public void Test_Sftp_CreateDirectory_In_Forbidden_Directory() { if (Resources.USERNAME == "root") Assert.Fail("Must not run this test as root!"); using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.CreateDirectory("/sbin/test"); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_SynchronizeDirectories() { RemoveAllFiles(); using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); string uploadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); string sourceDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(uploadedFileName); string destDir = "/"; string searchPattern = Path.GetFileName(uploadedFileName); var upLoadedFiles = sftp.SynchronizeDirectories(sourceDir, destDir, searchPattern); Assert.IsTrue(upLoadedFiles.Count() > 0); foreach (var file in upLoadedFiles) { Debug.WriteLine(file.FullName); } sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_SftpFile_MoveTo() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); string uploadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); string remoteFileName = Path.GetRandomFileName(); string newFileName = Path.GetRandomFileName(); this.CreateTestFile(uploadedFileName, 1); using (var file = File.OpenRead(uploadedFileName)) { sftp.UploadFile(file, remoteFileName); } var sftpFile = sftp.Get(remoteFileName); sftpFile.MoveTo(newFileName); Assert.AreEqual(newFileName, sftpFile.Name); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_Rename_File() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); string uploadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); string remoteFileName1 = Path.GetRandomFileName(); string remoteFileName2 = Path.GetRandomFileName(); this.CreateTestFile(uploadedFileName, 1); using (var file = File.OpenRead(uploadedFileName)) { sftp.UploadFile(file, remoteFileName1); } sftp.RenameFile(remoteFileName1, remoteFileName2); File.Delete(uploadedFileName); sftp.Disconnect(); } RemoveAllFiles(); }
public void Test_KeyboardInteractiveConnectionInfo() { var host = Resources.HOST; var username = Resources.USERNAME; var password = Resources.PASSWORD; #region Example KeyboardInteractiveConnectionInfo AuthenticationPrompt var connectionInfo = new KeyboardInteractiveConnectionInfo(host, username); connectionInfo.AuthenticationPrompt += delegate(object sender, AuthenticationPromptEventArgs e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Instruction); foreach (var prompt in e.Prompts) { Console.WriteLine(prompt.Request); prompt.Response = Console.ReadLine(); } }; using (var client = new SftpClient(connectionInfo)) { client.Connect(); // Do something here client.Disconnect(); } #endregion Assert.AreEqual(connectionInfo.Host, Resources.HOST); Assert.AreEqual(connectionInfo.Username, Resources.USERNAME); }
public void Close() { FtpClient?.Disconnect(); SftpClient?.Disconnect(); try { StreamReader.Close(); } catch { } Stream?.Close(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(TempFilePath)) { try { File.Delete(TempFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, e.StackTrace); } } }
//Dispose implementation & Destructor public void Dispose() { _sftpClient?.Disconnect(); _sftpClient?.Dispose(); _sshClient?.Disconnect(); _sshClient?.Dispose(); }
protected void Arrange() { _serviceFactoryMock = new Mock<IServiceFactory>(MockBehavior.Strict); _sessionMock = new Mock<ISession>(MockBehavior.Strict); _sftpSessionMock = new Mock<ISftpSession>(MockBehavior.Strict); _connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo("host", "user", new NoneAuthenticationMethod("userauth")); _operationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(new Random().Next(1, 10)); _sftpClient = new SftpClient(_connectionInfo, false, _serviceFactoryMock.Object); _sftpClient.OperationTimeout = _operationTimeout; var sequence = new MockSequence(); _serviceFactoryMock.InSequence(sequence) .Setup(p => p.CreateSession(_connectionInfo)) .Returns(_sessionMock.Object); _sessionMock.InSequence(sequence).Setup(p => p.Connect()); _serviceFactoryMock.InSequence(sequence) .Setup(p => p.CreateSftpSession(_sessionMock.Object, _operationTimeout, _connectionInfo.Encoding)) .Returns(_sftpSessionMock.Object); _sftpSessionMock.InSequence(sequence).Setup(p => p.Connect()); _sessionMock.InSequence(sequence).Setup(p => p.OnDisconnecting()); _sftpSessionMock.InSequence(sequence).Setup(p => p.Disconnect()); _sftpSessionMock.InSequence(sequence).Setup(p => p.Dispose()); _sessionMock.InSequence(sequence).Setup(p => p.Disconnect()); _sessionMock.InSequence(sequence).Setup(p => p.Dispose()); _sftpClient.Connect(); _sftpClient.Disconnect(); }
#pragma warning restore AsyncFixer01 // Unnecessary async/await usage protected void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { _client?.Disconnect(); _client?.Dispose(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_BeginUploadFile_StreamIsNull() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.BeginUploadFile(null, "aaaaa", null, null); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_BeginUploadFile_FileNameIsWhiteSpace() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.BeginUploadFile(new MemoryStream(), " ", null, null); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Close() { if (verboseLogging) { Trace.TraceInformation($"Disconnecting from {service.HostName}:{service.Port}"); } client?.Disconnect(); Trace.TraceInformation($"Disconnected from {service.HostName}:{service.Port}"); }
public void Test_Sftp_DeleteDirectory_Which_Doesnt_Exists() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.DeleteDirectory("abcdef"); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public string GetDirectoryContent() { if (password == null || password.Length < 1) { if (debug) { Debug.LogError("sftpaccess >> No Password specified!"); } return(null); } using (var client = new SftpClient(host, username, password)) { client.Connect(); if (debug) { Debug.Log("Is connected? " + client.IsConnected); } string baseReadWriteDir = "/surveylog/"; string playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString("name"); //check if /$name exists, if not create it, then switch the workdir client.ChangeDirectory(baseReadWriteDir); if (!client.Exists(playerName)) { client.CreateDirectory(playerName); } client.ChangeDirectory(playerName); //check if /$name/$type exists, if not create it, then switch the workdir if (!client.Exists(gameTypeString)) { client.CreateDirectory(gameTypeString); } client.ChangeDirectory(gameTypeString); Console.WriteLine("Changed directory to {0}", baseReadWriteDir); // no. of files currently List <SftpFile> files = client.ListDirectory(client.WorkingDirectory).ToList(); client.Disconnect(); String ret = ""; foreach (var item in files) { if (debug) { Debug.Log(">>" + item); } if (!item.Name.StartsWith(".")) { ret += "> " + item.Name + "\r\n"; } } return(ret); } }
public void Test_Sftp_RenameFile_Null() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.RenameFile(null, null); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
private static void Upload_Hankook_One_Purchases(SqlConnection connection, string filePath, string fileName) { string logFileName, host, username, password; //string downloadFileName; try { logFileName = filePath + fileName; host = ""; username = "******"; password = "******"; //downloadFileName = "ack_309354_" + logFileYear + logFileMonth + logFileDay + ".csv"; //host = ""; //username = "******"; //password = "******"; using (var client = new SftpClient(host, 22, username, password)) { client.Connect(); Console.WriteLine("Connected to {0}", host); //client.ChangeDirectory("/in/"); //Console.WriteLine("Changed directory to {0}", workingdirectory); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(logFileName, FileMode.Open)) { //Console.WriteLine("Uploading {0} ({1:N0} bytes)", logFileName, fileStream.Length); client.BufferSize = 4 * 1024; // bypass Payload error large files client.UploadFile(fileStream, Path.GetFileName(logFileName)); } Console.WriteLine("Status update {0}", logFileName + " has been uploaded"); FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(filePath + "Hankook_One.csv"); if (newFile.Exists) { newFile.Delete(); } FileInfo File = new FileInfo(filePath + fileName); File.CopyTo(filePath + "Hankook_One.csv"); client.Disconnect(); } Update_Hankook_One_Dealer(connection); //System.Environment.Exit(0); //Application.Exit(); } catch (Exception error) { string msg = "GBSQL01v2\nWhile uploading HK One units file " + error.Message; Email_Notification("*****@*****.**", "Hankook One Upload Error", msg); } }
public void Test_Sftp_CreateDirectory_Invalid_Path() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.CreateDirectory("/abcdefg/abcefg"); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_ChangeDirectory_Null() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.ChangeDirectory(null); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Get_File_Null() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); var file = sftp.Get(null); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
/// <summary> /// Disconnect our client /// </summary> public static void Disconnect() { if (FTP) { ftpc.Close(); } else { sftpc.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_CreateDirectory_In_Current_Location() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.CreateDirectory("test"); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
/// <summary> /// £¹czy siê z endpointem i pobiera wszystkie pliki póŸniejsze ni¿ data ostatniego pobrania /// </summary> /// <param name="log">Informacja o skopiowanych plikach</param> /// <returns>Tablice nazw pobranych plików oraz ich rozmiarów</returns> public bool Download(ref FtpSyncModel log) { if (!CheckLocalDirectory() || !CheckDispatcher()) { return(false); } Connect(); var lsFileNames = new List <string>(); var llFileSizes = new List <long>(); var ldFileDates = new List <DateTime>(); var files = m_sftpClient.ListDirectory(m_sRemoteDir).Where(f => f.IsRegularFile).ToArray(); foreach (SftpFile f in files) { if (GetFile(f)) { lsFileNames.Add(f.Name); llFileSizes.Add(f.Length); ldFileDates.Add(f.LastWriteTime); if (m_showError != null) { m_showError(eSeverityCode.FileInfo, $"1|{f.Name}|{f.Length}|{f.LastWriteTime.ToBinary()}"); } } } if (m_Disp != null && !m_Disp.InProgress && m_showError != null) { m_showError(eSeverityCode.Message, $"Pobieranie z serwera {m_sHost}{m_sRemoteDir} zosta³o przerwane przez u¿ytkownika"); } m_sftpClient.Disconnect(); log.fileNames = lsFileNames.ToArray(); log.fileSizes = llFileSizes.ToArray(); log.fileDates = ldFileDates.ToArray(); return(true); }
public void Disconnect() { if (Protocol == SSHTransferProtocol.SCP) { ScpClt.Disconnect(); } if (Protocol == SSHTransferProtocol.SFTP) { SftpClt.Disconnect(); } }
/// <summary> /// Connects to the client SFTP server, calls the method to get the files /// </summary> /// <returns>boolean if connection succeeded</returns> public void Connect() { Boolean Connected = false; string error = ""; while (!Connected && attemptCounter < maxRetries) { try { var connectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(servername, serverport, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"], new PasswordAuthenticationMethod( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"] )); using (var client = new SftpClient(connectionInfo)) { client.Connect(); if (client.IsConnected) { GetFile(client); Connected = true; client.Disconnect(); } } attemptCounter = 0; } // catch and write authentication errors (this error occurs even if the password is correct) catch (SshAuthenticationException e) { attemptCounter++; error += "Renci.SshNet.Common.SshAuthenticationException: Permission denied (password).\n"; if (attemptCounter >= maxRetries) { using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application")) { eventLog.Source = "Application Error"; eventLog.WriteEntry("Connection to Esker SFTP server" + servername + ":" + serverport + error + "Exceeded maximum amount of retries: " + maxRetries + "\n retrying in 5 minutes.", EventLogEntryType.Information, 1000, 100); } } } // catch and write other exceptions catch (Exception e) { attemptCounter++; using (EventLog eventLog = new EventLog("Application")) { eventLog.Source = "Application Error"; eventLog.WriteEntry("Connection to Esker SFTP server" + servername + ":" + serverport + ". \n" + e.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 1000, 100); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Closes the SFTP Connection /// </summary> public void CloseConnection() { try { client.Disconnect(); _logger.LogInformation($"Disconnected from [{_config.Host}]"); } catch (Exception exception) { _logger.LogError(exception, $"Failed closing SSH Connection to [{_config.Host}]"); } }
public byte[] DownloadDocAttachment(int docAttachmentId, string docAttachmentFileName) { using (SftpClient client = new SftpClient(connectionInfo)) { client.Connect(); string filePath = this.root + "/" + docAttachmentId.ToString() + "_" + docAttachmentFileName; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); client.DownloadFile(filePath, ms); client.Disconnect(); return(ms.ToArray()); } }
public override void Delete(FileInf file) { using (var client = new SftpClient(GetConnectionInfo())) { client.Connect(); client.ChangeDirectory(Path); client.DeleteFile(file.Path); client.Disconnect(); } }
public static void DeleteRemoteFile(string host, string file, string username, string password) { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(host, username, password)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.Delete(file); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public static int Send(string fileName) { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(host, port, username, new PrivateKeyFile(privateKeyFileName))){ sftp.Connect(); sftp.ChangeDirectory(remotePath); using (var uplfileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fileName)){ sftp.UploadFile(uplfileStream, fileName, true); } sftp.Disconnect(); } return(0); }
/* ONE CONNECTION PER INSTANCE */ private void disconnectSftp() { if (persistConnection) { return; } if (sftpClient != null) { sftpClient.Disconnect(); } }
/// <summary> /// Disconnect /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool Disconnect() { try { _client.Disconnect(); return(true); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public void ConnectToSSHServerUsingPassword() { using (SftpClient sftp = new SftpClient(SSH_HOST_NAME, SSH_PORT, SSH_USER_NAME, SSH_PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); var files = sftp.ListDirectory(string.Empty); foreach (var file in files) { } sftp.Disconnect(); } }
/// <summary> /// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { if (_disposed) { return; } _sshclient.Disconnect(); _sftpClient.Disconnect(); _sftpClient.Dispose(); _sshclient.Dispose(); _disposed = true; }
public void Dispose() { if (_sftpClient != null) { if (_sftpClient.IsConnected) { _sftpClient.Disconnect(); } _sftpClient.Dispose(); } }
public static void DeleteRemoteDirectory(string host, string directory, string username, string password) { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(host, username, password)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.DeleteDirectory(directory); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void send() { log.append("Loading files to send to SFTP"); String[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(sendFiles, "*.csv"); try { client.Connect(); client.ChangeDirectory("put"); log.append("Sucessfully opened put folder"); } catch (Exception e) { successfulConnection = false; log.append("Unable to upload files to FTP Server: error connection to FTP server"); } if (successfulConnection) { for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { fileStream = new FileStream(files[i], FileMode.Open); client.UploadFile(fileStream, Path.GetFileName(files[i])); log.append("Coppied file " + Path.GetFileName(files[i]) + "to SFTP server"); fileStream.Close(); } client.Disconnect(); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(archiveDirectory + Path.GetFileName(files[i]))) { System.IO.File.Delete(archiveDirectory + Path.GetFileName(files[i])); } File.Move(files[i], archiveDirectory + Path.GetFileName(files[i])); log.append("Moved file " + Path.GetFileName(files[i]) + " to archive directory"); } } }
public static int CheckFileExistsSFTP(string fileName, string location, string extension, string host, int port, string username, string password) { var path = GetFileNameAndExt(fileName).FirstOrDefault(); var ext = path.Key; var fn = path.Value; using (SftpClient sftp = new SftpClient(host, port, username, password)) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ext)) { fileName = string.Format("*{0}*{1}", fn, GetFileExtensions().FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == extension).Value); } else { fileName = string.Format("*{0}*{1}", fn, ext); } sftp.Connect(); //var files = sftp.ListDirectory(location); //sftp.ChangeDirectory("/"); var files = sftp.ListDirectory(string.Format("{0}/{1}", location, fileName)); //sftp.Exists(string.Format("{0}/{1}", location, fileName)); var count = files.Count(); sftp.Disconnect(); return(count); } catch (Exception ex) { sftp.Disconnect(); return(0); } } }
private void Connect_Sftp(string host, int port, string user, string passwd, string tomcat_doc, string filePath) { SftpClient sFtp = new SftpClient(host, port, user, passwd); FileStream fStream = null; try { sFtp.ConnectionInfo.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120); sFtp.Connect(); sFtp.ChangeDirectory(tomcat_doc + "/webapps/"); if (sFtp.Exists(Path.GetFileName(filePath))) { sFtp.Delete(Path.GetFileName(filePath)); } fStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); progressBar1.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { progressBar1.Maximum = (int)fStream.Length; }); sFtp.BufferSize = 4 * 1024; sFtp.UploadFile(fStream, Path.GetFileName(filePath), UpdateProgresBar); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { label15.Text = "파일업로드 오류"; }); sFtp.Disconnect(); fStream.Close(); } finally { sFtp.Disconnect(); fStream.Close(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_CreateDirectory_Already_Exists() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.CreateDirectory("test"); sftp.CreateDirectory("test"); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_DeleteDirectory_Which_No_Permissions() { if (Resources.USERNAME == "root") Assert.Fail("Must not run this test as root!"); using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); sftp.DeleteDirectory("/usr"); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_Download_File_Not_Exists() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); string remoteFileName = "/xxx/eee/yyy"; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { sftp.DownloadFile(remoteFileName, ms); } sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_ListDirectory_Not_Exists() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); var files = sftp.ListDirectory("/asdfgh"); foreach (var file in files) { Debug.WriteLine(file.FullName); } sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_ListDirectory_Current() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); var files = sftp.ListDirectory("."); Assert.IsTrue(files.Count() > 0); foreach (var file in files) { Debug.WriteLine(file.FullName); } sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_Upload_Forbidden() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); string uploadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); string remoteFileName = "/root/1"; this.CreateTestFile(uploadedFileName, 1); using (var file = File.OpenRead(uploadedFileName)) { sftp.UploadFile(file, remoteFileName); } sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_Download_Forbidden() { if (Resources.USERNAME == "root") Assert.Fail("Must not run this test as root!"); using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); string remoteFileName = "/root/.profile"; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { sftp.DownloadFile(remoteFileName, ms); } sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_BaseClient_IsConnected_True_After_Disconnect() { // 2012-04-29 - Kenneth_aa // The problem with this test, is that after SSH Net calls .Disconnect(), the library doesn't wait // for the server to confirm disconnect before IsConnected is checked. And now I'm not mentioning // anything about Socket's either. var connectionInfo = new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD); using (SftpClient client = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, int.Parse(Resources.PORT), Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { client.Connect(); Assert.AreEqual<bool>(true, client.IsConnected, "IsConnected is not true after Connect() was called."); client.Disconnect(); Assert.AreEqual<bool>(false, client.IsConnected, "IsConnected is true after Disconnect() was called."); } }
public void Test_PasswordConnectionInfo() { var host = Resources.HOST; var username = Resources.USERNAME; var password = Resources.PASSWORD; #region Example PasswordConnectionInfo var connectionInfo = new PasswordConnectionInfo(host, username, password); using (var client = new SftpClient(connectionInfo)) { client.Connect(); // Do something here client.Disconnect(); } #endregion Assert.AreEqual(connectionInfo.Host, Resources.HOST); Assert.AreEqual(connectionInfo.Username, Resources.USERNAME); }
public void Test_Sftp_Upload_And_Download_1MB_File() { RemoveAllFiles(); using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); string uploadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); string remoteFileName = Path.GetRandomFileName(); this.CreateTestFile(uploadedFileName, 1); // Calculate has value var uploadedHash = CalculateMD5(uploadedFileName); using (var file = File.OpenRead(uploadedFileName)) { sftp.UploadFile(file, remoteFileName); } string downloadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); using (var file = File.OpenWrite(downloadedFileName)) { sftp.DownloadFile(remoteFileName, file); } var downloadedHash = CalculateMD5(downloadedFileName); sftp.DeleteFile(remoteFileName); File.Delete(uploadedFileName); File.Delete(downloadedFileName); sftp.Disconnect(); Assert.AreEqual(uploadedHash, downloadedHash); } }
public void Test_Sftp_BeginSynchronizeDirectories() { RemoveAllFiles(); using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); string uploadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); string sourceDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(uploadedFileName); string destDir = "/"; string searchPattern = Path.GetFileName(uploadedFileName); var asyncResult = sftp.BeginSynchronizeDirectories(sourceDir, destDir, searchPattern, null, null ); // Wait for the WaitHandle to become signaled. asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000); var upLoadedFiles = sftp.EndSynchronizeDirectories(asyncResult); Assert.IsTrue(upLoadedFiles.Count() > 0); foreach (var file in upLoadedFiles) { Debug.WriteLine(file.FullName); } // Close the wait handle. asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.Close(); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
public void Test_PasswordConnectionInfo_AuthenticationBanner() { var host = Resources.HOST; var username = Resources.USERNAME; var password = Resources.PASSWORD; #region Example PasswordConnectionInfo AuthenticationBanner var connectionInfo = new PasswordConnectionInfo(host, username, password); connectionInfo.AuthenticationBanner += delegate(object sender, AuthenticationBannerEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(e.BannerMessage); }; using (var client = new SftpClient(connectionInfo)) { client.Connect(); // Do something here client.Disconnect(); } #endregion Assert.AreEqual(connectionInfo.Host, Resources.HOST); Assert.AreEqual(connectionInfo.Username, Resources.USERNAME); }
public void Test_Sftp_Change_Directory() { using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); Assert.AreEqual(sftp.WorkingDirectory, "/home/tester"); sftp.CreateDirectory("test1"); sftp.ChangeDirectory("test1"); Assert.AreEqual(sftp.WorkingDirectory, "/home/tester/test1"); sftp.CreateDirectory("test1_1"); sftp.CreateDirectory("test1_2"); sftp.CreateDirectory("test1_3"); var files = sftp.ListDirectory("."); Assert.IsTrue(files.First().FullName.StartsWith(string.Format("{0}", sftp.WorkingDirectory))); sftp.ChangeDirectory("test1_1"); Assert.AreEqual(sftp.WorkingDirectory, "/home/tester/test1/test1_1"); sftp.ChangeDirectory("../test1_2"); Assert.AreEqual(sftp.WorkingDirectory, "/home/tester/test1/test1_2"); sftp.ChangeDirectory(".."); Assert.AreEqual(sftp.WorkingDirectory, "/home/tester/test1"); sftp.ChangeDirectory(".."); Assert.AreEqual(sftp.WorkingDirectory, "/home/tester"); files = sftp.ListDirectory("test1/test1_1"); Assert.IsTrue(files.First().FullName.StartsWith(string.Format("{0}/test1/test1_1", sftp.WorkingDirectory))); sftp.ChangeDirectory("test1/test1_1"); Assert.AreEqual(sftp.WorkingDirectory, "/home/tester/test1/test1_1"); sftp.ChangeDirectory("/home/tester/test1/test1_1"); Assert.AreEqual(sftp.WorkingDirectory, "/home/tester/test1/test1_1"); sftp.ChangeDirectory("/home/tester/test1/test1_1/../test1_2"); Assert.AreEqual(sftp.WorkingDirectory, "/home/tester/test1/test1_2"); sftp.ChangeDirectory("../../"); sftp.DeleteDirectory("test1/test1_1"); sftp.DeleteDirectory("test1/test1_2"); sftp.DeleteDirectory("test1/test1_3"); sftp.DeleteDirectory("test1"); sftp.Disconnect(); } }
// get file from SFTP and return string public void getFromSFTP(string hostname, int port, string userName, string password, string tempFileName, string fileName) { try { mySFTPClient = new SftpClient(hostname, port, userName, password); myFileStream = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.Create); mySFTPClient.Connect(); mySFTPClient.DownloadFile(fileName, myFileStream, DownloadDone); // DownloadDone is Action<ulong> return; } catch (Exception e) { CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Document.getFromSFTP() Exception {0}", e); CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Document.getFromSFTP() Host {0}, Port {1}, User {2}, fileName {3}", hostname, port, userName, fileName); throw; } finally { mySFTPClient.Disconnect(); myFileStream.Close(); } }
// get file from SFTP and return string public void getFromSFTP(string url) { try { myFileStream = new FileStream(@"\NVRAM\temp.txt", FileMode.Create); mySFTPClient = new SftpClient(url, 22, "Crestron", ""); mySFTPClient.Connect(); mySFTPClient.DownloadFile(url, myFileStream, DownloadDone); return; } catch (Exception e) { CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Exception {0}", e); return; } finally { mySFTPClient.Disconnect(); myFileStream.Close(); } }
public void Test_Sftp_Multiple_Async_Upload_And_Download_10Files_5MB_Each() { var maxFiles = 10; var maxSize = 5; using (var sftp = new SftpClient(Resources.HOST, Resources.USERNAME, Resources.PASSWORD)) { sftp.Connect(); var testInfoList = new Dictionary<string, TestInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < maxFiles; i++) { var testInfo = new TestInfo(); testInfo.UploadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); testInfo.DownloadedFileName = Path.GetTempFileName(); testInfo.RemoteFileName = Path.GetRandomFileName(); this.CreateTestFile(testInfo.UploadedFileName, maxSize); // Calculate hash value testInfo.UploadedHash = CalculateMD5(testInfo.UploadedFileName); testInfoList.Add(testInfo.RemoteFileName, testInfo); } var uploadWaitHandles = new List<WaitHandle>(); // Start file uploads foreach (var remoteFile in testInfoList.Keys) { var testInfo = testInfoList[remoteFile]; testInfo.UploadedFile = File.OpenRead(testInfo.UploadedFileName); testInfo.UploadResult = sftp.BeginUploadFile(testInfo.UploadedFile, remoteFile, null, null) as SftpUploadAsyncResult; uploadWaitHandles.Add(testInfo.UploadResult.AsyncWaitHandle); } // Wait for upload to finish bool uploadCompleted = false; while (!uploadCompleted) { // Assume upload completed uploadCompleted = true; foreach (var testInfo in testInfoList.Values) { var sftpResult = testInfo.UploadResult; if (!testInfo.UploadResult.IsCompleted) { uploadCompleted = false; } } Thread.Sleep(500); } // End file uploads foreach (var remoteFile in testInfoList.Keys) { var testInfo = testInfoList[remoteFile]; sftp.EndUploadFile(testInfo.UploadResult); testInfo.UploadedFile.Dispose(); } // Start file downloads var downloadWaitHandles = new List<WaitHandle>(); foreach (var remoteFile in testInfoList.Keys) { var testInfo = testInfoList[remoteFile]; testInfo.DownloadedFile = File.OpenWrite(testInfo.DownloadedFileName); testInfo.DownloadResult = sftp.BeginDownloadFile(remoteFile, testInfo.DownloadedFile, null, null) as SftpDownloadAsyncResult; downloadWaitHandles.Add(testInfo.DownloadResult.AsyncWaitHandle); } // Wait for download to finish bool downloadCompleted = false; while (!downloadCompleted) { // Assume download completed downloadCompleted = true; foreach (var testInfo in testInfoList.Values) { var sftpResult = testInfo.DownloadResult; if (!testInfo.DownloadResult.IsCompleted) { downloadCompleted = false; } } Thread.Sleep(500); } var hashMatches = true; var uploadDownloadSizeOk = true; // End file downloads foreach (var remoteFile in testInfoList.Keys) { var testInfo = testInfoList[remoteFile]; sftp.EndDownloadFile(testInfo.DownloadResult); testInfo.DownloadedFile.Dispose(); testInfo.DownloadedHash = CalculateMD5(testInfo.DownloadedFileName); if (!(testInfo.UploadResult.UploadedBytes > 0 && testInfo.DownloadResult.DownloadedBytes > 0 && testInfo.DownloadResult.DownloadedBytes == testInfo.UploadResult.UploadedBytes)) { uploadDownloadSizeOk = false; } if (!testInfo.DownloadedHash.Equals(testInfo.UploadedHash)) { hashMatches = false; } } // Clean up after test foreach (var remoteFile in testInfoList.Keys) { var testInfo = testInfoList[remoteFile]; sftp.DeleteFile(remoteFile); File.Delete(testInfo.UploadedFileName); File.Delete(testInfo.DownloadedFileName); } sftp.Disconnect(); Assert.IsTrue(hashMatches, "Hash does not match"); Assert.IsTrue(uploadDownloadSizeOk, "Uploaded and downloaded bytes does not match"); } }