internal SFXPlayer(AudioClipsStorer clipsStorer) { var updater = SharedServices.GetService <IUpdateScheduler>(); if (updater == null) { updater = new UnityUpdateScheduler(); SharedServices.RegisterService(updater); } var dispatcher = SharedServices.GetService <EventDispatcher>(); if (dispatcher == null) { dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); SharedServices.RegisterService(dispatcher); } updater.ScheduleUpdate(this); dispatcher.AddListener <SceneManagementService.SceneUnloadedEvent>(OnSceneUnloaded); _clipStorer = clipsStorer; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { CreateHandler(); } }
void Start() { _text = GetComponent <Text>(); _tmpText = GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); if (_text == null && _tmpText == null) { Debug.LogError("Added a LocalizedText component to a gameobject with no ui text"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_key)) { if (_text != null) { _key = _text.text; } else if (_tmpText != null) { _key = _tmpText.text; } } _service = SharedServices.GetService <ILocalizationService>(); if (_service == null) { _service = new LocalLocalizationService(); _service.Initialize(UpdateText); SharedServices.RegisterService <ILocalizationService>(_service); } _service.OnLocalizationChanged += UpdateText; }
internal MusicPlayer(AudioClipsStorer clipStorer) { if (!SharedServices.HasService <ICoroutineRunner>()) { SharedServices.RegisterService <ICoroutineRunner>(new CoroutineRunner()); } _clipStorer = clipStorer; _source = new GameObject("MusicPlayer").AddComponent <AudioSource>(); UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(_source.gameObject); _source.playOnAwake = false; _source.spatialBlend = 0f; }