Exemple #1
		public D3D9Driver( int adapterNumber, D3D9.Capabilities deviceCaps, D3D9.AdapterDetails adapterIdentifier,
		                   D3D9.DisplayMode desktopDisplayMode )
			: base()
			this._adapterNumber = adapterNumber;
			this._d3D9DeviceCaps = deviceCaps;
			this._adapterIdentifier = adapterIdentifier;
			this._desktopDisplayMode = desktopDisplayMode;
			this._videoModeList = null;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphicsDevice"></param>
        /// <param name="texture"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        internal Texture(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, D3D.Texture texture, int width, int height)
            : base()
            if (texture == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("texture");


            this.Width = width;
            this.Height = height;
            this.Usage = TextureUsage.None;

            this.CreateInternalTexture(graphicsDevice, texture);
Exemple #3
 internal static D3D.Texture TextureFromStream(D3D.Device device, Stream stream, int width, int height, int colorKey)
     return D3D.Texture.FromStream(
Exemple #4
        internal static D3D.Texture CreateTexture(D3D.Device device, int width, int height, TextureUsage usage)
            D3D.Usage nativeUsage = D3D.Usage.None;
            D3D.Format nativeFormat = D3D.Format.A8R8G8B8;
            D3D.Pool nativePool = D3D.Pool.Managed;

            switch (usage)
                case TextureUsage.RenderTarget:
                    nativeUsage = D3D.Usage.RenderTarget;
                    nativePool = D3D.Pool.Default;

            return new D3D.Texture(
Exemple #5
		public void NotifyOnDeviceReset( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			//Entering critical section

			if ( this._d3dPool == D3D9.Pool.Default )
				CreateTextureResources( d3d9Device );

			//Leaving critical section
Exemple #6
		private void _createInternalResources( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			// Check if resources already exist.
			var textureResources = _getTextureResources( d3d9Device );
			if ( textureResources != null && textureResources.BaseTexture != null )

			// If SrcWidth and SrcHeight are zero, the requested extents have probably been set
			// through Width and Height. Take those values.
			if ( SrcWidth == 0 || SrcHeight == 0 )
				srcWidth = Width;
				srcHeight = Height;

			// load based on tex.type
			switch ( TextureType )
				case TextureType.OneD:
				case TextureType.TwoD:
					_createNormalTexture( d3d9Device );

				case TextureType.CubeMap:
					_createCubeTexture( d3d9Device );

				case TextureType.ThreeD:
					_createVolumeTexture( d3d9Device );

					throw new AxiomException( "Unknown texture type!" );
		public Stream Open( D3D9.IncludeType type, string fileName, Stream parentStream )
			return ResourceGroupManager.Instance.OpenResource( fileName, this.program.Group, true, this.program );
Exemple #8
		private void _freeTextureResources( D3D9.Device d3d9Device, TextureResources textureResources )
			//Entering critical section

			// Release surfaces from each mip level.
			foreach ( var it in this._surfaceList )
				it.ReleaseSurfaces( d3d9Device );

			// Release the rest of the resources.
			textureResources.NormalTexture = null;

			textureResources.CubeTexture = null;

			textureResources.VolumeTexture = null;

			textureResources.BaseTexture = null;

			textureResources.FSAASurface = null;

			//Leaving critical section
Exemple #9
		private void _loadNormalTexture( D3D9.Device d3d9Device, MemoryStream[] loadedStreams )
			Debug.Assert( TextureType == TextureType.OneD || TextureType == TextureType.TwoD );

			// DDS load?
			if ( GetSourceFileType() == "dds" )
				// Use D3DX
				Debug.Assert( loadedStreams.Length == 1 );

				var d3dUsage = D3D9.Usage.None;
				var numMips = 0;

				if ( requestedMipmapCount == (int)TextureMipmap.Unlimited )
					numMips = -1;
				else if ( requestedMipmapCount == 0 )
					numMips = -3;
					numMips = requestedMipmapCount + 1;

				var device = D3D9RenderSystem.DeviceManager.GetDeviceFromD3D9Device( d3d9Device );
				var rkCurCaps = device.D3D9DeviceCaps;

				// check if mip map volume textures are supported
				if ( ( rkCurCaps.TextureCaps & D3D9.TextureCaps.MipCubeMap ) != D3D9.TextureCaps.MipCubeMap )
					// no mip map support for this kind of textures :(
					MipmapCount = 0;
					numMips = 1;

				// Determine D3D pool to use
				var pool = UseDefaultPool() ? D3D9.Pool.Default : D3D9.Pool.Managed;

				// Get or create new texture resources structure.
				var textureResources = _getTextureResources( d3d9Device );
				if ( textureResources != null )
					_freeTextureResources( d3d9Device, textureResources );
					textureResources = _allocateTextureResources( d3d9Device );

					textureResources.NormalTexture = D3D9.Texture.FromMemory( d3d9Device, loadedStreams[ 0 ].GetBuffer(), -1, -1,
					                                                          // dims
					                                                          numMips, d3dUsage, D3D9.Format.Unknown, pool,
					                                                          D3D9.Filter.Default, D3D9.Filter.Default, 0 // colour key
				catch ( Exception ex )
					// romeoxbm: this statement is not present in Ogre implementation,
					// but maybe it should be..
					throw new AxiomException( "Can't create texture.", ex );

				textureResources.BaseTexture = textureResources.NormalTexture.QueryInterface<D3D9.BaseTexture>();

				// set src and dest attributes to the same, we can't know
				var texDesc = textureResources.NormalTexture.GetLevelDescription( 0 );
				this._d3dPool = texDesc.Pool;
				// set src and dest attributes to the same, we can't know
				_setSrcAttributes( texDesc.Width, texDesc.Height, 1, D3D9Helper.ConvertEnum( texDesc.Format ) );
				_setFinalAttributes( d3d9Device, textureResources, texDesc.Width, texDesc.Height, 1,
				                     D3D9Helper.ConvertEnum( texDesc.Format ) );

				if ( hwGamma )
					this._hwGammaReadSupported = _canUseHardwareGammaCorrection( d3d9Device, texDesc.Usage, D3D9.ResourceType.Texture,
					                                                             texDesc.Format, false );

				internalResourcesCreated = true;
				// find & load resource data intro stream to allow resource group changes if required
				Debug.Assert( loadedStreams.Length == 1 );

				var pos = _name.LastIndexOf( "." );
				var ext = string.Empty;
				if ( pos != -1 )
					ext = _name.Substring( pos + 1 );

				var img = Image.FromStream( loadedStreams[ 0 ], ext );

				if ( img.Height == 0 )
					throw new AxiomException( "Image height == 0 in {0}", _name );

				if ( img.Width == 0 )
					throw new AxiomException( "Image width == 0 in {0}", _name );

				// Call internal _loadImages, not loadImage since that's external and 
				// will determine load status etc again
				LoadImages( new Image[]
				            } );
Exemple #10
		private bool _canUseHardwareGammaCorrection( D3D9.Device d3d9Device, D3D9.Usage srcUsage, D3D9.ResourceType srcType,
		                                             D3D9.Format srcFormat, bool forWriting )
			var d3d = d3d9Device.Direct3D;
			//if ( d3d != null )
			//    d3d.Release();

			var device = D3D9RenderSystem.DeviceManager.GetDeviceFromD3D9Device( d3d9Device );
			var rkCurCaps = device.D3D9DeviceCaps;
			var eBackBufferFormat = device.BackBufferFormat;

			// Always check 'read' capability here
			// We will check 'write' capability only in the context of a render target
			if ( forWriting )
				srcUsage |= D3D9.Usage.QuerySrgbWrite;
				srcUsage |= D3D9.Usage.QuerySrgbRead;

			// Check for sRGB support		
			// check for auto gen. mip maps support
			var hr = d3d.CheckDeviceFormat( rkCurCaps.AdapterOrdinal, rkCurCaps.DeviceType, eBackBufferFormat, srcUsage, srcType,
			                                srcFormat );

			return hr;
Exemple #11
		private TextureResources _allocateTextureResources( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			Debug.Assert( !this._mapDeviceToTextureResources.ContainsKey( d3d9Device ) );

			var textureResources = new TextureResources();
			this._mapDeviceToTextureResources.Add( d3d9Device, textureResources );
			return textureResources;
Exemple #12
		private D3D9.TextureFilter _getBestFilterMethod( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			var device = D3D9RenderSystem.DeviceManager.GetDeviceFromD3D9Device( d3d9Device );
			var rkCurCaps = device.D3D9DeviceCaps;

			var filterCaps = (D3D9.FilterCaps)0;
			// Minification filter is used for mipmap generation
			// Pick the best one supported for this tex type
			switch ( TextureType )
				case TextureType.OneD: // Same as 2D
				case TextureType.TwoD:
					filterCaps = rkCurCaps.TextureFilterCaps;

				case TextureType.ThreeD:
					filterCaps = rkCurCaps.VertexTextureFilterCaps;

				case TextureType.CubeMap:
					filterCaps = rkCurCaps.CubeTextureFilterCaps;

					return D3D9.TextureFilter.Point;

			if ( ( filterCaps & D3D9.FilterCaps.MinGaussianQuad ) != 0 )
				return D3D9.TextureFilter.GaussianQuad;

			if ( ( filterCaps & D3D9.FilterCaps.MinPyramidalQuad ) != 0 )
				return D3D9.TextureFilter.PyramidalQuad;

			if ( ( filterCaps & D3D9.FilterCaps.MinAnisotropic ) != 0 )
				return D3D9.TextureFilter.Anisotropic;

			if ( ( filterCaps & D3D9.FilterCaps.MinLinear ) != 0 )
				return D3D9.TextureFilter.Linear;

			if ( ( filterCaps & D3D9.FilterCaps.MinPoint ) != 0 )
				return D3D9.TextureFilter.Point;

			return D3D9.TextureFilter.Point;
Exemple #13
		private bool _canUseDynamicTextures( D3D9.Device d3d9Device, D3D9.Usage srcUsage, D3D9.ResourceType srcType,
		                                     D3D9.Format srcFormat )
			var d3d = d3d9Device.Direct3D;
			//if ( d3d != null )
			//    d3d.Release();

			var device = D3D9RenderSystem.DeviceManager.GetDeviceFromD3D9Device( d3d9Device );
			var rkCurCaps = device.D3D9DeviceCaps;
			var eBackBufferFormat = device.BackBufferFormat;

			// check for auto gen. mip maps support
			var hr = d3d.CheckDeviceFormat( rkCurCaps.AdapterOrdinal, rkCurCaps.DeviceType, eBackBufferFormat,
			                                srcUsage | D3D9.Usage.Dynamic, srcType, srcFormat );

			return hr;
Exemple #14
		private void _setFinalAttributes( D3D9.Device d3d9Device, TextureResources textureResources, int width, int height,
		                                  int depth, PixelFormat format )
			// set target texture attributes
			Height = height;
			Width = width;
			Depth = depth;
			this.format = format;

			// Update size (the final size, not including temp space)
			// this is needed in Resource class
			Size = calculateSize();

			// say to the world what we are doing
			if ( Width != SrcWidth || Height != SrcHeight )
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "D3D9 : ***** Dimensions altered by the render system" );
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "D3D9 : ***** Source image dimensions : {0}x{1}", SrcWidth, SrcHeight );
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "D3D9 : ***** Texture dimensions :  {0}x{1}", Width, Height );

			// Create list of subsurfaces for getBuffer()
			_createSurfaceList( d3d9Device, textureResources );
Exemple #15
		private void _createVolumeTexture( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			Debug.Assert( Width > 0 && Height > 0 && Depth > 0 );

			if ( ( Usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) != 0 )
				throw new AxiomException(
					"D3D9 Volume texture can not be created as render target !!, SDXTexture.CreateVolumeTexture" );

			// determine which D3D9 pixel format we'll use
			var d3dPF = _chooseD3DFormat( d3d9Device );

			// let's D3DX check the corrected pixel format
			var texRequires = D3D9.VolumeTexture.CheckRequirements( d3d9Device, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, d3dPF, this._d3dPool );
			d3dPF = texRequires.Format;

			// Use D3DX to help us create the texture, this way it can adjust any relevant sizes
			var d3dUsage = ( usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) != 0 ? D3D9.Usage.RenderTarget : 0;
			var numMips = ( requestedMipmapCount == (int)TextureMipmap.Unlimited ) ? -1 : requestedMipmapCount + 1;

			// Check dynamic textures
			if ( ( Usage & TextureUsage.Dynamic ) != 0 )
				if ( _canUseDynamicTextures( d3d9Device, d3dUsage, D3D9.ResourceType.VolumeTexture, d3dPF ) )
					d3dUsage |= D3D9.Usage.Dynamic;
					this._dynamicTextures = true;
					this._dynamicTextures = false;

			// Check sRGB support
			if ( hwGamma )
				this._hwGammaReadSupported = _canUseHardwareGammaCorrection( d3d9Device, d3dUsage, D3D9.ResourceType.VolumeTexture,
				                                                             false );
				if ( ( usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) != 0 )
					this._hwGammaWriteSupported = _canUseHardwareGammaCorrection( d3d9Device, d3dUsage, D3D9.ResourceType.VolumeTexture,
					                                                              d3dPF, true );

			var device = D3D9RenderSystem.DeviceManager.GetDeviceFromD3D9Device( d3d9Device );
			var rkCurCaps = device.D3D9DeviceCaps;

			// check if mip map volume textures are supported
			mipmapsHardwareGenerated = false;
			if ( ( rkCurCaps.TextureCaps & D3D9.TextureCaps.MipVolumeMap ) != 0 )
				if ( ( Usage & TextureUsage.AutoMipMap ) != 0 && requestedMipmapCount != 0 )
					mipmapsHardwareGenerated = _canAutoGenMipMaps( d3d9Device, d3dUsage, D3D9.ResourceType.VolumeTexture, d3dPF );
					if ( MipmapsHardwareGenerated )
						d3dUsage |= D3D9.Usage.AutoGenerateMipMap;
						numMips = 0;
				// no mip map support for this kind of textures :(
				MipmapCount = 0;
				numMips = 1;

			// derive the pool to use

			// Get or create new texture resources structure.
			var textureResources = _getTextureResources( d3d9Device );
			if ( textureResources != null )
				_freeTextureResources( d3d9Device, textureResources );
				textureResources = _allocateTextureResources( d3d9Device );

			// create the texture
			textureResources.VolumeTexture = new D3D9.VolumeTexture( d3d9Device, Width, Height, Depth, numMips, d3dUsage, d3dPF,
			                                                         this._d3dPool );

			// set the base texture we'll use in the render system
			textureResources.BaseTexture = textureResources.VolumeTexture.QueryInterface<D3D9.BaseTexture>();

			// set final tex. attributes from tex. description
			// they may differ from the source image !!!
			var desc = textureResources.VolumeTexture.GetLevelDescription( 0 );

			_setFinalAttributes( d3d9Device, textureResources, desc.Width, desc.Height, desc.Depth,
			                     D3D9Helper.ConvertEnum( desc.Format ) );

			if ( mipmapsHardwareGenerated )
				textureResources.BaseTexture.AutoMipGenerationFilter = _getBestFilterMethod( d3d9Device );
Exemple #16
		private void _createCubeTexture( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			// we must have those defined here
			Debug.Assert( SrcWidth > 0 || SrcHeight > 0 );

			// determine wich D3D9 pixel format we'll use
			var d3dPF = _chooseD3DFormat( d3d9Device );

			// let's D3DX check the corrected pixel format
			var texRequires = D3D9.CubeTexture.CheckRequirements( d3d9Device, 0, 0, 0, d3dPF, this._d3dPool );
			d3dPF = texRequires.Format;

			// Use D3DX to help us create the texture, this way it can adjust any relevant sizes
			var d3dUsage = ( usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) != 0 ? D3D9.Usage.RenderTarget : 0;
			var numMips = requestedMipmapCount == (int)TextureMipmap.Unlimited ? -1 : requestedMipmapCount + 1;

			// Check dynamic textures
			if ( ( usage & TextureUsage.Dynamic ) != 0 )
				if ( _canUseDynamicTextures( d3d9Device, d3dUsage, D3D9.ResourceType.CubeTexture, d3dPF ) )
					d3dUsage |= D3D9.Usage.Dynamic;
					this._dynamicTextures = true;
					this._dynamicTextures = false;

			// Check sRGB support
			if ( hwGamma )
				this._hwGammaReadSupported = _canUseHardwareGammaCorrection( d3d9Device, d3dUsage, D3D9.ResourceType.CubeTexture,
				                                                             false );
				if ( ( usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) != 0 )
					this._hwGammaWriteSupported = _canUseHardwareGammaCorrection( d3d9Device, d3dUsage, D3D9.ResourceType.CubeTexture,
					                                                              true );

			// Check FSAA level
			if ( ( usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) != 0 )
				var rsys = (D3D9RenderSystem)Root.Instance.RenderSystem;
				rsys.DetermineFSAASettings( d3d9Device, fsaa, fsaaHint, d3dPF, false, out this._fsaaType, out this._fsaaQuality );
				this._fsaaType = D3D9.MultisampleType.None;
				this._fsaaQuality = 0;

			var device = D3D9RenderSystem.DeviceManager.GetDeviceFromD3D9Device( d3d9Device );
			var rkCurCaps = device.D3D9DeviceCaps;

			// check if mip map cube textures are supported
			mipmapsHardwareGenerated = false;
			if ( ( rkCurCaps.TextureCaps & D3D9.TextureCaps.MipCubeMap ) != 0 )
				if ( ( usage & TextureUsage.AutoMipMap ) != 0 && requestedMipmapCount != 0 )
					// use auto.gen. if available;
					mipmapsHardwareGenerated = _canAutoGenMipMaps( d3d9Device, d3dUsage, D3D9.ResourceType.CubeTexture, d3dPF );
					if ( mipmapsHardwareGenerated )
						d3dUsage |= D3D9.Usage.AutoGenerateMipMap;
						numMips = 0;
				// no mip map support for this kind of texture :(
				MipmapCount = 0;
				numMips = 1;

			// derive the pool to use

			// Get or create new texture resources structure.
			var textureResources = _getTextureResources( d3d9Device );
			if ( textureResources != null )
				_freeTextureResources( d3d9Device, textureResources );
				textureResources = _allocateTextureResources( d3d9Device );

			// create the cube texture
			textureResources.CubeTexture = new D3D9.CubeTexture( d3d9Device, SrcWidth, numMips, d3dUsage, d3dPF, this._d3dPool );

			// set the base texture we'll use in the render system
			textureResources.BaseTexture = textureResources.CubeTexture.QueryInterface<D3D9.BaseTexture>();

			// set final tex. attributes from tex. description
			// they may differ from the source image !!!
			var desc = textureResources.CubeTexture.GetLevelDescription( 0 );

			if ( this._fsaaType != 0 )
				// create AA surface
				textureResources.FSAASurface = D3D9.Surface.CreateRenderTarget( d3d9Device, desc.Width, desc.Height, d3dPF,
				                                                                this._fsaaType, this._fsaaQuality, false );

			_setFinalAttributes( d3d9Device, textureResources, desc.Width, desc.Height, 1, D3D9Helper.ConvertEnum( desc.Format ) );

			// Set best filter type
			if ( mipmapsHardwareGenerated )
				textureResources.BaseTexture.AutoMipGenerationFilter = _getBestFilterMethod( d3d9Device );
Exemple #17
		private void _load( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			if ( ( usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) == TextureUsage.RenderTarget )
				_createInternalResources( d3d9Device );

			// Make sure streams prepared.
			if ( this._loadedStreams == null )

			// Set reading positions of loaded streams to the beginning.
			foreach ( var i in this._loadedStreams )
				i.Position = 0;

			// only copy is on the stack so well-behaved if exception thrown
			var LoadedStreams = new MemoryStream[this._loadedStreams.Length];
			Array.Copy( this._loadedStreams, LoadedStreams, this._loadedStreams.Length );

			// load based on tex.type
			switch ( TextureType )
				case Graphics.TextureType.OneD:
				case Graphics.TextureType.TwoD:
					_loadNormalTexture( d3d9Device, LoadedStreams );

				case Graphics.TextureType.ThreeD:
					_loadVolumeTexture( d3d9Device, LoadedStreams );

				case Graphics.TextureType.CubeMap:
					_loadCubeTexture( d3d9Device, LoadedStreams );

					throw new AxiomException( "Unknown texture type" );
Exemple #18
		private bool _canAutoGenMipMaps( D3D9.Device d3d9Device, D3D9.Usage srcUsage, D3D9.ResourceType srcType,
		                                 D3D9.Format srcFormat )
			var device = D3D9RenderSystem.DeviceManager.GetDeviceFromD3D9Device( d3d9Device );
			var rkCurCaps = device.D3D9DeviceCaps;
			var eBackBufferFormat = device.BackBufferFormat;

			// Hacky override - many (all?) cards seem to not be able to autogen on 
			// textures which are not a power of two
			// Can we even mipmap on 3D textures? Well
			if ( ( width & width - 1 ) != 0 || ( height & height - 1 ) != 0 || ( depth & depth - 1 ) != 0 )
				return false;

			if ( ( rkCurCaps.Caps2 & D3D9.Caps2.CanAutoGenerateMipMap ) != 0 )
				var d3d = d3d9Device.Direct3D;
				// check for auto gen. mip maps support
				var hr = d3d.CheckDeviceFormat( rkCurCaps.AdapterOrdinal, rkCurCaps.DeviceType, eBackBufferFormat,
				                                srcUsage | D3D9.Usage.AutoGenerateMipMap, srcType, srcFormat );
				// this HR could be a SUCCESS
				// but mip maps will not be generated
				return hr;

			return false;
Exemple #19
		private TextureResources _getTextureResources( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			if ( this._mapDeviceToTextureResources.ContainsKey( d3d9Device ) )
				return this._mapDeviceToTextureResources[ d3d9Device ];

			return null;
Exemple #20
		private D3D9.Format _chooseD3DFormat( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			// Choose frame buffer pixel format in case PF_UNKNOWN was requested
			if ( Format == PixelFormat.Unknown )
				var device = D3D9RenderSystem.DeviceManager.GetDeviceFromD3D9Device( d3d9Device );
				return device.BackBufferFormat;

			// Choose closest supported D3D format as a D3D format
			return D3D9Helper.ConvertEnum( D3D9Helper.GetClosestSupported( Format ) );
Exemple #21
		public void CreateTextureResources( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			//Entering critical section

			if ( IsManuallyLoaded )

				// create the internal resources.
				_createInternalResources( d3d9Device );

				// Load from manual loader
				if ( loader != null )
					loader.LoadResource( this );


			//Leaving critical section
Exemple #22
		private void _createSurfaceList( D3D9.Device d3d9Device, TextureResources textureResources )
			Debug.Assert( textureResources != null );
			Debug.Assert( textureResources.BaseTexture != null );

			// Make sure number of mips is right
			mipmapCount = textureResources.BaseTexture.LevelCount - 1;

			// Need to know static / dynamic
			BufferUsage bufusage;
			if ( ( ( Usage & TextureUsage.Dynamic ) != 0 ) && this._dynamicTextures )
				bufusage = BufferUsage.Dynamic;
				bufusage = BufferUsage.Static;

			if ( ( Usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget ) != 0 )
				bufusage = (BufferUsage)( (int)bufusage | (int)TextureUsage.RenderTarget );

			var surfaceCount = FaceCount*( mipmapCount + 1 );
			var updateOldList = this._surfaceList.Count == surfaceCount;
			if ( !updateOldList )
				// Create new list of surfaces
				for ( var face = 0; face < FaceCount; ++face )
					for ( var mip = 0; mip <= MipmapCount; ++mip )
						var buffer = new D3D9HardwarePixelBuffer( bufusage, this );
						this._surfaceList.Add( buffer );

			switch ( TextureType )
				case TextureType.OneD:
				case TextureType.TwoD:
					Debug.Assert( textureResources.NormalTexture != null );
					// For all mipmaps, store surfaces as HardwarePixelBuffer
					for ( var mip = 0; mip <= MipmapCount; ++mip )
						var surface = textureResources.NormalTexture.GetSurfaceLevel( 0 );
						var currPixelBuffer = _getSurfaceAtLevel( 0, mip );

						if ( mip == 0 && requestedMipmapCount != 0 && ( usage & TextureUsage.AutoMipMap ) != 0 )
							currPixelBuffer.SetMipmapping( true, mipmapsHardwareGenerated );

						currPixelBuffer.Bind( d3d9Device, surface, textureResources.FSAASurface, this._hwGammaWriteSupported, fsaa, _name,
						                      textureResources.BaseTexture );

						// decrement reference count, the GetSurfaceLevel call increments this
						// this is safe because the pixel buffer keeps a reference as well

				case TextureType.CubeMap:
					Debug.Assert( textureResources.CubeTexture != null );

					// For all faces and mipmaps, store surfaces as HardwarePixelBuffer
					for ( var face = 0; face < 6; ++face )
						for ( var mip = 0; mip <= MipmapCount; ++mip )
							var surface = textureResources.CubeTexture.GetCubeMapSurface( (D3D9.CubeMapFace)face, mip );
							var currPixelBuffer = _getSurfaceAtLevel( face, mip );

							if ( mip == 0 && requestedMipmapCount != 0 && ( usage & TextureUsage.AutoMipMap ) != 0 )
								currPixelBuffer.SetMipmapping( true, mipmapsHardwareGenerated );

							currPixelBuffer.Bind( d3d9Device, surface, textureResources.FSAASurface, this._hwGammaWriteSupported, fsaa, _name,
							                      textureResources.BaseTexture );

							// decrement reference count, the GetSurfaceLevel call increments this
							// this is safe because the pixel buffer keeps a reference as well


				case TextureType.ThreeD:
					Debug.Assert( textureResources.VolumeTexture != null );

					// For all mipmaps, store surfaces as HardwarePixelBuffer
					for ( var mip = 0; mip <= MipmapCount; ++mip )
						var volume = textureResources.VolumeTexture.GetVolumeLevel( mip );
						var currPixelBuffer = _getSurfaceAtLevel( 0, mip );

						currPixelBuffer.Bind( d3d9Device, volume, textureResources.BaseTexture );

						if ( mip == 0 && requestedMipmapCount != 0 && ( usage & TextureUsage.AutoMipMap ) != 0 )
							currPixelBuffer.SetMipmapping( true, mipmapsHardwareGenerated );

						// decrement reference count, the GetSurfaceLevel call increments this
						// this is safe because the pixel buffer keeps a reference as well

Exemple #23
		private void _loadCubeTexture( D3D9.Device d3d9Device, MemoryStream[] loadedStreams )
			Debug.Assert( TextureType == TextureType.CubeMap, "this.TextureType == TextureType.CubeMap" );

			if ( GetSourceFileType() == "dds" )
				// find & load resource data
				Debug.Assert( this._loadedStreams.Length == 1 );

				var d3dUsage = D3D9.Usage.None;
				var numMips = requestedMipmapCount == (int)TextureMipmap.Unlimited ? -1 : requestedMipmapCount + 1;
				var device = D3D9RenderSystem.DeviceManager.GetDeviceFromD3D9Device( d3d9Device );
				var rkCurCaps = device.D3D9DeviceCaps;

				// check if mip map volume textures are supported
				if ( ( rkCurCaps.TextureCaps & D3D9.TextureCaps.MipCubeMap ) != D3D9.TextureCaps.MipCubeMap )
					// no mip map support for this kind of textures :(
					MipmapCount = 0;
					numMips = 1;

				// Determine D3D pool to use
				var pool = UseDefaultPool() ? D3D9.Pool.Default : D3D9.Pool.Managed;

				// Get or create new texture resources structure.
				var textureResources = _getTextureResources( d3d9Device );
				if ( textureResources != null )
					_freeTextureResources( d3d9Device, textureResources );
					textureResources = _allocateTextureResources( d3d9Device );

					textureResources.CubeTexture = D3D9.CubeTexture.FromMemory( d3d9Device, loadedStreams[ 0 ].GetBuffer(),
					                                                            (int)loadedStreams[ 0 ].Length, numMips, d3dUsage,
					                                                            D3D9.Format.Unknown, pool, D3D9.Filter.Default,
					                                                            D3D9.Filter.Default, 0 // colour Key
				catch ( Exception ex )
					throw new AxiomException( "Can't create cube texture.", ex );

				textureResources.BaseTexture = textureResources.CubeTexture.QueryInterface<D3D9.BaseTexture>();

				var texDesc = textureResources.CubeTexture.GetLevelDescription( 0 );
				this._d3dPool = texDesc.Pool;
				// set src and dest attributes to the same, we can't know
				_setSrcAttributes( texDesc.Width, texDesc.Height, 1, D3D9Helper.ConvertEnum( texDesc.Format ) );
				_setFinalAttributes( d3d9Device, textureResources, texDesc.Width, texDesc.Height, 1,
				                     D3D9Helper.ConvertEnum( texDesc.Format ) );

				if ( hwGamma )
					this._hwGammaReadSupported = _canUseHardwareGammaCorrection( d3d9Device, texDesc.Usage,
					                                                             texDesc.Format, false );

				internalResourcesCreated = true;
				Debug.Assert( loadedStreams.Length == 6 );

				var ext = string.Empty;
				var pos = _name.LastIndexOf( "." );
				if ( pos != -1 )
					ext = _name.Substring( pos + 1 );

				var images = new List<Image>( 6 );

				for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
					images.Add( Image.FromStream( loadedStreams[ i ], ext ) );

				LoadImages( images.ToArray() );
Exemple #24
		public void NotifyOnDeviceCreate( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			//Entering critical section

			if ( D3D9RenderSystem.ResourceManager.CreationPolicy == D3D9ResourceManager.ResourceCreationPolicy.CreateOnAllDevices )
				CreateTextureResources( d3d9Device );

			//Leaving critical section
Exemple #25
        private void CreateInternalTexture(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, D3D.Texture texture)

            // Check if we need to resize
            if (this.InternalWidth == this.Width && this.InternalHeight == this.Height)
                this.InternalTexture = texture;

            this.InternalTexture = D3DHelper.CreateTexture(graphicsDevice.InternalDevice, this.InternalWidth, this.InternalHeight, TextureUsage.None);

            SharpDX.DataRectangle input = texture.LockRectangle(0, D3D.LockFlags.ReadOnly);
            SharpDX.DataStream inputStream = new SharpDX.DataStream(input.DataPointer, this.Height * input.Pitch, true, false);

            SharpDX.DataRectangle output = this.InternalTexture.LockRectangle(0, D3D.LockFlags.None);
            SharpDX.DataStream outputStream = new SharpDX.DataStream(output.DataPointer, this.InternalHeight * output.Pitch, true, true);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[4];

            for (int y = 0; y < this.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < this.Width; x++)
                    inputStream.Seek((y * input.Pitch) + (x * 4), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    inputStream.Read(buffer, 0, 4);

                    outputStream.Seek((y * output.Pitch) + (x * 4), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, 4);


            texture.Dispose(); // Get rid of old texture
		public void Open( D3D9.IncludeType type, string fileName, out Stream fileStream )
			fileStream = ResourceGroupManager.Instance.OpenResource( fileName, this.program.Group, true, this.program );
		public void NotifyOnDeviceReset( D3D9.Device d3D9Device )
			lock ( _resourcesMutex )
				foreach ( var it in this.Resources )
					it.NotifyOnDeviceReset( d3D9Device );
Exemple #28
		public void NotifyOnDeviceLost( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			//Entering critical section

			if ( this._d3dPool == D3D9.Pool.Default )
				var textureResources = _getTextureResources( d3d9Device );

				if ( textureResources != null )
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "D3D9 device: 0x[{0}] lost. Releasing D3D9 texture: {1}", d3d9Device.ToString(), _name );

					// Just free any internal resources, don't call unload() here
					// because we want the un-touched resource to keep its unloaded status
					// after device reset.
					_freeTextureResources( d3d9Device, textureResources );

					LogManager.Instance.Write( "Released D3D9 texture: {0}", _name );

			//Leaving critical section
Exemple #29
		public void NotifyOnDeviceDestroy( D3D9.Device d3d9Device )
			//Entering critical section

			var textureResources = _getTextureResources( d3d9Device );

			if ( textureResources != null )
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "D3D9 device: 0x[{0}] destroy. Releasing D3D9 texture: {1}", d3d9Device.ToString(), _name );

				// Destroy surfaces from each mip level.
				foreach ( var i in this._surfaceList )
					i.DestroyBufferResources( d3d9Device );

				// Just free any internal resources, don't call unload() here
				// because we want the un-touched resource to keep its unloaded status
				// after device reset.
				_freeTextureResources( d3d9Device, textureResources );

				this._mapDeviceToTextureResources.Remove( d3d9Device );

				LogManager.Instance.Write( "Released D3D9 texture: {0}", _name );

			//Leaving critical section
		public void BuildPresentParameters( ref D3D9.PresentParameters presentParams )
			// Set up the presentation parameters		
			var pD3D = D3D9RenderSystem.Direct3D9;
			var devType = D3D9.DeviceType.Hardware;

			if ( this._device != null )
				devType = this._device.DeviceType;


			presentParams.Windowed = !isFullScreen;
			presentParams.SwapEffect = D3D9.SwapEffect.Discard;
			// triple buffer if VSync is on
			presentParams.BackBufferCount = this._vSync ? 2 : 1;
			presentParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil = isDepthBuffered;
			presentParams.DeviceWindowHandle = this._windowHandle.Handle;
			presentParams.BackBufferWidth = width;
			presentParams.BackBufferHeight = height;
			presentParams.FullScreenRefreshRateInHz = isFullScreen ? this._displayFrequency : 0;

			if ( presentParams.BackBufferWidth == 0 )
				presentParams.BackBufferWidth = 1;

			if ( presentParams.BackBufferHeight == 0 )
				presentParams.BackBufferHeight = 1;

			if ( this._vSync )
				// D3D9 only seems to support 2-4 presentation intervals in fullscreen
				if ( isFullScreen )
					switch ( this._vSyncInterval )
						case 1:
							presentParams.PresentationInterval = D3D9.PresentInterval.One;

						case 2:
							presentParams.PresentationInterval = D3D9.PresentInterval.Two;

						case 3:
							presentParams.PresentationInterval = D3D9.PresentInterval.Three;

						case 4:
							presentParams.PresentationInterval = D3D9.PresentInterval.Four;
					// check that the interval was supported, revert to 1 to be safe otherwise
					var caps = pD3D.GetDeviceCaps( this._device.AdapterNumber, devType );
					if ( ( caps.PresentationIntervals & presentParams.PresentationInterval ) == 0 )
						presentParams.PresentationInterval = D3D9.PresentInterval.One;
					presentParams.PresentationInterval = D3D9.PresentInterval.One;
				// NB not using vsync in windowed mode in D3D9 can cause jerking at low 
				// frame rates no matter what buffering modes are used (odd - perhaps a
				// timer issue in D3D9 since GL doesn't suffer from this) 
				// low is < 200fps in this context
				if ( !isFullScreen )
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "D3D9 : WARNING - " +
											   "disabling VSync in windowed mode can cause timing issues at lower " +
											   "frame rates, turn VSync on if you observe this problem." );
				presentParams.PresentationInterval = D3D9.PresentInterval.Immediate;

			presentParams.BackBufferFormat = D3D9.Format.R5G6B5;
			if ( colorDepth > 16 )
				presentParams.BackBufferFormat = D3D9.Format.X8R8G8B8;

			if ( colorDepth > 16 )
				// Try to create a 32-bit depth, 8-bit stencil

				if (
					!pD3D.CheckDeviceFormat( this._device.AdapterNumber, devType, presentParams.BackBufferFormat,
											 D3D9.ResourceType.Surface, D3D9.Format.D24S8 ) )
					// Bugger, no 8-bit hardware stencil, just try 32-bit zbuffer
					if (
						!pD3D.CheckDeviceFormat( this._device.AdapterNumber, devType, presentParams.BackBufferFormat,
												 D3D9.ResourceType.Surface, D3D9.Format.D32 ) )
						// Jeez, what a naff card. Fall back on 16-bit depth buffering
						presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3D9.Format.D16;
						presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3D9.Format.D32;
					// Woohoo!
					if ( pD3D.CheckDepthStencilMatch( this._device.AdapterNumber, devType, presentParams.BackBufferFormat,
													  presentParams.BackBufferFormat, D3D9.Format.D24S8 ) )
						presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3D9.Format.D24S8;
						presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3D9.Format.D24X8;
				// 16-bit depth, software stencil
				presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3D9.Format.D16;

			var rsys = (D3D9RenderSystem)Root.Instance.RenderSystem;

			rsys.DetermineFSAASettings( this._device.D3DDevice, fsaa, fsaaHint, presentParams.BackBufferFormat, isFullScreen,
										out this._fsaaType, out this._fsaaQuality );

			presentParams.MultiSampleType = this._fsaaType;
			presentParams.MultiSampleQuality = ( this._fsaaQuality == 0 ) ? 0 : this._fsaaQuality;

			// Check sRGB
			if ( hwGamma )
				/* hmm, this never succeeds even when device does support??
					devType, presentParams->BackBufferFormat, D3DUSAGE_QUERY_SRGBWRITE, 
					D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, presentParams->BackBufferFormat )))
					// disable - not supported
					mHwGamma = false;