Exemple #1
    public void CreateGraph(List <float> values, Color colour, float width = 1)
        if (values.Count > 1)
            foreach (GameObject line in lines)

            foreach (float value in values)
                if (Mathf.Abs(value) > largestValue)
                    largestValue = Mathf.Abs(value);

            lines = new GameObject[values.Count];

            for (int i = 1; i < values.Count; i++)
                lines[i - 1] = Instantiate(line, transform.position, transform.rotation, transform);
                SetLine drawLine = lines[i - 1].GetComponent <SetLine>();

                float x = 6f * Camera.main.orthographicSize / (5 * (values.Count - 1));
                float y = 1.2f * Camera.main.orthographicSize / (5 * largestValue);

                Vector3 start = new Vector3(transform.position.x + x * (i - 1), transform.position.y + y * values[i - 1]);
                Vector3 end   = new Vector3(transform.position.x + i * x, transform.position.y + y * values[i]);

                drawLine.DrawLine(start, end, colour, 0.05f);
 public void setDialogueOption(SetLine setLine)
     gameObject.GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;
     this.setLine = setLine;
     text         = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();
     text.text    = JSONHolder.getLine(setLine.lineID).text;
 }//End Dialogue Option Setter
    }//End startDialogue

    public void runDialogue(SetLine setLineFromDialogueChoice)
        //Reset script run status
        storedLineSeenResult = false;
        finishedLine         = false;
        doneBeforeLine       = false;
        doneAfterLine        = false;
        currentDialogue = gameObject.AddComponent <CurrentDialogue>();
        //Try to get the next set in the conversation
        if (setLineFromDialogueChoice == null)
            set = getNextSet(conversation, set);
        }//End if
            set = JSONHolder.getSetFromConversation(setLineFromDialogueChoice.nextSet, conversation);
        }//End else
        //If there is no next set in the conversation, the conversation is over
        if (!conversationIsOver && set != null)
            lines = getNextLines(set);
            if (set.speaker.Equals("PLAYER"))
                List <SetLine> dialogueOptions = setUpDialogueOptions();
            }//End if
             //Display individual NPC line
            else if (set.speaker.Equals("NPC"))
                if (lines[0].doBeforeLine != null)
                    //Run a script before the line itself has run
                }//End if
                //Set NPC dialogue data up
            }//End else if
                Debug.LogError("ERROR IN SET JSON: PLAYER or NPC speaker marker in " + set.setID + " mistyped as " + set.speaker + ".");
            } //End else
        }     //End if
            PlayerInteraction playerInteraction = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <PlayerInteraction>();
        } //End else
    }     //End runDialogue
Exemple #4
    internal LineCommand Set(Level level, LineCommand.Command cmd)
        var lvlInstance = level.levelInstance;
        var rend        = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        Vector3 pt0         = rend.GetPosition(0);
        Vector3 pt1         = rend.GetPosition(1);
        Vector3 lineVec     = pt1 - pt0;
        Vector3 lineVecNorm = lineVec.normalized;

        float angle = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Atan2(lineVecNorm.z, lineVecNorm.x) + 180.0f;

        // range: (0,7) even = W,S,E,N odd = SW, SE, NE, NW
        GameVertex.Direction snappedDir = (GameVertex.Direction)(Mathf.FloorToInt((angle / 45.0f) + 0.5f) % 8);

        float      offsetDist = ARUtil.DirToDist(snappedDir);
        Vector2Int offset     = ARUtil.DirToOffset(snappedDir);

        int lineCountToAdd = Mathf.FloorToInt((lineVec.magnitude + (0.5f * offsetDist)) / offsetDist);
        int startX         = Mathf.FloorToInt(pt0.x + 0.5f) + Mathf.FloorToInt(level.width / 2);
        int startY         = Mathf.FloorToInt(pt0.z + 0.5f) + Mathf.FloorToInt(level.height / 2);

        int maxX = level.width / 2;
        int maxY = level.height / 2;

        // directional flags
        GameVertex.DirectionFlags directionFlags = (GameVertex.DirectionFlags)(1 << (int)snappedDir);

        // make line command to run and record
        LineCommand lc;

        lc.gos       = new GameObject[lineCountToAdd];
        lc.cmd       = cmd;
        lc.moveDelta = Vector2Int.zero;
        lc.flags     = GameVertex.Edge.none;

        // @TEMP @TODO @REPLACE
        lc.flags.Set(directionFlags, GameVertex.Edge.Type.solid);

        for (int i = 0; i < lineCountToAdd; ++i)
            int y = startY + (i * offset.y);
            int x = startX + (i * offset.x);

            if ((x < 0 || x >= level.width) ||
                (y < 0 || y >= level.height))
                Debug.LogWarning("Unset line tried to play a line outside the bounds. This may be expected");

            // Add array if not already added
            if (lvlInstance.grid[y, x].gos == null)
                lvlInstance.grid[y, x].gos = new GameObject[8];

            GameObject go = lvlInstance.grid[y, x].gos[(int)snappedDir];
            if (go == null)
                go = Instantiate(level.settings.prefabs.setLine);
                lvlInstance.grid[y, x].gos[(int)snappedDir] = go;
                go.GetComponent <SetLine>().Setup(level, snappedDir, y, x);
            lc.gos[i] = go;

            SetLine setLine = go.GetComponent <SetLine>();
            setLine.RunCommand(level, lc);
