public static void UpdateLastTextDate(SforceService _binding, string LeadID) { Dealer_Lead__c application = new Dealer_Lead__c(); application.Id = LeadID; application.BRGCaseMail_DateTime_Last_Text__c = DateTime.Now; application.BRGCaseMail_DateTime_Last_Text__cSpecified = true; application.BRGCaseMail_Number_Texts_Sent__c = application.BRGCaseMail_Number_Texts_Sent__c + 1; application.BRGCaseMail_Number_Texts_Sent__cSpecified = true; if (application.BRGCaseMail_Number_Texts_Sent__c != null) { application.BRGCaseMail_Number_Texts_Sent__c += 1; } else { application.BRGCaseMail_Number_Texts_Sent__c = 1; } //call update passing an array of object // assuming that you've already established an enterprise WSDL binding SaveResult[] saveResults = _binding.update( new sObject[] { application }); }
public UpdateSObjectsResult[] UpdateSObjects(string sobjectName, sObject[] objArray) { LoginIfRequired(); var res = new UpdateSObjectsResult[objArray.Length]; var saveResults = _binding.update(objArray); if (saveResults.Length != objArray.Length) { throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Sent {0} objects to update api call but got {1} results back. Numbers should match.", objArray.Length, saveResults.Length)); } for (int i = 0; i < saveResults.Length; i++) { res[i] = new UpdateSObjectsResult(); if (saveResults[i].success) { res[i].Success = true; } else { res[i].ErrorMessage = GetSaveResultErrorText(saveResults[i]); } } return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the specified so. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="so">The so.</param> /// <returns>T.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.Exception"></exception> public T Save <T>(T so) where T : sObject { SaveResult[] saveResults; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(so.Id)) { saveResults = _binding.create(new sObject[] { so }); } else { saveResults = _binding.update(new sObject[] { so }); } if (saveResults.Any(sr => !sr.success)) { var errorString = string.Join("", saveResults.Where(sr => !sr.success) .Select( (sr, i) => $"\r\n\tError {i}:\r\n\t\t" + string.Join("\r\n\t\t", sr.errors.Select(e => e.message)))); throw new Exception($"Salesforce save failed with following errors: {errorString}"); } so.Id = saveResults[0].id; return(so); }
public void UpateSalesForceLead(Lead lead) { SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession(); Lead sfdcLead = new Lead(); sfdcLead = lead; try { //Campaign compaign = new Campaign(); //compaign.Name="IndiaHicks"; //sfdcLead.c = compaign; SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.update(new sObject[] { sfdcLead }); if (saveResults[0].success) { string Id = ""; Id = saveResults[0].id; } else { string result = ""; result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public string update_rma(string id, string finding, string asset_tag, string rci) { string message = "RMA Info Updated"; try { conn.Open(); MySqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "UPDATE rma set production_finding = '" + finding + "' WHERE ictag = '" + asset_tag + "'"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); string userName; string password; userName = "******"; password = "******"; //use default binding and address from app.config // string securityToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; LoginResult currentLoginResult = null; SforceService sfdcBinding = null; sfdcBinding = new SforceService(); currentLoginResult = sfdcBinding.login(userName, password); sfdcBinding.Url = currentLoginResult.serverUrl; sfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader(); sfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = currentLoginResult.sessionId; var update_case = new Case(); update_case.RCI_Partner_Origin__c = rci; update_case.Reviewed_by_Production__cSpecified = true; update_case.Reviewed_by_Production__c = true; update_case.Id = id; update_case.Production_Findings__c = finding; SaveResult[] saveResults = sfdcBinding.update(new sObject[] { update_case }); if (saveResults[0].success) { message = "The update of Lead ID " + saveResults[0].id + " was succesful"; } else { message = "There was an error updating the Lead. The error returned was " + saveResults[0].errors[0].message; } } catch (Exception e) { message = e.Message; conn.Close(); } return(message); }
public bool update_rma(string rma_num, string finding) { bool sucessful = false; string userName; string password; userName = "******"; password = "******"; //use default binding and address from app.config // string securityToken = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; LoginResult currentLoginResult = null; SforceService sfdcBinding = null; var edit_case = (from t in db.rma where t.rma_number == rma_num select t).FirstOrDefault(); using (var db = new db_a094d4_icdbEntities1()) { db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Update rma set production_finding = '" + finding + "' where rma_number ='" + rma_num + "'"); } sfdcBinding = new SforceService(); currentLoginResult = sfdcBinding.login(userName, password); sfdcBinding.Url = currentLoginResult.serverUrl; sfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader(); sfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = currentLoginResult.sessionId; var update_case = new Case(); update_case.Reviewed_by_Production__c = true; update_case.Reviewed_by_Production__cSpecified = true; update_case.Id =; update_case.Production_Findings__c = finding; SaveResult[] saveResults = sfdcBinding.update(new sObject[] { update_case }); string result = ""; if (saveResults[0].success) { sucessful = true; result = "The update of Lead ID " + saveResults[0].id + " was succesful"; } else { sucessful = false; result = "There was an error updating the Lead. The error returned was " + saveResults[0].errors[0].message; } return(sucessful); }
public bool UpdateSalesForceColumnValue <TColumnType>(string accountName, TColumnType newValue, string columnName, string accountPropertyName = null) { try { var selectColumnNames = new List <string> { columnName }; accountName = accountName.Replace("\"", "'"); var filterClause = string.Format("Name = {0}", accountName); var queryResult = ExecuteSelectQuery(filterClause, selectColumnNames); if (queryResult != null && queryResult.records != null && queryResult.records.Length > 0) { sObject[] records = queryResult.records; var account = (Account)records[0]; accountPropertyName = accountPropertyName ?? columnName; var accountType = account.GetType(); var accountProperty = accountType.GetProperty(accountPropertyName); if (accountProperty != null) { accountProperty.SetValue(account, newValue, null); sObject[] updatedRecords = { account }; _salesforceService.update(updatedRecords); } } return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception("There was an error updating values on sales force.") { Source = exception.Source }; } }
/// <summary> /// Updates Salesforce object. /// </summary> /// <param name="objectTypeName">Object type name.</param> /// <param name="values">Object values.</param> /// <returns>Operation result.</returns> public bool UpdateObject(string objectTypeName, Dictionary <string, IConvertible> values) { bool result = false; if (CheckConnected()) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(objectTypeName)) { throw (new ArgumentNullException("objectTypeName")); } if (values == null) { throw (new ArgumentNullException("values")); } if (values.Count > 0) { if (values.ContainsKey(ID_FIELD_NAME)) { SaveResult[] saveResults = _binding.update ( new sObject[] { Constructor.ConstructSObject(objectTypeName, values) } ); result = ((saveResults.Length > 0) && (saveResults[0].success)); } else { throw (new InvalidOperationException(Errors.ERR_ID_FIELD_IS_NOT_SET)); } } else { throw (new InvalidOperationException(Errors.ERR_FIELDS_ARE_EMPTY)); } } return(result); }
public static void ChangePassword(SforceService _binding, string Id, string NewPassword) { Account _account = new Account(); _account.Id = Id; _account.BRGCaseMail_Password__c = NewPassword; //call update passing an array of object // assuming that you've already established an enterprise WSDL binding SaveResult[] saveResults = _binding.update( new sObject[] { _account }); }
public void UpdateLeadEvent(Common.SforceServices.Event evnt) { SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession(); SaveResult[] results = null; try { results = SfdcBinding.update(new Event[] { evnt }); } catch (Exception ce) { } }
public void UpdateLeadeTask(Task task) { SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession(); SaveResult[] results = null; try { results = SfdcBinding.update(new Task[] { task }); } catch (Exception ce) { } }
public static void UpdateStatusToFresh(SforceService _binding, string LeadID) { Dealer_Lead__c application = new Dealer_Lead__c(); application.Id = LeadID; application.BRGCaseMail_Lead_Status__c = "FRESH"; application.BRGCaseMail_Resend_via_Email_Text__c = false; application.BRGCaseMail_Resend_via_Email_Text__cSpecified = true; //call update passing an array of object // assuming that you've already established an enterprise WSDL binding SaveResult[] saveResults = _binding.update( new sObject[] { application }); }
public static void UpdateLastViewedAndStatus(SforceService _binding, string Status, string LeadID) { Dealer_Lead__c application = new Dealer_Lead__c(); application.Id = LeadID; application.BRGCaseMail_Lead_Status__c = Status; application.BRGCaseMail_Last_Viewed__c = DateTime.Now; application.BRGCaseMail_Last_Viewed__cSpecified = true; //call update passing an array of object // assuming that you've already established an enterprise WSDL binding SaveResult[] saveResults = _binding.update( new sObject[] { application }); }
public void UpateSalesForceQualifiedAmbassador(Ambassador__c QualifiedAmbassador) { SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession(); Ambassador__c sfdcQualifiedAmbassador = new Ambassador__c(); if (QualifiedAmbassador.Available_To_Receive_Leads__cSpecified) { sfdcQualifiedAmbassador = QualifiedAmbassador; sfdcQualifiedAmbassador.Available_To_Receive_Leads__c = true; sfdcQualifiedAmbassador.Available_To_Receive_Leads__cSpecified = true; } else { sfdcQualifiedAmbassador.Id = QualifiedAmbassador.Id; sfdcQualifiedAmbassador.Name = QualifiedAmbassador.Name; sfdcQualifiedAmbassador.Zip_Code__c = QualifiedAmbassador.Zip_Code__c; sfdcQualifiedAmbassador.Q_Ambassador_Email__c = QualifiedAmbassador.Q_Ambassador_Email__c; sfdcQualifiedAmbassador.Available_To_Receive_Leads__c = false; sfdcQualifiedAmbassador.Available_To_Receive_Leads__cSpecified = true; } try { //Campaign compaign = new Campaign(); //compaign.Name="IndiaHicks"; //sfdcLead.c = compaign; SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.update(new sObject[] { sfdcQualifiedAmbassador }); if (saveResults[0].success) { string Id = ""; Id = saveResults[0].id; } else { string result = ""; result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public static void UpdateApplicationStatusAndGrossProfit(SforceService _binding, double _grossProfit, string Status, string LeadID) { Dealer_Lead__c application = new Dealer_Lead__c(); application.Id = LeadID; if (_grossProfit > 0) { application.BRGCaseMail_Gross_Profit__c = _grossProfit; application.BRGCaseMail_Gross_Profit__cSpecified = true; } application.BRGCaseMail_Lead_Status__c = Status; //call update passing an array of object // assuming that you've already established an enterprise WSDL binding SaveResult[] saveResults = _binding.update( new sObject[] { application }); }
///<summary> ///Update any sObject such as Opportunity, Account, CustomObject__c ///</summary> ///<param name="model"> ///model.Id = "SalesForceId" ///model.Type = "Account" ///model.Fields = new List(ElementField)(){ ElementField ={Key ="Name", Value = "My new Account Name"} etc. } ///</param> ///<returns></returns> public SaveResult[] UpdateElement(UpdateSObject model) { if (model?.Fields == null) { return(new SaveResult[] { new SaveResult() { success = false, errors = new Error[] { new Error() { message = "UpdateSObject or UpdateSObject.Fields cannot be null " } } } }); } sObject element = new sObject(); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement[] fields = new XmlElement[model.Fields.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < model.Fields.Count; ++i) { fields[i] = doc.CreateElement(model.Fields[i].Key); fields[i].InnerText = model.Fields[i].Value; } element.type = model.Type; element.Id = model.Id; element.Any = fields; return(_binding .update(new sObject[] { element })); }
public ActionResult Update() { Product2 updateProduct = new Product2(); updateProduct.Id = "01t28000004sWTyAAM"; updateProduct.Name = "Rohit Behera"; SaveResult[] updatedResults = sfdcBinding.update(new sObject[] { updateProduct }); if (updatedResults[0].success) { string id = updatedResults[0].id; Response.Write("<br/>ID:" + id); Response.Write("Name:<br/>" + updateProduct.Name); Response.Write("<br/>UPDATE Product Successfully!!!"); } else { string result = updatedResults[0].errors[0].message; Response.Write("<br/>ERROR:" + result); } return(View("Index")); }
public string InsertFB(SalesforceAddRequest model) { //LOGIN TO SALESFORCE //Prevent using TLS 1.0 which is outdated System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls; string userName = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforceUserName"); string password = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforcePassword"); SforceService SfdcBinding = null; LoginResult CurrentLoginResult = null; SfdcBinding = new SforceService(); try { CurrentLoginResult = SfdcBinding.login(userName, password); } catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException e) { SfdcBinding = null; throw (e); } catch (Exception e) { SfdcBinding = null; throw (e); } SfdcBinding.Url = CurrentLoginResult.serverUrl; SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader(); SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = CurrentLoginResult.sessionId; //Check if email already exists QueryResult queryResult = null; String SOQL = "select Id from Lead where Email = '" + model.Email + "'"; queryResult = SfdcBinding.query(SOQL); //If email exists, update with facebook url if (queryResult.size > 0) { //UPDATE -- to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads Lead lead = (Lead)queryResult.records[0]; string Id = lead.Id; Lead updateLead = new Lead(); updateLead.Id = Id; updateLead.Email = model.Email; updateLead.Facebook_Page__c = model.Website; SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.update(new sObject[] { updateLead }); string result = ""; if (saveResults[0].success) { result = "The update of Lead ID " + saveResults[0].id + " was succesful"; return(result); } else { result = "There was an error updating the Lead. The error returned was " + saveResults[0].errors[0].message; return(result); } } //If email doesn't exist, insert facebook url else { //POST - to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads Lead sfdcLead = new Lead(); sfdcLead.Email = model.Email; sfdcLead.Facebook_Page__c = model.Website; sfdcLead.Campaign_Source__c = model.AdSource; sfdcLead.Campaign_Medium__c = model.AdMedium; sfdcLead.Campaign_Name__c = model.AdName; sfdcLead.Campaign_Term__c = model.AdTerm; sfdcLead.Campaign_Content__c = model.AdContent; sfdcLead.Campaign_ID__c = model.AdId; //Fields required for lead but wont be submitted on homepage, so placeholders are used. string firstName = "Social"; string lastName = "Media"; string companyName = "Grader User"; sfdcLead.FirstName = firstName; sfdcLead.LastName = lastName; sfdcLead.Company = companyName; SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { sfdcLead }); if (saveResults[0].success) { string resultId = ""; resultId = saveResults[0].id; return(resultId); } else { string result = ""; result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message; return(result); } } }
internal List <Dictionary <UpsertKind, SaveResult> > UpsertItems(string objectName, DataTable items, bool hasEpmLiveId) { var objectsToInsert = new List <sObject>(); var objectsToUpdate = new List <sObject>(); foreach (DataRow dataRow in items.Rows) { var sObject = new sObject { type = objectName }; object oId = dataRow["ID"]; if (oId != null && oId != DBNull.Value) { sObject.Id = oId.ToString(); } var fieldsToNull = new List <string>(); var xmlElements = new List <XmlElement>(); var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); if (hasEpmLiveId) { XmlElement spIdElement = xmlDocument.CreateElement(_appNamespace + EXT_ID_FIELD); spIdElement.InnerText = dataRow["SPID"].ToString(); xmlElements.Add(spIdElement); } foreach (DataColumn dataColumn in items.Columns) { string columnName = dataColumn.ColumnName; if (columnName.ToLower().Equals("id") || columnName.Equals("SPID") || columnName.Equals(_appNamespace + EXT_ID_FIELD)) { continue; } object oValue = dataRow[dataColumn]; if (oValue == null || oValue == DBNull.Value) { fieldsToNull.Add(columnName); continue; } string sValue = oValue.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sValue)) { fieldsToNull.Add(columnName); continue; } XmlElement xmlElement = xmlDocument.CreateElement(columnName); xmlElement.InnerText = sValue; xmlElements.Add(xmlElement); } sObject.Any = xmlElements.ToArray(); sObject.fieldsToNull = fieldsToNull.ToArray(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sObject.Id)) { objectsToInsert.Add(sObject); } else { objectsToUpdate.Add(sObject); } } var upsertResults = new List <Dictionary <UpsertKind, SaveResult> >(); if (objectsToInsert.Count > 0) { upsertResults.AddRange( _sforceService.create(objectsToInsert.ToArray()) .Select(r => new Dictionary <UpsertKind, SaveResult> { { UpsertKind.INSERT, r } })); } if (objectsToUpdate.Count > 0) { upsertResults.AddRange( _sforceService.update(objectsToUpdate.ToArray()) .Select(r => new Dictionary <UpsertKind, SaveResult> { { UpsertKind.UPDATE, r } })); } return(upsertResults); }
public void UpdateSalesForceQualifiedAmbassadors() { SforceService SfdcBinding = SalesForceSession(); QueryResult qr = CurrentSalesForceQualifiedAmbassadorslist(); Common.SforceServices.sObject[] records = qr.records; if (records == null) { return; } // GET LIST OF Qualified Ambassadors FROM DATABASE AND INSERT INTO sALESFORCE List <QualifiedAmbassadors> customers = new List <QualifiedAmbassadors>(); using (var context = Exigo.Sql()) { string sqlQuery = string.Format(@"select * from dbo.AmbassadorsList order by customerid asc "); customers = context.Query <QualifiedAmbassadors>(sqlQuery).ToList(); } if (customers.Count() == 0) { return; } List <Ambassador__c> Ambassador = new List <Ambassador__c>(); foreach (Ambassador__c node in records) { QualifiedAmbassadors Customer = customers.Where(s => s.CustomerID == int.Parse(node.AmbassadorID__c)).FirstOrDefault(); if (Customer.CustomerID == 0) { break; } node.Name = Customer.FirstName + " " + Customer.LastName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Customer.JoinDate)) { try { node.JoinDate__c = DateTime.Parse(Customer.JoinDate); } catch (Exception) { } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Customer.LeaveDate)) { try { node.LeaveDate__c = DateTime.Parse(Customer.LeaveDate); } catch (Exception) { } } node.webalias__c = Customer.WebAlias; node.Q_Ambassador_Email__c =; node.Zip_Code__c = Customer.MainZip; node.Phone__c =; node.Mobile_Phone__c = Customer.MobilePhone; node.SponsorID__cSpecified = true; node.SponsorID__c = double.Parse(Customer.EnrollerID.ToString()); // node.CreatedById = "00536000000zbwiAAA"; Ambassador.Add(node); } if (Ambassador.Count > 0) { try { IEnumerable <List <Ambassador__c> > listambassadorlist = splitList(Ambassador.ToList()); foreach (List <Ambassador__c> list in listambassadorlist) { SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.update(list.ToArray()); if (saveResults[0].success) { string Id = ""; Id = saveResults[0].id; } else { string result = ""; result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message; } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } }
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context) { { System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; string userName; string password; userName = Username.Get(context); //username from context password = Password.Get(context) + SecurityToken.Get(context); //password+token from context SforceService SfdcBinding = null; LoginResult CurrentLoginResult = null; SfdcBinding = new SforceService(); try { CurrentLoginResult = SfdcBinding.login(userName, password); } catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException e) { // This is likley to be caused by bad username or password SfdcBinding = null; throw (e); } catch (Exception e) { // This is something else, probably comminication SfdcBinding = null; throw (e); } //Change the binding to the new endpoint SfdcBinding.Url = CurrentLoginResult.serverUrl; //Console.WriteLine(SfdcBinding.Url); //Console.ReadLine(); //Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader(); SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = CurrentLoginResult.sessionId; String[] fieldNames = FieldNames.Get(context); String[] fieldValues = FieldValues.Get(context); sObject obj = new sObject(); System.Xml.XmlElement[] objFields = new System.Xml.XmlElement[fieldNames.Length]; System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; i++) { objFields[i] = doc.CreateElement(fieldNames[i]); } for (int j = 0; j < fieldValues.Length; j++) { objFields[j].InnerText = fieldValues[j]; } obj.type = ObjectName.Get(context); obj.Any = objFields; obj.Id = ID.Get(context); sObject[] objList = new sObject[1]; objList[0] = obj; SaveResult[] results = SfdcBinding.update(objList); for (int j = 0; j < results.Length; j++) { if (results[j].success) { RecordID.Set(context, "Record Updated for ID: " + results[j].id); } else { // There were errors during the create call, // go through the errors array and write // them to the console String error; for (int i = 0; i < results[j].errors.Length; i++) { Error err = results[j].errors[i]; error = "Errors was found on item " + j.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Error code is: " + err.statusCode.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "Error message: " + err.message; RecordID.Set(context, error); } } } } }
public string Register(SalesforceUpdateRequest model) { //LOGIN TO SALESFORCE //Prevent using TLS 1.0 which is outdated System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls; string userName = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforceUserName"); string password = _configService.getConfigValusAsString("SalesforcePassword"); SforceService SfdcBinding = null; LoginResult CurrentLoginResult = null; SfdcBinding = new SforceService(); try { CurrentLoginResult = SfdcBinding.login(userName, password); } catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException e) { // This is likley to be caused by bad username or password SfdcBinding = null; throw (e); } catch (Exception e) { // This is something else, probably comminication SfdcBinding = null; throw (e); } //Change the binding to the new endpoint SfdcBinding.Url = CurrentLoginResult.serverUrl; //Create a new session header object and set the session id to that returned by the login SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader(); SfdcBinding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = CurrentLoginResult.sessionId; //UPDATE -- to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads QueryResult queryResult = null; string emailToUpdate = model.Email; String SOQL = "select Id from Lead where Email = '" + emailToUpdate + "'"; queryResult = SfdcBinding.query(SOQL); //If email exists, update with first/last name if (queryResult.size > 0) { //UPDATE -- to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads Lead lead = (Lead)queryResult.records[0]; string Id = lead.Id; Lead updateLead = new Lead(); updateLead.Id = Id; updateLead.Email = model.Email; updateLead.FirstName = model.FirstName; updateLead.LastName = model.LastName; SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.update(new sObject[] { updateLead }); string result = ""; if (saveResults[0].success) { result = "The update of Lead ID " + saveResults[0].id + " was succesful"; return(result); } else { result = "There was an error updating the Lead. The error returned was " + saveResults[0].errors[0].message; return(result); } } //If email doesn't exist, insert email with first/last name else { //POST - to (spunkydrewster002's) salesforce Leads Lead sfdcLead = new Lead(); sfdcLead.Email = model.Email; //Fields required for lead but wont be submitted on homepage, so placeholders are used. sfdcLead.FirstName = model.FirstName; sfdcLead.LastName = model.LastName; string companyName = "Grader Registered User"; sfdcLead.Company = companyName; SaveResult[] saveResults = SfdcBinding.create(new sObject[] { sfdcLead }); if (saveResults[0].success) { string resultId = ""; resultId = saveResults[0].id; return(resultId); } else { string result = ""; result = saveResults[0].errors[0].message; return(result); } } }