Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new static physics actor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="desc">Descriptor for the actor.</param>
        public TerrainBEPUActor(ActorDesc desc) : base(desc)
            if (desc.Shapes.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("Terrain actors can only consist of one shape");

            ShapeDesc shapeDesc = desc.Shapes[0];

            if (shapeDesc is HeightFieldShapeDesc)
                // For height fields, we need to copy the data into an Array2D.
                var heightFieldDesc = shapeDesc as HeightFieldShapeDesc;

                float spacing = heightFieldDesc.SizeX / heightFieldDesc.HeightField.GetLength(0);

                this.collidable = new Terrain(heightFieldDesc.HeightField, new AffineTransform(
                                                  new Vector3(spacing, 1, spacing),
                throw new Exception("Shape description for a Terrain actor must be HeightFieldShapeDesc.");

            // Tag the physics with data needed by the engine
            var tag = new EntityTag(this.ownerEntityID);

            this.collidable.Tag = tag;

            this.spaceObject = this.collidable;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an actor using shape info and information from the parent BaseEntity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PhysicsScene">Reference to the physics scene</param>
        protected override void CreateActor(IPhysicsScene PhysicsScene)
            ShapeDesc newShape = CreateShapeFromType(shapeType);

            // Phantoms cannot currently have dynamic physics
            this.isDynamic = false;

            var desc = new ActorDesc();

            desc.Orientation       = this.parentEntity.Rotation;
            desc.Mass              = this.mass;
            desc.Dynamic           = this.isDynamic;
            desc.AffectedByGravity = this.affectedByGravity;
            desc.Position          = this.parentEntity.Position;
            desc.EntityID = this.parentEntity.UniqueID;
            desc.Game     = this.parentEntity.Game;
            desc.Type     = ActorType.Static;

            this.actor = PhysicsScene.CreateActor(desc);

            if (this.actor != null)
Exemple #3
        public QuadTree(ShapeDesc shapedesc, int quadLevel)
            this.sampleSize = Game.sampleSize;
            // terrain/water
            if (shapedesc.name.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Contains("land") || !shapedesc.textures[0].Contains("default.dds"))
                isLand = true;
                this.sampleSize = 1;
                this.isLand     = false;
            this.vertices    = shapedesc.geometry.GetVertices();
            this.boundingBox = new BBox();
            this.boundingBox.Set(float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, float.MinValue);
            this.segments = new QuadTreeLeaf[(int)(this.sampleSize * quadLevel * this.sampleSize * quadLevel)];
            for (int index = 0; index < (this.sampleSize * quadLevel) * (this.sampleSize * quadLevel); index++)
                this.segments[index] = this.CreateSegment(index, quadLevel, shapedesc.geometry.GetTriangles(), shapedesc.geometry.GetVertices());
            QuadTreeLeaf    quadTreeLeaf = new QuadTreeLeaf();
            List <Triangle> triangles    = shapedesc.geometry.GetTriangles();

            quadTreeLeaf.triangles = triangles;
            this.entirequad        = quadTreeLeaf;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an actor using shape info and information from the parent BaseEntity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PhysicsScene">Reference to the physics scene</param>
        protected virtual void CreateActor(IPhysicsScene PhysicsScene)
            ShapeDesc newShape = CreateShapeFromType(shapeType);

            if (newShape == null)
                throw new Exception("Shape did not load properly");

            ActorDesc desc = new ActorDesc();

            desc.Orientation       = this.parentEntity.Rotation;
            desc.Mass              = this.mass;
            desc.Dynamic           = this.isDynamic;
            desc.AffectedByGravity = this.affectedByGravity;
            desc.Position          = this.parentEntity.Position;
            desc.EntityID = this.parentEntity.UniqueID;
            desc.Game     = this.parentEntity.Game;
            desc.Type     = ActorType.Basic;

            if (newShape is TriangleMeshShapeDesc)
                var triDesc = newShape as TriangleMeshShapeDesc;
                if (triDesc.Vertices.Count > 100)
                    desc.Type = ActorType.Static;

            this.actor = PhysicsScene.CreateActor(desc);

        void InvalidateShape(ref ShapeDesc desc)
            desc.OcShape  = desc.Shape.GetBRep();
            desc.Vertices = desc.OcShape.Vertices();
            desc.Edges    = desc.OcShape.Edges();
            desc.Faces    = desc.OcShape.Faces();
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new static physics actor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="desc">Descriptor for the actor.</param>
        public WaterVolumeBEPUActor(ActorDesc desc) : base(desc)
            if (desc.Shapes.Count != 1)
                throw new Exception("Water volume actors can only consist of one shape");

            ShapeDesc shapeDesc = desc.Shapes[0];

            if (shapeDesc is BoxShapeDesc)
                var boxDesc = shapeDesc as BoxShapeDesc;

                this.volumeExtents = boxDesc.Extents;

                var   tris        = new List <Vector3[]>();
                float basinWidth  = boxDesc.Extents.X;
                float basinLength = boxDesc.Extents.Z;
                float waterHeight = desc.Position.Y;
                this.position = desc.Position;

                //Remember, the triangles composing the surface need to be coplanar with the surface.  In this case, this means they have the same height.
                    desc.Position, new Vector3(basinWidth, 0, 0) + desc.Position,
                    new Vector3(0, 0, basinLength) + desc.Position
                    new Vector3(0, 0, basinLength) + desc.Position, new Vector3(basinWidth, 0, 0) + desc.Position,
                    new Vector3(basinWidth, 0, basinLength) + desc.Position

                var msgGetScene = ObjectPool.Aquire <MsgGetPhysicsScene>();
                this.game.SendInterfaceMessage(msgGetScene, Interfaces.InterfaceType.Physics);

                this.fluidVolume = new FluidVolume(Vector3.Up, msgGetScene.PhysicsScene.Gravity.Y, tris, waterHeight, 1.0f, 0.8f, 0.7f, msgGetScene.PhysicsScene.PhysicsSpace.BroadPhase.QueryAccelerator, msgGetScene.PhysicsScene.PhysicsSpace.ThreadManager);
                throw new Exception("Shape description for a Terrain actor must be HeightFieldShapeDesc.");

            // Tag the physics with data needed by the engine
            var tag = new EntityTag(this.ownerEntityID);

            this.fluidVolume.Tag = tag;

            this.spaceObject = this.fluidVolume;
Exemple #7
        private void setupPhysics()
            //if (mControlled)
            //    SimpleShape shape = new SimpleShape(new Mogre.Vector3(50, CHAR_HEIGHT, 0));
            //    CharacterControllerDescription description = new CharacterControllerDescription();
            //    physicsController = new CharacterController();
            //    physicsController.createCharacterController(mBodyNode.Position, shape, description, mPhysicsScene);
            rigidBody = new RigidBody();
            RigidBodyDescription description = new RigidBodyDescription();

            description.Density        = 4;
            description.LinearVelocity = new Mogre.Vector3(0, 2, 5);
            ShapeDesc shape = mPhysics.CreateConvexHull(new

            //BodyDesc bodyDesc = new BodyDesc();
            //bodyDesc.LinearVelocity = new Mogre.Vector3(0, 2, 5);
            //// the actor properties control the mass, position and orientation
            //// if you leave the body set to null it will become a static actor and wont move
            //ActorDesc actorDesc = new ActorDesc();
            //actorDesc.Density = 4;
            //actorDesc.Body = bodyDesc;
            //actorDesc.GlobalPosition = mBodyNode.Position;
            //actorDesc.GlobalOrientation = mBodyNode.Orientation.ToRotationMatrix();

            // a quick trick the get the size of the physics shape right is to use the bounding box of the entity
            //    mPhysics.CreateConvexHull(new
            //    StaticMeshData(mBodyEnt.GetMesh())));
            //// finally, create the actor in the physics scene
            //mActor = mPhysicsScene.CreateActor(actorDesc);
            if (!mControlled)
                ((SinbadState)mWorld).AddActorNode(new ActorNode(mBodyNode, rigidBody.Actor));

        ShapeDesc MakeBooleanCut(ShapeDesc op1, ShapeDesc op2)
            var desc = new ShapeDesc
                Shape = BooleanCut.Create(op1.Body, new BodyShapeOperand(op2.Body))

            desc.OcShape  = desc.Shape.GetBRep();
            desc.Vertices = desc.OcShape.Vertices();
            Assert.AreEqual(10, desc.Vertices.Count);
            desc.Edges = desc.OcShape.Edges();
            Assert.AreEqual(15, desc.Edges.Count);
            desc.Faces = desc.OcShape.Faces();
            Assert.AreEqual(7, desc.Faces.Count);

Exemple #9
        public void CreateDynamic(
            Vector3 pose,
            Matrix3 oritentaion,
            RigidBodyDescription description,
            Scene scene,
            ShapeDesc shape)
            BodyDesc  bodyDesc  = new BodyDesc();
            ActorDesc actorDesc = new ActorDesc();

            description.ToNxActor(ref actorDesc, ref bodyDesc);
            actorDesc.Body              = bodyDesc;
            actorDesc.GlobalPosition    = pose;
            actorDesc.GlobalOrientation = oritentaion;
            Actor = scene.CreateActor(actorDesc);

        ShapeDesc MakeCylinder()
            var desc = new ShapeDesc
                Shape = new Cylinder()
                    Height = 10,
                    Radius = 2,

            desc.Body     = TestGeomGenerator.CreateBody(desc.Shape, new Pnt(5, 5, 0));
            desc.OcShape  = desc.Shape.GetBRep();
            desc.Vertices = desc.OcShape.Vertices();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, desc.Vertices.Count);
            desc.Edges = desc.OcShape.Edges();
            Assert.AreEqual(3, desc.Edges.Count);
            desc.Faces = desc.OcShape.Faces();
            Assert.AreEqual(3, desc.Faces.Count);


        ShapeDesc MakeBox()
            var desc = new ShapeDesc
                Shape = new Box()
                    DimensionX = 10,
                    DimensionY = 10,
                    DimensionZ = 10,

            desc.Body     = TestGeomGenerator.CreateBody(desc.Shape);
            desc.OcShape  = desc.Shape.GetBRep();
            desc.Vertices = desc.OcShape.Vertices();
            Assert.AreEqual(8, desc.Vertices.Count);
            desc.Edges = desc.OcShape.Edges();
            Assert.AreEqual(12, desc.Edges.Count);
            desc.Faces = desc.OcShape.Faces();
            Assert.AreEqual(6, desc.Faces.Count);

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an actor using shape info and information from the parent BaseEntity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="PhysicsScene">Reference to the physics scene</param>
        protected override void CreateActor(IPhysicsScene PhysicsScene)
            ShapeDesc newShape = CreateShapeFromType(shapeType);

            if (newShape == null)
                throw new Exception("Shape did not load properly");

            ActorDesc desc = new ActorDesc();

            desc.Orientation       = this.parentEntity.Rotation;
            desc.Mass              = this.mass;
            desc.Dynamic           = false;
            desc.AffectedByGravity = false;
            desc.Position          = this.parentEntity.Position;
            desc.EntityID = this.parentEntity.UniqueID;
            desc.Game     = this.parentEntity.Game;
            desc.Type     = ActorType.Water;

            this.actor = PhysicsScene.CreateActor(desc);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new physics actor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="desc">Descriptor for the actor.</param>
        public StaticBEPUActor(ActorDesc desc) : base(desc)
            // Build all shapes that make up the actor.
            for (int i = 0; i < desc.Shapes.Count; ++i)
                ShapeDesc shapeDesc = desc.Shapes[i];

                var tag = new EntityTag(this.ownerEntityID);

                if (shapeDesc is BoxShapeDesc)
                    var boxDesc = shapeDesc as BoxShapeDesc;
                    this.body.PhysicsEntity = new Box(desc.Position, boxDesc.Extents.X, boxDesc.Extents.Y, boxDesc.Extents.Z);
                else if (shapeDesc is SphereShapeDesc)
                    var sphereDesc = shapeDesc as SphereShapeDesc;
                    this.body.PhysicsEntity = new Sphere(desc.Position, sphereDesc.Radius);
                else if (shapeDesc is CapsuleShapeDesc)
                    var capDesc = shapeDesc as CapsuleShapeDesc;
                    this.body.PhysicsEntity = new Capsule(desc.Position, capDesc.Length, capDesc.Radius);
                else if (shapeDesc is CylinderShapeDesc)
                    var cylDesc = shapeDesc as CylinderShapeDesc;
                    this.body.PhysicsEntity = new Cylinder(desc.Position, cylDesc.Height, cylDesc.Radius);
                else if (shapeDesc is TriangleMeshShapeDesc)
                    var triDesc = shapeDesc as TriangleMeshShapeDesc;

                    this.collidable = new StaticMesh(triDesc.Vertices.ToArray(),
                                                     new AffineTransform(Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(desc.Orientation), desc.Position));

                    this.collidable.Tag = tag;
                    this.spaceObject    = this.collidable;
                else if (shapeDesc is HeightFieldShapeDesc)
                    throw new Exception("To load terrain physics you must use a TerrainBEPUActor.");
                    throw new Exception("Bad shape.");

                if (null != this.body.PhysicsEntity)
                    this.body.PhysicsEntity.Tag = tag;
                    this.body.PhysicsEntity.CollisionInformation.Tag = tag;
                    this.spaceObject = this.body.PhysicsEntity;

            if (this.body.PhysicsEntity != null)
                this.spaceObject = this.body.PhysicsEntity;
                this.body.PhysicsEntity.IsAffectedByGravity = desc.Dynamic;

            Debug.Assert(this.spaceObject != null, "A physics entity was not properly created.");
Exemple #14
        public void CreateStatic(Vector3 pose, RigidBodyDescription description, Scene scene, ShapeDesc shape)
            ActorDesc actorDesc = new ActorDesc();

            actorDesc.GlobalPosition = pose;
            actorDesc.Body           = null;
            description.ToNxActor(ref actorDesc);
            Actor = scene.CreateActor(actorDesc);