public void SetParameterValue(string p, SharpDX.Vector3 value)
     if (HasParameter(p))
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Set a three-component vector that contains floating-point data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">A reference to the first component. </param>
 /// <returns>Returns one of the following {{Direct3D 10 Return Codes}}. </returns>
 /// <unmanaged>HRESULT ID3D11EffectVectorVariable::SetFloatVector([In] float* pData)</unmanaged>
 public void Set(SharpDX.Vector3 value)
         SetRawValue(new IntPtr(&value), 0, Utilities.SizeOf <SharpDX.Vector3>());
 public static Vector3 DXToUnityVector3(SharpDX.Vector3 dx, Vector3 v)
     v.x = dx.X;
     v.y = dx.Y;
     v.z = dx.Z;
Exemple #4
 protected override void OnScaleChanged(Vector3 scale)
     if (m_physicsMesh != null)
Exemple #5
 protected override void OnPositionChanged(Vector3 position)
     if (m_physicsMesh != null)
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts in-world coordinates to screen coordinates (upper left corner origin).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldPos">Coordinates in the world.</param>
        /// <param name="screenPos">Converted coordinates.</param>
        /// <returns>True if worldPos corresponds to a position in front of the camera.</returns>
        public bool WorldToScreen(SharpDX.Vector3 worldPos, out SharpDX.Vector2 screenPos)
            // Get base object with matrices
            var matrixSingleton = this.getMatrixSingleton();

            // Read current ViewProjectionMatrix plus game window size
            var   viewProjectionMatrix = default(SharpDX.Matrix);
            float width, height;
            var   windowPos = ImGuiHelpers.MainViewport.Pos;

                var rawMatrix = (float *)(matrixSingleton + 0x1b4).ToPointer();

                for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++, rawMatrix++)
                    viewProjectionMatrix[i] = *rawMatrix;

                width  = *rawMatrix;
                height = *(rawMatrix + 1);

            SharpDX.Vector3.Transform(ref worldPos, ref viewProjectionMatrix, out SharpDX.Vector3 pCoords);

            screenPos = new SharpDX.Vector2(pCoords.X / pCoords.Z, pCoords.Y / pCoords.Z);

            screenPos.X = (0.5f * width * (screenPos.X + 1f)) + windowPos.X;
            screenPos.Y = (0.5f * height * (1f - screenPos.Y)) + windowPos.Y;

            return(pCoords.Z > 0 &&
                   screenPos.X > windowPos.X && screenPos.X < windowPos.X + width &&
                   screenPos.Y > windowPos.Y && screenPos.Y < windowPos.Y + height);
 public static SharpDX.Vector3[] Vector3EUCtoSDX(MathObjects.Vector3[] vec)
     SharpDX.Vector3[] vecs = new SharpDX.Vector3[vec.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < vecs.Length; i++)
         vecs[i] = Vector3EUCtoSDX(vec[i]);
     return vecs;
        // Project takes some 3D coordinates and transform them
        // in 2D coordinates using the transformation matrix
        private ScreenPoint Project(ref DeviceComponent deviceComponent, SharpDX.Vector3 coord, Matrix transMat)
            // transforming the coordinates
            var point = SharpDX.Vector3.TransformCoordinate(coord, transMat);

            var z = point.Z;

            if (_farZ > z)
                _farZ = z;

            if (_nearZ < z)
                _nearZ = z;

            // The transformed coordinates will be based on coordinate system
            // starting on the center of the screen. But drawing on screen normally starts
            // from top left. We then need to transform them again to have x:0, y:0 on top left.
            var x = point.X * deviceComponent.BmpWidth + deviceComponent.BmpWidth / 2f;
            var y = -point.Y * deviceComponent.BmpHeight + deviceComponent.BmpHeight / 2f;

            return(new ScreenPoint(new Vector2Int((int)x, (int)y), z));
Exemple #9
        private async void StartSimpleRun()
            //var acd = ActorCommonDataHelper.EnumerateMonsters().Where(x => x.x004_Name.StartsWith("Templar"));
            //var localAcd = acd.Last();

            while (IsBotRunning)
                var target = Targeting.GetTarget();
                if (target != null)
                    Vector3 currentCharGameLoc = new Vector3()
                        X = target.x0D0_WorldPosX, Y = target.x0D4_WorldPosY, Z = target.x0D8_WorldPosZ
                    var moveToResult = await Core.Util.MoveTo.MoveToPosWithNavMeshAsync(currentCharGameLoc);

            //foreach (var acd in ActorCommonDataHelper.EnumerateMonsters().Where(x => x.x0D0_WorldPosX > 0 && x.x188_Hitpoints > 00001 && x.x190_TeamId == 10))

            //    Vector3 currentCharGameLoc = new Vector3() { X = acd.x0D0_WorldPosX, Y = acd.x0D4_WorldPosY, Z = acd.x0D8_WorldPosZ };

            //    var moveToResult = await Core.Util.MoveTo.MoveToPosWithNavMeshAsync(currentCharGameLoc);

            //   // await Core.Util.Attack.AttackAcdAsync(acd);

            //    if (!IsBotRunning)
            //        return;

Exemple #10
        public bool IsVisible(Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
            Vector3 vDirection = end - start;
            Vector3 vPoint     = start;

            int iStepCount = (int)vDirection.Length();

            vDirection /= iStepCount;

            Leaf pLeaf = new Leaf()
                area = -1

            while (iStepCount > 0)
                vPoint += vDirection;

                pLeaf = GetLeafForPoint(vPoint);

                if (pLeaf.area != -1)
                    if (
                        (pLeaf.contents & ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_SOLID) == ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_SOLID ||
                        (pLeaf.contents & ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_DETAIL) == ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_DETAIL)

            return((pLeaf.contents & ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_SOLID) != ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_SOLID);
Exemple #11
        private void CreateMachinespace()
            var machinespace = new LineBuilder();

            Vector3 p0machine = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 p1machine = new Vector3(0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxXDistance, 0, 0);
            Vector3 p2machine = new Vector3(0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxXDistance, 0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxYDistance, 0);
            Vector3 p3machine = new Vector3(0, 0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxYDistance, 0);
            Vector3 p4machine = new Vector3(0, 0, 0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxZDistance);
            Vector3 p5machine = new Vector3(0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxXDistance, 0, 0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxZDistance);
            Vector3 p6machine = new Vector3(0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxXDistance, 0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxYDistance, 0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxZDistance);
            Vector3 p7machine = new Vector3(0, 0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxYDistance, 0 - (float)App.Grbl.MaxZDistance);

            // machinespacelines.AddBox(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), App.Grbl.MaxXDistance, App.Grbl.MaxYDistance, App.Grbl.MaxZDistance);

            machinespace.AddLine(p0machine, p1machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p0machine, p1machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p1machine, p2machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p2machine, p3machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p3machine, p0machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p4machine, p5machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p5machine, p6machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p6machine, p7machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p7machine, p4machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p0machine, p4machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p1machine, p5machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p2machine, p6machine);
            machinespace.AddLine(p3machine, p7machine);

            MachineSpace = machinespace.ToLineGeometry3D();
Exemple #12
        void Start()
            _childCount   = transform.childCount;
            _children     = new List <Transform>(_childCount);
            _values       = new SharpDX.Vector3[_childCount];
            _default      = new SharpDX.Vector3[_childCount];
            _initialScale = new Vector3[_childCount];
            _unityValues  = new Vector3[_childCount];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (Transform child in transform)

                _initialScale[i] = child.localScale;
                _unityValues[i]  = _initialScale[i];
                _values[i]       = new SharpDX.Vector3(_initialScale[i].x,
                _default[i] = _values[i];

Exemple #13
        public static async Task AttackAcdAsync(ActorCommonData acd)
            var minHitsReached = acd.x188_Hitpoints;
            var dtHitReached   = DateTime.Now;

            DateTime dtTimeout = DateTime.Now;

            while (acd.x188_Hitpoints > 00000.1)
                if (DateTime.Now > dtTimeout.AddSeconds(30) || DateTime.Now > dtHitReached.AddSeconds(5))

                var acdVector3 = new SharpDX.Vector3()
                    X = acd.x0D0_WorldPosX, Y = acd.x0D4_WorldPosY, Z = acd.x0D8_WorldPosZ
                await MoveTo.MoveToPosAsync(acdVector3);

                var screenPos = D3ToScreen.FromD3toScreenCoords(acdVector3);

                MouseEvents.LeftClick(screenPos.X, screenPos.Y);
                await Task.Delay(new Random().Next(100, 250));

                if (acd.x188_Hitpoints < minHitsReached)
                    minHitsReached = acd.x188_Hitpoints;
                    dtHitReached   = DateTime.Now;
Exemple #14
 public unsafe Vector2 WorldToScreen(Vector3 vec3, EntityWrapper entityWrapper)
     Entity localPlayer = Game.IngameState.Data.LocalPlayer;
     var isplayer = localPlayer.Address == entityWrapper.Address && localPlayer.IsValid;
     var playerMoving = isplayer && localPlayer.GetComponent<Actor>().isMoving;
     float x, y;
     int addr = base.Address + 0xbc;
     fixed (byte* numRef = base.M.ReadBytes(addr, 0x40))
         Matrix4x4 matrix = *(Matrix4x4*)numRef;
         Vector4 cord = *(Vector4*)&vec3;
         cord.W = 1;
         cord = Vector4.Transform(cord, matrix);
         cord = Vector4.Divide(cord, cord.W);
         x = ((cord.X + 1.0f) * 0.5f) * Width;
         y = ((1.0f - cord.Y) * 0.5f) * Height;
     var resultCord = new Vector2(x, y);
     if (playerMoving)
         if (Math.Abs(oldplayerCord.X - resultCord.X) < 40 || (Math.Abs(oldplayerCord.X - resultCord.Y) < 40))
             resultCord = oldplayerCord;
             oldplayerCord = resultCord;
     else if (isplayer)
         oldplayerCord = resultCord;
     return resultCord;
Exemple #15
 private void MainForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
     if (tabControl1.SelectedTab == tabPage3 && pic3.Focused)
         SharpDX.Vector3 camPosRel = new SharpDX.Vector3((float)Math.Sin(engineLevelExplorer.CamRot) * engineLevelExplorer.CamDis, engineLevelExplorer.CamHeight, (float)Math.Cos(engineLevelExplorer.CamRot) * engineLevelExplorer.CamDis);
         SharpDX.Vector3 camPosAbs = engineLevelExplorer.CamPos + camPosRel;
         SharpDX.Vector3 dir       = -camPosRel;
         SharpDX.Vector3 side      = SharpDX.Vector3.Cross(dir, SharpDX.Vector3.UnitY);
         if (e.KeyCode == Keys.W)
             engineLevelExplorer.CamPos += dir;
         if (e.KeyCode == Keys.S)
             engineLevelExplorer.CamPos -= dir;
         if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A)
             engineLevelExplorer.CamPos += side;
         if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D)
             engineLevelExplorer.CamPos -= side;
Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// The change camera width.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="delta">
        /// The delta.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="zoomAround">
        /// The zoom around.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="isTouch"></param>
        public void ZoomByChangingCameraWidth(double delta, Point3D zoomAround, bool isTouch = false)
            if (!isTouch)
                if (delta < -0.5)
                    delta = -0.5;

            switch (this.CameraMode)
            case CameraMode.WalkAround:
            case CameraMode.Inspect:
            case CameraMode.FixedPosition:
                if (ChangeCameraDistance(ref delta, zoomAround))
                    // Modify the camera width
                    if (this.Camera is OrthographicCamera ocamera)
                        ocamera.Width *= Math.Pow(2.5, delta);
        void Start()
            _values          = new SharpDX.Vector3[_children.Count];
            _default         = new SharpDX.Vector3[_children.Count];
            _unityValues     = new Vector3[_children.Count];
            _initialPosition = new Vector3[_children.Count];
            _children        = new List <Transform>(_children.Count);
            int i = 0;

            foreach (Transform child in transform)

                if (_coordinateSpace == Space.World)
                    _initialPosition[i] = child.position;
                else if (_coordinateSpace == Space.Self)
                    _initialPosition[i] = child.localPosition;

                _values[i] = new SharpDX.Vector3(_initialPosition[i].x,
                _default[i]     = _values[i];
                _unityValues[i] = _initialPosition[i];

Exemple #18
        public Leaf GetLeafForPoint(Vector3 point)
            int node = 0;

            Node  pNode;
            Plane pPlane;

            float d = 0.0f;

            while (node >= 0)
                pNode  = nodes[node];
                pPlane = planes[pNode.planenum];

                d = Vector3.Dot(point, pPlane.normal) - pPlane.distance;

                if (d > 0)
                    node = pNode.children[0];
                    node = pNode.children[1];

                (-node - 1) >= 0 && -node - 1 < leafs.Length ?
                leafs[-node - 1] :
                new Leaf()
                area = -1, contents = ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_EMPTY
Exemple #19
        public MainViewModel()
            EffectsManager = new EffectsManager();

            var builder = new MeshBuilder();

            builder.AddSphere(new Vector3(), 2);
            builder.AddTorus(5, 1);
            MeshModel = builder.ToMesh();

            var lineBuilder = new LineBuilder();

            lineBuilder.AddGrid(BoxFaces.All, 10, 10, 10, 10);
            LineModel = lineBuilder.ToLineGeometry3D();

            var offset = new Vector3(-4, 0, 0);

            PointModel = new PointGeometry3D()
                Positions = new Vector3Collection(MeshModel.Positions.Select(x => x + offset))

            ExportCommand         = new RelayCommand((o) => { Export(); });
            ImportCommand         = new RelayCommand((o) => { Import(); });
            ExportSingleTechnique = new RelayCommand((o) => { Export(SelectedTechnique); });
Exemple #20
        public static async Task AttackAcdAsync(ActorCommonData acd)

            var minHitsReached = acd.x188_Hitpoints;
            var dtHitReached = DateTime.Now;

            DateTime dtTimeout = DateTime.Now;
            while (acd.x188_Hitpoints > 00000.1)
                if (DateTime.Now > dtTimeout.AddSeconds(30) || DateTime.Now > dtHitReached.AddSeconds(5))

                var acdVector3 = new SharpDX.Vector3() { X = acd.x0D0_WorldPosX, Y = acd.x0D4_WorldPosY, Z = acd.x0D8_WorldPosZ };
                await MoveTo.MoveToPosAsync(acdVector3);

                var screenPos = D3ToScreen.FromD3toScreenCoords(acdVector3);

                MouseEvents.LeftClick(screenPos.X, screenPos.Y);
                await Task.Delay(new Random().Next(100, 250));

                if (acd.x188_Hitpoints < minHitsReached)
                    minHitsReached = acd.x188_Hitpoints;
                    dtHitReached = DateTime.Now;
Exemple #21
        public SkyLabel(RenderContext11 renderContext, Vector3d point, string text, LabelSytle style)
            Text  = text;
            Style = style;

            if (texture == null)
                texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0);

            pos = point;

            center = new Vector3(9, 9, 0);

            textBatch = new Text3dBatch(80);

            if (style == LabelSytle.Telrad)
                // Telrad-style labels are always screen-aligned
                Text3d t3 = new Text3d(new Vector3d(0, 0, 0.1), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), text, 20, .01);
                t3.alignment = Text3d.Alignment.Left;
                // This will produce sky or orbit aligned text
                textBatch.Add(new Text3d(pos, new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), text, 20, .01));
        private void ComputeDisplayParametersForThumbnail()
            if (currentConstellation == "Error")
            IPlace  target    = Constellations.ConstellationCentroids[currentConstellation];
            Lineset boundries = Constellations.boundries[currentConstellation];

            Vector3[] points    = new Vector3[boundries.Points.Count];
            Vector3[] pointsOut = new Vector3[boundries.Points.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                points[i] = Coordinates.GeoTo3d(boundries.Points[i].Dec, boundries.Points[i].RA);

            Matrix mat = Matrix.RotationY((float)(-(24 - (target.RA + 6)) / 12 * Math.PI));

            mat = Matrix.Multiply(mat, Matrix.RotationX((float)(target.Lat / 180f * Math.PI)));
            mat = Matrix.Multiply(mat, Matrix.Scaling(50, -50, 50));
            mat = Matrix.Multiply(mat, Matrix.Translation(48, 22, 0));
            // mat.Translate(58, 33,0);

            Vector3.TransformCoordinate(points, ref mat, pointsOut);

            lines = new PointF[points.Length + 1];

            int index = 0;

            foreach (Vector3 point in pointsOut)
                lines[index++] = new PointF((float)point.X, (float)point.Y);
            lines[index] = lines[0];
Exemple #23
        internal void ItemClick(Vector3 searchPoint, float distance)
            if (LabelItemClicked == null)

            if (lastHoverIndex > -1)

            searchPoint = -searchPoint;
            Vector3 dist;

            int closestItem = -1;
            int index       = 0;

            foreach (Vector3 point in positions)
                dist = searchPoint - point;
                if (dist.Length() < distance)
                    distance    = dist.Length();
                    closestItem = index;
            if (closestItem == -1)

Exemple #24
        private float Radius(Vector3 centerpoint, Vector3 point)
            double dx = point.X - centerpoint.X;
            double dy = point.Y - centerpoint.Y;

            return((float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dx, 2.0) + Math.Pow(dy, 2.0)));
Exemple #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the camera position by the specified vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="delta">The translation vector in camera space (z in look direction, y in up direction, and x perpendicular to the two others)</param>
        /// <param name="stopOther">Stop other manipulation</param>
        public void MoveCameraPosition(Vector3D delta, bool stopOther = true)
            if (stopOther)
            var z = this.Camera.CameraInternal.LookDirection;

            var x = Vector3D.Cross(this.Camera.CameraInternal.LookDirection, this.Camera.CameraInternal.UpDirection);
            var y = Vector3D.Cross(x, z);

            x = Vector3D.Cross(z, y);

            // delta *= this.ZoomSensitivity;
            switch (this.CameraMode)
            case CameraMode.Inspect:
            case CameraMode.WalkAround:
                this.Camera.Position += (x * delta.X) + (y * delta.Y) + (z * delta.Z);
Exemple #26
        public static double getDistanceBetween(SharpDX.Vector3 vec1, SharpDX.Vector3 vec2)
            float xdiff = vec1.X - vec2.X;
            float ydiff = vec1.Y - vec1.Y;

            return(Math.Sqrt((xdiff * xdiff) + (ydiff * ydiff)));
Exemple #27
        public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            if ((values != null) && (values.Count() == 2) && (values[0] is MDB.Point p1) && (values[1] is MDB.Point p2))
                var builder = new LineBuilder();
                var v1      = new SharpDX.Vector3((float)p1.X, (float)p1.Y, (float)p1.Z);
                var v2      = new SharpDX.Vector3((float)p2.X, (float)p2.Y, (float)p2.Z);
                var d       = v2 - v1;
                var n       = d.Normalized();
                var len     = d.Length();

                if ((parameter != null) && (len <= 10.0))
                    v2 += n * 6.0f;
                    v1 -= n * 6.0f;

                builder.AddLine(v1, v2);

Exemple #28
 public void SetNormal(SharpDX.Vector3 normal)
     Normal.X = normal.X;
     Normal.Y = normal.Y;
     Normal.Z = normal.Z;
     Normal.W = 0.0f;
Exemple #29
        private void CreateWorkspace()
            var workspace = new LineBuilder();

            Vector3 p0work = new Vector3((float)(X0 + App.Grbl.Gcode.MinX), (float)(Y0 + App.Grbl.Gcode.MinY), (float)(Z0 + App.Grbl.Gcode.MinZ));
            Vector3 p1work = new Vector3((float)(p0work.X + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaX), p0work.Y, p0work.Z);
            Vector3 p2work = new Vector3((float)(p0work.X + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaX), (float)(p0work.Y + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaY), p0work.Z);
            Vector3 p3work = new Vector3(p0work.X, (float)(p0work.Y + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaY), p0work.Z);
            Vector3 p4work = new Vector3(p0work.X, p0work.Y, (float)(p0work.Z + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaZ));
            Vector3 p5work = new Vector3((float)(p0work.X + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaX), p0work.Y, (float)(p0work.Z + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaZ));
            Vector3 p6work = new Vector3((float)(p0work.X + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaX), (float)(p0work.Y + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaY), (float)(p0work.Z + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaZ));
            Vector3 p7work = new Vector3(p0work.X, (float)(p0work.Y + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaY), (float)(p0work.Z + App.Grbl.Gcode.DeltaZ));

            workspace.AddLine(p0work, p1work);
            workspace.AddLine(p0work, p1work);
            workspace.AddLine(p1work, p2work);
            workspace.AddLine(p2work, p3work);
            workspace.AddLine(p3work, p0work);
            workspace.AddLine(p4work, p5work);
            workspace.AddLine(p5work, p6work);
            workspace.AddLine(p6work, p7work);
            workspace.AddLine(p7work, p4work);
            workspace.AddLine(p0work, p4work);
            workspace.AddLine(p1work, p5work);
            workspace.AddLine(p2work, p6work);
            workspace.AddLine(p3work, p7work);

            WorkSpace = workspace.ToLineGeometry3D();
Exemple #30
        public static MeshGeometryModel3D MakeMeshGeometryModel3D(List <Point3D> allPoints, HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Material mat)
            var allIndices = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allPoints.Count; i++)
            var g3d = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.MeshGeometry3D();

            g3d.Positions       = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Core.Vector3Collection();
            g3d.TriangleIndices = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Core.IntCollection();
            g3d.Normals         = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Core.Vector3Collection();
            g3d.Indices         = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Core.IntCollection();
            for (int i = 0; i < allPoints.Count; i++)
                var             p3 = allPoints[i];
                SharpDX.Vector3 v3 = P2V(p3);
                g3d.Normals.Add(new SharpDX.Vector3(0, 1, 0));
            for (int i = 0; i < allIndices.Count; i++)
            var ret = new MeshGeometryModel3D();

            ret.Material = mat;
            ret.Geometry = g3d;

            //ret. = new System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock() { Text = caption };

Exemple #31
        public unsafe Vector2 WorldToScreen(Vector3 vec3, EntityWrapper entityWrapper)
            Entity localPlayer = Game.IngameState.Data.LocalPlayer;
            var    isplayer    = localPlayer.Address == entityWrapper.Address && localPlayer.IsValid;
            bool   isMoving    = false;

            isMoving = GameController.Instance.Cache.Enable ? GameController.Instance.Cache.Player.Actor.isMoving : localPlayer.GetComponent <Actor>().isMoving;
            var playerMoving = isplayer && isMoving;
            var resultCord   = WorldToScreen(vec3);

            if (playerMoving)
                if (Math.Abs(oldplayerCord.X - resultCord.X) < 40 || (Math.Abs(oldplayerCord.X - resultCord.Y) < 40))
                    resultCord = oldplayerCord;
                    oldplayerCord = resultCord;
            else if (isplayer)
                oldplayerCord = resultCord;
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes the camera distance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="delta">The delta.</param>
        /// <param name="zoomAround">The zoom around point.</param>
        private bool ChangeCameraDistance(ref double delta, Point3D zoomAround)
            // Handle the 'zoomAround' point
            var target           = this.Camera.CameraInternal.Position + this.Camera.CameraInternal.LookDirection;
            var relativeTarget   = zoomAround - target;
            var relativePosition = zoomAround - this.Camera.CameraInternal.Position;

            if (relativePosition.Length() < 1e-4)
                if (delta > 0) //If Zoom out from very close distance, increase the initial relativePosition
                    relativePosition /= 10;
                else//If Zoom in too close, stop it.
            var f = Math.Pow(2.5, delta);
            var newRelativePosition = relativePosition * (float)f;
            var newRelativeTarget   = relativeTarget * (float)f;

            var newTarget   = zoomAround - newRelativeTarget;
            var newPosition = zoomAround - newRelativePosition;

            var newDistance = (newPosition - zoomAround).Length();
            var oldDistance = (this.Camera.CameraInternal.Position - zoomAround).Length();

            if (newDistance > this.Controller.ZoomDistanceLimitFar && (oldDistance < this.Controller.ZoomDistanceLimitFar || newDistance > oldDistance))
                var ratio = (newDistance - this.Controller.ZoomDistanceLimitFar) / newDistance;
                f *= 1 - ratio;
                newRelativePosition = relativePosition * (float)f;
                newRelativeTarget   = relativeTarget * (float)f;

                newTarget   = zoomAround - newRelativeTarget;
                newPosition = zoomAround - newRelativePosition;
                delta       = Math.Log(f) / Math.Log(2.5);

            if (newDistance < this.Controller.ZoomDistanceLimitNear && (oldDistance > this.Controller.ZoomDistanceLimitNear || newDistance < oldDistance))
                var ratio = (this.Controller.ZoomDistanceLimitNear - newDistance) / newDistance;
                f *= (1 + ratio);
                newRelativePosition = relativePosition * (float)f;
                newRelativeTarget   = relativeTarget * (float)f;

                newTarget   = zoomAround - newRelativeTarget;
                newPosition = zoomAround - newRelativePosition;
                delta       = Math.Log(f) / Math.Log(2.5);

            var newLookDirection = newTarget - newPosition;

            this.Camera.LookDirection = newLookDirection;
            this.Camera.Position      = newPosition;
 public TimeSeriesLineVertex(Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, float time, uint color)
     Position = position;
     Normal = normal;
     Tu = time;
     Tv = 0;
     this.color = color;
 public Player(int index, int health, int team, Vector3 position, Vector3 viewAngles)
     Index          = index;
     iHealth        = health;
     iTeam          = team;
     vec3Position   = position;
     vec3ViewAngles = viewAngles;
        public KmlLabels()
            texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0);
            star = Texture11.FromBitmap(Properties.Resources.icon_rating_star_large_on, 0);

            center = new Vector3(10, 10, 0);
            positions = new List<Vector3>();
            names = new List<string>();
Exemple #36
        public static PositionVertexBuffer11 CreateEllipseVertexBufferWithoutStartPoint(int vertexCount)
            PositionVertexBuffer11 vb = new PositionVertexBuffer11(vertexCount, RenderContext11.PrepDevice);
            SharpDX.Vector3[] verts = (SharpDX.Vector3[])vb.Lock(0, 0);

            // Setting a non-zero value will prevent the ellipse shader from using the 'head' point
            verts[0] = new SharpDX.Vector3(1.0e-6f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            for (int i = 1; i < vertexCount; ++i)
                verts[i] = new SharpDX.Vector3(2.0f * (float)i / (float)vertexCount, 0.0f, 0.0f);


            return vb;
        private void Build3DImage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if(_3dwindow == null)
                _3dwindow = new Image3DWindow();
                _3dwindow = new Image3DWindow();


            ColorImage image = null;
            if(_imageControl.ImageSource != null)
                image = new ColorImage();

            foreach(var point in Points3D)
                SharpDX.Vector3 pos = new SharpDX.Vector3((float)point.Real.X, (float)point.Real.Y, (float)point.Real.Z);
                SharpDX.Color4 color = new SharpDX.Color4(1.0f);
                if(image != null)
                    if(!(point.Cam1Img.X < 0.0 ||
                        point.Cam1Img.X > image.ColumnCount ||
                        point.Cam1Img.Y < 0.0 ||
                        point.Cam1Img.Y > image.RowCount))
                        color = new SharpDX.Color4(
                            (float)image[(int)point.Cam1Img.Y, (int)point.Cam1Img.X, RGBChannel.Red],
                            (float)image[(int)point.Cam1Img.Y, (int)point.Cam1Img.X, RGBChannel.Green],
                            (float)image[(int)point.Cam1Img.Y, (int)point.Cam1Img.X, RGBChannel.Blue],

                _3dwindow.AddPointCube(pos, color);
        public FixtureRendererConfiguration2(string name)
            Name = name;
            Renderer = FixtureRenderererType.Shaded;
            Color = new ImageMagick.MagickColor("#FFF");
            Transparency = 0;

            HasLight = true;
            LightMin = 0.6;
            LightMax = 1.0;
            LightVector = new SharpDX.Vector3(1f, 1f, -1f);

            HasShadow = true;
            ShadowColor = new ImageMagick.MagickColor("#000");
            ShadowOffsetX = 0;
            ShadowOffsetY = 0;
            ShadowSize = 1.0;
            ShadowTransparency = 75;
Exemple #39
        public static PositionVertexBuffer11 CreateEllipseVertexBuffer(int vertexCount)
            PositionVertexBuffer11 vb = new PositionVertexBuffer11( vertexCount,RenderContext11.PrepDevice);
            SharpDX.Vector3[] verts = (SharpDX.Vector3[])vb.Lock(0,0);
            int index = 0;
            // Pack extra samples into the front of the orbit to avoid obvious segmentation
            // when viewed from near the planet or moon.
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount / 2; ++i)
                verts[index++] = new SharpDX.Vector3(2.0f * (float)i / (float)vertexCount * 0.05f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount / 2; ++i)
                verts[index++] = new SharpDX.Vector3(2.0f * (float)i / (float)vertexCount * 0.95f + 0.05f, 0.0f, 0.0f);


            return vb;
        public IPlace HoverCheck(Vector3 searchPoint, IPlace defaultPlace, float distance)
            searchPoint = -searchPoint;
            Vector3 dist;
            if (defaultPlace != null)
                Vector3 testPoint = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(defaultPlace.RA, -defaultPlace.Dec, -1.0).Vector311;
                dist = searchPoint - testPoint;
                distance = dist.Length();

            int closestItem = -1;
            int index = 0;
            foreach (Vector3 point in positions)
                dist = searchPoint - point;
                if (dist.Length() < distance)
                    distance = dist.Length();
                    closestItem = index;

            lastHoverIndex = closestItem;

            if (closestItem == -1)
                return defaultPlace;

            Coordinates pnt = Coordinates.CartesianToSpherical(positions[closestItem]);
            string name = this.names[closestItem];
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = string.Format("RA={0}, Dec={1}", Coordinates.FormatHMS(pnt.RA), Coordinates.FormatDMS(pnt.Dec));
            TourPlace place = new TourPlace(name, pnt.Dec, pnt.RA, Classification.Unidentified, "", ImageSetType.Sky, -1);
            return place;
        internal void ItemClick(Vector3 searchPoint, float distance)
            if (LabelItemClicked == null)

            if (lastHoverIndex > -1)

            searchPoint = -searchPoint;
            Vector3 dist;

            int closestItem = -1;
            int index = 0;
            foreach (Vector3 point in positions)
                dist = searchPoint - point;
                if (dist.Length() < distance)
                    distance = dist.Length();
                    closestItem = index;
            if (closestItem == -1)
                return ;

        public override bool Draw(RenderContext11 renderContext, float opacity, bool flat)
            if (shapefile == null)
                return false;

            if (shapeFileVertex == null)

                var vertList = new List<Vector3>();
                var indexList = new List<UInt32>();
                UInt32 firstItemIndex = 0;
                var lastItem = new Vector3();
                var firstItem = true;

                var north = true;
                double offsetX = 0;
                double offsetY = 0;
                double centralMeridian = 0;
                double mapScale = 0;
                double standardParallel = 70;

                if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.PolarStereo)
                    north = shapefile.FileHeader.ProjectionInfo.Name.ToLower().Contains("north");
                    standardParallel = shapefile.FileHeader.ProjectionInfo.GetParameter("standard_parallel_1");
                    centralMeridian = shapefile.FileHeader.ProjectionInfo.GetParameter("central_meridian");
                    mapScale = shapefile.FileHeader.ProjectionInfo.GetParameter("scale_factor");
                    offsetY = shapefile.FileHeader.ProjectionInfo.GetParameter("false_easting");
                    offsetX = shapefile.FileHeader.ProjectionInfo.GetParameter("false_northing");


                UInt32 currentIndex = 0;
                var color = Color;
                var count = 360;
                for (var i = 0; i < shapefile.Shapes.Count; i++)
                    if (shapefile.Shapes[i].GetType() == typeof(Polygon))
                        var p = (Polygon)shapefile.Shapes[i];

                        for (var z = 0; z < p.Rings.Length; z++)
                            count = (p.Rings[z].Points.Length);

                            // content from DBF
                            var dr = p.Rings[z].Attributes;

                            for (var k = 0; k < p.Rings[z].Points.Length; k++)
                                // 2D Point coordinates. 3d also supported which would add a Z. There's also an optional measure (M) that can be used.
                                var Xcoord = p.Rings[z].Points[k].X;
                                var Ycoord = p.Rings[z].Points[k].Y;

                                if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.Geo)
                                    lastItem = Coordinates.GeoTo3d(Ycoord, Xcoord);
                                else if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.PolarStereo)
                                    lastItem = Coordinates.SterographicTo3d(Xcoord, Ycoord, 1, standardParallel, centralMeridian, offsetX, offsetY, mapScale, north).Vector3;

                                if (k == 0)
                                    firstItemIndex = currentIndex;
                                    firstItem = true;


                                if (firstItem)
                                    firstItem = false;


                    else if (shapefile.Shapes[i].GetType() == typeof(PolygonZ))
                        var p = (PolygonZ)shapefile.Shapes[i];

                        for (var z = 0; z < p.Rings.Length; z++)
                            count = (p.Rings[z].Points.Length);

                            // content from DBF
                            var dr = p.Rings[z].Attributes;

                            for (var k = 0; k < p.Rings[z].Points.Length; k++)
                                // 2D Point coordinates. 3d also supported which would add a Z. There's also an optional measure (M) that can be used.
                                var Xcoord = p.Rings[z].Points[k].X;
                                var Ycoord = p.Rings[z].Points[k].Y;

                                if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.Geo)
                                    lastItem = Coordinates.GeoTo3d(Ycoord, Xcoord);
                                else if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.PolarStereo)
                                    lastItem = Coordinates.SterographicTo3d(Xcoord, Ycoord, 1, standardParallel, centralMeridian, offsetX, offsetY, mapScale, north).Vector3;

                                if (k == 0)
                                    firstItemIndex = currentIndex;
                                    firstItem = true;


                                if (firstItem)
                                    firstItem = false;


                    else if (shapefile.Shapes[i].GetType() == typeof(PolyLine))
                        var p = (PolyLine)shapefile.Shapes[i];
                        for (var z = 0; z < p.Lines.Length; z++)
                            count = (p.Lines[z].Points.Length);

                            firstItem = true;
                            for (var k = 0; k < p.Lines[z].Points.Length; k++)
                                // 2D Point coordinates. 3d also supported which would add a Z. There's also an optional measure (M) that can be used.
                                var Xcoord = p.Lines[z].Points[k].X;
                                var Ycoord = p.Lines[z].Points[k].Y;
                                if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.Geo)
                                    lastItem = Coordinates.GeoTo3d(Ycoord, Xcoord);
                                else if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.PolarStereo)
                                    lastItem = Coordinates.SterographicTo3d(Xcoord, Ycoord, 1, standardParallel, centralMeridian, offsetX, offsetY, mapScale, north).Vector3;

                                if (k == 0)
                                    firstItemIndex = currentIndex;
                                    firstItem = true;


                                if (firstItem)
                                    firstItem = false;


                    else if (shapefile.Shapes[i].GetType() == typeof(PolyLineZ))
                        var p = (PolyLineZ)shapefile.Shapes[i];
                        for (var z = 0; z < p.Lines.Length; z++)
                            count = (p.Lines[z].Points.Length);
                            var points = new Vector3[(count)];

                            firstItem = true;
                            for (var k = 0; k < p.Lines[z].Points.Length; k++)
                                // 2D Point coordinates. 3d also supported which would add a Z. There's also an optional measure (M) that can be used.
                                var Xcoord = p.Lines[z].Points[k].X;
                                var Ycoord = p.Lines[z].Points[k].Y;
                                if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.Geo)
                                    lastItem = Coordinates.GeoTo3d(Ycoord, Xcoord);
                                else if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.PolarStereo)
                                    lastItem = Coordinates.SterographicTo3d(Xcoord, Ycoord, 1, standardParallel, centralMeridian, offsetX, offsetY, mapScale, north).Vector3;

                                if (k == 0)
                                    firstItemIndex = currentIndex;
                                    firstItem = true;


                                if (firstItem)
                                    firstItem = false;


                    else if (shapefile.Shapes[i].GetType() == typeof(Point))
                        var p = (Point)shapefile.Shapes[i];

                        // 2D Point coordinates. 3d also supported which would add a Z. There's also an optional measure (M) that can be used.
                        var Xcoord = p.X;
                        var Ycoord = p.Y;
                        if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.Geo)
                            lastItem = Coordinates.GeoTo3d(Ycoord, Xcoord);
                        else if (shapefile.Projection == ShapeFile.Projections.PolarStereo)
                            lastItem = Coordinates.SterographicTo3d(Xcoord, Ycoord, 1, standardParallel, centralMeridian, offsetX, offsetY, mapScale, north).Vector3;


                        lines = false;


                shapeVertexCount = vertList.Count;
                shapeFileVertex = new PositionVertexBuffer11(vertList.Count, RenderContext11.PrepDevice);

                var verts = (Vector3[])shapeFileVertex.Lock(0, 0); // Lock the buffer (which will return our structs)
                var indexer = 0;
                foreach (var vert in vertList)
                    verts[indexer++] = vert;

                shapeIndexCount = indexList.Count;

                if (lines)
                    if (indexList.Count > 65500)
                        isLongIndex = true;
                        shapeFileIndex = new IndexBuffer11(typeof(UInt32), indexList.Count, RenderContext11.PrepDevice);
                        isLongIndex = false;
                        shapeFileIndex = new IndexBuffer11(typeof(short), indexList.Count, RenderContext11.PrepDevice);

                    if (isLongIndex)
                        indexer = 0;
                        var indexes = (UInt32[])shapeFileIndex.Lock();
                        foreach (var indexVal in indexList)
                            indexes[indexer++] = indexVal;
                        indexer = 0;
                        var indexes = (short[])shapeFileIndex.Lock();
                        foreach (var indexVal in indexList)
                            indexes[indexer++] = (short)indexVal;

            renderContext.DepthStencilMode = DepthStencilMode.Off;
            renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.Alpha;
            SimpleLineShader11.Color = Color.FromArgb((int)(opacity * 255), Color);

            var mat = (renderContext.World * renderContext.View * renderContext.Projection).Matrix11;

            SimpleLineShader11.WVPMatrix = mat;
            SimpleLineShader11.CameraPosition = Vector3d.TransformCoordinate(renderContext.CameraPosition, Matrix3d.Invert(renderContext.World)).Vector3;
            SimpleLineShader11.ShowFarSide = false;
            SimpleLineShader11.Sky = false;


            if (lines)
                renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.LineList;
                renderContext.devContext.DrawIndexed(shapeFileIndex.Count, 0, 0);
                renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.PointList;
                renderContext.devContext.Draw(shapeVertexCount, 0);

            renderContext.devContext.InputAssembler.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;

            return true;
        public SkyLabel(RenderContext11 renderContext, double ra, double dec, string text, LabelSytle style, double distance)
            RA = ra;
            Dec = dec;
            Text = text;
            Style = style;

            Distance = distance;

            if (texture == null)
                texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0);

            Vector3d up = new Vector3d();
            Vector3d textPos = new Vector3d();
            if (Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode)
                pos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra, -dec, distance);
                up = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra, -dec + 90, distance);

                pos.RotateX(Coordinates.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(SpaceTimeController.JNow) / 180.0 * Math.PI);

                up.RotateX(Coordinates.MeanObliquityOfEcliptic(SpaceTimeController.JNow) / 180.0 * Math.PI);
                pos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra+12, dec, distance);
                textPos = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra + 12, dec + 2, distance);
                up = Coordinates.RADecTo3d(ra+12, dec + 92, distance);

            center = new Vector3(9, 9, 0);

            textBatch = new Text3dBatch(24);
            if (style == LabelSytle.Telrad)
                // Telrad-style labels are always screen-aligned
                Text3d t3 = new Text3d(new Vector3d(0, 0, 0.1), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), text, 20, .01);
                t3.alignment = Text3d.Alignment.Left;
                textBatch.Add(new Text3d(textPos, up, text, 20, .0005));
 public TimeSeriesPointVertex(Vector3 position, float size, float time, uint color)
     Position = position;
     PointSize = size;
     Tu = time;
     Tv = 0;
     this.color = color;
Exemple #45
        private static void Game_OnGameLoad(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.ChampionName != "Fizz") return;
            Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 550);
            W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, Orbwalking.GetRealAutoAttackRange(Player));
            E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 400);
            R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1300);
            F = new Spell(Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerflash"), 425);
            D = new Spell(Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerignite"), 600);
            I = new Spell(Player.GetSpellSlot("summonersmite"), 500);

            E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 330, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle);
            R.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 80, 1300, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine);

            RRectangle = new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle(Player.Position, Player.Position, 300);

            Menu = new Menu(Player.ChampionName, Player.ChampionName, true);
            var orbwalkerMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu(new Menu("Orbwalker", "Orbwalker"));
            Orbwalker = new Orbwalking.Orbwalker(orbwalkerMenu);
            //Combo Menu
            var combo = new Menu("Combo", "Combo");
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("ComboText","Combo").SetTooltip("A higher R hitchance leads to a less often casting of R but more chances to hit."));
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("ComboMode", "Combo mode").SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "R to gapclose", "R in dash range", "R after Dash", "R on dash" })));
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("HitChancewR", "R hitchance").SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Medium", "High", "Very High" })));
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("targetMinHPforR", "Minimum enemy HP(in %) to use R").SetValue(new Slider(35)).SetTooltip("Minimum HP percentage the enemy needs for R to be casted"));
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("useZhonya", "Use Zhonya in combo (Recommended for lategame)").SetValue(true).SetTooltip("Will use Zhonya if owned and active, on each kind of combo. Cannot use zhonya if 'Use E in combo' is not active."));
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("useQcombo", "Use Q in combo").SetValue(true));
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("useWcombo", "Use W in combo").SetValue(true));
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("useEcombo", "Use E in combo").SetValue(true).SetTooltip("Will be casted after an autoattack as priority. Unless Q, W and R are on cooldown and your target is out of autoattack range. Cannot use zhonya if 'Use E in combo' is not active."));
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("UseEOnlyAfterAA", "Use E only after an autoattack").SetValue(false).SetTooltip("Will not use E without having done an autoattack first."));
            combo.AddItem(new MenuItem("useRcombo", "Use R in combo").SetValue(true));
            //Harass Menu
            var harass = new Menu("Harass", "Harass");
            harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("harassText", "Harass").SetTooltip("E Mode will not work with EWQ Combo. 'E to mouse position' will cast E towards your mouse, if your mouse position is out of range of your first E damage, it will also cast the second E towards your mouse."));
            harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("texttt", "Harass with WQ AA E combo").SetTooltip("Will use WQ if you are in Q range. Then E after an AutoAttack."));
            harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("harassEMode", "E mode").SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "E to mouse position", "E to hit the enemy", "E to comeback", "E twice to comeback" })));
            harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("useharassQ", "Use Q to harass").SetValue(true));
            harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("useharassW", "Use W to harass").SetValue(true));
            harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("useharassE", "Use E to harass").SetValue(true));
            harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("harassmana", "Minimum mana to harass in %").SetValue(new Slider(0)));
            harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("useEWQ", "Harass with EE(W)Q Combo").SetValue(false).SetTooltip("If you have enough mana for E(W)Q combo and spells are not on cooldown. Will use E (behind the target but in range for the damage) then W AutoAttack and Q to come back."));
            harass.AddItem(new MenuItem("recom", "Recommended to disable 'Priorize farm to harass' in Orbwalker > Misc").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.Goldenrod));
            //LaneClear Menu
            var lc = new Menu("Laneclear", "Laneclear");
            lc.AddItem(new MenuItem("LaneclearText","Laneclear"));
            lc.AddItem(new MenuItem("laneclearQ", "Use Q to laneclear").SetValue(false));
            lc.AddItem(new MenuItem("laneclearW", "Use W to laneclear").SetValue(false));
            lc.AddItem(new MenuItem("laneclearE", "Use E to laneclear").SetValue(false));
            lc.AddItem(new MenuItem("lanemana", "Minimum mana to farm in %").SetValue(new Slider(0)));
            //JungleClear Menu
            var jungle = new Menu("Jungleclear", "Jungleclear");
            jungle.AddItem(new MenuItem("JungleclearText", "Jungleclear"));
            jungle.AddItem(new MenuItem("jungleclearQ", "Use Q to jungleclear").SetValue(false));
            jungle.AddItem(new MenuItem("jungleclearW", "Use W to jungleclear").SetValue(false));
            jungle.AddItem(new MenuItem("jungleclearE", "Use E to jungleclear").SetValue(false));
            jungle.AddItem(new MenuItem("junglemana", "Minimum mana to jungleclear in %").SetValue(new Slider(0)));
            //CustomCombo Menu
            var customCombo = new Menu("Custom Combo's (require a selected target!)", "CustomCombo").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Bold, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.Yellow);
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("CustomComboText","Custom Combo's"));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("info", "How to use CustomCombo's :").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.Goldenrod));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("info1", "1) Make sure every spells used in the combo are up.").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.Goldenrod));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("info2", "2) Select your Target.").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.Goldenrod));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("info3", "3) Press combo key until every spells are used.").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.Goldenrod));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("info4", "4) Press space key afterwards for ideal follow up.").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.Goldenrod));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("lateGameZhonyaCombo", "EE to gapclose RWQ zhonya").SetValue(new KeyBind("G".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)).SetTooltip("Will use E twice to gapclose then RWQ. Zhonya when Q has been casted, if it is owned and active."));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("lateGameZhonyaComboZhonya", "Use Zhonya with EE to gapclose RWQ").SetValue(true));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("QminionREWCombo", "Q laneminion/neutral monster/champion to gapclose REW").SetValue(new KeyBind("H".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)).SetTooltip("Will use Q on a minion, neutral monster or champion (unless your target is already in range) to gapclose. Then R after a little delay (for the travel time) and EW on the target."));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("EFlashCombo", "E Flash on target RWQ zhonya").SetValue(new KeyBind("J".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)).SetTooltip("Will use E once (for the area damage and slow) then Flash on the target before landing and RWQ. Zhonya when Q has been casted, if it is owned and active."));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("EFlashComboZhonya", "Use Zhonya with E Flash on target RWQ").SetValue(true));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("Flee", "Flee Key (Flee does not require a target)").SetValue(new KeyBind("Q".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("manualR", "Auto cast R key").SetValue(new KeyBind("K".ToCharArray()[0], KeyBindType.Press)).SetTooltip("Selected targets are always a priority. Else will cast depending on the targets in R range"));
            customCombo.AddItem(new MenuItem("manualRHitchance", "Auto cast R hitchance").SetValue(new StringList(new[] { "Medium", "High", "Very High" })));
            var antiAfk = new Menu("Anti-AFK","Anti-AFK");
            antiAfk.AddItem(new MenuItem("Anti-AFKText","Anti-AFK"));
            antiAfk.AddItem(new MenuItem("antiAfk","Anti-AFK").SetValue(false));
            //Drawings Menu
            var drawings = new Menu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("DrawingsText","Drawings"));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawComboDamage", "Draw the predicted damage on target").SetValue(false).SetTooltip("Shows the total damage of the active spells(spells not on cooldown) and 1 autoattack. Summoners included (ignite or smite)."));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("ComboDamageColor", "Color of the predicted damage").SetValue<Color>(Color.Goldenrod));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawQ", "Draw Q range").SetValue(false));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawQColor", "Color of the Q range").SetValue<Color>(Color.DarkRed));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawE", "Draw E range").SetValue(false));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawEColor", "Color of the E range").SetValue<Color>(Color.DarkRed));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawEMax", "Draw E maximum range").SetValue(false));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawEMaxColor", "Color of the E maximum range").SetValue<Color>(Color.DarkRed));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawRr", "Draw R range").SetValue(false));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawRrColor", "Color of the R range").SetValue<Color>(Color.DarkRed));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawMinionQCombo", "Draw QminionREWCombo helper (Selected Target Only)").SetValue(false).SetTooltip("Shows a rectangle between you and your target. Helps you see on which minion Fizz will dash when pressing the QminionREWCombo key. You need to select a target for it to be shown."));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawMinionQComboColor", "Color of the QminionREWCombo helper").SetValue<Color>(Color.CornflowerBlue));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawR", "Draw R prediction (Selected Target Only)").SetValue(false).SetTooltip("Draws where the ultimate will be casted. You need to select a target for it to be shown."));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawRColor", "Color of the R prediction").SetValue<Color>(Color.Blue));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawRHitChance", "Draw Hitchance status text of R (Selected Target Only)").SetValue(false));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawRHitChanceColor", "Color of the Hitchance status text").SetValue<Color>(Color.DarkTurquoise));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawRHitChanceX", "X screen position of the Hitchance status text").SetValue(new Slider(450, 0, 2000)));
            drawings.AddItem(new MenuItem("drawRHitChanceY", "Y screen position of the Hitchance status text").SetValue(new Slider(200, 0, 2000)));
            //Author Menu
            var about = new Menu("About", "About").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.Gray);
            about.AddItem(new MenuItem("AboutText", "About"));
            about.AddItem(new MenuItem("Author", "Author: mathieu002").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.White));
            about.AddItem(new MenuItem("Credits", "Credits: ChewyMoon,1Shinigamix3,jQuery,Kurisu,Hellsing,detuks"));
            about.AddItem(new MenuItem("Upvote", "Remember to upvote the assembly if you like it ! GL & HF").SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, fontColor: SharpDX.Color.Goldenrod));
            hydra = new Items.Item(3074, 185);
            tiamat = new Items.Item(3077, 185);
            cutlass = new Items.Item(3144, 450);
            botrk = new Items.Item(3153, 450);
            hextech = new Items.Item(3146, 700);
            zhonya = new Items.Item(3157);
            Random = new Random();
            harassQCastedPosition = Player.Position;
            Game.PrintChat("<font color='#2CCACE'>Fizz by</font> <font color='#B000FF'>mathieu002</font> <font color='##FFD93B'>Loaded</font>");
            Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw;
        public bool IsVisible(Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
            Vector3 vDirection = end - start;
            Vector3 vPoint = start;

            int iStepCount = (int)vDirection.Length();

            vDirection /= iStepCount;

            Leaf pLeaf = new Leaf() { area = -1 };

            while (iStepCount > 0)
                vPoint += vDirection;

                pLeaf = GetLeafForPoint(vPoint);

                if (pLeaf.area != -1)
                    if (
                        (pLeaf.contents & ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_SOLID) == ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_SOLID ||
                        (pLeaf.contents & ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_DETAIL) == ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_DETAIL)

            return (pLeaf.contents & ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_SOLID) != ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_SOLID;
        public Leaf GetLeafForPoint(Vector3 point)
            int node = 0;

            Node pNode;
            Plane pPlane;

            float d = 0.0f;

            while (node >= 0)
                pNode = nodes[node];
                pPlane = planes[pNode.planenum];

                d = Vector3.Dot(point, pPlane.normal) - pPlane.distance;

                if (d > 0)
                    node = pNode.children[0];
                    node = pNode.children[1];

            return (
                (-node - 1) >= 0 && -node - 1 < leafs.Length ?
                leafs[-node - 1] :
                new Leaf() { area = -1, contents = ContentsFlag.CONTENTS_EMPTY }
        private Plane[] GetPlanes(Stream stream)
            Lump lump = header.lumps[(int)LumpType.LUMP_PLANES];
            Plane[] planes = new Plane[lump.length / 20];
            stream.Position = lump.offset;

            for (int i = 0; i < planes.Length; i++)
                planes[i] = new Plane();

                Vector3 normal = new Vector3();
                normal.X = UtilityReader.ReadFloat(stream);
                normal.Y = UtilityReader.ReadFloat(stream);
                normal.Z = UtilityReader.ReadFloat(stream);

                planes[i].normal = normal;
                planes[i].distance = UtilityReader.ReadFloat(stream);
                planes[i].type = UtilityReader.ReadInt(stream);

            return planes;
        private Vector3[] GetVertices(Stream stream)
            Lump lump = header.lumps[(int)LumpType.LUMP_VERTEXES];
            stream.Position = lump.offset;
            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[(lump.length / 3) / 4];

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i] = new Vector3();
                vertices[i].X = UtilityReader.ReadFloat(stream);
                vertices[i].Y = UtilityReader.ReadFloat(stream);
                vertices[i].Z = UtilityReader.ReadFloat(stream);

            return vertices;
Exemple #50
        static void Game_OnUpdate(EventArgs args)
            if (Player.IsDead)

            if (Orbwalking.CanMove(100))
                switch (Orbwalker.ActiveMode)
                    case Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Combo:
                    case Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.Mixed:
                    case Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.LaneClear:
                    case Orbwalking.OrbwalkingMode.None:

            if (AIO_Menu.Champion.Misc.UseKillsteal)

            Q.MinHitChance = AIO_Menu.Champion.Misc.SelectedHitchance;

            W.UpdateSourcePosition(BallPosition, BallPosition);
            R.UpdateSourcePosition(BallPosition, BallPosition);

            if (Player.HasBuff("orianaghostself", true))
                BallPosition = ObjectManager.Player.Position;

            var ballowner = HeroManager.Allies.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsAlly && !x.IsMe && x.HasBuff("orianaghost", true));

            if (ballowner != null)
                BallPosition = ballowner.Position;
Exemple #51
        static void Obj_AI_Hero_OnProcessSpellCast(Obj_AI_Base sender, GameObjectProcessSpellCastEventArgs args)
            if (Player.IsDead)

            if (AIO_Menu.Champion.Misc.getBoolValue("Auto-E") && sender.IsEnemy && args.Target.IsAlly && args.Target.Type == GameObjectType.obj_AI_Hero && sender.Type == GameObjectType.obj_AI_Hero && E.IsReady())

            if (sender.IsMe && args.SData.Name == Q.Instance.Name)
                Utility.DelayAction.Add((int)(BallPosition.Distance(args.End) / 1.2 - 70 - Game.Ping), () => BallPosition = args.End);
                BallPosition = SharpDX.Vector3.Zero;

            if (sender.IsMe && args.SData.Name == E.Instance.Name)
                BallPosition = SharpDX.Vector3.Zero;
Exemple #52
        private static void Combo()
            var useQ = (Q.IsReady() && Menu.Item("useQcombo").GetValue<bool>());
            var useW = (W.IsReady() && Menu.Item("useWcombo").GetValue<bool>());
            var useE = (E.IsReady() && Menu.Item("useEcombo").GetValue<bool>());
            var useR = (R.IsReady() && Menu.Item("useRcombo").GetValue<bool>());
            var UseEOnlyAfterAA = Menu.Item("UseEOnlyAfterAA").GetValue<bool>();
            var useZhonya = (Menu.Item("useZhonya").GetValue<bool>() && zhonya.IsReady() && zhonya.IsOwned());
            var gapclose = (Menu.Item("ComboMode").GetValue<StringList>().SelectedIndex == 0);
            var ondash = (Menu.Item("ComboMode").GetValue<StringList>().SelectedIndex == 1);
            var afterdash = (Menu.Item("ComboMode").GetValue<StringList>().SelectedIndex == 2);
            var realondash = (Menu.Item("ComboMode").GetValue<StringList>().SelectedIndex == 3);
            var m = SelectedTarget;
            if (!m.IsValidTarget())
                m = TargetSelector.GetTarget(R.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Magical);
                if (!m.IsValidTarget())
                    m = TargetSelector.GetTarget(R.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Physical);
                    if (!m.IsValidTarget())
                        m = TargetSelector.GetTarget(R.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.True);
                //Only use when R is Ready & Q is Ready and target is valid
                if (ondash && !m.IsZombie && useR && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 550)
                    if (useQ && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= Q.Range)
                        if (useR && m.HealthPercent >= Menu.Item("targetMinHPforR").GetValue<Slider>().Value)
                            lastRCastTick = Game.Time;
                    if (useW && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 540)
                    if (hydra.IsOwned() && Player.Distance(m) < hydra.Range && hydra.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) hydra.Cast();
                    if (tiamat.IsOwned() && Player.Distance(m) < tiamat.Range && tiamat.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) tiamat.Cast();
                //Only use when R is Ready & Q is Ready
                if (afterdash && !m.IsZombie && useR)

                    if (useW && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 540) W.Cast();
                    if (useQ && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= Q.Range)
                        Utility.DelayAction.Add((540 - ping), () =>
                            if (useR && m.HealthPercent >= Menu.Item("targetMinHPforR").GetValue<Slider>().Value)
                                lastRCastTick = Game.Time;
                    if (hydra.IsOwned() && Player.Distance(m) < hydra.Range && hydra.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) hydra.Cast();
                    if (tiamat.IsOwned() && Player.Distance(m) < tiamat.Range && tiamat.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) tiamat.Cast();
                if (gapclose && !m.IsZombie && useR)
                    if (useR && m.HealthPercent >= Menu.Item("targetMinHPforR").GetValue<Slider>().Value)
                        //if enemy is not facing us, check via movespeed
                        if (!Utility.IsFacing(m, Player))
                            if (Player.Distance(m.Position) < (R.Range - m.MoveSpeed) - (165))
                                lastRCastTick = Game.Time;
                            if (Player.Distance(m.Position) <= (R.Range - 200))
                                lastRCastTick = Game.Time;
                    if (useQ) Q.Cast(m);
                    if (useW && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 540) W.Cast();
                    if (hydra.IsOwned() && Player.Distance(m) < hydra.Range && hydra.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) hydra.Cast();
                    if (tiamat.IsOwned() && Player.Distance(m) < tiamat.Range && tiamat.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) tiamat.Cast();
                if (realondash && !m.IsZombie && useR && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 550)
                    if (useQ) Q.Cast(m);
                    if (useR && m.HealthPercent >= Menu.Item("targetMinHPforR").GetValue<Slider>().Value)
                        if (Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 380)
                            Utility.DelayAction.Add((500 - ping), () =>
                                lastRCastTick = Game.Time;
                            lastRCastTick = Game.Time;
                    if (useW && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 540)
                    if (hydra.IsOwned() && Player.Distance(m) < hydra.Range && hydra.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) hydra.Cast();
                    if (tiamat.IsOwned() && Player.Distance(m) < tiamat.Range && tiamat.IsReady() && !E.IsReady()) tiamat.Cast();
                if (useW && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 540) W.Cast();
                if (useQ && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= Q.Range) Q.Cast(m);
                if (!UseEOnlyAfterAA && E.Instance.Name == "FizzJump" && useE && Player.Distance(m.Position) > 300 && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= E.Range + 270 && !W.IsReady() && !Q.IsReady() && !R.IsReady())
                    castPosition = E.GetPrediction(m, false, 1).CastPosition;
                    Utility.DelayAction.Add((680 - ping), () =>
                        if (!W.IsReady() && !Q.IsReady() && Player.Distance(m.Position) > 330 && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 400 + 270)
                            E.Cast(E.GetPrediction(m, false, 1).CastPosition);
                    if (ondash && useZhonya && canCastZhonyaOnDash)
                        Utility.DelayAction.Add((2150 - ping), () =>
                    if (gapclose && useZhonya && canCastZhonyaOnDash)
                        Utility.DelayAction.Add((2150 - ping), () =>
                    if (afterdash && useZhonya && canCastZhonyaOnDash)
                        Utility.DelayAction.Add((2150 - ping), () =>
Exemple #53
 private static void Harass()
     var useQ = (Menu.Item("useharassQ").GetValue<bool>() && Q.IsReady());
     var useW = (Menu.Item("useharassW").GetValue<bool>() && W.IsReady());
     var useE = (Menu.Item("useharassE").GetValue<bool>() && E.IsReady());
     var m = SelectedTarget;
     if (!m.IsValidTarget())
         m = TargetSelector.GetTarget(530, TargetSelector.DamageType.Magical);
         if (!m.IsValidTarget())
             m = TargetSelector.GetTarget(R.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Physical);
             if (!m.IsValidTarget())
                 m = TargetSelector.GetTarget(R.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.True);
     if (m.IsValidTarget())
         if (ObjectManager.Player.ManaPercent <= Menu.Item("harassmana").GetValue<Slider>().Value)
         #region EWQ Combo
         //EWQ Combo
         if (Menu.Item("useEWQ").GetValue<bool>())
             if (Q.IsReady())
                 //Do EWQ
                 if (Player.Mana >= Q.ManaCost + E.ManaCost + W.ManaCost || enoughManaEWQ)
                     if (useE && E.Instance.Name == "FizzJump" && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 530)
                         enoughManaEWQ = true;
                         startPos = Player.Position;
                         SharpDX.Vector3 harassEcastPosition = E.GetPrediction(m, false, 1).CastPosition;
                         //Delay for fizzjumptwo
                         Utility.DelayAction.Add((365 - ping), () => E.Cast(E.GetPrediction(m, false, 1).CastPosition.Extend(startPos, -135)));
                     if (useW && (Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 175))
                         enoughManaEWQ = false;
                 //Do EQ
                 if (Player.Mana >= Q.ManaCost + E.ManaCost || enoughManaEQ)
                     if (useE && E.Instance.Name == "FizzJump" && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= 530)
                         enoughManaEQ = true;
                         startPos = Player.Position;
                         SharpDX.Vector3 harassEcastPosition3 = E.GetPrediction(m, false, 1).CastPosition;
                         //Delay for fizzjumptwo
                         Utility.DelayAction.Add((365 - ping), () =>
                             E.Cast(E.GetPrediction(m, false, 1).CastPosition.Extend(startPos, -135));
                             enoughManaEQ = false;
         //Basic Harass WQ AA E
             if (useW && (Player.Distance(m.Position) <= Q.Range)) W.Cast();
             if (useQ && (Player.Distance(m.Position) <= Q.Range))
                 harassQCastedPosition = Player.Position;
 public void AddTriangle(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 v3, Color color, Dates date)
Exemple #55
        private static void EFlashCombo()
            //E Flash RWQ Combo
            var m = SelectedTarget;
            if (m.IsValidTarget())
                Orbwalking.Orbwalk(m ?? null, Game.CursorPos);
                var distance = Player.Distance(m.Position);
                if (distance <= (E.Range + F.Range + 165))
                    if (E.IsReady() && E.Instance.Name == "FizzJump")
                        //Use E1
                        castPosition = E.GetPrediction(m, false, 1).CastPosition.Extend(Player.Position, -165);
                        Utility.DelayAction.Add((990 - ping), () => isEProcessed = true);
                    if (F.IsReady() && !isEProcessed && Player.LastCastedSpellName() == "FizzJump" && Player.Distance(m.Position) <= F.Range + 530 && Player.Distance(m.Position) >= 330)
                        SharpDX.Vector3 endPosition = F.GetPrediction(m, false, 1).CastPosition.Extend(Player.Position, -135);
                    if (R.IsReady() && !F.IsReady()) 
                    if (W.IsReady() && !F.IsReady() && Player.LastCastedSpellName() == "FizzMarinerDoom")
                    if (Q.IsReady() && !E.IsReady() && !F.IsReady() && Player.LastCastedSpellName() == "FizzSeastonePassive")
                    if (Player.LastCastedSpellName() == "FizzPiercingStrike" && Menu.Item("EFlashComboZhonya").GetValue<bool>())
                        //Check if zhonya is active
                        if (zhonya.IsOwned() && zhonya.IsReady())

        public void Draw(RenderContext11 renderContext, bool space3d)
            Vector3d cam = Vector3d.TransformCoordinate(Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.CameraPosition, Matrix3d.Invert(Earth3d.WorldMatrix));

            if (!space3d)
                if (Vector3d.Dot(cam, pos) < 0)
            Vector3d temp = pos;

            if (Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode)
                temp.Add( Earth3d.MainWindow.viewCamera.ViewTarget);

            Matrix3d wvp = renderContext.World * renderContext.View * renderContext.Projection;

            Vector3 screenPos = Vector3.Project(temp.Vector311, renderContext.ViewPort.TopLeftX, renderContext.ViewPort.TopLeftY,renderContext.ViewPort.Width,renderContext.ViewPort.Height, 0, 1, wvp.Matrix11);

            // Get the w component of the transformed object position; if it's negative the
            // object is behind the viewer.
            double w = wvp.M14 * temp.X + wvp.M24 * temp.Y + wvp.M34 * temp.Z + wvp.M44;
            if (w < 0.0 && Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode)
                // Don't show labels that are behind the viewer

            screenPos = new Vector3((float)(int)screenPos.X, (float)(int)screenPos.Y, 1);

            Sprite2d.Draw2D(renderContext, texture, new SizeF(20, 20), new PointF(0, 0), 0, new PointF(screenPos.X, screenPos.Y), Color.White);

            if (Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode || Style == LabelSytle.Telrad)
                Matrix3d worldMatrix = renderContext.World;
                Matrix3d viewMatrix = renderContext.View;
                Matrix3d projectionMatrix = renderContext.Projection;

                double labelScale = Earth3d.MainWindow.SolarSystemMode ? 8.0 : 30.0;
                renderContext.World =
                    Matrix3d.Scaling(labelScale, labelScale, 1.0) *
                    Matrix3d.Translation(screenPos.X + 10.0, -screenPos.Y, 0.0) *
                    Matrix3d.Translation(-renderContext.ViewPort.Width / 2, renderContext.ViewPort.Height / 2, 0);
                renderContext.View = Matrix3d.Identity;
                renderContext.Projection = Matrix3d.OrthoLH(renderContext.ViewPort.Width, renderContext.ViewPort.Height, 1, -1);

                renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.PremultipliedAlpha;
                textBatch.Draw(renderContext, 1, Color.White);

                renderContext.World = worldMatrix;
                renderContext.View = viewMatrix;
                renderContext.Projection = projectionMatrix;
                renderContext.BlendMode = BlendMode.PremultipliedAlpha;
                textBatch.Draw(renderContext, 1, Color.White);

            //todo11 Implement this
            //sprite.Begin(SpriteFlags.AlphaBlend | SpriteFlags.SortTexture);

            //sprite.Draw(texture, rect, center, screenPos, Color.White);
            //Rectangle recttext = new Rectangle((int)(screenPos.X + 15), (int)(screenPos.Y - 8), 0, 0);
            //Earth3d.MainWindow.labelFont.DrawText(sprite, Text, recttext,
            //DrawTextFormat.NoClip, System.Drawing.Color.White);

        public SkyLabel(RenderContext11 renderContext, Vector3d point, string text, LabelSytle style)
            Text = text;
            Style = style;

            if (texture == null)
                texture = Texture11.FromBitmap(, 0);

            pos = point;

            center = new Vector3(9, 9, 0);

            textBatch = new Text3dBatch(80);

            if (style == LabelSytle.Telrad)
                // Telrad-style labels are always screen-aligned
                Text3d t3 = new Text3d(new Vector3d(0, 0, 0.1), new Vector3d(0, 1, 0), text, 20, .01);
                t3.alignment = Text3d.Alignment.Left;
                // This will produce sky or orbit aligned text
                textBatch.Add(new Text3d(pos, new Vector3d(0,1,0), text, 20, .01));
        public static Matrix RotationMatrixFromRotationVector(Matrix rotationVector)
            double angle = rotationVector.Norm();
            var axis = new SharpDX.Vector3((float)(rotationVector[0] / angle), (float)(rotationVector[1] / angle), (float)(rotationVector[2] / angle));

            // Why the negative sign? SharpDX returns a post-multiply matrix. Instead of transposing to get the pre-multiply matrix we just invert the input rotation.
            var sR = SharpDX.Matrix.RotationAxis(axis, -(float)angle);

            var R = new Matrix(3, 3);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    R[i, j] = sR[i, j];
            return R;
        public void DrawPlaceMarks()
            // todo11 port this Maybe instancing later?
            Matrix projection = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.Projection.Matrix11;
            Matrix view = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.View.Matrix11;
            Matrix world = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.World.Matrix11;
            Matrix3d worldD = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.World;
            Matrix wvp = (world * view * projection);
                Vector3 center = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0);

                foreach (KmlPlacemark placemark in Placemarks)
                    if (placemark.ShouldDisplay())
                        SharpDX.Direct3D11.Viewport vp = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.ViewPort;
                        double alt = placemark.Point.altitude + EGM96Geoid.Height(placemark.Point.latitude, placemark.Point.longitude);
                        Vector3d point3d = Coordinates.GeoTo3dDouble(placemark.Point.latitude, placemark.Point.longitude, 1 + (alt / Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.NominalRadius));
                        Vector3 point = Vector3.Project(point3d.Vector311, vp.TopLeftX, vp.TopLeftY, vp.Width, vp.Height, 0, 1, wvp);
                        // point.Z = 1;
                        KmlStyle style = placemark.Style.GetStyle(placemark.Selected);
                        Texture11 texture = style.IconStyle.Icon.Texture;

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(style.IconStyle.Icon.Href))
                            texture = Star;

                        double sizeFactor = 1;

                        if (placemark.Selected)
                            double ticks = HiResTimer.TickCount;
                            double elapsedSeconds = ((double)(ticks - TicksAtLastSelect)) / HiResTimer.Frequency;
                            sizeFactor = 1 + .3 * (Math.Sin(elapsedSeconds * 15) * Math.Max(0, (1 - elapsedSeconds)));

                        Vector3d dist = Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.CameraPosition - point3d;
                        double distance = dist.Length() * Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11.NominalRadius;
                        double dot = Vector3d.Dot(point3d, dist);
                        // if (dot > -.2)
                            double baseSize = Math.Min(40, 25 * ((2 * Math.Atan(.5 * (5884764 / distance))) / .7853)) * sizeFactor;
                            float size = (float)baseSize * style.IconStyle.Scale;
                            //todo fix this with real centers and offset by KML data
                            placemark.hitTestRect = new Rectangle((int)(point.X - (size / 2)), (int)(point.Y - (size / 2)), (int)(size + .5), (int)(size + .5));
                            if (texture != null)
                                center = new Vector3((float)texture.Width / 2f, (float)texture.Height / 2f, 0);

                                Sprite2d.Draw2D(Earth3d.MainWindow.RenderContext11, texture, new SizeF(size, size), new PointF(center.X, center.Y), (float)(style.IconStyle.Heading * Math.PI / 180f), new PointF(point.X, point.Y), Color.White);

                            if (style.LabelStyle.Color.A > 0 && style.LabelStyle.Scale > 0)
                                Rectangle recttext = new Rectangle((int)(point.X + (size / 2) + 10), (int)(point.Y - (size / 2)), 1000, 100);
                                //todo11 Earth3d.MainWindow.labelFont.DrawText(null, placemark.Name, recttext, DrawTextFormat.NoClip, style.LabelStyle.Color);

 public void AddLine(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
     linePoints.Add(new Vector3d(v1));
     linePoints.Add(new Vector3d(v2));