);

                LegacyComponent k_comp = new LegacyComponent();

                k_comp.Timestamp = GetUniqueTimeStamp();

                // need to flip Y coord
                k_comp.Position = StrToPointInchFlip(instance.X, instance.Y);
                k_comp.Symbol   = new PartSpecifier(part.Deviceset + part.Device);

                // set Reference field
                if (!k_symbol.PowerSymbol)
                    k_comp.Reference = PartMap.GetNewName(instance.Part);
                    if (instance.Part != k_comp.Reference)
                        Trace(String.Format("note: {0} is renamed {1}", instance.Part, k_comp.Reference));
                    k_comp.Reference         = k_symbol.Reference;
                    k_comp.fReference.Hidden = !k_symbol.fReference.Text.Visible;
                    k_comp.fReference.Size   = (int)k_symbol.fReference.Text.FontSize;

                // set a default pos/
                k_comp.fReference.Pos          = new PointF(k_comp.Position.X + k_symbol.fReference.Text.Pos.At.X, k_comp.Position.Y + k_symbol.fReference.Text.Pos.At.Y);
                k_comp.fReference.HorizJustify = "L";
                k_comp.fReference.VertJustify  = "B";

                // Set Value field
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part.Value))
                    k_comp.Value = part.Value;
                    k_comp.Value = k_symbol.fValue.Text.Value;

                k_comp.fValue.Pos          = new PointF(k_comp.Position.X + k_symbol.fValue.Text.Pos.At.X, k_comp.Position.Y + k_symbol.fValue.Text.Pos.At.Y);
                k_comp.fValue.HorizJustify = "L";
                k_comp.fValue.VertJustify  = "B";

                // Set Footprint field
                Device device = libraryConverter.AllDevices.Find(x => x.Name == part.Deviceset + part.Device);
                if (device != null)
                    k_comp.Footprint = part.Library + ":" + device.Package;
                k_comp.fPcbFootprint.Pos    = new PointF(k_comp.Position.X, k_comp.Position.Y);
                k_comp.fPcbFootprint.Hidden = true;

                // User doc field (not used)
                k_comp.fUserDocLink.Pos = new PointF(k_comp.Position.X, k_comp.Position.Y);

                if (k_symbol.NumUnits > 1)
                    int unit = GetUnitNumber(part, instance.Gate);
                    k_comp.N = unit;

                // ---------------------------------
                // Set position, orientation
                ExtRotation instanceRot     = ExtRotation.Parse(instance.Rot);
                bool        instance_mirror = instanceRot.Mirror;
                int         instance_angle  = (int)instanceRot.Rotation;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance.Rot))
                    if (instance_mirror)
                        k_comp.Rotation = (instance_angle + 180) % 360;
                        k_comp.Rotation = instance_angle;
                    k_comp.Mirror = instance_mirror;

                foreach (EagleImport.Attribute attrib in instance.Attribute)
                    ExtRotation attrRot     = ExtRotation.Parse(attrib.Rot);
                    bool        attr_mirror = attrRot.Mirror;
                    int         attr_angle  = (int)attrRot.Rotation;

                    //int angle = GetAngle(attrib.Rot);
                    //angle %= 360;
                    //string orientation = (angle == 0) || (angle == 180) ? "H" : "V";

                    k.Symbol.SymbolField sym_field = null;
                    LegacyField          field     = null;
                    switch (attrib.Name)
                    case "NAME":
                        sym_field = k_symbol.fReference;
                        field     = k_comp.fReference;
                        //field.Pos = new PointF(k_comp.Position.X + k_symbol.fReference.Text.Pos.X, k_comp.Position.Y + k_symbol.fReference.Text.Pos.Y);

                    case "VALUE":
                        sym_field = k_symbol.fValue;
                        field     = k_comp.fValue;
                        //field.Pos = new PointF(k_comp.Position.X + k_symbol.fValue.Text.Pos.X, k_comp.Position.Y + k_symbol.fValue.Text.Pos.Y);

                        // voltage, current

                    if (field != null)
                        field.Size = (int)Common.StrToInch(attrib.Size);

                        SetFieldAttributes(field, StrToPointInchFlip(attrib.X, attrib.Y),
                                           //sym_field.Text.xAngle, sym_field.Text.xMirror, k_comp.Position, attr_angle, attr_mirror);
                                           instance_angle, k_comp.Mirror, k_comp.Position, attr_angle, attr_mirror);

                        //PointF p = Common.StrToPointInchFlip (attrib.X, attrib.Y);

                        //field.Pos = Common.StrToPointInchFlip(attrib.X, attrib.Y);

                        // field pos rotated about comp pos
                        PointF            p = PointFExt.Rotate(field.Pos, k_comp.Position, k_comp.Rotation);
                        k.Schema.sch_wire k_line;

                        //// field pos  +
                        ////PointF p = field.Pos;
                        //k_line = sch_wire.CreateLine(new PointF(p.X - 25, p.Y), new PointF(p.X + 25, p.Y));
                        //k_line = sch_wire.CreateLine(new PointF(p.X, p.Y - 25), new PointF(p.X, p.Y + 25));

                        // actual coord of attribute  |__
                        //p = Common.StrToPointInchFlip(attrib.X, attrib.Y);
                        //k_line = sch_wire.CreateLine(new PointF(p.X-50, p.Y), new PointF(p.X + 50, p.Y));
                        //k_line = sch_wire.CreateLine(new PointF(p.X, p.Y-50), new PointF(p.X, p.Y + 50));



            #region ==== Busses ====
            foreach (Bus bus in source_sheet.Busses.Bus)
                foreach (Segment segment in bus.Segment)
                    foreach (Wire wire in segment.Wire)
                        k.Schema.sch_wire k_bus = sch_wire.CreateBus(StrToPointInchFlip(wire.X1, wire.Y1),
                                                                     StrToPointInchFlip(wire.X2, wire.Y2));


                        BusLines.Add(new LineSegment(Vector2Ext.ToVector2(k_bus.start), Vector2Ext.ToVector2(k_bus.end)));

            #region ==== (Net) look for wires, junctions, labels ====
            foreach (Net net in source_sheet.Nets.Net)
                foreach (Segment segment in net.Segment)
                    List <Vector2>     snap_points = new List <Vector2>();
                    List <LineSegment> snap_lines  = new List <LineSegment>();

                    foreach (Wire wire in segment.Wire)
                        PointF start = StrToPointInchFlip(wire.X1, wire.Y1);
                        PointF end   = StrToPointInchFlip(wire.X2, wire.Y2);

                        Vector2 p1 = Vector2Ext.ToVector2(start);
                        Vector2 p2 = Vector2Ext.ToVector2(end);

                        bool is_bus_entry = false;

                        foreach (LineSegment line in BusLines)
                            if (line.Contains(p1) || line.Contains(p2))
                                is_bus_entry = true;

                        if (is_bus_entry)
                            sch_wire k_wire = sch_wire.CreateWireToBusEntry(start, end);
                            sch_wire k_wire = sch_wire.CreateWire(start, end);
                            snap_lines.Add(new LineSegment(Vector2Ext.ToVector2(k_wire.start), Vector2Ext.ToVector2(k_wire.end)));

                    foreach (Junction junction in segment.Junction)
                        sch_Junction k_junction = new sch_Junction(StrToPointInchFlip(junction.X, junction.Y));


                    //todo: add gate positions to snap_points

                    foreach (Pinref pinref in segment.Pinref)
                        Part            part     = FindPart(pinref.Part);
                        k.Symbol.Symbol k_symbol = FindSymbol(part.Deviceset);

                        // get comp ...

                        PinConnection connect = connections.Find(x => x.Part == part && x.GateId == pinref.Gate && x.PinName == pinref.Pin);
                        if (connect == null)
                            connect = new PinConnection(net.Name, part, pinref.Gate, pinref.Pin);

                    foreach (Label label in segment.Label)
                        ExtRotation rot = ExtRotation.Parse(label.Rot);

                        int angle = (int)rot.Rotation;
                        if (rot.Mirror)
                            if ((angle % 180) == 0)
                                angle = 180 - angle;
                        //angle %= 360;
                        sch_text k_text = sch_text.CreateLocalLabel(net.Name,
                                                                    StrToPointInchFlip(label.X, label.Y),

                        // find nearest point
                        //k_text.Pos = FindSnapPoint(snap_points, k_text.Pos);
                        k_text.Pos = FindNearestPoint(snap_points, snap_lines, Vector2Ext.ToVector2(StrToPointInchFlip(label.X, label.Y)));


                        AllLabels.Add(new PinConnection(k_text, k_sheet));

            #region add no-connects
            if (option_add_no_connects)
                foreach (Instance instance in source_sheet.Instances.Instance)
                    // find part ->
                    Part part = FindPart(instance.Part);
                    if (part == null)
                        //Trace("Part not found: " + instance.Part);

                    if (part.Library == "frames")

                    k.Symbol.Symbol k_symbol = FindSymbol(part.Deviceset);

                    List <PinConnection> pins = connections.FindAll(x => x.Part.Name == instance.Part && x.GateId == instance.Gate);
                    foreach (PinConnection p in pins)
                        //    Trace(string.Format("Part {0,-10} Gate {1,-10} Pin {2,-10} Net {3,-10}", p.Part.Name, p.GateId, p.PinName, p.NetLabel));

                    List <PinConnection> NoConnects = new List <PinConnection>();

                    Symbol symbol = FindSymbol(part, instance.Gate);

                    foreach (Pin pin in symbol.Pin)
                        PinConnection conn = connections.Find(x => x.Part == part && x.GateId == instance.Gate && x.PinName == pin.Name);
                        if (conn == null)
                            //Trace(string.Format("Part {0,-10} Gate {1,-10} Pin {2,-10}", part.Name, instance.Gate, pin.Name));
                            NoConnects.Add(new PinConnection(null, part, instance.Gate, pin.Name));

                            // todo: add no-connects
                            PointF instance_pos = StrToPointInchFlip(instance.X, instance.Y);
                            PointF pin_pos      = Common.StrToPointInch(pin.X, pin.Y);

                            ExtRotation rot = ExtRotation.Parse(instance.Rot);

                            pin_pos = PointFExt.Rotate(pin_pos, (int)rot.Rotation);
                            if (rot.Mirror)
                                pin_pos = new PointF(-pin_pos.X, pin_pos.Y);

                            PointF pos = new PointF(instance_pos.X + pin_pos.X, instance_pos.Y - pin_pos.Y);

                            sch_NoConnect k_noconn = new sch_NoConnect(pos);
