Exemple #1
        public void UpgradeLsm()
            // Get shard map manager
            ShardMapManager smm = ShardMapManagerFactory.GetSqlShardMapManager(

            // upgrade GSM to latest version.
            VerifyGlobalStore(smm, GlobalConstants.GsmVersionClient);

            // deploy LSM initial version.
            ShardLocation sl = new ShardLocation(Globals.ShardMapManagerTestsDatasourceName, s_shardedDBs[0]);

            smm.UpgradeLocalStore(sl, s_initialLsmVersion);

            // upgrade to version 1.1
            smm.UpgradeLocalStore(sl, new Version(1, 1));

            // Library is still at LSM major version 1, so adding shard with LSM 1.0 should succeed.
            // Library will see that LSM schema already exists at 'sl' and hence will not deploy LSM again, will just try to add the shard.
            // CreateShard will not work with LSM initial version (1.0) as it only has 'StoreVersion' column in ShardMApManagerLocal table, from 1.1 onwards it follows latest schema for version table.
            ListShardMap <int> listsm = smm.CreateListShardMap <int>(ShardMapManagerUpgradeTests.s_shardMapNames[0]);


            // upgrade to version 1.2
            smm.UpgradeLocalStore(sl, new Version(1, 2));

            // upgrade to latest version (1.2): no-op