/// <summary> /// 写入用户登录日志 /// </summary> public static void LoginLog(string UserName, string Msg) { try { Bll_Sys_LoginLog instance = new Bll_Sys_LoginLog(); Sys_LoginLog model = new Sys_LoginLog() { EL_Date = DateTime.Now, EL_UserCode = UserName, EL_UserName = SessionConfig.UserName(), EL_IP = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, EL_Mac = "", EL_Company = SessionConfig.Company(), EL_Dept = SessionConfig.DeptName(), EL_Success = Msg }; instance.Insert(model); } catch (System.Exception ex) { PlateLog.WriteInFile(SessionConfig.UserId(), SessionConfig.UserName(), HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), ex.Message, PlateLog.LogMessageType.Error, ex); } }
public ActionResult UploadImg(string code, string path, string module) { var list = cInstance.GetCompHisList(string.Format("AND CH_CompCode='{0}' AND CH_iType='File'", code)); if (list.Count >= 1) { return(new JsonResult { Data = new { result = "fail", Msg = "您已上传图纸图片,不能重复上传!" } }); } string fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); Bse_CompHistory comp = new Bse_CompHistory(); comp.CH_Code = cInstance.GenerateHistoryCode(); comp.CH_Date = DateTime.Now; comp.CH_CompCode = code; comp.CH_Auditor = SessionConfig.UserId(); comp.CH_AuditorName = SessionConfig.UserName(); comp.CH_FilePath = path; comp.CH_iType = "File"; comp.CH_Type = "上传附件"; cInstance.AddHis(comp); return(new JsonResult { Data = new { result = "success", Msg = "数据更新成功!" } }); }
/// <summary> /// 图纸文件上传后回调函数 /// </summary> /// <param name="code"></param> /// <param name="path"></param> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult UploadDocComp(string code, string path, string type, string typename, string node, string nodename, string module) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); Doc_Attachment attachment = new Doc_Attachment(); attachment.Dat_Name = fileName; attachment.Dat_Path = path; attachment.Dat_Module = module; attachment.Dat_RefCode = code; //文件类型(不同的类型不同的处理方式) attachment.Dat_Type = Path.GetExtension(path).Trim('.'); attachment.Dat_Date = DateTime.Now; attachment.Dat_Creator = SessionConfig.UserId(); attachment.Dat_CreatorName = SessionConfig.UserName(); attachment.Dat_Code = diInstance.GenerateAttachmentCode(); //图纸的类型-->全工艺 、工艺节点 attachment.Dat_Udef1 = type; attachment.Dat_Udef2 = typename; attachment.Dat_Udef3 = node; attachment.Dat_Udef4 = nodename; diInstance.AddAttachment(attachment); BLL.Bll_Comm.OpLog("Upload", "Upload", string.Format("上传附件:{0}", attachment.Dat_RefCode)); return(new JsonResult { Data = new { result = "success", Msg = "数据更新成功!" } }); }
private static Dictionary <string, string> ParseProc(string str) { Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { string[] source = str.Split(new char[] { ';' }); if ((source.Count <string>() <= 0) || (source.Count <string>() != 2)) { return(dictionary); } string[] strArray2 = source[0].Split(new char[] { ':' }); string[] strArray3 = source[1].Split(new char[] { ':' }); dictionary.Add(strArray2[0], strArray2[1]); if (strArray3.Count <string>() <= 0) { return(dictionary); } Dictionary <string, string> dictionary2 = PaseProcParams(strArray3[1]); if (dictionary2.Count <= 0) { return(dictionary); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in dictionary2) { string str2 = pair.Value.Replace("{UserId}", SessionConfig.UserId()); dictionary.Add(pair.Key, str2); } } return(dictionary); }
public ActionResult Index() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionConfig.UserId())) { return(RedirectToAction("login")); } return(View()); }
public ActionResult InitGrid(int page, int rows, string search, string sidx, string sord) { string ModuleCode = Request["ModuleCode"] == null ? "" : Request["ModuleCode"].ToString(); string NameSpace = Request["NameSpace"] == null ? "" : Request["NameSpace"].ToString(); string LoginId = Request["userid"] == null ? "" : Request["userid"].ToString(); // session string deptid = Request["deptid"] == null ? "" : Request["deptid"].ToString(); // session string filters = Request["filters"] == null ? "" : Request["filters"].ToString(); string Inlinetype = Request["itype"] == null ? "0" : Request["itype"].ToString(); string GeneralType = Request["type"] == null ? "0" : Request["type"].ToString(); string record = Request["record"] == null ? "" : Request["record"]; string filtersSql = "1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filters)) { filtersSql = filters.BuildSearch(ModuleCode); //filtersSql = BulidJqGridSearch.BuildSearch(filters); //动态查询入口更改,查询结果后进行筛选 //filtersSql = ""; } //临时赋值 LoginId = SessionConfig.UserId(); deptid = SessionConfig.DeptId(); //预留两个自定义参数 Dictionary <String, String> param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); param.Add("@Page", page.ToString()); param.Add("@Rows", rows.ToString()); param.Add("@Search", filtersSql); //查询字段 param.Add("@Sidx", sidx); //排序字段 param.Add("@Sord", sord); //排序 ASC DESC param.Add("@ModuleCode", ModuleCode); //模块编码 param.Add("@NameSpace", NameSpace); //模块命名空间 param.Add("@Userid", LoginId); param.Add("@Deptid", deptid); param.Add("@InlineType", Inlinetype); param.Add("@GeneralType", GeneralType); //获取所有的数据列 var dt = instance.GetListPageAllRecords(ModuleCode, NameSpace, param); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(record)) { dt = FilterDataTable(dt, "Record_ID='" + record + "'"); } DataTable newDt = GetPagedTable(dt, page, rows, ModuleCode); //newDt.DefaultView.Sort = " CreateDate DESC "; //DataTable newDt = DataTablePage.GetPagedTable(dt, page, rows); //var json = DataTablePage.JsonForJqgrid(newDt, page, rows, dt.Rows.Count); var json = Bll_Comm.JsonForJqgrid(ModuleCode, newDt, page, rows, dt.Rows.Count); return(JavaScript(json)); }
public ActionResult AuditCallback(string code) { var list = cInstance.GetCompHisList(string.Format("AND CH_CompCode='{0}'", code)); Bse_CompHistory model = list.FirstOrDefault(o => o.CH_iType == "File"); List <Bse_CompHistory> auditHis = list.Where(o => o.CH_iType != "File").ToList(); if (model != null) { try { var d = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(); //var d = @"E:\运营方案"; string filename = Path.GetFileName(model.CH_FilePath); string temp = Server.MapPath(model.CH_FilePath); string srcpath = temp; string despath = Path.Combine(d, filename); ThumNail.AddWaterWord(string.Format("{0} {1}", SessionConfig.UserName(), DateTime.Now.ToString("yy-MM-dd hh:mm")), srcpath, despath, 10, auditHis.Count * 30); //如果存在则表示生成成功 if (System.IO.File.Exists(despath)) { System.IO.File.Copy(despath, srcpath, true); System.IO.File.Delete(despath); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult { Data = new { result = "fail", Msg = ex.Message } }); } Bse_CompHistory newModel = new Bse_CompHistory(); newModel.CH_Code = cInstance.GenerateHistoryCode(); newModel.CH_CompCode = model.CH_CompCode; newModel.CH_FilePath = model.CH_FilePath; newModel.CH_Auditor = SessionConfig.UserId(); newModel.CH_AuditorName = SessionConfig.UserName(); newModel.CH_Date = DateTime.Now; newModel.CH_iType = "His"; newModel.CH_Type = "审核"; cInstance.AddHis(newModel); return(new JsonResult { Data = new { result = "success", Msg = "数据更新成功!" } }); } else { return(new JsonResult { Data = new { result = "fail", Msg = "请上传图纸文件图片!" } }); } }
/// <summary> /// 全局异常处理:Error记录到文本 /// </summary> /// <param name="filterContext"></param> public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) { //写入文本日志 //PlateLog.WriteInFile(SessionConfig.UserId(), SessionConfig.UserName(), // HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress,HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), // filterContext.Exception.Message, PlateLog.LogMessageType.Error, filterContext.Exception); //写入数据库日志 PlateLog.WriteError(SessionConfig.UserId(), SessionConfig.UserName(), HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), filterContext.Exception.Message, PlateLog.LogMessageType.Error, filterContext.Exception); }
/// <summary> /// 监控数据显示列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="id">数据源所属模块(用于显示模板)</param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Index(string id) { ViewData["DictList"] = aInstance.GetLevelTreeForAreaWithPermission(SessionConfig.UserId()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { ViewData["Module"] = "Data_ActModule"; } else { ViewData["Module"] = id; } return(View()); }
public ActionResult Add() { Bse_Components info = new Bse_Components(); info.Comp_Code = cInstance.GenerateCompCode(); info.Comp_Creator = SessionConfig.UserId(); info.Comp_CreatorName = SessionConfig.UserName(); info.Comp_Date = DateTime.Now; GetbackUrl(); return(View(info)); }
public ActionResult top() { //Bll_System_Menu Menu = new Bll_System_Menu(); //QX.Comm.MenuLocation local = QX.Comm.MenuLocation.TOP; //List<System_Menu> MenuList = Menu.GetMenu(local); var model = TopInsatance.GetModel(" AND Menu_User='******' "); ViewData["TopList"] = model != null ? model.Menu_Links : ""; //登录人信息 ViewData["UserName"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionConfig.UserName()) ? SessionConfig.UserName() : ""; ViewData["UserRole"] = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionConfig.Stuff_LoginType()) ? instanceD.GetModel(" and Dict_Code='" + SessionConfig.Stuff_LoginType() + "'").Dict_Name: ""; ViewData["IP"] = SessionConfig.CurrentIP(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Add() { Doc_Info info = new Doc_Info(); info.Doc_Code = diInstance.GenerateDocCode(); info.Doc_Creator = SessionConfig.UserId(); info.Doc_CreatorName = SessionConfig.UserName(); info.Doc_DpCode = SessionConfig.DeptCode(); info.Doc_DpName = SessionConfig.DeptName(); info.Doc_Date = DateTime.Now; GetbackUrl(); return(View(info)); }
public bool IsHaveDownloadPermission(string funCode, string module) { //分发的人、权限功能表、审核的人均由下载权限 //通用的下载权限 var flag = pInstance.IsHavePermission(SessionConfig.UserId(), funCode); var flag1 = false; var flag2 = false; //分发 flag1 = diInstance.IsHaveAllot(SessionConfig.UserId(), module); //审核权限 flag2 = diInstance.IsHaveAudit(SessionConfig.UserId(), module); //有下载权限的前提下如果是并且是分发或者有审核权限的才能下载 return(flag && (flag1 || flag2)); }
/// <summary> /// 判断用户是否有权限查看 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool IsHavePermission(string id, string ftype, string compcode) { var model = cInstance.GetModel(string.Format("AND Comp_Code='{0}'", compcode)); //如果是图纸本身的创建者则具有所有权限 if (model != null && model.Comp_Creator == SessionConfig.UserId()) { return(true); } //如果是Pic则判断查看权限,否则下载权限 string type = ftype == "Pic"?"View":"Download"; var flag1 = this.dinfoInstance.IsHaveAllotForComp(SessionConfig.UserId(), compcode, type); return(flag1); }
/// <summary> /// 写入操作日志 /// </summary> /// <param name="Module">模块编码 </param> /// <param name="ModuleName">模块名称</param> /// <param name="Message">异常信息</param> public static void OpLog(string Module, string ModuleName, string Message) { var IS_OPEN_PERMISSION = ConfigHelper.GetApp("IS_OPEN_FUNCATIONLOG"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IS_OPEN_PERMISSION) && IS_OPEN_PERMISSION == "true") { try { PlateLog.WriteOp(SessionConfig.UserId(), SessionConfig.UserName(), HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), Message, PlateLog.LogMessageType.Info, Module, ModuleName); } catch (System.Exception ex) { PlateLog.WriteInFile(SessionConfig.UserId(), SessionConfig.UserName(), HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(), Message, PlateLog.LogMessageType.Error, ex); } } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定左侧菜单 /// </summary> /// <param name="helper"></param> /// <param name="DataSource"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string BindLeftMenu(this HtmlHelper helper, List <System_Menu> DataSource) { ADOComm commInstance = new ADOComm(); //权限过滤 var IS_OPEN_PERMISSION = ConfigHelper.GetApp("IS_OPEN_PERMISSION"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IS_OPEN_PERMISSION) && IS_OPEN_PERMISSION == "true") { string[] array = commInstance.UserPermissionArray(SessionConfig.UserId()); DataSource = DataSource.Where(o => array.Contains(o.Menu_Code)).ToList(); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (DataSource != null && DataSource.Count > 0) { sb.Append(LeftMenuMax(helper, DataSource)); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public ActionResult Correct(string id, string rtype) { var model = diInstance.GetModel(string.Format("AND Doc_Code='{0}'", id)); string isView = string.Empty; //是否本人修正(两种不同的显示方式) if (SessionConfig.UserId() == model.Doc_Creator) { ViewData["IsSelf"] = true; } else { ViewData["IsSelf"] = true; } GetbackUrl(); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult SaveQuickMenu() { var LinkHtml = Request["Html"].Trim(); var model = TopInsatance.GetModel(" AND Menu_User='******' "); if (model != null) { model.Menu_Links = LinkHtml; TopInsatance.Update(model); } else { var NewModel = new System_TopMenu() { Menu_User = SessionConfig.UserId(), Menu_Links = LinkHtml }; TopInsatance.Insert(NewModel); } return(Content("success")); }
public ActionResult UploadDoc(string code, string path, string module) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); Doc_Attachment attachment = new Doc_Attachment(); attachment.Dat_Name = fileName; attachment.Dat_Path = path; attachment.Dat_Module = module; attachment.Dat_RefCode = code; attachment.Dat_Date = DateTime.Now; attachment.Dat_Creator = SessionConfig.UserId(); attachment.Dat_CreatorName = SessionConfig.UserName(); attachment.Dat_Code = diInstance.GenerateAttachmentCode(); diInstance.AddAttachment(attachment); BLL.Bll_Comm.OpLog("Upload", "Upload", string.Format("上传附件:{0}", attachment.Dat_RefCode)); return(new JsonResult { Data = new { result = "success", Msg = "数据更新成功!" } }); }
/// <summary> /// 根据权限获取站点列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="area"></param> /// <param name="where"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Bse_Station> GetStationListByPermission(string area, string where) { List <Sys_UserPermission> plist = pInstance.GetUserPermissionForArea(SessionConfig.UserId()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var tlist = GetLevelAreaListWidthSeft(area, sb); List <Bse_Station> list = new List <Bse_Station>(); foreach (var d in list) { if (plist.Exists(o => o.PU_FunCode == d.SN_Code)) { list.Add(d); } } List <Bse_Station> slist = new List <Bse_Station>(); string filter = string.Format("AND SN_AreaCode in({0}) AND {1}", sb.ToString().TrimEnd(','), where); slist = sInstance.GetListByWhere(filter); return(slist); }
/// <summary> /// 系统权限控制 /// </summary> /// <param name="Module">模块编码</param> /// <returns>页面权限控制JavaScript</returns> public static string SysRoleIoc(this HtmlHelper hepler, string Module) { var IS_OPEN_PERMISSION = ConfigHelper.GetApp("IS_OPEN_PERMISSION"); TagBuilder builder = new TagBuilder("script"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IS_OPEN_PERMISSION) && IS_OPEN_PERMISSION == "true") { string UserId = SessionConfig.UserId(); builder.MergeAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); List <Sys_UserPermission> list = BLL.Bll_Comm.UserNotPermisionnList(UserId).Where(o => o.PU_FunPCode == null || (o.PU_FunPCode != null && !o.PU_FunPCode.StartsWith("C"))).ToList(); StringBuilder JSBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in list) { JSBuilder.AppendFormat(" $('#{0}').remove();", item.Fun_UDef1); } builder.InnerHtml = " $(function(){ " + JSBuilder.ToString() + "});"; } return(builder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal)); //return ""; }
public ActionResult QuickLink() { var DataSource = MenuInstance.GetChildListMenu().OrderBy(o => o.Menu_Order).ToList(); //权限过滤 var IS_OPEN_PERMISSION = ConfigHelper.GetApp("IS_OPEN_PERMISSION"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IS_OPEN_PERMISSION) && IS_OPEN_PERMISSION == "true") { DataSource = DataSource.Where(o => BLL.Bll_Comm.UserPermissionArray(SessionConfig.UserId()).Contains(o.Menu_Code)) .ToList(); } ViewData["MenuList"] = DataSource; var model = TopInsatance.GetModel(" AND Menu_User='******' "); ViewData["TopList"] = model != null? model.Menu_Links:""; return(View()); }
public static void InsertRunSql(string Sql, Hashtable Params, string Fun, string Error) { try { StringBuilder strPara = new StringBuilder(); ADOSys_RunLog instance = new ADOSys_RunLog(); Sys_RunLog model = new Sys_RunLog(); model.Log_Date = DateTime.Now; model.Log_Fun = Fun; model.Log_Error = Error; foreach (DictionaryEntry item in Params) { strPara.Append(item.Key + "=" + item.Value); } model.Log_SQLParameter = strPara.ToString(); model.Log_Author = SessionConfig.UserId() + "," + SessionConfig.UserName(); model.Log_SQL = Sql; instance.Add(model); } catch (Exception) { } }
private static string ParseSql(string SQL) { SQL = SQL.Replace("{UserId}", SessionConfig.UserId()); return(SQL); }
/// <summary> /// 获取待办 /// </summary> /// <param name="where"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Bse_File> GetDoingFileList(string where) { string condition = string.Format(" AND AuditStat ='{3}' AND CF_iType='{0}' AND DA_Allot='{2}' AND DA_Module='{4}' AND DA_iType='{5}' AND {1}", "Normal", where, SessionConfig.UserId(), AudtiOperaTypeEnum.LastAudit.ToString(), "Bse_FileModule", AllotType.Distribution.ToString()); return(instance.GetListByWhereExtend(condition)); }
public List <Bse_File> GetMyFileList(string where) { //string condition = string.Format("AND isnull(Comp_Stat,'')='{0}' AND {1}", "Normal", where); // return cInstance.GetListByWhere(condition); //所有文档 // List<Bse_Components> allList = new List<Bse_Components>(); List <Bse_File> list = new List <Bse_File>(); string condition = string.Format("AND isnull(CF_iType,'')='{0}' AND CF_Creator='{1}' AND {2}", "Normal", SessionConfig.UserId(), where); list = instance.GetListByWhere(condition); // List<Verify_TemplateConfig> rlNodes = auditInstance.GetVerifyNodesByCurUser(AuditModuleEnum.CompAudit.ToString(), SessionConfig.UserId()); return(list); }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有文档 /// </summary> /// <param name="where"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Bse_File> GetAllFileList(string where) { //string condition = string.Format("AND isnull(CF_iType,'')='{0}' AND {1}", "Normal", where); //return instance.GetListByWhere(condition); List <Bse_File> allList = new List <Bse_File>(); List <Bse_File> list = new List <Bse_File>(); string condition = string.Format("AND isnull(CF_iType,'')='{0}' AND {1} AND CF_Code in (select DA_DocCode from doc_allot where da_allot='{2}' and isnull(da_ishandle,'NoHandle')='{3}') AND {1}", DocStat.Normal.ToString(), where, SessionConfig.UserId(), "Handle"); list = instance.GetListByWhere(condition); List <Verify_TemplateConfig> rlNodes = auditInstance.GetVerifyNodesByCurUser(AuditModuleEnum.ComFileAudit.ToString(), SessionConfig.UserId()); if (rlNodes.Count != 0) { var list2 = instance.GetListByWhere(string.Format("AND CF_iType='{0}' AND {1}", "Normal", where)); allList = list.Union(list2).Distinct(o => o.CF_Code).ToList(); } return(allList); }
/// <summary> /// 获取待审核 /// </summary> /// <param name="filter"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Bse_File> GetAuditList(string filter) { string filterSql = auditInstance.GetAuditFilterWhere(AuditModuleEnum.ComFileAudit.ToString(), SessionConfig.UserId()); string condition = string.Format("AND CF_iType='{0}' AND AuditStat<>'LastAudit' AND {2} AND {1}", "Normal", filter, filterSql); return(instance.GetListByWhere(condition)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取草稿列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="filter"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <Bse_File> GetFileList(string filter) { return(instance.GetListByWhere(string.Format(" AND CF_iType='{1}' AND CF_Creator='{2}' AND {0} ", filter, "Draft", SessionConfig.UserId()))); }
/// <summary> /// 获取监控显示数据(进行数据转换) /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetStationTable(string id, string where) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <Bse_Station> slist = GetStationListByWhere(id, "1=1"); //如果该区域没有任何站点则直接返回空数据集 if (slist.Count == 0) { Dictionary <string, object> dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dict.Add("Area", "'NoArea'"); dict.Add("Filter", where); var dt = sInstance.GetStationsData(dict); return(dt); } //用户拥有的权限 List <Sys_UserPermission> plist = pInstance.GetUserPermissionWithRole(SessionConfig.UserId()); var stlist = plist.Where(o => o.Fun_iType == "Station"); //进行权限过滤 foreach (var s in slist) { if (stlist.FirstOrDefault(o => o.PU_FunCode == s.SN_Code) != null) { sb.AppendFormat("'{0}',", s.SN_Code); } } //如果用户没有权限查看站点则设置默认条件 if (sb.Length == 0) { sb.Append("'NoPermission'"); } string stations = sb.ToString().TrimEnd(','); Dictionary <string, object> list = new Dictionary <string, object>(); list.Add("Area", stations); list.Add("Filter", where); var datatable = sInstance.GetStationsData(list); ///站点的配置参数 List <Bse_CheckValue> clist = new List <Bse_CheckValue>(); clist = cInstance.GetListByWhere(string.Format(" AND SC_StationCode in({0})", stations)); foreach (DataRow r in datatable.Rows) { //对应列的数据显示配置 var ds = clist.Where(o => o.SC_StationCode == r["Data_StationCode"].ToString()); //有配置的数据显示 foreach (var d in ds) { if (d != null) { var index = TypeConverter.ObjectToInt(d.SC_Position); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.SC_Rate)) { try { object temp = r["Data_Val" + index]; var re = d.SC_Rate.Replace("{val}", temp.ToString()); var result = Comm.StringCompute.EvaluateSimpleexpression_r(re); r["Data_Val" + index] = result; } catch (Exception ex) { //日志 } } r["Data_W" + index.ToString()] = d.SC_Warn; r["Data_A" + index.ToString()] = d.SC_Alarm; } } } return(datatable); }