private void UpdateShoeSizes() { var sizes = SequenceQuery.GetOriginalSizes(; if (sizes == null) { return; } ICollection <SizeRef> Size = new List <SizeRef>(); int index = 0; foreach (var size in sizes) { index++; Size.Add(new SizeRef { Index = index, Size = ComponentQuery.GetShoeSize(ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.SizeId)).SizeName, Quantity = ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.Quantity) }); } try { DS_Size.DataSource = Size; } catch { DS_Size.DataSource = new List <SizeRef>(); } }
public SeqInfo(OriginalPOsequence _seq, int _cuttingQty, bool _finish) { id =; SeqNo = ShareFuncs.GetInt(_seq.SequenceNo); SeqQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(_seq.Quantity); Finish = _finish; CuttingQty = _cuttingQty; }
private void EkanbanHisControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int height = 120; if (EKanbanHis.EKanbanClearHis.Count > 0) { ErrorHis = true; //this.Hide(); //return; } EKanbanInterface eKanbanInterface = new EKanbanInterface(); try { try { eKanbanInterface = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <EKanbanInterface>(EKanbanHis.Data); DS_Interface.DataSource = eKanbanInterface; lbStatus.Text = ((SysActionCode)eKanbanInterface.SysActionCode).ToString(); } catch { } if (EKanbanHis.EKanbanAddHis != null) { DataTable table = new DataTable(); table.Columns.Add("Sequence No"); table.Columns.Add("Sequence Quantity"); table.Columns.Add("Add Time"); table.Columns.Add("Confirm Time"); foreach (var item in EKanbanHis.EKanbanAddHis) { string finishTime = ""; try { finishTime = ((SysActionCode)eKanbanInterface.SysActionCode == SysActionCode.EKANBAN_CONFIRM_ITEM) ? eKanbanInterface.LastUpdate.ToString() : ""; } catch { } table.Rows.Add(new object[] { item.SequenceNo, item.SequenceQty, item.DateTime, finishTime }); height += 20; } dataGridView1.DataSource = table; } TotaPrepareQty = 0; foreach (var item in EKanbanHis.EKanbanAddHis) { TotaPrepareQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.SequenceQty); } lbTotalQty.Text = TotaPrepareQty.ToString(); this.Height = height; } catch { } }
public PoInfo(IDbName _database, Schedule _schedule) { BuildingQuery buildingQuery = new BuildingQuery(_database); id =; PoNumber = _schedule.PoNumber; Model = _schedule.Model; Article = _schedule.Article; ModelName = _schedule.ModelName; Quantity = _schedule.Quantity != null ? (int)_schedule.Quantity : 0; Line = buildingQuery.GetProductionLine(ShareFuncs.GetInt(_schedule.ProductionLine_Id)).LineName; }
private void GetSelectedSchedule() { if (lbSchedule.SelectedItem == null) { return; } SelectedSchedule = lbSchedule.SelectedItem as Schedule; SelectedProductionLine = BuildingQuery.GetProductionLine(ShareFuncs.GetInt(SelectedSchedule.ProductionLine_Id)); txtProductionLine.Text = SelectedProductionLine.LineName; UpdateOgiginalSequence(); }
public Schedule_t(IDbName database, Schedule _scheule) { SequenceQuery sequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(database); var po = sequenceQuery.GetOriginalPo(_scheule); if (po != null) { OriginalPoId =; } id =; PoNumber = _scheule.PoNumber; PoQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(_scheule.Quantity); }
public BDeviceCutTime(IDbName database, int deviceId, int totalCutTime) { BeamCutQuery = new BeamCutQuery(database); var statistic = BeamCutQuery.GetBMachineStatistic(deviceId, DateTime.Now); if (statistic == null) { statistic = BeamCutQuery.AddNewBcutStatistic(deviceId, DateTime.Now); } if (statistic.BDeviceCutTimeRecords != null) { foreach (var item in statistic.BDeviceCutTimeRecords) { TotalCutTime += ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.TotalCutTime); } } var lastRecord = BeamCutQuery.Get_DeviceLastRecord(deviceId); if (lastRecord != null) { DateTime updateTime = (DateTime)lastRecord.UpdateTime; if (updateTime.DayOfYear == DateTime.Now.DayOfYear && updateTime.Minute == DateTime.Now.Minute && updateTime.Hour == DateTime.Now.Hour) { // duplicate update detected Exception = new RespException(false, "The cut time has been recorded", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.CUT_TIME_RECORD); return; } } BDeviceCutTimeRecord record = new BDeviceCutTimeRecord { TotalCutTime = totalCutTime, BeamCutDevice_Id = deviceId, BMachineStatistic_Id =, }; if (!BeamCutQuery.AddNewBCutTimeRecord(record)) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Add new record failed", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.CUT_TIME_RECORD); return; } TotalCutTime += totalCutTime; }
public SequenceCtrl(Schedule _schedule, bool _displayHeader) { InitializeComponent(); header = _displayHeader; Schedule = new Schedule(); if (Schedule != null) { Schedule = ScheduleQuery.GetSchedule(; ds_schedule.DataSource = Schedule; var ProductionLine = BuildingQuery.GetProductionLine(ShareFuncs.GetInt(Schedule.ProductionLine_Id)); txProductionLine.Text = ProductionLine.LineName; txtUpdateTime.Text = Schedule.ScheduleClass.LastModified.ToString("hh::mm: tt, dd/MM/yyyy"); } OriginalPo = new OriginalPO(); Draw(); }
public BeamInterface(BeamCutInterface BInterface, int place) { InitializeComponent(); try { lbStartTime.Text = BInterface.StartCutTime.ToString(); lbStopTime.Text = BInterface.StopCutTime.ToString(); BeamCutQuery beamCutQuery = new BeamCutQuery(_SERVER.ServerName.Database); ScheduleQuery scheduleQuery = new ScheduleQuery(_SERVER.ServerName.Database); SequenceQuery sequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(_SERVER.ServerName.Database); BuildingQuery buildingQuery = new BuildingQuery(_SERVER.ServerName.Database); var clone_po = beamCutQuery.GetBeamCutPo(BInterface.BeamCutPo_Id); lbTotalPoCutQty.Text = clone_po.CuttingQuantity.ToString(); lbComponent.Text = clone_po.ComponentRef; var po = sequenceQuery.GetOriginalPo(ShareFuncs.GetInt(BInterface.OriginalPo_Id)); var schedule = scheduleQuery.GetSchedule(ShareFuncs.GetInt(BInterface.Schedule_Id)); if (schedule == null) { if (po != null) { schedule = scheduleQuery.GetSchedule(po); } if (schedule == null) { this.Hide(); Error = true; return; } } lbPlace.Text = place.ToString(); DS_Interface.DataSource = BInterface; DS_Po.DataSource = schedule; lbLine.Text = buildingQuery.GetProductionLine(ShareFuncs.GetInt(schedule.ProductionLine_Id)).LineName; } catch { this.Hide(); Error = true; return; } }
public RespUserInfo(IDbName database, string rfid) { employeeQuery = new EmployeeQuery(database); var employee = employeeQuery.GetEmployee(rfid); if (employee == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Invalid RFID number", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.GET_USER_INFO); return; } id =; UserName = ShareFuncs.ConvertToUnSign(employee.Name); Pass = true; UserCode = employee.UserCode; UserRFID = employee.RFID_Code; Department = employee.Department.Code; JobTitle = employee.JobTitle.Job; }
private void Login() { UserClass = 0; _status = false; lb_loginEXP.Text = ""; User = EmpployeeQuery.GetAppUser(User.user, User.password); if (User == null) { lb_loginEXP.Text = "User name or password is invalid!"; return; } else { UserClass = ShareFuncs.GetInt(User.userClass); if (UserClass == 0 || UserClass == 1) { lb_loginEXP.Text = $"Login as Worker, change account to continous! "; } if (UserClass == 2) { lb_loginEXP.Text = $"Login as Officer account successfully! "; } if (UserClass == 3) { lb_loginEXP.Text = "Login as Admin account successfully! "; } if (UserClass >= RequiedUser) { _status = true; this.Close(); } } }
public RespSize(IDbName _database, int seq1Id, int seq2Id) { try { SequenceQuery sequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(_database); BeamCutQuery beamCutQuery = new BeamCutQuery(_database); List <OriginalPOsequence> SeqList = new List <OriginalPOsequence>(); var CloneSizes = beamCutQuery.GetBeamCutSizes(seq1Id, seq2Id); if (CloneSizes == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "CloneSizes is NULL", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_SIZE); return; } SizeList = new List <Size_t>(); foreach (var size in CloneSizes) { SizeList.Add(new Size_t { SizeId = ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.SizeId), SizeQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.SizeQty), CuttingQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.CutQty), Finish = (size.SizeQty == size.CutQty ? true : false) }); RespTotalCuttingQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.CutQty); RespTotalQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.SizeQty); } Exception = new RespException(false, "Get Size: OK", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_SIZE); } catch (Exception e) { Exception = new RespException(true, e.Message, EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_SIZE); } }
private void UpdateSelectedSchedule() { SelectedOriginalPo = new OriginalPO(); SelectedSchedule = new Schedule(); SelectedSequence = new OriginalPOsequence(); SelectedScheduleLine = string.Empty; txtProductionLine.Text = string.Empty; if (lbSchedule.SelectedItem == null) { return; } SelectedSchedule = ScheduleQuery.GetSchedule((lbSchedule.SelectedItem as Schedule).id); SelectedProductionLine = BuildingQuery.GetProductionLine(ShareFuncs.GetInt(SelectedSchedule.ProductionLine_Id)); txtProductionLine.Text = SelectedScheduleLine = SelectedProductionLine.LineName; UpdateModelComponent(); UpdateOgiginalSequence(); }
public EKanbanResponse(IDbName _database, int _ekanbanDeviceId) { EKanbanTaskQuery eKanbanTaskQuery = new EKanbanTaskQuery(_database); SequenceQuery sequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(_database); ComponentQuery componentQuery = new ComponentQuery(_database); var ekanbanDevice = eKanbanTaskQuery.GetEKanbanDevice(_ekanbanDeviceId); var _Interface = eKanbanTaskQuery.GetLastEKanbanInterface(_ekanbanDeviceId); SizeList = new List <SizeInfo>(); PartList = new List <PartInfo>(); List <OriginalSize> originalSizes = new List <OriginalSize>(); foreach (var item in _Interface.EKanbanLoadings) { var Seq = sequenceQuery.GetOriginalSequence(ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.OriginalSequence_Id)); TotalCartQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(Seq.Quantity); foreach (var size in Seq.OriginalSizes) { originalSizes.Add(size); } } foreach (var item in originalSizes) { var foundSizes = SizeList.Where(i => i.SizeId == item.SizeId); if (foundSizes.Count() > 0) { foundSizes.First().SizeQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.Quantity); } else { SizeList.Add(new SizeInfo(ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.SizeId), ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.Quantity))); } } Interface = new InterfaceInfo(_Interface); foreach (var item in _Interface.EkanbanComponents) { var Component = componentQuery.GetShoeComponent(ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.ShoeComponent_Id)); PartList.Add(new PartInfo(ShareFuncs.ConvertToUnSign(Component.Reference))); } //if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 17) //{ // if (DateTime.Now.Minute > 50) // { // ScreenOff = true; // ekanbanDevice.ScreenOff = true; // } //} //else //{ // if (DateTime.Now.Hour > 17) // { // ScreenOff = true; // ekanbanDevice.ScreenOff = true; // } //} //if (DateTime.Now.Hour == 6 && DateTime.Now.Minute < 45) //{ // ScreenOff = false; // ekanbanDevice.ScreenOff = false; //} ekanbanDevice.NetworkStatus = (int)SYS_MODELS._ENUM.SysActionCode.ONLINE; ekanbanDevice.LastOnline = DateTime.Now; eKanbanTaskQuery.UpdateEKanbanDevice(ekanbanDevice); if (ekanbanDevice.ScreenOff == null) { ScreenOff = false; } else { ScreenOff = (bool)ekanbanDevice.ScreenOff; } }
public RespUserInfo(IDbName database, NewUser new_user) { employeeQuery = new EmployeeQuery(database); var checkUser = employeeQuery.GetEmployee(new_user.RFID); if (checkUser != null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Worker has been added", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.GET_USER_INFO); return; } var temp1 = employeeQuery.GetEmployee(new_user.Code); int id = 0; if (temp1 != null) { temp1.RFID_Code = new_user.RFID; employeeQuery.UpdateEmployee(temp1); id =; } else { var dep = employeeQuery.GetDepartment(new_user.Dep); if (dep == null) { dep = employeeQuery.AddNewDepartment(new_user.Dep); if (dep == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not add new department", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.GET_USER_INFO); return; } } Employee employee = new Employee { Name = new_user.Name, RFID_Code = new_user.RFID, Department_Id =, Position_Id = 3, JobTitle_Id = 2, Building_Id = 1, UserCode = new_user.Code, }; var NewEmployee = employeeQuery.AddNewBeamWorker(employee); if (NewEmployee == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not add new user", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.GET_USER_INFO); return; } id =; } var empl = employeeQuery.GetEmployee(id); id =; UserName = ShareFuncs.ConvertToUnSign(empl.Name); Pass = true; UserCode = empl.UserCode; UserRFID = empl.RFID_Code; Department = empl.Department.Code; JobTitle = empl.JobTitle.Job; }
public BLastCut(IDbName database, int bdeviceId, int bInterfaceId) { BeamCutQuery = new BeamCutQuery(database); StockQuery = new StockQuery(database); EmployeeQuery = new EmployeeQuery(database); SequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(database); ScheduleQuery = new ScheduleQuery(database); ComponentQuery = new ComponentQuery(database); try { var bInterface = BeamCutQuery.GetLastInterface(bdeviceId); if (bInterface == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find BInterface", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_LAST_CUT); bInterface = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamInterfaceById(bInterfaceId); if (bInterface == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find BInterface", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_LAST_CUT); return; } } var bpo = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamCutPo(ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.BeamCutPo_Id)); if (bpo == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find clone Po", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_LAST_CUT); return; } var originalPo = SequenceQuery.GetOriginalPo(ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.OriginalPo_Id)); if (originalPo == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find Po", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_LAST_CUT); return; } BinterfaceId =; PoNumber = originalPo.PoNumber; StartSeq = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.StartSeqNo); StopSeq = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.StopSeqNo); if (bInterface.StartCutTime != null) { StartTime = ((DateTime)bInterface.StartCutTime).ToString("hh:mm tt, dd/MM/yyyy"); } if (bInterface.StopCutTime != null) { StopTime = ((DateTime)bInterface.StopCutTime).ToString("hh:mm tt, dd/MM/yyyy"); } CutQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.CuttingQty); CutTime = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.BeamCutCounter); Employee_Id = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.Employee_Id); Schedule_Id = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.Schedule_Id); BeamCutPo_Id = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.BeamCutPo_Id); BeamCutStartSeq_Id = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.BeamCutStartSeq_Id); Component_Id = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bpo.Component_Id); BeamCutStopSeq_Id = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.BeamCutStopSeq_Id); Finish = bInterface.Finish != null ? (bool)bInterface.Finish : false; PoQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(originalPo.Quantity); OriginalPo_Id = ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.OriginalPo_Id); var component = ComponentQuery.GetShoeComponent(ShareFuncs.GetInt(bpo.Component_Id)); if (component != null) { string comp = ShareFuncs.ConvertToUnSign(component.Reference); Component = comp; } Exception = new RespException(false, "Get last cut: OK", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_LAST_CUT); } catch (Exception e) { Exception = new RespException(true, e.Message, EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_LAST_CUT); } }
public RespPoInfo(IDbName _database, int scheduleId, int originalPoId, int componentId) { try { ScheduleQuery scheduleQuery = new ScheduleQuery(_database); SequenceQuery sequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(_database); BeamCutQuery beamCutQuery = new BeamCutQuery(_database); SequenceQuery SequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(_database); ComponentQuery componentQuery = new ComponentQuery(_database); var schedule = scheduleQuery.GetSchedule(scheduleId); var originalPo = SequenceQuery.GetOriginalPo(originalPoId); var shoeComponent = componentQuery.GetShoeComponent(componentId); if (schedule == null) { if (originalPo == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find schedule", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_PO_INFO); return; } schedule = scheduleQuery.GetSchedule(originalPo); if (schedule == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find schedule", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_PO_INFO); return; } } if (shoeComponent == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find component", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_PO_INFO); return; } PoInfo = new PoInfo(_database, schedule); if (originalPo == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Empty sequence file", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_PO_INFO); return; } var clonePo = beamCutQuery.FindClonePo(, componentId); if (clonePo != null) { ClonePoId =; SeqList = new List <SeqInfo>(); foreach (var item in clonePo.BeamCutSeqs) { SeqList.Add(new SeqInfo { id =, CuttingQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.CutQty), SeqNo = ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.SequenceNo), SeqQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.SequenceQty), Finish = item.Finish == true ? true : false, }); } } else { var bClonePo = beamCutQuery.CloneOriginalPo(originalPo, shoeComponent); if (bClonePo == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "An error occured while requesting po information", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_PO_INFO); return; } ClonePoId =; SeqList = new List <SeqInfo>(); foreach (var item in bClonePo.BeamCutSeqs) { SeqList.Add(new SeqInfo { id =, CuttingQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.CutQty), SeqNo = ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.SequenceNo), SeqQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.SequenceQty), Finish = item.Finish == true ? true : false, }); } } Exception = new RespException(false, "Get Poinfo: OK", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_PO_INFO); } catch (Exception e) { Exception = new RespException(true, e.Message, EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_GET_PO_INFO); } }
public OrderResult(BeamCutPo beamCutPo) { try { InitializeComponent(); BeamCutPo = new BeamCutPo(); BeamCutPo = beamCutPo; BeamCutQuery beamCutQuery = new BeamCutQuery(_SERVER.ServerName.Database); ComponentQuery componentQuery = new ComponentQuery(_SERVER.ServerName.Database); SequenceQuery sequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(_SERVER.ServerName.Database); var originalPo = sequenceQuery.GetOriginalPo(beamCutPo.OriginalPo_Id); var component = componentQuery.GetShoeComponent(BeamCutPo.Component_Id); label2.Text = component != null ? component.Reference : ""; var Binterface = beamCutQuery.GetBeamInterface(; int totalCutQty = 0; int totalCutTime = 0; bool first = false; bool last = false; double totalTime = 0; DateTime?start = null, stop = null, last_update = null; foreach (var item in Binterface) { if (!first) { if (item.StartCutTime != null) { start = (DateTime)item.StartCutTime; label9.Text = start != null?start.ToString() : ""; } first = true; } totalCutTime += ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.BeamCutCounter); totalCutQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.CuttingQty); if (item.StopCutTime != null) { label7.Text = item.StopCutTime.ToString(); } try { if (item.StopCutTime != null) { stop = (DateTime)item.StopCutTime; } else { stop = (DateTime)item.LastConfirmSize; } label11.Text = stop != null ? ((DateTime)stop).ToString() : ""; totalTime = ((DateTime)stop - (DateTime)start).TotalSeconds; label13.Text = $"{((int)totalTime / 60)}min {(int)totalTime % 60}sec"; label15.Text = $"{(int)(totalCutQty * 60 / totalTime)} c/min"; } catch { } } label3.Text = totalCutQty.ToString(); label5.Text = totalCutTime.ToString(); TotalCutQty = totalCutQty; } catch { } }
private void btn_Clear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dresult = MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to delete this Ekanban data?", "Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (dresult != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } int oldId =; ICollection <EKanbanLoading> EkanbanLoadings = EKanbanTaskQuery.GetEKanbanLoadings(; if (EKanbanTaskQuery.DeleteEKanbanInterface(SelectedEKanbanInterface)) { MessageBox.Show("Clear Po from Ekanban succeesfully", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("An error orcured while delete Ekanban interface.\r\nError: Failed to delete Ekanban interface.", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } UpdateSelectedSchedule(); UpdateSelectedEkanbanDevice(); UpdateSelectedOriginalSequence(); // Thêm mới Stock record var Stock = StockQuery.GetPrepareStockMeasure(SelectedSchedule); if (Stock == null) { return; } foreach (var item in EkanbanLoadings) { var seq = SequenceQuery.GetOriginalSequence(ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.OriginalSequence_Id)); StockQuery.DeleteStockPreparing(, ShareFuncs.GetInt(seq.SequenceNo)); } try { // thêm mới history cho ekanban AppHistory his = new AppHistory { SysActionCode = (int)SysActionCode.EKANBAN_CLEAR_ITEM, DateTime = DateTime.Now, Description = $"Clear Ekanban information: {SelectedEKanbanDevice.Name}", }; SysHistoryQuery.AddNewAppHistory(his); var EkanbanHis = SysHistoryQuery.GetEKanbanHistoryByInterface(oldId); EKanbanClearHis addHis = new EKanbanClearHis { DateTime = DateTime.Now, Removed = true, EKanbanHis_Id =, }; SysHistoryQuery.AddNewClearHistory(addHis); } catch (Exception ee) { } }
public Component_t(ShoeComponent _component) { id = _component.Id; Name = ShareFuncs.ConvertToUnSign(_component.Reference); }
public RespConfirmSize(IDbName database, int bInterfaceId, int sizeId, int sizeQty) { try { BeamCutQuery = new BeamCutQuery(database); StockQuery = new StockQuery(database); EmployeeQuery = new EmployeeQuery(database); SequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(database); ScheduleQuery = new ScheduleQuery(database); ComponentQuery = new ComponentQuery(database); var beamInterface = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamInterfaceById(bInterfaceId); if (beamInterface == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find BInterface", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_CONFIRM_SIZE); return; } var bdevice = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamCutDevice(beamInterface.BeamCutDevice_Id); if (bdevice == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find beam cut device", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_CONFIRM_SIZE); return; } var clonePo = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamCutPo(ShareFuncs.GetInt(beamInterface.BeamCutPo_Id)); if (clonePo == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find clone Po", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_CONFIRM_SIZE); return; } var seq1 = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamCutSeq(ShareFuncs.GetInt(beamInterface.BeamCutStartSeq_Id)); var seq2 = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamCutSeq(ShareFuncs.GetInt(beamInterface.BeamCutStopSeq_Id)); int cutQty = 0; int totalQty = 0; int currentQty = 0; int addQty = 0; int seqTotalQty = 0; int seqQty = 0; foreach (var seq in clonePo.BeamCutSeqs) { if (seq.SequenceNo >= seq1.SequenceNo && seq.SequenceNo <= seq2.SequenceNo) { if (seq.Finish == false) { var sizes = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamCutSize(; int seqcutQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(seq.CutQty); foreach (var size in sizes) { if (size.SizeId == sizeId) { if (size.Finished != true && sizeQty > 0) { int oldval = ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.CutQty); int addval = ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.SizeQty) - oldval; if (sizeQty >= addval) { addval = ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.SizeQty) - oldval; size.CutQty = size.SizeQty; size.Finished = true; seqcutQty += addval; sizeQty -= addval; addQty += addval; } else { size.CutQty += sizeQty; seqcutQty += sizeQty; addQty += sizeQty; sizeQty = 0; } size.BeamCutDevice_Id = beamInterface.BeamCutDevice_Id; size.Worker_Id = beamInterface.Employee_Id; size.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; BeamCutQuery.UpdateBeamSize(size); } totalQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.SizeQty); cutQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.CutQty); } currentQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.CutQty); } seq.BeamCutDevice_Id = beamInterface.BeamCutDevice_Id; seq.Worker_Id = beamInterface.Employee_Id; seq.CutQty = seqcutQty; seq.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; seq.Finish = seq.CutQty == seq.SequenceQty ? true : false; BeamCutQuery.UpdateBeamCutSeq(seq); } seqTotalQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(seq.CutQty); seqQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(seq.SequenceQty); } } if (seqTotalQty == seqQty) { StopCutting = true; } int oldVal = beamInterface.CuttingQty != null ? (int)beamInterface.CuttingQty : 0; beamInterface.LastConfirmSize = DateTime.Now; beamInterface.CuttingQty = addQty + oldVal; BeamCutQuery.UpdateBeamInterface(beamInterface); clonePo.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; clonePo.CuttingQuantity += addQty; if (clonePo.CuttingQuantity == clonePo.PoQuantity) { clonePo.Finish = true; clonePo.FinishTime = DateTime.Now; } BeamCutQuery.UpdateBeamCutPo(clonePo); var statistic = BeamCutQuery.GetBMachineStatistic(ShareFuncs.GetInt(beamInterface.BeamCutDevice_Id), DateTime.Now); if (statistic == null) { statistic = BeamCutQuery.AddNewBcutStatistic(ShareFuncs.GetInt(beamInterface.BeamCutDevice_Id), DateTime.Now); } BDeviceCutTimeRecord record = new BDeviceCutTimeRecord { TotalCutTime = 0, BeamCutDevice_Id =, ConfirmQuantity = addQty, BMachineStatistic_Id =, }; if (!BeamCutQuery.AddNewBCutTimeRecord(record)) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Add new record failed", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_CONFIRM_SIZE); } int temp = statistic.TotalCutQty != null ? (int)statistic.TotalCutQty : 0; statistic.TotalCutQty = temp + addQty; BeamCutQuery.UpdateBStatistic(statistic); RespTotalCuttingQty = ShareFuncs.GetInt(beamInterface.CuttingQty); SizeId = sizeId; CutQty = cutQty; Finish = (totalQty == cutQty ? true : false); Exception = new RespException(false, "Confirm Size: OK", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_CONFIRM_SIZE); } catch (Exception e) { Exception = new RespException(true, e.Message, EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_CONFIRM_SIZE); } }
public ConfirmResponse(IDbName _database, int _ekanbanDeviceId, int _confirmQty) { try { EKanbanTaskQuery eKanbanTaskQuery = new EKanbanTaskQuery(_database); SequenceQuery sequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(_database); ComponentQuery componentQuery = new ComponentQuery(_database); StockQuery stockQuery = new StockQuery(_database); ScheduleQuery scheduleQuery = new ScheduleQuery(_database); SysHistoryQuery sysHistoryQuery = new SysHistoryQuery(_database); var Interface = eKanbanTaskQuery.GetLastEKanbanInterface(_ekanbanDeviceId); var his = sysHistoryQuery.GetEKanbanHistory(Interface); if (Interface.SysActionCode == (int)SYS_MODELS._ENUM.SysActionCode.EKANBAN_CONFIRM_ITEM) { ConfirmSuccess = true; EMessage = "EKanban is already conform!"; return; } Interface.SysActionCode = (int)SYS_MODELS._ENUM.SysActionCode.EKANBAN_CONFIRM_ITEM; Interface.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; if (!eKanbanTaskQuery.UpdateEKanbanInterface(Interface)) { ConfirmSuccess = false; EMessage = "EKanban is already conform!"; return; } List <Schedule> schedules = new List <Schedule>(); foreach (var item in Interface.EKanbanLoadings) { var sch = scheduleQuery.GetSchedule(ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.OriginalPo_Id)); var Seq = sequenceQuery.GetOriginalSequence(ShareFuncs.GetInt(item.OriginalSequence_Id)); if (sch != null) { var stock = stockQuery.GetPrepareStockMeasure(sch); if (stock != null) { StockConfirmSequence stockConfirm = new StockConfirmSequence { FinishTime = DateTime.Now, SequenceNo = Seq.SequenceNo, SequenceQty = Seq.Quantity, StockMeasure_Id =, }; StockMessage = "Update stock message successfully"; if (!stockQuery.AddNewStockConfirm(stockConfirm)) { StockMessage = "An error orcured while updating stock"; } stock.ConfirmUpdateTime = DateTime.Now; stock.EKanbanConfirmQty += Seq.Quantity; if (!stockQuery.UpdateStockMeasure(stock)) { StockMessage = "An error orcured while updating stock"; } } } item.SysActionCode = (int)SYS_MODELS._ENUM.SysActionCode.SEQUENCE_CONFORM; item.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; item.ConfirmQty = _confirmQty; eKanbanTaskQuery.UpdateEKanbanLoading(item); string jsonStr = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Interface); his.Data = jsonStr; his.DateTime = DateTime.Now; sysHistoryQuery.UpdateEKanbanHis(his); EKanbanConfirmHis eKanbanConfirmHis = new EKanbanConfirmHis { Conform = true, DateTime = DateTime.Now, EKanbanHis_Id =, OriginalSequence_Id =, SequenceNo = Seq.SequenceNo, SequenceQty = Seq.Quantity, }; sysHistoryQuery.AddNewConfirmHistory(eKanbanConfirmHis); } ConfirmSuccess = true; EMessage = "EKanban is conform successfully"; } catch (Exception e) { EMessage = e.Message; } }
public RespFinishAll(IDbName database, int bInterfaceId, int cutCounter) { BeamCutQuery BeamCutQuery = new BeamCutQuery(database); StockQuery StockQuery = new StockQuery(database); EmployeeQuery EmployeeQuery = new EmployeeQuery(database); SequenceQuery SequenceQuery = new SequenceQuery(database); ScheduleQuery ScheduleQuery = new ScheduleQuery(database); ComponentQuery ComponentQuery = new ComponentQuery(database); try { var bInterface = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamInterfaceById(bInterfaceId); if (bInterface == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not find BInterface", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.FINISH_ALL); return; } var clonePo = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamCutPo(ShareFuncs.GetInt(bInterface.BeamCutPo_Id)); if (clonePo == null) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Invalid clone Po Id", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.BEAM_START_CUTTING); return; } int addQty = 0; foreach (var seq in clonePo.BeamCutSeqs) { var currentSeq = BeamCutQuery.GetBeamCutSeq(; if (currentSeq.SequenceNo < bInterface.SequenceNo + bInterface.TotalSequence) { foreach (var size in seq.BeamCutSizes) { addQty += ShareFuncs.GetInt(size.SizeQty - size.CutQty); size.CutQty = size.SizeQty; size.Finished = true; size.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; BeamCutQuery.UpdateBeamSize(size); } currentSeq.CutQty += addQty; currentSeq.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; currentSeq.Finish = true; BeamCutQuery.UpdateBeamCutSeq(currentSeq); } } bInterface.BeamCutCounter += cutCounter; bInterface.CuttingQty += addQty; bInterface.StopCutTime = DateTime.Now; if (!BeamCutQuery.UpdateBeamInterface(bInterface)) { Exception = new RespException(true, "Can not update BInterface", EKB_SYS_REQUEST.FINISH_ALL); return; } } catch (Exception e) { Exception = new RespException(true, e.Message, EKB_SYS_REQUEST.FINISH_ALL); } }