Exemple #1
    public void SetPageInfoEX()
        SetStationPages       tempSetStationPages = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SetStationPages>();
        DictionariesForThings tempConverstions    = this.gameObject.GetComponent <DictionariesForThings>();

        tempSetStationPages.TunOffAllStampsOnAllCards();                                               // turn off all the stamps, setting them will turn them back on

        float ratio = 0;                                                                               //use this for progress ratio

        for (int i = 0; i < tempSetStationPages.myResourceCards.Count; ++i)                            // for each page
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > questData = tempSetStationPages.GetQuestData();         // get all quest data

            StampCard myStampcard = tempSetStationPages.myResourceCards[i].GetComponent <StampCard>(); // stampcard

            int s = 0;
            //update each stamp on each card
            for (int d = 0; d < questData.Count; d++)            // for all card datas
                //Debug.Log("stamp = "+s.ToString() +"\t d = "+d.ToString() +"\t questData[d].Key = "+questData[d].Key);

                if (questData[d].Value > -1)
                    //display correct resource
                    if (questData[d].Value == 1)
                        myStampcard.SetCompletedStamp(s, questData[d].Key);
                    if (questData[d].Value == 0)
                        myStampcard.SetStampBasedOnResource(s, questData[d].Key);

                    //Debug.Log("Set Data on::"+myStampcard.gameObject.name +" questData["+d.ToString()+"].Key = "+questData[d].Key);
                    s++;                     //next stamp

        // DRAGON LEVELS

        int dragonlevel = MyCurrentToy.customData.GetInt("DragonLevel", 0);

        Debug.Log("setting DragonLevel = " + dragonlevel.ToString());

        //does this even work? ~Tom
        foreach (GameObject progressBar in tempSetStationPages.myProgressBars)
            progressBar.GetComponent <EnergyBar>().SetValueF(ratio);
Exemple #2
    public IEnumerator UpdateStationResources()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

        //we always need to update the station resources!
        SetStationPages       tempSetStationPages = myYellOnClaim.gameObject.GetComponent <SetStationPages>();
        DictionariesForThings tempConverstions    = myYellOnClaim.gameObject.GetComponent <DictionariesForThings>();

        Debug.Log("Set resource for location = " + myYellOnClaim.currentLocation.ToString() + "\t Location2Resource = " + tempConverstions.Location2Resource[myYellOnClaim.currentLocation.ToString()].ToString());

        yield return(null);
Exemple #3
 public void RefreshTheStationResource()
     if (this.myYellOnClaim.currentLocation != YellOnClaim.Location.SANC)
         //we always need to update the station resources!
         SetStationPages       tempSetStationPages = myYellOnClaim.gameObject.GetComponent <SetStationPages>();
         DictionariesForThings tempConverstions    = myYellOnClaim.gameObject.GetComponent <DictionariesForThings>();
         Debug.Log("Set resource for location = " + myYellOnClaim.currentLocation.ToString() + "\t Location2Resource = " + tempConverstions.Location2Resource[myYellOnClaim.currentLocation.ToString()].ToString());
Exemple #4
    public void SetNewResourceCards2()    //level up resource cards
        SetStationPages tempSetStationPages = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SetStationPages>();

        tempSetStationPages.TunOffAllStampsOnAllCards();                                                      // turn off all the stamps, setting them will turn them back on

        float ratio = 0;                                                                                      //use this for progress ratio

        for (int i = 0; i < tempSetStationPages.myLevelUpResourceCards.Count; ++i)                            // for each page
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > questData = tempSetStationPages.GetQuestData();                // get all quest data

            StampCard myStampcard = tempSetStationPages.myLevelUpResourceCards[i].GetComponent <StampCard>(); // stampcard

            int d = 0;
            //update each stamp on each card
            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                if (d < questData.Count)               // dont try to grab questdata that doesn't exist
                    Debug.Log("d = " + d.ToString() + "\t questData[d].Key = " + questData[d].Key);
                    if (questData[d].Value > -1)
                        //display correct resource
                        myStampcard.SetCompletedStamp(d, questData[d].Key);

                        //display stamp if obtained

                        //myStampcard.SetStampBasedOnResource(d, questData[d].Key);
Exemple #5
    public void SetNewResourceCards()
        SetStationPages       tempSetStationPages = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SetStationPages>();
        DictionariesForThings tempConverstions    = this.gameObject.GetComponent <DictionariesForThings>();

        tempSetStationPages.TunOffAllStampsOnAllNewCards();                                                   // turn off all the stamps, setting them will turn them back on

        float ratio = 0;                                                                                      //use this for progress ratio

        for (int i = 0; i < tempSetStationPages.myLevelUpResourceCards.Count; ++i)                            // for each page
            List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > questData = tempSetStationPages.GetQuestData();                // get all quest data

            StampCard myStampcard = tempSetStationPages.myLevelUpResourceCards[i].GetComponent <StampCard>(); // stampcard

            int s = 0;
            //update each stamp on each card
            for (int d = 0; d < questData.Count; d++)            // for all card datas
                //Debug.Log("stamp = "+s.ToString() +"\t d = "+d.ToString() +"\t questData[d].Key = "+questData[d].Key);

                if (questData[d].Value > -1)
                    //display correct resource
                    if (questData[d].Value == 1)
                        myStampcard.SetCompletedStamp(s, questData[d].Key);
                    if (questData[d].Value == 0)
                        myStampcard.SetStampBasedOnResource(s, questData[d].Key);

                    //Debug.Log("Set Data on::"+myStampcard.gameObject.name +" questData["+d.ToString()+"].Key = "+questData[d].Key);
                    s++;                     //next stamp
Exemple #6
    public void OnClaimToy_Success(BitToys.Toy theToy, bool val)

        //debug for erasing cards

        //ready2scan = true;// override ready to scan non-sense
        if (!ready2scan)
            //UniClipboard.SetText(UniClipboard.GetText() + "\n" + " " + System.DateTime.Now + " Tried to scan but the reader wasn't ready...");
            this.WriteToErrorLog("ClaimToySuccess but was not ready");
        ready2scan = false;// only take one scan at a time// reset in SetIsReadyForScan.cs
        // StartCoroutine(EnableReady2Scan());
        this.MyCurrentToy = theToy;

        CurrentPlayerID = theToy.bitToysId;

        bool validscan = true;        //was false// Scans always Active (unless a player is in progress)

         * if (!playerScanInTimes.ContainsKey(CurrentPlayerID))
         * {
         *  playerScanInTimes.Add(CurrentPlayerID, Time.time);
         *  validscan = true;
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  validscan = CheckForValidScanTime(CurrentPlayerID);
         * }*/

        if (!validscan)
            this.ScanCardTooRecent.SetActive(true); //weve seen this player before, and the time
                                                    //hasnt expired yet, so they need to come back later
                                                    //no need for return here, this goes to the end of the function just the same
            //   UniClipboard.SetText(UniClipboard.GetText() + "\n" + " " + System.DateTime.Now + " Tried to scan but it was too soon...");
        else// if valid scan
            //only works if id is longer than 3 , which it should be
            //commented out for doug
            //if(MyCurrentToy.styleId != null && MyCurrentToy.styleId.Length >= 3)
            //    string last3chars = MyCurrentToy.styleId.Substring(MyCurrentToy.styleId.Length - 3);
            //    bool isThisADebugCard;

            //    if (last3chars == "dev")
            //        isThisADebugCard = true;
            //    else
            //        isThisADebugCard = false;

            //    if (isThisADebugCard)
            //    {
            //        debugmode = false;
            //        ToggleDebugStuff();
            //    }


            //we always need to update the station resources!
            SetStationPages       tempSetStationPages = this.gameObject.GetComponent <SetStationPages>();
            DictionariesForThings tempConverstions    = this.gameObject.GetComponent <DictionariesForThings>();
            Debug.Log("location = " + this.currentLocation.ToString() + "\t Location2ResourceDic = " + tempSetStationPages.Location2ResourceDic[this.currentLocation].ToString());
            Debug.Log("location = " + this.currentLocation.ToString() + "\t Location2Resource = " + tempConverstions.Location2Resource[this.currentLocation.ToString()].ToString());
            QuestProgress myQuestProgress = this.gameObject.GetComponent <QuestProgress>();
            bool          correctstation  = myQuestProgress.StationIsForQuest();
            AddLocationData(correctstation, myQuestProgress.NumberOfQuestsToComplete());

            if (this.ShowNUX && this.MyCurrentToy.customData.GetBool("NewUser", true))
                int test = this.MyCurrentToy.customData.GetInt("DragonsReleased", -999);
                if (test == -999)
                    this.MyCurrentToy.customData.AddInt("DragonsReleased", 0);

                this.MyCurrentToy.customData.AddBool("NewUser", false); // flag as an old user
                                                                        //      this.ScanCardNUX.SetActive(true);
                activateThis = NextActive.NUX;
                //first set of quests
                this.MyCurrentToy.customData.AddInt("DragonLevel", 0);
                this.SetNewQuestCard(this.MyCurrentToy.customData.GetInt("DragonLevel", 0));//rando some quests?

                WriteToErrorLog("Scan = New User Experience");
                this.SetPageInfoEX();                // we need to set page infor for a correct scan
                // which state are we in?

                if (myQuestProgress.StationIsForQuest() && (currentLocation != Location.SANC2))
                    //increment data for going to this station// ie collecting the resource
                    this.MyCurrentToy.customData.SetInt(this.GetComponent <DictionariesForThings>().Location2Resource[this.currentLocation.ToString()], 1);

                    this.SetPageInfoEX();// we need to set cards after new resource
                    if (myQuestProgress.CompletedAllQuests())
                        //    this.ScanCardNewQuests.SetActive(true);
                        activateThis = NextActive.NEWQUESTS;

                        int currentDragonLevel = this.MyCurrentToy.customData.GetInt("DragonLevel", 0);

                        if (currentDragonLevel == 0)
                            changing_from_egg_2_hatchling = true;

                        currentDragonLevel += 1;
                        MyCurrentToy.customData.SetInt("DragonLevel", currentDragonLevel);

                        //HACK for getting new locations
                        SetNewResourceCards();                        // should update the new cards with new quests
                        //update new quest ui?
                        //update new dragon?
                        //get new quests?
                        //get next dragon?
                        WriteToErrorLog("Scan = New Quests");
                    else// haven't completed all quests
                        this.SetPageInfoEX();                        // we need to set up cards even if not right
                        //       this.ScanCardSuccess.SetActive(true);
                        activateThis = NextActive.SCANSUCCESS;
                        WriteToErrorLog("Scan = Progress Quests");
                else if (currentLocation != Location.SANC2) // wrong station
                    this.SetPageInfoEX();                   // we need to set up cards even if not right
                    //       this.ScanCardWrong.SetActive(true);
                    activateThis = NextActive.SCANWRONG;
                    WriteToErrorLog("Scan = Wrong Station");
                    //update cards ui?
                    //update dragon ui?

                //TODO sanctuary too early
                if (currentLocation == Location.SANC2)
                    int currentDragonLevel = this.MyCurrentToy.customData.GetInt("DragonLevel", 0);

                    //release it
                    if (currentDragonLevel > 1)
                        int currentDragonsReleased = this.MyCurrentToy.customData.GetInt("DragonsReleased", 0);
                        currentDragonsReleased += 1;
                        this.MyCurrentToy.customData.SetInt("DragonsReleased", currentDragonsReleased);


                        //    SanctuaryPage.SetActive(true);
                        activateThis = NextActive.SANCPAGE;
                    else if (currentDragonLevel < 2)//too early
                        //   SanctuaryTooSoon.SetActive(true);
                        activateThis = NextActive.SANCTOOSOON;
                //TODO sanctuary

            // if(MegaScanInParticles.gameObject.activeSelf)

            //at this point it will always contain the key, this is just to prevent nulls
            if (playerScanInTimes.ContainsKey(CurrentPlayerID))
                playerScanInTimes[CurrentPlayerID] = Time.time;

            string tempDebug = "";
            tempDebug += ""; //clear text

            tempDebug += "\n Toy id = " + theToy.bitToysId;
            tempDebug += "\n Owner id = " + theToy.ownerId;
            tempDebug += "\n Style id = " + theToy.styleId;
            tempDebug += "\n SKU id = " + theToy.skuId;
            tempDebug += "\n customData has: " + theToy.customData.ToString();
            tempDebug += "\n " + System.DateTime.Now;
            tempDebug += "\n ******************************";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> entry in playerScanInTimes)
                this.WriteToErrorLog("\n Player ID: " + entry.Key.ToString() + " val is " + entry.Value.ToString());
            }//end for each
             //reset the location timer back to 0 (dont get a new location)
            GetComponent <PickLocationTimer>().ResetTimer();
            //handle screen activations
            this.ScanScreen.SetActive(false);// deactivate scan screen

            //UPDATE CUSTOM DATA!!!
            int currentDragonLevel2 = this.MyCurrentToy.customData.GetInt("DragonLevel", 0);
            this.MyCurrentToy.customData.SendAsync();//update that toy data!
        }//end of else valid scan
    } // end of function