Exemple #1
        // To initiate the adventure
        private async void Start_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Start.IsEnabled = false; // disable the button to avoid multiple clicks.

            actIndicator.IsRunning = true;
            await App.isNetworkAccess();

            if (adventure.waypointID == null) // handle error when no starting waypoint found
                actIndicator.IsRunning = false;
                await DisplayAlert("Error", "Could not find the stating waypoint! This adventure is current unavailable or under development.", "Cancel");

                Start.IsEnabled = true; // enable the button.

            session = await SessionLogic.GetSession(App.myTeam.teamID, adventure.adventureID);

            if (session == null)                           //this is the first time the team is playing this adventure
                await SessionLogic.PostSession(adventure); //create a new session for this adventure and team

                session = await SessionLogic.GetSession(App.myTeam.teamID, adventure.adventureID);
                actIndicator.IsRunning = false;
                bool sng = await DisplayAlert("Warning", "Starting new game will cause your past save of this adventure be removed!", "Start new game", "Cancel");

                if (sng == true)
                    actIndicator.IsRunning = true;
                    //Reset game state
                    await SessionLogic.PutSession(App.myTeam.teamID, adventure.adventureID, adventure.waypointID.Value);

                    session = await SessionLogic.GetSession(App.myTeam.teamID, adventure.adventureID);
                    Start.IsEnabled = true; // enable the button.

            Waypoint wp = await WaypointLogic.GetWaypoint(session.WaypointID);

            App.atWaypointID  = session.WaypointID;
            App.atAdventureID = session.AdventureID;

            App.reachableWaypoints = await AdventureMapLogic.GetAdventureMap(App.atWaypointID);

            actIndicator.IsRunning = false;
            Start.IsEnabled        = true; // enable the button.
            await Navigation.PushAsync(new StoryPage(adventure.title, wp));
Exemple #2
        protected async override void OnAppearing()
            await App.isNetworkAccess();

            session = SessionLogic.GetSession(App.myTeam.teamID, adventure.adventureID).Result;
            if (session == null) //this is the first time the team is playing this adventure
                Continue.IsVisible = false;
                Grid.SetColumnSpan(Start, 2);
                Continue.IsVisible = true;