// POST api/get_loup_rates
        public string Post(FormDataCollection form)
                //return "0"; // LOUP had changed their website, need to rewrite scraper

                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("get_loup_rates new ", "get_loup_rates new ");
                int CarrierCompID = 78573;
                SharedRail.Parameters parameters = new SharedRail.Parameters();
                SharedRail.setParameters(ref form, ref parameters, ref CarrierCompID);

                SharedRail.ICarrier carrier = new LOUP(parameters);

                IntermodalRater.railResult railResult = new IntermodalRater.railResult();
                railResult = carrier.getRate();

                return(SharedRail.getResultString(ref railResult));
            catch (Exception e)
                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("get_loup_rates", e.ToString());
Exemple #2
    private static void getResult_ModalX(ref string doc, ref HelperFuncs.ModalX_Result res)
        string[] tokens = new string[3];
        tokens[0] = "success";
        tokens[1] = ":";
        tokens[2] = ",";

        bool.TryParse(HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc), out res.success);
        if (res.success != true)

        tokens[0] = "pickupDate";
        string tmp = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc);
        long   jsDateTime;

        long.TryParse(tmp, out jsDateTime);

        if (jsDateTime < 1)
            res.pickupDate = SharedRail.getDateFromJsGetTimeValue(jsDateTime);


        tokens[0] = "deliveryDate";
        tmp       = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc);
        long.TryParse(tmp, out jsDateTime);

        if (jsDateTime < 1)
            res.deliveryDate = SharedRail.getDateFromJsGetTimeValue(jsDateTime);


        tokens[0] = "totalCharge";
        tmp       = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc);
        decimal.TryParse(tmp, out res.cost);
Exemple #3
        public void Get_LOUP_rates()
                //return "0"; // LOUP had changed their website, need to rewrite scraper

                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
                //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("get_loup_rates new ", "get_loup_rates new ");
                int CarrierCompID = 78573;
                SharedRail.Parameters parameters = new SharedRail.Parameters();


                var data = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >()
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("username", ""),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("password", ""),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("originZip", "30303"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("destinationZip", "98177"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("originCity", "ATLANTA"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("destinationCity", "SEATTLE"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("isHazMat", "False"),
                    new KeyValuePair <string, string>("pickupDate", "6/12/2019")

                FormDataCollection form = new FormDataCollection(data);
                SharedRail.setParameters(ref form, ref parameters, ref CarrierCompID);

                SharedRail.ICarrier carrier = new LOUP(parameters);

                IntermodalRater.railResult railResult = new IntermodalRater.railResult();
                railResult = carrier.getRate();

                //return SharedRail.getResultString(ref railResult);
            catch (Exception e)
                string str = e.ToString();
                //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("get_loup_rates", e.ToString());
                //return "0";
Exemple #4
    public static void getOTR_RateDLS()
        string[] cityStateCountryOrig = new string[3];
        string[] cityStateCountryDest = new string[3];

        string oState, dState, oCity, dCity, oCountry, dCountry;

            SharedRail.cityStateCountryByZip(ref cityStateCountryOrig, originZipGlobal);
            SharedRail.cityStateCountryByZip(ref cityStateCountryDest, destZipGlobal);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityStateCountryOrig[0]))
                oState   = cityStateCountryOrig[1];
                oCity    = cityStateCountryOrig[0];
                oCountry = cityStateCountryOrig[2];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityStateCountryDest[0]))
                dState   = cityStateCountryDest[1];
                dCity    = cityStateCountryDest[0];
                dCountry = cityStateCountryDest[2];

            SharedRail.getOTR_RateDLS(ref originZipGlobal, ref destZipGlobal, ref puDateGlobal, ref oCity, ref oState, ref oCountry,
                                      ref dCity, ref dState, ref dCountry);
        catch (Exception e)
            HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("MG OTR", e.ToString());
Exemple #5
        // POST api/get_modalx_rates
        public string Post(FormDataCollection form)
                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("get_ModalX_rates new ", "get_ModalX_rates new ");
                int CarrierCompID = 78573; // Wrong id
                SharedRail.Parameters parameters = new SharedRail.Parameters();
                SharedRail.setParameters(ref form, ref parameters, ref CarrierCompID);

                SharedRail.ICarrier carrier = new ModalX(parameters);

                IntermodalRater.railResult railResult = new IntermodalRater.railResult();
                railResult = carrier.getRate();

                return(SharedRail.getResultString(ref railResult));
            catch (Exception e)
                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("get_ModalX_rates", e.ToString());
Exemple #6
        // POST api/getcsxiinfo
        public string Post(FormDataCollection form)
            #region Not used
            //#region Get form data

            ////HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("test", "test1");

            //string username = form.Get("username");
            //string password = form.Get("password");

            //string originZip = form.Get("originZip");
            //string destinationZip = form.Get("destinationZip");

            //string[] additionalServices = new string[1];
            //DateTime pickupDate;

            //if (!DateTime.TryParse(form.Get("pickupDate"), out pickupDate))
            //    pickupDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);


            //List<string[]> accessorials = new List<string[]>();
            //IntermodalRater.railResult railResult = new IntermodalRater.railResult();

            //SharedRail.GetCSXIInfo(ref originZip, ref destinationZip, ref pickupDate, ref accessorials, ref railResult);

            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(railResult.success) || !railResult.success.Equals("success"))
            //    return "0";
            //    return string.Concat("success=", railResult.success, "&rate=", railResult.rate, "&transitTime=", railResult.transitTime,
            //        "&hasCapacity=", railResult.hasCapacity, "&firstCapacityDate=", railResult.firstCapacityDate.ToShortDateString(),
            //        "&eta=", railResult.eta.ToShortDateString(), "&containerSize=", railResult.containerSize);


                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("get_CSXI_rates new ", "get_CSXI_rates new ");
                int CarrierCompID = 90199;
                SharedRail.Parameters parameters = new SharedRail.Parameters();
                SharedRail.setParameters(ref form, ref parameters, ref CarrierCompID);

                SharedRail.ICarrier carrier = new CSXI(parameters);

                IntermodalRater.railResult railResult = new IntermodalRater.railResult();
                railResult = carrier.getRate();

                return(SharedRail.getResultString(ref railResult));
            catch (Exception e)
                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("get_CSXI_rates", e.ToString());
Exemple #7
    public List <string[]> GetIntermodalRate(string username, string password, DateTime pickupDate, string originZip, string destinationZip,
                                             string[] additionalServices, ref int QuoteID)
            usernameGlobal = username;
            string user = GetGCMUserNameByAPILogins(username, password);
            int[]  info = GetMarkupPercent(user);
            int    IntermodalMarkupPercent = info[0];
            int    IntermodalMinimum       = info[1];

            destZipGlobal   = destinationZip;
            originZipGlobal = originZip;

            string[] cityStateCountryOrig = new string[3];
            string[] cityStateCountryDest = new string[3];

            SharedRail.cityStateCountryByZip(ref cityStateCountryOrig, originZip);
            SharedRail.cityStateCountryByZip(ref cityStateCountryDest, destinationZip);

            //originState = dr[0].ToString();
            //originCity = dr[1].ToString();
            //originCountry = dr[2].ToString();

            //destState = dr[0].ToString();
            //destCity = dr[1].ToString();
            //destCountry = dr[2].ToString();

            originCity    = cityStateCountryOrig[0];
            destCity      = cityStateCountryDest[0];
            originState   = cityStateCountryOrig[1];
            destState     = cityStateCountryDest[1];
            originCountry = cityStateCountryOrig[2];
            destCountry   = cityStateCountryDest[2];

            #region puDate

            puDateGlobal = pickupDate;

            DateTime tomorrow = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

            int comparison;
            comparison = puDateGlobal.CompareTo(tomorrow);

            if (comparison == -1) // date is earlier than tomorrow, set the date to tomorrow
                puDateGlobal = tomorrow;
            if (puDateGlobal.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday")
                puDateGlobal = puDateGlobal.AddDays(2);
            else if (puDateGlobal.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
                puDateGlobal = puDateGlobal.AddDays(1);

            HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("GetIntermodalRate Demo", string.Concat(originZip, " ", destinationZip, " ", originCity, " ", destCity));

            //int QuoteID = 0;
            // Insert into database
            SharedRail.saveResults(false, ref originCity, ref destCity, ref originState, ref destState, ref usernameGlobal, ref results, ref puDateGlobal,
                                   ref QuoteID);

            #region Threads

            List <Thread> threads = new List <Thread>();

            SharedRail.streamlineResultArray  = new string[13];
            SharedRail.csxiResultArray        = new string[13];
            SharedRail.modalXResultArray      = new string[13];
            SharedRail.integraResultArray     = new string[13];
            SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT = new string[13];
            SharedRail.integraResultArray45FT = new string[13];
            SharedRail.mgOtrResultArray       = new string[13];

            //SharedRail.MG_OTR_Result mgOtrRes = new SharedRail.MG_OTR_Result();

            SharedRail.synchronet20FT_DryResultArray       = new string[13];
            SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray = new string[13];
            SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray = new string[13];

            // New objects
            //SharedRail.streamlineResults = new List<IntermodalResult>();

            // Initialize the notification field to avoid null reference exception when checking for function success
            SharedRail.streamlineResultArray[0] = "";
            SharedRail.csxiResultArray[0]       = "";
            SharedRail.modalXResultArray[0]     = "";
            SharedRail.integraResultArray[0]    = "";
            SharedRail.mgOtrResultArray[0]      = "";

            SharedRail.synchronet20FT_DryResultArray[0]       = "";
            SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray[0] = "";
            SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray[0] = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                Thread thread;
                //thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GetStreamlineInfo));
                if (i == 0)
                    thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(getRate_Streamline));
                else if (i == 1)
                    //thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GetIntegraInfo));
                    //thread = new Thread(() => GetIntegraInfo(SharedRail.FiftyThreeFt));
                else if (i == 2)
                    thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GetModalX_Info));
                else if (i.Equals(3))
                    //thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(getSynchronetInfo20));
                else if (i.Equals(4))
                    //thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(getSynchronetInfo40));
                else if (i.Equals(5))
                    //thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(getSynchronetInfo45));
                else if (i.Equals(6))
                    //thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(getOTR_RateDLS));
                //else if (i == 2)
                //    thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GetIDIInfo));

                    //thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GetCSXIInfo));
                thread.Name = i.ToString();

            foreach (Thread t in threads)
                if (!t.Join(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25)))



            #region Gather all results to one results object

            decimal integra40cost = 0M, synchro40cost = 0M, integra45cost = 0M, synchro45cost = 0M;

            #region Get Synchro costs

            if (SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray[0] != null && SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
                decimal.TryParse(SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray[2].Replace("$", "").Trim(), out synchro40cost);
                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("WS synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray", SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray[2]);
                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("WS synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray", "null");

            if (SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray[0] != null && SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
                decimal.TryParse(SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray[2].Replace("$", "").Trim(), out synchro45cost);
                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("WS synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray", SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray[2]);
                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("WS synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray", "null");


            #region Get Integra costs

            if (SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT[0] != null && SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
                if (SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT[0] != null && SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
                    decimal.TryParse(SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT[2].Replace("$", "").Trim(), out integra40cost);
                    HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("WS integraResultArray40FT", SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT[2]);
                    HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("WS integraResultArray40FT", "null");

                if (SharedRail.integraResultArray45FT[0] != null && SharedRail.integraResultArray45FT[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
                    decimal.TryParse(SharedRail.integraResultArray45FT[2].Replace("$", "").Trim(), out integra45cost);
                    HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("WS integraResultArray45FT", SharedRail.integraResultArray45FT[2]);
                    HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("WS integraResultArray45FT", "null");


            HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("WS integra vs synchro", string.Concat(integra40cost, " ", integra45cost, " ", synchro40cost, " ", synchro45cost));

            // Gather all results to one results object
            if (SharedRail.streamlineResultArray[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))


                //IntermodalResult res = new IntermodalResult();
                //res.TotalCharge = streamRes.totalPrice;

                //if (transitDays.Equals(-1))
                //    res.EstimatedTransitTime = "10";
                //    res.EstimatedDeliveryDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(10).ToShortDateString();
                //    res.EstimatedTransitTime = transitDays.ToString();
                //    res.EstimatedDeliveryDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(transitDays).ToShortDateString();
                //res.Carrier = Streamline;
            if (SharedRail.csxiResultArray[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
            if (SharedRail.modalXResultArray[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
            if (SharedRail.integraResultArray != null && SharedRail.integraResultArray[0] != null && SharedRail.integraResultArray[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))

            if (integra40cost > 0 && (integra40cost < synchro40cost || synchro40cost.Equals(0M)))
                if (SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT != null && SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT[0] != null && SharedRail.integraResultArray40FT[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
            else if (synchro40cost > 0 && (synchro40cost < integra40cost || integra40cost.Equals(0M)))
                if (SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray[0]) &&

            if (integra45cost > 0 && (integra45cost < synchro45cost || synchro45cost.Equals(0M)))
                if (SharedRail.integraResultArray45FT != null && SharedRail.integraResultArray45FT[0] != null && SharedRail.integraResultArray45FT[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
            else if (synchro45cost > 0 && (synchro45cost < integra45cost || integra45cost.Equals(0M)))
                if (SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray[0]) &&

            //if (SharedRail.synchronet20FT_DryResultArray != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedRail.synchronet20FT_DryResultArray[0]) &&
            //    SharedRail.synchronet20FT_DryResultArray[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
            //    results.Add(SharedRail.synchronet20FT_DryResultArray);

            //if (SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray[0]) &&
            //    SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
            //    results.Add(SharedRail.synchronet40FT_High_CubeResultArray);

            //if (SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray[0]) &&
            //    SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray[0].Equals(SharedRail.success))
            //    results.Add(SharedRail.synchronet45FT_High_CubeResultArray);

            if (SharedRail.mgOtrResultArray != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SharedRail.mgOtrResultArray[0]) &&

            //for (byte i = 0; i < SharedRail.streamlineResults.Count; i++)
            //    resultsList.Add(SharedRail.streamlineResults[i]);


            SharedRail.saveResults(true, ref originCity, ref destCity, ref originState, ref destState, ref usernameGlobal, ref results, ref puDateGlobal,
                                   ref QuoteID);

            #region Add percentage

            Double rate, decPercent = (Double)IntermodalMarkupPercent / (Double)100, percentSum = 0;
            //Int32 transit;

            for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
                //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("GetIntermodalRate user: "******"$", "").Replace(",", "") + " " +
                //    decPercent.ToString() + " " + IntermodalMinimum.ToString());
                if (!Double.TryParse(results[i][2].Replace("$", "").Replace(",", ""), out rate))
                percentSum = rate * decPercent;
                if (percentSum < IntermodalMinimum)
                    rate         += IntermodalMinimum;
                    results[i][2] = "$" + rate;
                    rate         += percentSum;
                    results[i][2] = "$" + rate;
                //throw new Exception(IntermodalMarkupPercent + " " + decPercent + " " + percentSum + " " + IntermodalMinimum);


            #region Valid through

            DateTime today = new DateTime();
            today = DateTime.Today;
            int weekendDays = 0, daysToAdd = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
                if (today.AddDays(i).DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday" || today.AddDays(i).DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
            if (weekendDays == 1)
                if (today.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Monday")
                    daysToAdd = 2;
                else if (today.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday")
                    daysToAdd = 1;
            else if (weekendDays == 2)
                daysToAdd = 2;
            else //weekend days = 0
                daysToAdd = 0;

            validThrough = DateTime.Today.AddDays(5 + daysToAdd);
            string vThru = validThrough.ToShortDateString();


            #region Compare rates

            //int indOfMinRate = -1;
            //int indOfMinTransit = -1;
            if (results.Count == 0)   // No results

            for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
                if (!Double.TryParse(results[i][2].Replace("$", "").Replace(",", ""), out rate))

                results[i][6]  = validThrough.ToShortDateString();
                results[i][7]  = originCity + ", " + originState;
                results[i][8]  = originCountry;
                results[i][9]  = destCity + ", " + destState;
                results[i][10] = destCountry;


                #region Not used
                //if (i == 0)
                //    minRate = rate;
                //    indOfMinRate = i;
                //if (minRate > rate)
                //    minRate = rate;
                //    indOfMinRate = i;

                //IntermodalResult res = new IntermodalResult();
                //res.TotalCharge = streamRes.totalPrice;

                //if (transitDays.Equals(-1))
                //    res.EstimatedTransitTime = "10";
                //    res.EstimatedDeliveryDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(10).ToShortDateString();
                //    res.EstimatedTransitTime = transitDays.ToString();
                //    res.EstimatedDeliveryDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(transitDays).ToShortDateString();
                //res.Carrier = Streamline;

            #region Not used
            //find index of lowest transit
            //minTransit = Int32.MaxValue;
            //for (int j = 0; j < results.Count; j++)

            //    if (!Int32.TryParse(results[j][3], out transit))
            //    {

            //        if (results[j][1].Contains("IDI<(") == false)
            //        {
            //            try
            //            {
            //                //writeBugReport("could not parse transit " + results[j][3]);
            //                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("GetIntermodalRate", "could not parse transit " + results[j][3]);
            //            }
            //            catch { }
            //        }
            //        continue;
            //    }

            //    if (minTransit > transit)
            //    {
            //        minTransit = transit;
            //        indOfMinTransit = j;
            //    }

            //if (indOfMinRate != -1)
            //    if (indOfMinTransit > -1)
            //    {
            //        results[indOfMinTransit][2] = SharedRail.normalizeTrailNumbs(results[indOfMinTransit][2]);
            //    }
            //    results[indOfMinRate][2] = SharedRail.normalizeTrailNumbs(results[indOfMinRate][2]);

            //if (indOfMinRate != -1)
            //    if (results[indOfMinRate][1].Contains("Integra")) // in case of Integra
            //    {
            //        results[indOfMinRate][6] = results[indOfMinRate][4]; //doing this way to keep the function similar to Web Page function
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        results[indOfMinRate][6] = vThru;
            //    }
            //    results[indOfMinRate][7] = originCity + ", " + originState;
            //    results[indOfMinRate][8] = originCountry;
            //    results[indOfMinRate][9] = destCity + ", " + destState;
            //    results[indOfMinRate][10] = destCountry;

            //    if (results[indOfMinRate][1].Contains("IDI<(")) // in case of IDI
            //    {
            //        results[indOfMinRate][3] = "";
            //        results[indOfMinRate][4] = "";
            //        results[indOfMinRate][5] = "";
            //        sortedResults.Add(results[indOfMinRate]);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sortedResults.Add(results[indOfMinRate]);
            //    }

            //if (indOfMinTransit != -1 && (indOfMinTransit != indOfMinRate) && (results[indOfMinTransit][3] != results[indOfMinRate][3])) // transit time shorter but rate higher
            //    if (results[indOfMinTransit][1].Contains("Integra")) // in case of Integra
            //    {
            //        results[indOfMinTransit][6] = results[indOfMinTransit][4]; //doing this way to keep the function similar to Web Page function
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        results[indOfMinTransit][6] = vThru;
            //    }
            //    results[indOfMinTransit][7] = originCity + ", " + originState;
            //    results[indOfMinTransit][8] = originCountry;
            //    results[indOfMinTransit][9] = destCity + ", " + destState;
            //    results[indOfMinTransit][10] = destCountry;

            //    sortedResults.Add(results[indOfMinTransit]);


        catch (Exception exep)
            HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("GetIntermodalRate", exep.ToString());
Exemple #8
 private static void GetModalX_Info()
     SharedRail.GetModalX_Info(ref originZipGlobal, ref destZipGlobal);
Exemple #9
    //public static void GetCSXIInfo(ref string originZipGlobal, ref string destZipGlobal, ref DateTime puDateGlobal, ref List<string[]> list,
    //    ref railResult csxResultObj)

    //    int timeOut = 25000;
    //    try
    //    {
    //        List<HelperFuncs.Credentials> crds = new List<HelperFuncs.Credentials>();
    //        string username = "", password = "";

    //        try
    //        {
    //            crds = HelperFuncs.GetLoginsByCarID(90199);
    //            username = crds[0].username;
    //            password = crds[0].password;
    //        }
    //        catch (Exception ex)
    //        {
    //            HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI", ex.ToString());
    //        }

    //        string url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, data, doc, originCity = "", destCity = "", originState = "", destState = "";

    //        CookieContainer container = new CookieContainer();
    //        CookieCollection collection = new CookieCollection();

    //        #region Login and go to rate page

    //        #region Login request

    //        referrer = "https://shipcsx.com/pub_sx_mainpagepublic_jct/sx.shipcsxpublic/PublicNavbar";
    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/pkmslogin.form";
    //        contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    //        accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8";
    //        method = "POST";
    //        data = "login-form-type=pwd&username="******"&password="******"&LoginGoButton.x=7&LoginGoButton.y=8"; //user password
    //        collection = (CookieCollection)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("collection", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, data, true, timeOut);

    //        #endregion

    //        #region Some required requests
    //        //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_mainpage_jct/sx.shipcsx/Main";
    //        referrer = "";
    //        contentType = "";
    //        method = "GET";
    //        collection = (CookieCollection)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("collection", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //        referrer = url;
    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_mainpage_jct/sx.shipcsx/Navbar";
    //        collection = (CookieCollection)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("collection", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/TruckingMain";
    //        referrer = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_mainpage_jct/sx.shipcsx/Navbar";
    //        contentType = "";
    //        method = "GET";
    //        collection = (CookieCollection)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("collection", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    //        referrer = url;
    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/jsp/sx_base_classes/blank.jsp";
    //        collection = (CookieCollection)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("collection", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    //        //referrer = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/TruckingMain";
    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/SpotQuoteBegin?";
    //        collection = (CookieCollection)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("collection", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    //        referrer = url;
    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/jsp/sx_base_classes/blank.jsp";
    //        collection = (CookieCollection)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("collection", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //        #endregion

    //        #region Get City and State

    //        // Get City and State
    //        referrer = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/SpotQuoteBegin?";
    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/GetCityStateData?zip=" + originZipGlobal;
    //        doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        // Scrape origin city and state
    //        string[] tokens = new string[3];
    //        tokens[0] = "<city>";
    //        tokens[1] = ">";
    //        tokens[2] = "<";

    //        HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI originZipGlobal", originZipGlobal);

    //        originCity = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc);
    //        if (originCity == "" || originCity == "not found")
    //            throw new Exception("No matching City/State for zipcode " + originZipGlobal);

    //        tokens[0] = "<state>";
    //        originState = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc);

    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/GetUnservicableLocations?zip=" + originZipGlobal;
    //        doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/GetUnservicableLocations?zip=" + destZipGlobal;
    //        doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/GetCityStateData?zip=" + destZipGlobal;
    //        doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, timeOut);

    //        // Scrape destination city and state
    //        tokens[0] = "<city>";
    //        destCity = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc);
    //        if (destCity == "" || destCity == "not found")
    //            throw new Exception("No matching City/State for zipcode " + destZipGlobal);

    //        tokens[0] = "<state>";
    //        destState = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc);

    //        #endregion

    //        #region Variables

    //        DateTime dt = puDateGlobal;
    //        DateTime dtLast = new DateTime();
    //        dtLast = DateTime.Today.AddDays(6);
    //        TimeSpan span = dtLast - dt;

    //        bool hasCapacity = true;
    //        string hazmat = "";
    //        double parseDbl;
    //        bool successBool = false;
    //        string price = "";
    //        string transitTime = "";

    //        bool isLastDateTry = false;

    //        #endregion

    //        for (int i = 0; i <= span.TotalDays; i++)
    //        {
    //            HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI i", i.ToString());
    //            HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI span.TotalDays", span.TotalDays.ToString());

    //            if (i.Equals((int)span.TotalDays))
    //            {
    //                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI i=span", "CSXI i=span");
    //                isLastDateTry = true;
    //            }

    //            dt = DateTime.Today.AddDays(i + 1);

    //            if (dt.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday" || dt.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
    //            {
    //                continue;
    //            }

    //            #region Fix date

    //            string day = dt.Day.ToString(), month = dt.Month.ToString(), year = dt.Year.ToString();
    //            if (day.Length.Equals(1))
    //            {
    //                day = "0" + day;
    //            }

    //            if (month.Length.Equals(1))
    //            {
    //                month = "0" + month;
    //            }

    //            #endregion

    //            hasCapacity = true;

    //            tryDateCSXI_WithCapacity(ref container, ref originZipGlobal, ref originCity,
    //                ref originState, ref destZipGlobal, ref destCity, ref destState, ref month, ref day, ref year,
    //                ref hasCapacity, ref transitTime, ref price, ref successBool, ref isLastDateTry);

    //            if (successBool.Equals(true) && hasCapacity.Equals(true))
    //            {
    //                break;
    //            }
    //        }

    //        #endregion

    //        #region Not used
    //        //for (int i = 0; i <= span.TotalDays; i++)
    //        //{
    //        //    dt = DateTime.Today.AddDays(i + 1);
    //        //    //dt = dt.AddDays(i);
    //        //    if (dt.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Saturday" || dt.DayOfWeek.ToString() == "Sunday")
    //        //    {
    //        //        continue;
    //        //    }
    //        //    doc = tryDateCSXI(container, originZipGlobal, destZipGlobal, originCity, destCity, originState, destState, hazmat, i + 1);
    //        //    //if (doc.Contains("No pricing is available"))
    //        //    //{
    //        //    //    throw new Exception("No pricing is available");
    //        //    //}

    //        //    tokens[0] = "<price>";
    //        //    tokens[1] = ">";
    //        //    tokens[2] = "<";

    //        //    price = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc).Replace("$", "");
    //        //    if (!double.TryParse(price, out parseDbl))
    //        //    {
    //        //        continue;
    //        //    }
    //        //    else
    //        //    {
    //        //        successBool = true;
    //        //    }

    //        //    tokens[0] = "<transitTime>";
    //        //    tokens[1] = ">";
    //        //    tokens[2] = "<";
    //        //    transitTime = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc).Replace("days", "").Trim();

    //        //    if (successBool.Equals(true))
    //        //    {
    //        //        break;
    //        //    }
    //        //}
    //        #endregion

    //        if (successBool == true)
    //        {
    //            #region Set the result object

    //            HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI success", "CSXI success");
    //            string[] csxiResultArray = new string[7];
    //            //csxiResultArray[0] = SharedRail.success;
    //            csxiResultArray[0] = "success";
    //            csxiResultArray[1] = "CSXI";

    //            csxiResultArray[3] = transitTime;

    //            csxiResultArray[2] = price;
    //            //insertIntoRailLogs("CSXI", 90199, "1", "", "", Convert.ToDouble(rate));
    //            HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI live rate", price);

    //            csxiResultArray[4] = dt.ToShortDateString();

    //            Int32 transit;
    //            if (!Int32.TryParse(csxiResultArray[3], out transit))
    //            {
    //                HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI", "could not parse transit " + csxiResultArray[3]);
    //            }
    //            csxiResultArray[5] = dt.AddDays(transit).ToShortDateString();
    //            csxiResultArray[6] = "FiftyThreeFt";
    //            list.Add(csxiResultArray);

    //            csxResultObj.success = "success";
    //            csxResultObj.transitTime = transitTime;
    //            csxResultObj.rate = price;
    //            csxResultObj.firstCapacityDate = dt;
    //            if (int.TryParse(transitTime, out transit))
    //            {
    //                csxResultObj.eta = dt.AddDays(transit);
    //            }

    //            csxResultObj.hasCapacity = hasCapacity;
    //            csxResultObj.containerSize = "FiftyThreeFt";

    //            #endregion
    //        }
    //        else
    //        {
    //            throw new Exception("No Capacity for all days, or no rate found");
    //        }
    //    }
    //    catch (Exception e)
    //    {
    //        HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI", e.ToString());
    //    }


    #region Not used tryDateCSXI

    //public static string tryDateCSXI(CookieContainer container, string originZip, string destZip, string originCity, string destCity, string originState,
    // string destState, string hazmat, int daysToAdd)
    //    string url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, doc;
    //    DateTime dt = DateTime.Today.AddDays(daysToAdd);

    //    string day = dt.Day.ToString(), month = dt.Month.ToString(), year = dt.Year.ToString();
    //    if (day.Length.Equals(1))
    //    {
    //        day = "0" + day;
    //    }

    //    if (month.Length.Equals(1))
    //    {
    //        month = "0" + month;
    //    }

    //    Int64 timeStamp = SharedRail.GetTime(ref dt);
    //    url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/GetAlternateLanePriceInfo?date=" + month + "/" + day + "/" + year +
    //        "&timeSlotId=5&timestamp=" + timeStamp.ToString();
    //    referrer = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/SpotQuoteSelectPrice";
    //    contentType = "";
    //    accept = "*/*";
    //    method = "GET";
    //    doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", true, 25000);

    //    return doc;


    #region tryDateCSXI_WithCapacity

    //public static void tryDateCSXI_WithCapacity(ref CookieContainer container, ref string originZipGlobal, ref string originCity,
    //    ref string originState, ref string destZipGlobal, ref string destCity, ref string destState, ref string month, ref string day,
    //    ref string year, ref bool hasCapacity, ref string transitTime, ref string price, ref bool successBool, ref bool isLastDateTry)
    //    #region Variables

    //    //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI date", month + " " + day);
    //    //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI isLastDateTry", isLastDateTry.ToString());

    //    string url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, data, doc;

    //    referrer = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/SpotQuoteBegin";
    //    url = "https://shipcsx.com/sx_dealspace_jct/sx.dealspace/SpotQuoteSelectPrice";
    //    contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    //    accept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8";
    //    method = "POST";

    //    data = string.Concat("addFavoriteLaneName=&originZipCode=", originZipGlobal, "&originCityStateDisplay=", originCity.Replace(" ", "+"), "%2C+", originState,
    //        "&originCity=", originCity.Replace(" ", "+"), "&originState=", originState, "&destinationZipCode=", destZipGlobal,
    //        "&destinationCityStateDisplay=", destCity.Replace(" ", "+"), "%2C+", destState, "&destinationCity=", destCity.Replace(" ", "+"),
    //        "&destinationState=", destState, "&pickupDate=", month, "%2F", day, "%2F", year, "&selectedTimeOfDay=5&begEquipment=53",
    //        "&numberOfLoads=1&extraPickup0ZipCode=&extraPickup0CityStateDisplay=&extraPickup0City=",
    //        "&extraPickup0State=&extraDelivery0ZipCode=&extraDelivery0CityStateDisplay=&extraDelivery0City=",
    //        "&extraDelivery0State=&doResetQuote=&reuseAdapter=true&requote=false&quoteType=&templateId=");

    //    #endregion

    //    doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, data, false, false, "", "");

    //    //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI", doc);

    //    // Get cost/costs from this page
    //    // Scrape html table

    //    string[] tokens2 = new string[3];
    //    tokens2[0] = "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%";
    //    tokens2[1] = ">";
    //    tokens2[2] = "</table>";
    //    string tblHtml = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens2, doc);
    //    //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI tblHtml", tblHtml);

    //    #region Scrape result row

    //    // Scrape result row

    //    tokens2[0] = "<tr class=\"columnBasedResultsRow";
    //    tokens2[1] = ">";
    //    tokens2[2] = "</tr>";
    //    string columnBasedResultsRow = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens2, tblHtml);
    //    //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI columnBasedResultsRow", columnBasedResultsRow);

    //    if (columnBasedResultsRow.Contains("No Capacity"))
    //    {
    //        HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI no capacity", "CSXI no capacity");
    //        hasCapacity = false;
    //        if (!isLastDateTry)
    //        {
    //            //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI not LastDateTry", "CSXI not LastDateTry");
    //            return;
    //        }
    //        else
    //        {
    //            //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI LastDateTry", "CSXI LastDateTry");
    //        }
    //    }

    //    tokens2[0] = "<span";  // style=\\\"vertical-align: top;
    //    tokens2[1] = ">";
    //    tokens2[2] = "</span>";
    //    price = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens2, columnBasedResultsRow)
    //        .Replace("&nbsp;", "").Replace("$", "").Replace(",", "").Trim();
    //    HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI costStr", price);

    //    decimal testDecimal;
    //    if (decimal.TryParse(price, out testDecimal))
    //    {
    //        successBool = true;
    //    }

    //    // Get transit time

    //    string[] tokens3 = new string[5];
    //    tokens3[0] = "<td";
    //    tokens3[1] = "<td";
    //    tokens3[2] = "<td";
    //    tokens3[3] = ">";
    //    tokens3[4] = "</td>";
    //    transitTime = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens3, columnBasedResultsRow).Replace(",", "").Replace("days", "")
    //        .Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Trim();
    //    //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI transitTime", transitTime);

    //    #endregion

    //    #region Scrape alt result row

    //    // Scrape alt result row

    //    //tokens2[0] = "<tr class=\"columnBasedResultsRowAlt";
    //    //tokens2[1] = ">";
    //    //tokens2[2] = "</tr>";
    //    //string columnBasedResultsRowAlt = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens2, tblHtml);
    //    //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("CSXI columnBasedResultsRowAlt", columnBasedResultsRowAlt);

    //    #endregion



    //public static void GetCSXIInfo()
    //    //SharedRail.GetCSXIInfo(ref originZipGlobal, ref destZipGlobal, ref puDateGlobal);
    //    SharedRail.GetCSXIInfoFromAlex2015(ref originZipGlobal, ref destZipGlobal, ref puDateGlobal);


    #region Integra

    private static void GetIntegraInfo(string containerType)
        SharedRail.GetIntegraInfo(ref originZipGlobal, ref destZipGlobal, ref originCity, ref destCity, ref originState, ref destState,
                                  ref originCountry, ref destCountry, ref puDateGlobal, ref containerType);
Exemple #10
    private static void getLanes_ModalX(ref SharedRail.ModalX_Lane mXlane, ref SharedRail.ModalX_Date mXdate, ref string doc)
        string   tmp;
        int      ind;
        DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
        DateTime availDate;
        long     jsDateStamp;

        ind = doc.IndexOf("rateRequestId");
        doc = doc.Substring(ind);
        ind = doc.IndexOf(":");
        doc = doc.Substring(ind + 1);
        ind = doc.IndexOf(",");
        mXlane.rateRequestId = doc.Remove(ind).Replace("\"", "");

        while (doc.IndexOf("laneId") != -1)
            ind       = doc.IndexOf("laneId");
            doc       = doc.Substring(ind);
            ind       = doc.IndexOf(":");
            doc       = doc.Substring(ind + 1);
            ind       = doc.IndexOf(",");
            mXlane.id = doc.Remove(ind);

            // Only scrape the "bestLane"
            ind = doc.IndexOf("bestLane");
            tmp = doc.Substring(ind);
            ind = tmp.IndexOf(":");

            tmp = tmp.Substring(ind + 1);
            ind = tmp.IndexOf(",");
            tmp = tmp.Remove(ind);

            if (tmp.Equals("true")) // If best lane
                ind = doc.IndexOf("origAreaId");
                doc = doc.Remove(ind + 20);

                ind = doc.IndexOf("origArea");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind);
                ind = doc.IndexOf("id");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind);
                ind = doc.IndexOf(":");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind + 1);
                ind = doc.IndexOf(",");
                mXlane.origAreaId = doc.Remove(ind);

                ind = doc.IndexOf("zip");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind);
                ind = doc.IndexOf(":");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind + 1);
                ind = doc.IndexOf(",");
                mXlane.origAreaZip = doc.Remove(ind).Replace("\"", "");

                ind = doc.IndexOf("destArea");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind);
                ind = doc.IndexOf("id");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind);
                ind = doc.IndexOf(":");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind + 1);
                ind = doc.IndexOf(",");
                mXlane.destAreaId = doc.Remove(ind);

                ind = doc.IndexOf("zip");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind);
                ind = doc.IndexOf(":");
                doc = doc.Substring(ind + 1);
                ind = doc.IndexOf(",");
                mXlane.destAreaZip = doc.Remove(ind).Replace("\"", "");

                while (doc.IndexOf("status\":\"AVAILABLE") != -1)
                    ind         = doc.IndexOf("status\":\"AVAILABLE");
                    doc         = doc.Substring(ind);
                    ind         = doc.IndexOf("date");
                    doc         = doc.Substring(ind);
                    ind         = doc.IndexOf(":");
                    doc         = doc.Substring(ind + 1);
                    ind         = doc.IndexOf(",");
                    mXdate.date = doc.Remove(ind);

                    if (!long.TryParse(mXdate.date, out jsDateStamp))
                        throw new Exception("ModalX Date not parsed");
                    availDate = SharedRail.getDateFromJsGetTimeValue(jsDateStamp);

                    // Make the time of the dates equal for the comparison
                    TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(13, 30, 0);
                    today     = today.Date + ts;
                    availDate = availDate.Date + ts;

                    int result = DateTime.Compare(today, availDate);
                    if (result >= 0) // Today's date or earlier is too early, get at least tomorrow pickup date

                    ind = doc.IndexOf("LaneProvider");
                    doc = doc.Substring(ind);
                    ind = doc.IndexOf(",");
                    doc = doc.Substring(ind + 1);
                    ind = doc.IndexOf("]");
                    mXdate.laneProvider = doc.Remove(ind).Replace("\"", "");
                    mXlane.modalX_Date  = mXdate;

                    if (result < 0)

                #region Not used
                //ind = doc.IndexOf("\"lane\"");
                //doc = doc.Substring(ind);
                //ind = doc.IndexOf(":");
                //doc = doc.Substring(ind + 1);
                //ind = doc.IndexOf(",");
                //mXlane.lane = doc.Remove(ind).Replace("\"", "");

                //while (doc.IndexOf("status\":\"AVAILABLE") != -1)
                //    ind = doc.IndexOf("status\":\"AVAILABLE");
                //    doc = doc.Substring(ind);
Exemple #11
    private void tryDate_ModalX(ref SharedRail.RailResult railResult, ref DateTime date, ref Int64 dateStamp, ref string referrer,
                                ref Int64 timeStampNow, ref DateTime now, ref SharedRail.ModalX_PurchasedBy purchasedBy,
                                ref HelperFuncs.ModalX_Result res)
        string url = "", contentType, accept, method = "POST", doc = "", data = "";

        // This request throws an exception, but.. this is correct. Only there are no rates for these zip codes (on the weekend)
        url         = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/rates/search";
        contentType = "application/json";
        data        = "{\"origZip\":\"" + origZip + "\",\"destZip\":\"" + destZip + "\",\"pickupDate\":" + dateStamp.ToString() +
        accept = "*/*";
        doc    = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, data, false, false, "", "");

        SharedRail.ModalX_Lane mXlane = new SharedRail.ModalX_Lane();
        SharedRail.ModalX_Date mXdate = new SharedRail.ModalX_Date();
        getLanes_ModalX(ref mXlane, ref mXdate, ref doc);

        timeStampNow = SharedRail.GetTime(ref now);

        url         = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/accessorials?_dc=" + timeStampNow.ToString();
        contentType = "";
        method      = "GET";
        doc         = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", false, false, "", "");


        url         = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/requests/rates/deliverydate";
        contentType = "application/json";
        method      = "POST";
        data        = "{\"pickupDate\":" + dateStamp.ToString() + ",\"laneIndex\":{\"laneId\":" + mXlane.id +
                      ",\"origAreaId\":" + mXlane.origAreaId + ",\"destAreaId\":" + mXlane.destAreaId + "}}";
        doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, data, false, false, "", "");

        // Scrape delivery date
        #region delivery date

        string[] tokens = new string[3];
        tokens[0] = "payload";
        tokens[1] = "[";
        tokens[2] = "]";

        string deliveryDateStr = HelperFuncs.scrapeFromPage(tokens, doc);



        url = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/requests/rates";

        DateTime scrapedPuDate      = SharedRail.getDateFromJsGetTimeValue(Convert.ToInt64(mXlane.modalX_Date.date));
        Int64    scrapedPuDateStamp = SharedRail.GetTime(ref scrapedPuDate);

        data = string.Concat("{\"baseRate\":null,\"preMarkkupTotal\":null,\"totalCharge\":null,\"fscPercent\":0,\"markupFee\":",
                             "\"discountPercentage\":null,\"accessorials\":[{\"charge\":null,\"qualifier\":\"FUEL\"}],\"pickupDate\":", mXlane.modalX_Date.date,
                             "\"deliveryDate\":", deliveryDateStr, ",\"laneIndex\":{\"laneId\":\"", mXlane.id, "\",\"origAreaId\":\"", mXlane.origAreaId,
                             mXlane.destAreaId, "\"},",
                             "\"equipTypeXref\":\"U53DH\",\"locations\":[{\"order\":1,\"type\":\"ORIG\",\"postalCode\":\"", origZip, "\",\"country\":\"USA\",",
                             "\"city\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"county\":\"\",\"netTime\":", scrapedPuDateStamp, ",\"nltTime\":", scrapedPuDateStamp, "},",
                             "\"netTime\":", scrapedPuDateStamp, ",\"nltTime\":", scrapedPuDateStamp, "},{\"order\":3,\"type\":\"ORIG\",\"postalCode\":\"\",\"country\":\"USA\",",
                             "\"city\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"county\":\"\",\"netTime\":", scrapedPuDateStamp, ",\"nltTime\":", scrapedPuDateStamp, "},",
                             "\"postalCode\":\"", destZip, "\",\"country\":\"USA\",\"city\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"county\":\"\",\"netTime\":null,\"nltTime\":null}],",
                             "\"capRequestId\":null,\"lineHaul\":null,\"reqStatus\":null,\"rateRequestId\":", mXlane.rateRequestId, ",\"customer\":\"\",\"thirdParty\":\"\",",
                             "\"remainingLoads\":\"\",\"confirmationNumber\":\"\",\"requestDate\":\"\",\"lane\":\"", mXlane.lane, "\",\"purchasedBy\":",
                             "\"", purchasedBy.email, "\",\"purchasedByPhone\":\"", purchasedBy.phone, "\",\"purchasedByName\":\"", purchasedBy.name, "\",",
                             "\"purchasedByCompany\":\"", purchasedBy.company, "\"}");
        //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("ModalX data", data);
        doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, data, false, false, "", "");
        //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("ModalX doc", doc);
        getResult_ModalX(ref doc, ref res);
Exemple #12
    private void loginTo_ModalX(ref HelperFuncs.ModalX_Result res)
        #region Variables

        DateTime now      = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime today    = DateTime.Today;
        DateTime tomorrow = DateTime.Today.AddDays(3);

        Int64 timeStampNow      = SharedRail.GetTime(ref now);
        Int64 timeStampToday    = SharedRail.GetTime(ref today);
        Int64 timeStampTomorrow = SharedRail.GetTime(ref tomorrow);

        string url = "", referrer, contentType, accept, method, doc = "", data = "";


        #region Go to home page

        url         = "https://www.modal-x.com/modalx/";
        referrer    = "";
        contentType = "";
        accept      = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8";
        method      = "GET";
        doc         = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", false, false, "", "");


        #region 2 requests with username and password

        referrer = url;
        url      = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/users/" + username + "/login?_dc=" + timeStampNow.ToString();

        //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("ModalX", url);
        // Here the request throws a 401 Not Authorized exception, but this is what happens if the ModalX site is used by any Browser as well
            doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", false, false, "", "");
        catch (Exception e)
            string str = e.ToString();


        url         = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/users/" + username + "/login/j_security_check";
        contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8";
        method      = "POST";
        data        = "j_username="******"@", "%40") + "&j_password="******"string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, data, false, false, "", "");

        //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("ModalX", url);
        //HelperFuncs.writeToSiteErrors("ModalX", data);

        #region Some required requests

        timeStampNow = SharedRail.GetTime(ref now);

        url         = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/users/" + username + "/login?_dc=" + timeStampNow.ToString();
        contentType = "";
        accept      = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8";
        method      = "GET";
        doc         = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", false, false, "", "");
        // Get user info here
        SharedRail.ModalX_PurchasedBy purchasedBy = new SharedRail.ModalX_PurchasedBy();
        getPurchasedInfo_ModalX(ref purchasedBy, ref doc);

        timeStampNow = SharedRail.GetTime(ref now);

        url = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/app?_dc=" + timeStampNow.ToString();
        doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", false, false, "", "");


        timeStampNow = SharedRail.GetTime(ref now);

        url = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/app?_dc=" + timeStampNow.ToString();
        doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", false, false, "", "");


        timeStampNow = SharedRail.GetTime(ref now);

        url = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/users/" + username + "?_dc=" + timeStampNow.ToString();
        doc = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, "", false, false, "", "");


        #region Not used
        //Cookie cookie = new System.Net.Cookie("modal-x_user", "");
        //Uri uri = new Uri("https://www.modal-x.com/");
        //container.Add(uri, cookie);

        #region This request is the final step of the login process, and goes to landing page with some recent shipments displayed

        //url = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/requests/search?isSummary=true";
        url         = "https://www.modal-x.com/tw-services/modalx/v1.0.0/TDIS/requests/summary/search";
        contentType = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
        method      = "POST";
        data        = "{\"minPickup\":" + timeStampToday.ToString() + ",\"maxPickup\":\"\"}";
        doc         = (string)HelperFuncs.generic_http_request_3("string", container, url, referrer, contentType, accept, method, data, false, false, "", "");


        SharedRail.RailResult railResult = new SharedRail.RailResult();
        tryDate_ModalX(ref railResult, ref tomorrow, ref timeStampTomorrow, ref referrer, ref timeStampNow, ref now,
                       ref purchasedBy, ref res);