Exemple #1
        internal SessionFragment(SessionFragmentPacket sessionFragmentPacket)
            if (sessionFragmentPacket == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sessionFragmentPacket));

            m_Packet = sessionFragmentPacket;

            Loaded = true; //since we don't have the session file object we don't support delay loading
Exemple #2
        internal SessionFragment(GLFReader sessionFile)
            if (sessionFile == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sessionFile));

            if (sessionFile.SessionHeader.HasFileInfo == false)
                throw new ArgumentException("The session file is missing file information and can't be used as a session fragment.  This indicates a coding error in the framework.", nameof(sessionFile));

            m_SessionFile = sessionFile;
            m_Packet      = new SessionFragmentPacket();
            m_Packet.ID   = m_SessionFile.SessionHeader.FileId;
            m_Packet.FileStartDateTime = m_SessionFile.SessionHeader.FileStartDateTime;
            m_Packet.FileEndDateTime   = m_SessionFile.SessionHeader.FileEndDateTime;
            m_Packet.IsLastFile        = m_SessionFile.SessionHeader.IsLastFile;

            //and we need to make sure our session file actually has the packet stream loaded.