Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads either Table or Rowset from JSON created by WriteAsJSON. Metadata must be present.
        /// allMatched==false when some data did not match schema (i.e. too little fields or extra fields supplied)
        /// </summary>
        public static RowsetBase FromJSON(JSONDataMap jsonMap,
                                          out bool allMatched,
                                          bool schemaOnly           = false,
                                          bool readOnlySchema       = false,
                                          SetFieldFunc setFieldFunc = null)
            if (jsonMap == null || jsonMap.Count == 0)
                throw new CRUDException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "RowsetBase.FromJSON(jsonMap=null)");

            var schMap = jsonMap["Schema"] as JSONDataMap;

            if (schMap == null)
                throw new CRUDException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "RowsetBase.FromJSON(jsonMap!schema)");

            var schema  = Schema.FromJSON(schMap, readOnlySchema);
            var isTable = jsonMap["IsTable"].AsBool();

            allMatched = true;
            var result = isTable ? (RowsetBase) new Table(schema) : (RowsetBase) new Rowset(schema);

            if (schemaOnly)

            var rows = jsonMap["Rows"] as JSONDataArray;

            if (rows == null)

            foreach (var jrow in rows)
                var jdo = jrow as IJSONDataObject;
                if (jdo == null)
                    allMatched = false;

                var row = new DynamicRow(schema);

                if (!Row.TryFillFromJSON(row, jdo, setFieldFunc))
                    allMatched = false;


Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads either Table or Rowset from JSON created by WriteAsJSON.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Total number of rows found in JSON. If this number is less than
        /// result.Count, then not all rows matched the schema of the resulting rowset.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The schema of "result" must match the schema of the typed row T.
        /// It's the responsibility of the caller to clear the "result" prior to
        /// calling this function - the function appends rows to existing rowset.
        /// </remarks>
        public static int FromJSON <T>(string json,
                                       ref RowsetBase result,
                                       SetFieldFunc setFieldFunc = null)
            where T : TypedRow, new()
            var map = JSONReader.DeserializeDataObject(json) as JSONDataMap;

            return(FromJSON <T>(map, ref result, setFieldFunc));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads either Table or Rowset from JSON created by WriteAsJSON.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Total number of rows found in JSON. If this number is less than
        /// result.Count, then not all rows matched the schema of the resulting rowset.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The schema of "result" must match the schema of the typed row T.
        /// It's the responsibility of the caller to clear the "result" prior to
        /// calling this function - the function appends rows to existing rowset.
        /// </remarks>
        public static int FromJSON <T>(JSONDataMap jsonMap,
                                       ref RowsetBase result,
                                       SetFieldFunc setFieldFunc = null)
            where T : TypedRow, new()
            if (jsonMap == null || jsonMap.Count == 0)
                throw new CRUDException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "RowsetBase.FromJSON(jsonMap=null)");
            if (result == null)
                throw new CRUDException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "RowsetBase.FromJSON(result=null)");

            var typedRow = new T();

            if (result.Schema != typedRow.Schema)
                throw new CRUDException(StringConsts.ARGUMENT_ERROR + "RowsetBase.FromJSON(): invalid result schema");

            var rows = jsonMap["Rows"] as JSONDataArray;

            if (rows == null)

            foreach (var jrow in rows)
                var jdo = jrow as IJSONDataObject;
                if (jdo == null)

                var row = new T();

                if (Row.TryFillFromJSON(row, jdo, setFieldFunc))

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to fill the document with data returning true if field count matched
        /// </summary>
        public static bool TryFillFromJSON(Doc doc, IJsonDataObject jsonData, SetFieldFunc setFieldFunc = null)
            if (doc == null || jsonData == null)

            var allMatch = true;
            var map      = jsonData as JsonDataMap;

            if (map != null)
                foreach (var kvp in map)
                    var fdef = doc.Schema[kvp.Key];
                    if (fdef == null)
                        var ad = doc as IAmorphousData;
                        if (ad != null && ad.AmorphousDataEnabled)
                            ad.AmorphousData[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;

                        allMatch = false;

                    if (setFieldFunc == null)
                        doc.SetFieldValue(fdef, kvp.Value);
                        var ok = setFieldFunc(doc, fdef, kvp.Value);
                        if (!ok)
                            allMatch = false;
                if (map.Count != doc.Schema.FieldCount)
                    allMatch = false;
                var arr = jsonData as JsonDataArray;
                if (arr == null)

                for (var i = 0; i < doc.Schema.FieldCount; i++)
                    if (i == arr.Count)
                    var fdef = doc.Schema[i];

                    if (setFieldFunc == null)
                        doc.SetFieldValue(fdef, arr[i]);
                        var ok = setFieldFunc(doc, fdef, arr[i]);
                        if (!ok)
                            allMatch = false;
                if (arr.Count != doc.Schema.FieldCount)
                    allMatch = false;
