Exemple #1
 void OnGUI()
     if (!finished)
         Rect moveRect = new Rect((Screen.width - 300) - 25, Screen.height * 0.5f, 300, 30);
         GUI.Label(moveRect, "Shadow's Name:");
         moveRect.Set(moveRect.left, moveRect.top + 30, moveRect.width, moveRect.height);
         shadowsName = GUI.TextField(moveRect, shadowsName, 28);
         moveRect.Set(moveRect.left, moveRect.top + 45, moveRect.width, moveRect.height);
         GUI.Label(moveRect, "Your Name:");
         moveRect.Set(moveRect.left, moveRect.top + 30, moveRect.width, moveRect.height);
         yourName = GUI.TextField(moveRect, yourName, 28);
         moveRect.Set(moveRect.left, moveRect.top + 45, moveRect.width, moveRect.height);
         if (GUI.Button(moveRect, "Submit to Hall of Shadows"))
             StartCoroutine(ShadowSerializer.Submit(shadowsName, yourName, HALL_OF_SHADOWS));
             finished = true;
         moveRect.Set(moveRect.left, moveRect.top + 45, moveRect.width, moveRect.height);
         if (GUI.Button(moveRect, "Don't Submit (But Finish)"))
         moveRect.Set(moveRect.left, moveRect.top + 45, moveRect.width, moveRect.height);
         if (GUI.Button(moveRect, "Continue Working on Shadow"))
    public IEnumerator LoadShadows()
        WWW www = new WWW("http://api.hitchh1k3rsguide.com/LD33/get");

        yield return(www);

        string[] data = www.data.Split('~');
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Length - 2; i += 3)
            string name   = data[i];
            string author = data[i + 1];
            string serial = data[i + 2];
            if (serial.GetHashCode() != ShadowSerializer.serialHash)
                endWall.position += new Vector3(-spacing, 0, 0);
                GameObject newTile    = (GameObject)Instantiate(tile, endWall.position, Quaternion.identity);
                Transform  shadowText = newTile.transform.FindChild("about shadow");
                Transform  shadowBox  = newTile.transform.FindChild("toybox");
                ShadowSerializer.Deserialize(serial, shadowBox);
                TextMesh text = shadowText.GetComponent <TextMesh>();
                text.text = name + "\nby\n" + author;
        yield break;
 void Start()
     instance = this;
     if (MY_SERIALIZE_DATA != "")
         Deserialize(MY_SERIALIZE_DATA, shadowbox);
         MY_SERIALIZE_DATA = "";
 void Start()
     instance = this;
     if (MY_SERIALIZE_DATA != "")
       Deserialize(MY_SERIALIZE_DATA, shadowbox);
       MY_SERIALIZE_DATA = "";