private void DeselectPlantsWithShape()
            Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog openFileDialog2 = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog();
            openFileDialog2.Filter       = "Known file types (*.shp)|*.shp";
            openFileDialog2.ShowReadOnly = true;
            openFileDialog2.Title        = "Select a shape file with plants";

            if (openFileDialog2.ShowDialog().Value)
                using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(openFileDialog2.FileName))
                    for (int i = 0; i < sr.Data.NoOfEntries; i++)
                        int plantid = sr.Data.ReadInt(i, "PLANTID");
                        var p       = allPlants.SingleOrDefault(var => var.ID == plantid);
                        if (p != null)
Exemple #2
        public void WritePointShapeTest()
            string File = @"..\..\..\TestData\WriteTest.Shp";

            ShapeWriter PSW = new ShapeWriter(File);

            PSW.WritePointShape(10, 20);
            PSW.WritePointShape(20, 30);
            PSW.WritePointShape(30, 40);

            DataTable DT = new DataTable();

            DT.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            DT.Rows.Add(new object[] { "point1" });
            DT.Rows.Add(new object[] { "point2" });
            DT.Rows.Add(new object[] { "point3" });


            ShapeReader PSR = new ShapeReader(File);

            IXYPoint  p;
            DataTable DTread = PSR.Data.Read();

            foreach (DataRow dr in DTread.Rows)
                p = (IXYPoint)PSR.ReadNext();
                Console.WriteLine(p.X.ToString() + "   " + p.Y.ToString());
Exemple #3
        public WFDLakesViewModel()
            ShapeReader psp = new ShapeReader(@"soervp1.shp");

            Lakes = new Dictionary <string, WFDLake>();

            DT = psp.Data.Read();


            foreach (var l in psp.GeoData)
                WFDLake wf = new WFDLake();

                wf.Polygon = (XYPolygon)l.Geometry;
                wf.Data    = l.Data;
                string name = (string)l.Data[0];
                if (!Lakes.ContainsKey(name))
                    Lakes.Add(name, wf);

            Precipitation      = new TimespanSeries();
            Precipitation.Name = "Precipitation";
            double[] values = new double[] { 108, 83, 73, 52, 61, 86, 99, 101, 75, 108, 85, 101 };
            AddMonthlyValues(Precipitation, 2007, values);

            Evaporation      = new TimespanSeries();
            Evaporation.Name = "Evaporation";
            double[] values2 = new double[] { 4, 11, 34, 66, 110, 118, 122, 103, 61, 26, 7, 1 };
            AddMonthlyValues(Evaporation, 2007, values2);
Exemple #4
        public static C1.Win.Map.VectorLayer LoadShpFile(string shpFile, string dbfFile, ProcessVectorItem processVector)
            using (var shpStream = OpenFile(shpFile))
                using (var dbfStream = OpenFile(dbfFile))
                    var records = ShapeReader.Read(shpStream, dbfStream);
                    var items   = records.Select(record =>
                        var vector = CreateVector(record);
                        if (vector != null && processVector != null)
                            processVector(vector, record.Data);

                    var layer = new C1.Win.Map.VectorLayer();
                    foreach (var item in items)

Exemple #5
        public void ReadWellsFromShape()
            ShapeReader SR        = new ShapeReader(_config.WellShapeFile);
            DataTable   _wellData = SR.Data.Read();


            foreach (DataRow dr in _wellData.Rows)
                IrrigationWell IW = new IrrigationWell(dr[_config.IdHeader].ToString());
                IW.X = Convert.ToDouble(dr[_config.XHeader]);
                IW.Y = Convert.ToDouble(dr[_config.YHeader]);

                IIntake I = IW.AddNewIntake(1);

                IW.MaxDepth = Convert.ToDouble(dr[_config.MaxDepthHeader]);
                IW.MaxRate  = Convert.ToDouble(dr[_config.MaxRateHeader]);

                Screen CurrentScreen = new Screen(I);
                CurrentScreen.DepthToBottom = Convert.ToDouble(dr[_config.BottomHeader]);
                CurrentScreen.DepthToTop    = Convert.ToDouble(dr[_config.TopHeader]);
Exemple #6
        public static void BuildTotalLeachFile(string TemplateFile, string ShapeGrid, string OutputDirectory)
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > SortedPoints = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();

            using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(ShapeGrid))
                foreach (var p in sr.GeoData)
                    int domain   = int.Parse(p.Data["Model_Doma"].ToString());
                    int gridcode = int.Parse(p.Data["GRIDID"].ToString());

                    List <int> grids;
                    if (!SortedPoints.TryGetValue(domain, out grids))
                        grids = new List <int>();
                        SortedPoints.Add(domain, grids);

            List <string> lines = new List <string>();

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(TemplateFile))
                var l      = sr.ReadLine();
                int gridid = int.Parse(l.Substring(0, l.IndexOf(';')));

                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    l = sr.ReadLine();
                    int newgridid = int.Parse(l.Substring(0, l.IndexOf(';')));


                    if (newgridid != gridid)

            foreach (var domain in SortedPoints)
                using (StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(OutputDirectory, "Leaching_area_" + domain.Key + ".txt")))
                    foreach (var grid in domain.Value)
                        foreach (var year in lines)
                            sr.WriteLine(grid.ToString() + year);
        public void ReadProjectionFile()
            string File = @"..\..\..\Testdata\kontinuitet.prj";

            ShapeReader sr   = new ShapeReader(File);
            var         proj = sr.Projection;
        public void ReadNextTest2()
            string      File   = @"..\..\..\..\MikeSheTools\TestData\CommandAreas.Shp";
            ShapeReader target = new ShapeReader(File);
            var         geo    = target.ReadNext();
            double      d      = ((XYPolygon)geo).GetArea();

            Assert.IsTrue(0 < d);
 public void TestMethod1()
   string File = @"..\..\..\..\MikeSheTools\TestData\CommandAreas.Shp";
   ShapeReader target = new ShapeReader(File);
   var geo = target.ReadNext(0);
   double d =((XYPolygon)geo).GetArea();
   Assert.IsTrue(0 < d);
Exemple #10
        public ShapefileFeature(ShapeReader shapeReader, DbaseReader dbfReader, ShapeLocationInFileInfo shapeLocation, IGeometryFactory geoFactory)
            m_ShapeReader       = shapeReader;
            m_GeoFactory        = geoFactory;
            m_ShapeLocationInfo = shapeLocation;
            m_LazyGeometry      = new Lazy <IGeometry>(() => m_ShapeReader.ReadShapeAtOffset(m_ShapeLocationInfo.OffsetFromStartOfFile, m_GeoFactory), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);

            m_DbaseReader        = dbfReader;
            m_LazyAttributeTable = new Lazy <IAttributesTable>(() => m_DbaseReader.ReadEntry(m_ShapeLocationInfo.ShapeIndex), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
	    public ShapefileFeature(ShapeReader shapeReader, DbaseReader dbfReader, ShapeLocationInFileInfo shapeLocation, IGeometryFactory geoFactory)            
			m_ShapeReader = shapeReader;
			m_GeoFactory = geoFactory;
			m_ShapeLocationInfo = shapeLocation;
			m_LazyGeometry = new Lazy<IGeometry>(() => m_ShapeReader.ReadShapeAtOffset(m_ShapeLocationInfo.OffsetFromStartOfFile, m_GeoFactory), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);

			m_DbaseReader = dbfReader;
			m_LazyAttributeTable = new Lazy<IAttributesTable>(() => m_DbaseReader.ReadEntry(m_ShapeLocationInfo.ShapeIndex), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
        public void GeoData()
            string      File   = @"..\..\..\..\MikeSheTools\TestData\CommandAreas.Shp";
            ShapeReader target = new ShapeReader(File);

            foreach (GeoRefData grd in target.GeoData)
                Assert.IsTrue(grd.Geometry is XYPolygon);
        public void ReadXYPoint()
            string      file   = @"..\..\..\Testdata\kontinuitet.shp";
            ShapeReader target = new ShapeReader(file);

            foreach (GeoRefData grd in target.GeoData)
                Assert.IsTrue(grd.Geometry is XYPoint);
        public override void Initialize(DateTime Start, DateTime End, IEnumerable <Catchment> Catchments)
            base.Initialize(Start, End, Catchments);

            using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(ShapeFile.FileName))
                for (int i = 0; i < sr.Data.NoOfEntries; i++)
                    Reduction.Add(sr.Data.ReadInt(i, ShapeFile.ColumnNames[0]), sr.Data.ReadDouble(i, ShapeFile.ColumnNames[1]));
        public void DebugPrint(string outputpath, string FileName, string SoilGridCodesFileName)
            List <GeoRefData> Allpoints;

            ProjNet.CoordinateSystems.ICoordinateSystem proj;
            using (ShapeReader shr = new ShapeReader(SoilGridCodesFileName))
                proj      = shr.Projection;
                Allpoints = shr.GeoData.ToList();
            Dictionary <int, GeoRefData> data = new Dictionary <int, GeoRefData>();

            foreach (var p in Allpoints)
                data.Add((int)p.Data["GRIDID"], p);

            string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName);

            name = "Y_" + name.Substring(name.Length - 4);

            var dt = Allpoints.First().Data.Table;

            dt.Columns.Add(name, typeof(double));
            //  dt.Columns.Add(name, typeof(double));

            List <GeoRefData> NewPoints = new List <GeoRefData>();

            using (ShapeWriter sw = new ShapeWriter(Path.Combine(outputpath, "Leach_" + name + "_debug.shp"))
                Projection = proj
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FileName))
                    //        Headers = sr.ReadLine().Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        var    de     = sr.ReadLine().Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        double leach  = double.Parse(de[de.Count() - 2]);
                        int    gridid = int.Parse(de[0]);
                        var    p      = data[gridid];
                        p.Data[name] = leach;
                foreach (var v in NewPoints)
        public void ShapeReaderSkippingTest()
            const string path   = @"Data\Shapefiles\shp-no-m\SPATIAL_F_LUFTNINGSVENTIL.shp";
            var          source = new PointShapefileShapeSource(path);

            var target = new ShapeReader(source);

            target.PageSize = 10;
            int expectedStartIndex = 0;

            foreach (var page in target)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedStartIndex, page.Keys.Min(), "Shape reader skipped at least one entry.");
                expectedStartIndex = page.Keys.Max() + 1;
        public static void LoadShape(this C1VectorLayer vl, Stream stream, Stream dbfStream, Location location, bool centerAndZoom,
                                     ProcessShapeItem processShape)
            Dictionary <C1VectorItemBase, C1ShapeAttributes> vects = ShapeReader.Read(stream, dbfStream);

            foreach (C1VectorItemBase vect in vects.Keys)
                if (processShape != null)
                    processShape(vect, vects[vect], location);

Exemple #18
        public static Lake GetLake(string Name)
            ShapeReader psp = new ShapeReader(@"soervp1.shp");

            foreach (var l in psp.GeoData)
                Lake L = new Lake((string)l.Data[0], (XYPolygon)l.Geometry);

                if (L.Name.ToLower().Equals(Name.ToLower()))
        public RegionViewModel()
            IWellCollection Wells;

            using (Reader R = new Reader(@"C:\Jacob\Projects\OPI\sjælland.mdb"))
                Wells = R.ReadWellsInSteps();
            Sites = new List <SiteViewModel>();
            using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(@"C:\Jacob\Projects\OPI\ds_kortlaegninger_dkjord_v2_download.shp"))
                foreach (var s in sr.GeoData)
                    Sites.Add(new SiteViewModel(s, Wells));
Exemple #20
        public void TestMethod1()
            Dictionary <int, int> dmuTOId15 = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"D:\DK_information\Overfladevand\stationer\maol.txt"))
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    var data = sr.ReadLine().Split(new string[] { "\t" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                    dmuTOId15.Add(int.Parse(data[1]), int.Parse(data[3]));
            using (ShapeWriter sw = new ShapeWriter(@"D:\DK_information\Overfladevand\stationer\stationer2.shp"))
                using (ShapeReader sh = new ShapeReader(@"D:\DK_information\Overfladevand\stationer\stationer.shp"))
                    var dt = sh.Data.Read();
                    dt.Columns.Add("ID15", typeof(int));
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        int dmunr = int.Parse(dt.Rows[i][0].ToString());

                        int id15;
                        if (dmuTOId15.TryGetValue(dmunr, out id15))
                            dt.Rows[i]["ID15"] = id15;

                        sw.Write(new Geometry.GeoRefData()
                            Geometry = sh.ReadNext(i), Data = dt.Rows[i]
Exemple #21
 public virtual void Initialize(DateTime Start, DateTime End, IEnumerable <Catchment> Catchments)
     if (ExtraParsShape != null)
         MultiplicationFactors = new Dictionary <int, double>();
         AdditionFactors       = new Dictionary <int, double>();
         using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(ExtraParsShape.FileName))
             for (int i = 0; i < sr.Data.NoOfEntries; i++)
                 int id15 = sr.Data.ReadInt(i, ExtraParsShape.ColumnNames[0]);
                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExtraParsShape.ColumnNames[1]))
                     MultiplicationFactors.Add(id15, sr.Data.ReadDouble(i, ExtraParsShape.ColumnNames[1]));
                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExtraParsShape.ColumnNames[2]))
                     AdditionFactors.Add(id15, sr.Data.ReadDouble(i, ExtraParsShape.ColumnNames[2]));
Exemple #22
        public void BuildGrid(string ShapeSoilCodes)
            using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(ShapeSoilCodes))
                var Allpoints = sr.GeoData.ToList();

                var BornholmPoints = Allpoints.Where(g => int.Parse(g.Data["Model_Doma"].ToString()) == 7).ToList();
                var OtherPoints    = Allpoints.Where(g => int.Parse(g.Data["Model_Doma"].ToString()) != 7).ToList();

                var bbox = XYGeometryTools.BoundingBox(OtherPoints.Select(f => (IXYPoint)f.Geometry));

                GlobalGrid.GridSize        = 500.0;
                GlobalGrid.XOrigin         = bbox.Points.Min(p => p.X);
                GlobalGrid.YOrigin         = bbox.Points.Min(p => p.Y);
                GlobalGrid.NumberOfColumns = (int)(Math.Round((bbox.Points.Max(p => p.X) - GlobalGrid.XOrigin) / GlobalGrid.GridSize, 0)) + 1;
                GlobalGrid.NumberOfRows    = (int)(Math.Round((bbox.Points.Max(p => p.Y) - GlobalGrid.YOrigin) / GlobalGrid.GridSize, 0) + 1);

                foreach (var g in OtherPoints)
                    GlobalGrid.Data[GlobalGrid.GetColumnIndex(((IXYPoint)g.Geometry).X), GlobalGrid.GetRowIndex(((IXYPoint)g.Geometry).Y)] = int.Parse(g.Data["GRIDID"].ToString());

                bbox = XYGeometryTools.BoundingBox(BornholmPoints.Select(f => (IXYPoint)f.Geometry));
                BornholmGrid.GridSize        = 250.0;
                BornholmGrid.XOrigin         = bbox.Points.Min(p => p.X);
                BornholmGrid.YOrigin         = bbox.Points.Min(p => p.Y);
                BornholmGrid.NumberOfColumns = (int)(Math.Round((bbox.Points.Max(p => p.X) - BornholmGrid.XOrigin) / BornholmGrid.GridSize, 0)) + 1;
                BornholmGrid.NumberOfRows    = (int)(Math.Round((bbox.Points.Max(p => p.Y) - BornholmGrid.YOrigin) / BornholmGrid.GridSize, 0) + 1);

                foreach (var g in BornholmPoints)
                    int id = int.Parse(g.Data["GRIDID"].ToString());
                    BornholmerID.Add(id, id);
                    BornholmGrid.Data[BornholmGrid.GetColumnIndex(((IXYPoint)g.Geometry).X), BornholmGrid.GetRowIndex(((IXYPoint)g.Geometry).Y)] = id;
        public void importShapeCallback(string path, string layer, Color color)
            Bitmap      bitmap  = null;
            ShapeReader shape   = new ShapeReader(path);
            GMapOverlay overlay = new GMapOverlay(layer);

            shape.errorHandler += errorHandlerCallback;
            ESRIShapeFile s = shape.getShape();

            if (s.ShapeType == 3 || s.ShapeType == 13)
                GMapRoute   line_layer;
                PolyLineZ[] polyLines = s.PolyLineZ;
                foreach (PolyLineZ polyLine in polyLines)
                    PointLatLng[] points = polyLine.points;
                    line_layer        = new GMapRoute(points, "lines"); //TODO get carriage number
                    line_layer.Stroke = new Pen(color, 1);
            else if (s.ShapeType == 1)
                ShapeFile.Point[] points = s.Point;
                bitmap = ColorTable.getBitmap(ColorTable.ColorCrossDict, color.Name, 4);
                int id = 0;
                foreach (ShapeFile.Point point in points)
                    PointLatLng pointLatLng = new PointLatLng(point.y, point.x);
                    MarkerTag   tag         = new MarkerTag(color.Name, id);
                    tag.Dictionary = ColorTable.ColorCrossDict;
                    GMapMarker marker = new GMarkerGoogle(pointLatLng, bitmap);
                    marker.Tag = tag;
                GMapMarker[] markersArr = overlay.Markers.ToArray <GMapMarker>();
                mOverlayDict.Add(layer, markersArr);
            else if (s.ShapeType == 8)
                MultiPoint[] points = s.MultiPoint;
                bitmap = ColorTable.getBitmap(ColorTable.ColorCrossDict, color.Name, 4);
                int id = 0;
                foreach (MultiPoint point in points)
                    PointLatLng[] pointsLatLng = point.points;
                    foreach (PointLatLng p in pointsLatLng)
                        MarkerTag tag = new MarkerTag(color.Name, id);
                        tag.Dictionary = ColorTable.ColorCrossDict;
                        GMapMarker marker = new GMarkerGoogle(p, bitmap);
                        marker.Tag = tag;
                GMapMarker[] markersArr = overlay.Markers.ToArray <GMapMarker>();
                mOverlayDict.Add(layer, markersArr);
            addListItem(ColorTable.ColorCrossDict, overlay, color.Name);
            //if (bitmap != null)
            //    imageList.Images.Add(bitmap);
            //ListViewItem layerItem = new ListViewItem(overlay.Id, layerCount);

            //layerItem.Text = overlay.Id;
            //layerItem.Checked = true;
            //mOverlay = overlay;
            //listLayers.SmallImageList = imageList;
            ////addListItem(ColorTable.ColorCrossDict, overlay, color.Name);
            //overlay.IsVisibile = true;
            //mOverlay.IsVisibile = true;
        public HttpResponseMessage Draw(double? minLon, double? maxLon, double? minLat, double? maxLat, int? maxImgWidth, int? maxImgHeight)
            var shapefilePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/builtupp_usa/builtupp_usa.shp");

            ITransformation<GeographicCoordinate, Point2> transformation = null;
            var targetCrs = EpsgMicroDatabase.Default.GetCrs(3005);
            LongitudeDegreeRange dataLongitudeRange;
            Range dataLatitudeRange;
            using (var shapeFile = Shapefile.Open(shapefilePath)) {
                dataLongitudeRange = new LongitudeDegreeRange(shapeFile.Extent.MinX, shapeFile.Extent.MaxX);
                dataLatitudeRange = new Range(shapeFile.Extent.MinY, shapeFile.Extent.MaxY);

                var dataCrs = EpsgMicroDatabase.Default.GetCrs(4326);
                var pathGenerator = new EpsgCrsCoordinateOperationPathGenerator();
                var paths = pathGenerator.Generate(dataCrs, targetCrs);
                var compiler = new StaticCoordinateOperationCompiler();
                var firstTransfom = paths.Select(p => {
                    return compiler.Compile(p);
                }).First(x => x != null);

                transformation = firstTransfom as ITransformation<GeographicCoordinate, Point2>;
                if (transformation == null && firstTransfom is IEnumerable<ITransformation>)
                    transformation = new CompiledConcatenatedTransformation<GeographicCoordinate, Point2>((IEnumerable<ITransformation>)firstTransfom);


            var geoMbrMin = new GeographicCoordinate(minLat ?? dataLatitudeRange.Low, minLon ?? dataLongitudeRange.Start);
            var geoMbrMax = new GeographicCoordinate(maxLat ?? dataLatitudeRange.High, maxLon ?? dataLongitudeRange.End);
            var geoMbrTL = new GeographicCoordinate(geoMbrMax.Latitude, geoMbrMin.Longitude);
            var geoMbrTR = new GeographicCoordinate(geoMbrMin.Latitude, geoMbrMax.Longitude);

            var projectedMbrPoints = new[] {
                    new GeographicCoordinate(geoMbrMin.Latitude, Math.Abs(geoMbrMin.Longitude + geoMbrMax.Longitude) / 2.0)

            var projectedExtent = new Mbr(
                new Point2(projectedMbrPoints.Min(x => x.X), projectedMbrPoints.Min(x => x.Y)),
                new Point2(projectedMbrPoints.Max(x => x.X), projectedMbrPoints.Max(x => x.Y))

            var geogMapOrigin = new GeographicCoordinate(dataLatitudeRange.Mid, dataLongitudeRange.Mid);
            var mapOrigin = transformation.TransformValue(geogMapOrigin);

            var mapOffset = new Vector2(0/*-(mapOrigin.X - projectedExtent.X.Mid)*/, projectedExtent.Height / 2.0);

            var imageSizeLimits = new Vector2(maxImgWidth ?? 300, maxImgHeight ?? 300);
            if (imageSizeLimits.X > 4096 || imageSizeLimits.Y > 4096)
                throw new ArgumentException("Image size too large");

            var dataRatio = new Vector2(projectedExtent.Width / imageSizeLimits.X, projectedExtent.Height / imageSizeLimits.Y);
            var lowCorner = projectedExtent.Min;
            Vector2 desiredImageSize;
            double imageScaleFactor;
            if (dataRatio.Y < dataRatio.X) {
                imageScaleFactor = imageSizeLimits.X / projectedExtent.Width;
                desiredImageSize = new Vector2(imageSizeLimits.X, (int)(projectedExtent.Height * imageScaleFactor));
            else {
                imageScaleFactor = imageSizeLimits.Y / projectedExtent.Height;
                desiredImageSize = new Vector2((int)(projectedExtent.Width * imageScaleFactor), imageSizeLimits.Y);

            using (var image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap((int)desiredImageSize.X, (int)desiredImageSize.Y))
            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image)) {
                graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                var shapeSource = new PointShapefileShapeSource(shapefilePath);
                var shapeReader = new ShapeReader(shapeSource);
                using (var shapeEnumerator = shapeReader.GetEnumerator()) {
                    var sourceCoordinates = ReadPagesToGeographicCoordinate(shapeEnumerator).SelectMany(x => x);
                    var pointColor = Color.Black;
                    var circleFillBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(64,16,64,128));
                    var featureRadius = 3.0;
                    var featureDiameter = featureRadius * 2;
                    var featureDiameterFloat = (float)featureDiameter;
                    var topLeftOffset = new Vector2(-featureRadius,-featureRadius);

                    foreach (var transformedPoint in transformation.TransformValues(sourceCoordinates)) {
                        var offsetPoint = transformedPoint.Difference(lowCorner).Add(mapOffset);

                        var scaledPoint = offsetPoint.GetScaled(imageScaleFactor);
                        var screenPoint = new Point2(scaledPoint.X, image.Height - scaledPoint.Y);
                        var drawTopLeft = screenPoint.Add(topLeftOffset);

                        graphics.FillEllipse(circleFillBrush, (float)drawTopLeft.X, (float)drawTopLeft.Y, featureDiameterFloat, featureDiameterFloat);
                var result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                byte[] imageBytes;
                using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) {
                    image.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                    imageBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
                result.Content = new ByteArrayContent(imageBytes);
                result.Content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/png");
                return result;
        public void NovoTest()
            TheisAnalysis target         = new TheisAnalysis(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            IXYPoint      PumpingWell    = new XYPoint(0, 0);
            double        PumpingRate    = 15 / 3600.0;         //
            double        Storativity    = 5e-3;
            double        Transmissivity = 1e-3;                //

            List <IXYPoint> InjectionWells = new List <IXYPoint>();

//      InjectionWells.Add(new XYPoint(704288.01, 6201186.04));
//      InjectionWells.Add(new XYPoint(704455.3,6201201.6 ));
//      InjectionWells.Add(new XYPoint(704621.99, 6201219));
////      InjectionWells.Add(new XYPoint(704951.98, 6201249.18));

            List <IXYPoint> ExtractionWells = new List <IXYPoint>();

            //ExtractionWells.Add(new XYPoint(704934.54, 6200994.85));
            //ExtractionWells.Add(new XYPoint(704896.26, 6200720.37));
            //ExtractionWells.Add(new XYPoint(704940, 6200550));

            //InjectionWells.Add(new XYPoint(704698, 6202442));
            //ExtractionWells.Add(new XYPoint(704850, 6202365));

            using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(@"C:\Users\Jacob\Dropbox\Enopsol\BiogenLocation.shp"))
                foreach (var g in sr.GeoData)
                    if ((int)g.Data[0] == 1)
                    else if ((int)g.Data[0] == 2)

            var d = target.Drawdown(InjectionWells.First(), 56.0 / 3600.0, Storativity, Transmissivity, TimeSpan.FromHours(4), new XYPoint(InjectionWells.First().X + 2, InjectionWells.First().Y + 2));

            List <List <double> > drawdowns = new List <List <double> >();

            drawdowns.Add(new List <double>());
            drawdowns.Add(new List <double>());
            drawdowns.Add(new List <double>());

            IXYPoint ObservationPoint = new XYPoint(705669, 6202256);

            int j = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                double   s    = 0;
                TimeSpan Time = TimeSpan.FromDays(i);

                foreach (var w in ExtractionWells)
                    s += target.Drawdown(w, +PumpingRate, Storativity, Transmissivity, Time, ObservationPoint);


                foreach (var w in InjectionWells)
                    s += target.Drawdown(w, -PumpingRate, Storativity, Transmissivity, Time, ObservationPoint);

                drawdowns[j + 1].Add(s);

                double dw = target.Drawdown(ExtractionWells[0], PumpingRate, Storativity, Transmissivity, Time, new XYPoint(ExtractionWells[0].X + 0.5, ExtractionWells[0].Y + 0.5));
                drawdowns[j + 2].Add(dw);

            using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"c:\temp\enopsol.txt"))
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    sw.WriteLine(drawdowns[0][i].ToString() + "\t" + drawdowns[1][i].ToString() + "\t" + drawdowns[2][i].ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens a point shape
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            openFileDialog2.Filter            = "Known file types (*.shp)|*.shp";
            this.openFileDialog2.ShowReadOnly = true;
            this.openFileDialog2.Title        = "Select a shape file with data for wells or intakes";

            if (openFileDialog2.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                string FileName = openFileDialog2.FileName;

                ShapeReader SR = new ShapeReader(FileName);

                DataTable FullDataSet = SR.Data.Read();
                //Launch a data selector
                DataSelector DS = new DataSelector(FullDataSet);

                if (DS.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    if (ShpConfig == null)
                        XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ShapeReaderConfiguration));
                        string        InstallationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.GetType().Assembly.Location);
                        string        config           = Path.Combine(InstallationPath, "ShapeReaderConfig.xml");
                        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(config, FileMode.Open))
                            ShpConfig = (ShapeReaderConfiguration)x.Deserialize(fs);

                            if (CheckColumn(FullDataSet, ShpConfig.WellIDHeader, config))
                                if (CheckColumn(FullDataSet, ShpConfig.IntakeNumber, config))
                                    if (CheckColumn(FullDataSet, ShpConfig.XHeader, config))
                                        if (CheckColumn(FullDataSet, ShpConfig.YHeader, config))
                                            if (CheckColumn(FullDataSet, ShpConfig.TOPHeader, config))
                                                if (CheckColumn(FullDataSet, ShpConfig.BOTTOMHeader, config))
                                                    Wells = new IWellCollection();
                                                    if (FullDataSet.Columns.Contains(ShpConfig.PlantIDHeader))
                                                        DPlants = new IPlantCollection();
                                                        HeadObservations.FillInFromNovanaShape(DS.SelectedRows, ShpConfig, Wells, DPlants);
                                                        HeadObservations.FillInFromNovanaShape(DS.SelectedRows, ShpConfig, Wells);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update header extents from the geometries in a IShapeSource
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src"></param>
        protected void UpdateExtents(IShapeSource src)
            var sr = new ShapeReader(src);
            Extent env = null;

            foreach (var page in sr)
                foreach (var shape in page)
                    Extent shapeExtent = shape.Value.Range.Extent;
                    if (env == null)
                        env = (Extent)shapeExtent.Clone();

            // Extents for an empty file are unspecified according to the specification, so do nothing
            if (null == env)

            var sh = new ShapefileHeader(Filename);
        public override void Initialize(DateTime Start, DateTime End, IEnumerable <Catchment> Catchments)
            base.Initialize(Start, End, Catchments);
            Dictionary <XYPoint, List <double> > Data = new Dictionary <XYPoint, List <double> >();

            XSSFWorkbook hssfwb;

            using (FileStream file = new FileStream(ExcelFile.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                hssfwb = new XSSFWorkbook(file);

            List <IRow> DataRows = new List <IRow>();
            var         sheet    = hssfwb.GetSheet("Ndep_Tot");

            for (int row = 1; row <= sheet.LastRowNum; row++)
                if (sheet.GetRow(row) != null) //null is when the row only contains empty cells

            using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(Shapefile.FileName))
                FirstYear = (int)DataRows.First().Cells[0].NumericCellValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < sr.Data.NoOfEntries; i++)
                    int icoor = sr.Data.ReadInt(i, "i");
                    int jcoor = sr.Data.ReadInt(i, "j");

                    XYPoint point = (XYPoint)sr.ReadNext(i);

                    //Create the timestampseries and set unit to kg/m2/s;
                    var data = DataRows.Where(v => (int)v.Cells[3].NumericCellValue == icoor & (int)v.Cells[4].NumericCellValue == jcoor).OrderBy(v => (int)v.Cells[0].NumericCellValue).Select(v => v.Cells[6].NumericCellValue / (365.0 * 86400.0 * 1.0e6)).ToList();

                    if (data.Count() > 0)
                        Data.Add(point, data);

            foreach (var c in Catchments)
                XYPolygon poly = null;

                if (c.Geometry is XYPolygon)
                    poly = c.Geometry as XYPolygon;
                else if (c.Geometry is MultiPartPolygon)
                    poly = ((MultiPartPolygon)c.Geometry).Polygons.First(); //Just use the first polygon
                double LakeArea = c.Lakes.Sum(l => l.Geometry.GetArea());   //Get the area of the lakes
                if (c.BigLake != null)                                      //Add the big lake
                    LakeArea += c.BigLake.Geometry.GetArea();

                if (poly != null)
                    var point        = new XYPoint(poly.PlotPoints.First().Longitude, poly.PlotPoints.First().Latitude); //Take one point in the polygon
                    var closestpoint = Data.Keys.Select(p => new Tuple <XYPoint, double>(p, p.GetDistance(point))).OrderBy(s => s.Item2).First().Item1;
                    deposition.Add(c.ID, new List <double>(Data[closestpoint].Select(v => v * LakeArea)));
Exemple #29
        public override void Initialize(DateTime Start, DateTime End, IEnumerable <Catchment> Catchments)
            base.Initialize(Start, End, Catchments);

            MO5 = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            MO5.Add(1, 1);
            MO5.Add(2, 2);
            MO5.Add(3, 3);
            MO5.Add(4, 4);
            MO5.Add(5, 5);
            MO5.Add(6, 6);
            MO5.Add(7, 6);
            MO5.Add(8, 5);
            MO5.Add(9, 4);
            MO5.Add(10, 3);
            MO5.Add(11, 2);
            MO5.Add(12, 1);

            Dictionary <int, GeoRefData> LakeDepths = new Dictionary <int, GeoRefData>();

            using (ShapeReader s = new ShapeReader(ShapeFile.FileName))
                foreach (var l in s.GeoData)
                    LakeDepths.Add((int)l.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[0]], l);

            foreach (var c in Catchments.Where(ca => ca.BigLake != null))
                GeoRefData lake;
                if (!LakeDepths.TryGetValue(c.BigLake.BigLakeID, out lake))
                    NewMessage(c.BigLake.Name + " removed! No entry found in " + ShapeFile.FileName);
                    c.BigLake = null;
                else if (c.M11Flow == null)
                    NewMessage(c.BigLake.Name + " removed! No Mike11 flow.");
                    c.BigLake = null;
                else if (!c.Geometry.Contains((XYPoint)lake.Geometry))
                    c.BigLake = null;
                    c.BigLake.Volume        = c.BigLake.Geometry.GetArea() * ((double)lake.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[1]]);
                    c.BigLake.RetentionTime = c.BigLake.Volume / (c.M11Flow.GetTs(TimeStepUnit.Month).Average * 365.0 * 86400.0);
                    c.BigLake.CurrentNMass  = c.BigLake.Volume * ((double)lake.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[2]]) / 1000.0;

                    if ((int)lake.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[3]] != 0)
                        c.BigLake.Start = new DateTime((int)lake.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[3]], 1, 1);
                        c.BigLake.Start = Start;

                    if ((int)lake.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[4]] != 0)
                        c.BigLake.End = new DateTime((int)lake.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[4]], 1, 1);
                        c.BigLake.End = End;
Exemple #30
        public override void Initialize(DateTime Start, DateTime End, IEnumerable <Catchment> Catchments)
            base.Initialize(Start, End, Catchments);

            //Source, Catchment
            Dictionary <string, int>     Sources      = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            Dictionary <string, XYPoint> PointSources = new Dictionary <string, XYPoint>();

            List <XYPoint> points = new List <XYPoint>();

            //Read in the points
            using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(ShapeFile.FileName))
                foreach (var gd in sr.GeoData)
                    XYPoint xp = gd.Geometry as XYPoint;
                    if (!PointSources.ContainsKey(gd.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[0]].ToString())) //Some sources are listed multiple times
                        if (gd.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[1]].ToString() == "land")
                            PointSources.Add(gd.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[0]].ToString(), gd.Geometry as XYPoint);
            NewMessage("Distributing sources in catchments");
            //Distribute points on catchments
            Parallel.ForEach(PointSources, (p) =>
                foreach (var c in Catchments)
                    if (c.Geometry.Contains(p.Value.X, p.Value.Y))
                        //if (c.CoastalZones.Any(co=>co.Contains(p.Value.X, p.Value.Y)))
                        lock (Lock)
                            Sources.Add(p.Key, c.ID);
            NewMessage(PointSources.Count + " point sources distributed on " + Sources.Values.Distinct().Count().ToString() + " catchments");

            Dictionary <string, int> entries = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var source in Sources.Keys)
                entries.Add(source, 0);

            NewMessage("Reading outlet data");
            //Read source data and distrubute on catchments
            using (DBFReader dbf = new DBFReader(DBFFile.FileName))
                int k = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < dbf.NoOfEntries; i++)
                    string id    = dbf.ReadString(i, DBFFile.ColumnNames[0]).Trim();
                    int    year  = dbf.ReadInt(i, DBFFile.ColumnNames[1]);
                    double value = dbf.ReadDouble(i, DBFFile.ColumnNames[2]);

                    int catchid;

                    if (Sources.TryGetValue(id, out catchid))
                        entries[id] += 1;
                        Dictionary <int, double> timevalues;
                        if (!YearlyData.TryGetValue(catchid, out timevalues))
                            timevalues = new Dictionary <int, double>();
                            YearlyData.Add(catchid, timevalues);
                        if (timevalues.ContainsKey(year))
                            timevalues[year] += value;
                            if (year >= Start.Year) //This also removes some -99 years
                                timevalues.Add(year, value);
                        //if we have outlet data but no source placed
                NewMessage(k + " time series entries have no points");

            foreach (var c in YearlyData.Values)
                foreach (var val in c.ToList())
                    c[val.Key] = val.Value / ((DateTime.DaysInMonth(val.Key, 2) + 337.0) * 86400.0);

            NewMessage(entries.Values.Count(v => v == 0) + " points have no time series data");

Exemple #31
        public HttpResponseMessage Draw(double?minLon, double?maxLon, double?minLat, double?maxLat, int?maxImgWidth, int?maxImgHeight)
            var shapefilePath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/builtupp_usa/builtupp_usa.shp");

            ITransformation <GeographicCoordinate, Point2> transformation = null;
            var targetCrs = EpsgMicroDatabase.Default.GetCrs(3005);
            LongitudeDegreeRange dataLongitudeRange;
            Range dataLatitudeRange;

            using (var shapeFile = Shapefile.Open(shapefilePath)) {
                dataLongitudeRange = new LongitudeDegreeRange(shapeFile.Extent.MinX, shapeFile.Extent.MaxX);
                dataLatitudeRange  = new Range(shapeFile.Extent.MinY, shapeFile.Extent.MaxY);

                var dataCrs       = EpsgMicroDatabase.Default.GetCrs(4326);
                var pathGenerator = new EpsgCrsCoordinateOperationPathGenerator();
                var paths         = pathGenerator.Generate(dataCrs, targetCrs);
                var compiler      = new StaticCoordinateOperationCompiler();
                var firstTransfom = paths.Select(p => {
                }).First(x => x != null);

                transformation = firstTransfom as ITransformation <GeographicCoordinate, Point2>;
                if (transformation == null && firstTransfom is IEnumerable <ITransformation> )
                    transformation = new CompiledConcatenatedTransformation <GeographicCoordinate, Point2>((IEnumerable <ITransformation>)firstTransfom);

            var geoMbrMin = new GeographicCoordinate(minLat ?? dataLatitudeRange.Low, minLon ?? dataLongitudeRange.Start);
            var geoMbrMax = new GeographicCoordinate(maxLat ?? dataLatitudeRange.High, maxLon ?? dataLongitudeRange.End);
            var geoMbrTL  = new GeographicCoordinate(geoMbrMax.Latitude, geoMbrMin.Longitude);
            var geoMbrTR  = new GeographicCoordinate(geoMbrMin.Latitude, geoMbrMax.Longitude);

            var projectedMbrPoints = new[] {
                new GeographicCoordinate(geoMbrMin.Latitude, Math.Abs(geoMbrMin.Longitude + geoMbrMax.Longitude) / 2.0)

            var projectedExtent = new Mbr(
                new Point2(projectedMbrPoints.Min(x => x.X), projectedMbrPoints.Min(x => x.Y)),
                new Point2(projectedMbrPoints.Max(x => x.X), projectedMbrPoints.Max(x => x.Y))

            var geogMapOrigin = new GeographicCoordinate(dataLatitudeRange.Mid, dataLongitudeRange.Mid);
            var mapOrigin     = transformation.TransformValue(geogMapOrigin);

            var mapOffset = new Vector2(0 /*-(mapOrigin.X - projectedExtent.X.Mid)*/, projectedExtent.Height / 2.0);

            var imageSizeLimits = new Vector2(maxImgWidth ?? 300, maxImgHeight ?? 300);

            if (imageSizeLimits.X > 4096 || imageSizeLimits.Y > 4096)
                throw new ArgumentException("Image size too large");

            var     dataRatio = new Vector2(projectedExtent.Width / imageSizeLimits.X, projectedExtent.Height / imageSizeLimits.Y);
            var     lowCorner = projectedExtent.Min;
            Vector2 desiredImageSize;
            double  imageScaleFactor;

            if (dataRatio.Y < dataRatio.X)
                imageScaleFactor = imageSizeLimits.X / projectedExtent.Width;
                desiredImageSize = new Vector2(imageSizeLimits.X, (int)(projectedExtent.Height * imageScaleFactor));
                imageScaleFactor = imageSizeLimits.Y / projectedExtent.Height;
                desiredImageSize = new Vector2((int)(projectedExtent.Width * imageScaleFactor), imageSizeLimits.Y);

            using (var image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap((int)desiredImageSize.X, (int)desiredImageSize.Y))
                using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image)) {
                    graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                    var shapeSource = new PointShapefileShapeSource(shapefilePath);
                    var shapeReader = new ShapeReader(shapeSource);
                    using (var shapeEnumerator = shapeReader.GetEnumerator()) {
                        var sourceCoordinates    = ReadPagesToGeographicCoordinate(shapeEnumerator).SelectMany(x => x);
                        var pointColor           = Color.Black;
                        var circleFillBrush      = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(64, 16, 64, 128));
                        var featureRadius        = 3.0;
                        var featureDiameter      = featureRadius * 2;
                        var featureDiameterFloat = (float)featureDiameter;
                        var topLeftOffset        = new Vector2(-featureRadius, -featureRadius);

                        foreach (var transformedPoint in transformation.TransformValues(sourceCoordinates))
                            var offsetPoint = transformedPoint.Difference(lowCorner).Add(mapOffset);

                            var scaledPoint = offsetPoint.GetScaled(imageScaleFactor);
                            var screenPoint = new Point2(scaledPoint.X, image.Height - scaledPoint.Y);
                            var drawTopLeft = screenPoint.Add(topLeftOffset);

                            graphics.FillEllipse(circleFillBrush, (float)drawTopLeft.X, (float)drawTopLeft.Y, featureDiameterFloat, featureDiameterFloat);
                    var    result = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                    byte[] imageBytes;
                    using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) {
                        image.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                        imageBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
                    result.Content = new ByteArrayContent(imageBytes);
                    result.Content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/png");
Exemple #32
 public ShapefileFeature(ShapeReader shapeReader, DbaseReader dbfReader, ShapeLocationInFileInfo shapeLocation, GeometryFactory geoFactory)
     FeatureId           = shapeLocation.ShapeIndex;
     _lazyGeometry       = new Lazy <Geometry>(() => shapeReader.ReadShapeAtOffset(shapeLocation.OffsetFromStartOfFile, geoFactory), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
     _lazyAttributeTable = new Lazy <IAttributesTable>(() => dbfReader.ReadEntry(shapeLocation.ShapeIndex), LazyThreadSafetyMode.ExecutionAndPublication);
Exemple #33
        public override void Initialize(DateTime Start, DateTime End, IEnumerable <Catchment> Catchments)
            base.Initialize(Start, End, Catchments);

            List <Wetland> wetlands = new List <Wetland>();

            using (ShapeReader sr = new ShapeReader(ShapeFile.FileName))
                foreach (var ldata in sr.GeoData)
                    Wetland w = new Wetland
                        Geometry = (IXYPolygon)ldata.Geometry,
                        Name     = ldata.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[1]].ToString(),
                    int startyear = int.Parse(ldata.Data[ShapeFile.ColumnNames[0]].ToString());
                    if (startyear != 0)
                        w.StartTime = new DateTime(startyear, 1, 1);
                        w.StartTime = Start;

            //Get the soil type
            Parallel.ForEach(wetlands, l =>
                foreach (var soil in MainModel.SoilTypes)
                    if (l.Geometry.OverLaps((IXYPolygon)soil.Geometry))
                        if ((int)soil.Data[0] < 4)
                            l.SoilString = "sand";
                            l.SoilString = "ler";

            Parallel.ForEach(wetlands, l =>
                foreach (var c in Catchments)
                    if (c.Geometry.OverLaps(l.Geometry as IXYPolygon))
                        lock (Lock)
            NewMessage(wetlands.Count + " wetlands read and distributed on " + Catchments.Count(c => c.Wetlands.Count > 0) + " catchments.");