public float?GetFloatLiteral()
     if (Type.IsScalarType() && Type != ShaderType.Bool)
         if (!Single.TryParse(RefText, out var res))
 private static void EnsureSizeIfNotScalar(SSLVisitor vis, IToken token, string name, ShaderType vtype, ShaderType ctype, int vp, int cp)
     if (!ctype.IsScalarType() && (ctype.GetComponentCount() != vtype.GetComponentCount()))
         vis.Error(token, $"The built-in function '{name}' requires argument {cp} to be a scalar, or a matching vector size to argument {vp}.");
 // stype = the type of swizzle   -   0 = position, 1 = color, 2 = texcoord
 public static string GetSwizzle(ShaderType type, int stype)
     if (type.IsScalarType() || type.IsVectorType())
         var cc = type.GetComponentCount();
         if (cc == 1)
             return((stype == 0) ? "x" : (stype == 1) ? "r" : "s");
         if (cc == 2)
             return((stype == 0) ? "xy" : (stype == 1) ? "rg" : "st");
         if (cc == 3)
             return((stype == 0) ? "xyz" : (stype == 1) ? "rgb" : "stp");
         if (cc == 4)
             return((stype == 0) ? "xyzw" : (stype == 1) ? "rgba" : "stpq");