private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int           i, profileID;
            CheckBox      cbox;
            ProfileMember pm;
            Profile       profile;
            Lookup        luSource, luStatus;
            string        userID = CurrentUser.Identity.Name;

            // Lookup the profile source.
            luSource = new Lookup(Int32.Parse(SourceLUIDSetting));
            luStatus = new Lookup(Int32.Parse(StatusLUIDSetting));
            if (luSource.LookupID == -1 || luStatus.LookupID == -1)

            // Walk each of the controls found and determine if we need to
            // take any action for the value of that control.
            for (i = 0; i < phProfiles.Controls.Count; i++)
                // If the control is not a checkbox or radio button then
                // ignore it.
                if (phProfiles.Controls[i].GetType() != typeof(CheckBox) && phProfiles.Controls[i].GetType() != typeof(RadioButton))

                // Pretend the control is a checkbox, if it is a radio button
                // it will cast fine since the radio button inherits from a
                // check box.
                cbox      = (CheckBox)phProfiles.Controls[i];
                profileID = Int32.Parse(cbox.ID);
                profile   = new Profile(profileID);

                // If this control is turned on and it is not a "none of the above"
                // setting, then we need to take action.
                if (cbox.Checked == true && profile.ProfileID != -1)
                    // Verify this person is not already in the profile.
                    pm = new ProfileMember(profileID, ArenaContext.Current.Person);
                    if (pm.ProfileID == -1)
                        // The person needs to be added to the profile, generate all
                        // the standard information.
                        pm             = new ProfileMember();
                        pm.ProfileID   = profileID;
                        pm.PersonID    = ArenaContext.Current.Person.PersonID;
                        pm.Source      = luSource;
                        pm.Status      = luStatus;
                        pm.DatePending = DateTime.Now;

                        // If the profile is a serving tag then we need to generate
                        // a little bit more information.
                        if (profile.ProfileType == ProfileType.Serving)
                            ServingProfile       sProfile = new ServingProfile(profile.ProfileID);
                            ServingProfileMember sMember  = new ServingProfileMember(pm.ProfileID, pm.PersonID);
                            sMember.HoursPerWeek = sProfile.DefaultHoursPerWeek;

            // Redirect browser back to originating page.
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a placemark object to a profile. If the placemark is a PersonPlacemark
        /// then the associated person record is used. If it is a FamilyPlacemark then
        /// all the members of the family are used. Otherwise the placemark is ignored.
        /// This method only adds individuals who are not already a member of the tag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="placemark">The placemark to add to the profile.</param>
        /// <param name="profile">The profile to add the members to.</param>
        private void AddPlacemarkToProfile(Placemark placemark, Profile profile)
            List <Person> people = new List <Person>();

            // Convert the placemark into a list of people that should be added.
            if (placemark.GetType() == typeof(PersonPlacemark))
            else if (placemark.GetType() == typeof(FamilyPlacemark))
                foreach (Person p in ((FamilyPlacemark)placemark).GetFamily().FamilyMembersActive)

            // For each person found, verify that they should be added and then
            // add them if they are not already in the profile.
            foreach (Person p in people)
                ProfileMember pm;

                // Verify they are an adult if the user wants only adults.
                if (profileOnlyAdults.Checked == true)
                    FamilyMember fm = new FamilyMember(p.FamilyId, p.PersonID);

                    if (!fm.FamilyRole.Guid.ToString().Equals("e410e1a6-8715-4bfb-bf03-1cd18051f815", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))

                // Verify they are not already in the profile.
                pm = new ProfileMember(profile.ProfileID, p);
                if (pm.ProfileID == -1)
                    pm = new ProfileMember();

                    // Add them to the profile.
                    pm.ProfileID  = profile.ProfileID;
                    pm.PersonID   = p.PersonID;
                    pm.Source     = ProfileSource;
                    pm.Status     = ProfileStatus;
                    pm.DateActive = DateTime.Now;

                    // If this is a serving profile, we need a little more information.
                    if (profile.ProfileType == Enums.ProfileType.Serving)
                        ServingProfile       sp  = new ServingProfile(profile.ProfileID);
                        ServingProfileMember spm = new ServingProfileMember(pm.ProfileID, pm.PersonID);

                        spm.HoursPerWeek = sp.DefaultHoursPerWeek;
Exemple #3
        private void CreateAccount()
            Arena.Security.Login login;
            string loginID;

            if (CustomLoginSetting == true)
                // Ensure that login ID is unique
                loginID = tbLoginID.Text;
                login   = new Arena.Security.Login(loginID);
                if (login.PersonID != -1)
                    int loginCount = 0;
                    loginID = tbFirstName.Text.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + tbLastName.Text.Trim().ToLower();
                    if (loginID != loginID.ToLower())
                        login = new Arena.Security.Login(loginID);

                    while (login.PersonID != -1)
                        login = new Arena.Security.Login(loginID + loginCount.ToString());

                    lblMessage.Text    = "The Desired Login ID you selected is already in use in our system.  Please select a different Login ID.  Suggestion: <b>" + loginID + loginCount.ToString() + "</b>";
                    pnlMessage.Visible = true;
                    lblMessage.Visible = true;

                Int32 loginCount = 0;

                // Construct a login Id that can be used.
                    if (loginCount == 0)
                        loginID = tbFirstName.Text + " " + tbLastName.Text;
                        loginID = tbFirstName.Text + " " + tbLastName.Text + loginCount.ToString();
                    loginID = loginID.ToLower();

                    login = new Arena.Security.Login(loginID);
                } while (login.PersonID != -1);

            Lookup memberStatus;

                memberStatus = new Lookup(Int32.Parse(MemberStatusIDSetting));
                if (memberStatus.LookupID == -1)
                    throw new ModuleException(CurrentPortalPage, CurrentModule, "Member Status setting must be a valid Member Status Lookup value.");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw new ModuleException(CurrentPortalPage, CurrentModule, "Member Status setting must be a valid Member Status Lookup value.", ex);

            int    organizationID = CurrentPortal.OrganizationID;
            string userID         = CurrentUser.Identity.Name;

            if (userID == string.Empty)
                userID = "NewAccount.ascx";

            Person person = new Person();

            person.RecordStatus = RecordStatus.Pending;
            person.MemberStatus = memberStatus;

            if (CampusSetting != string.Empty)
                try { person.Campus = new Arena.Organization.Campus(Int32.Parse(CampusSetting)); }
                catch { person.Campus = null; }

            person.FirstName = tbFirstName.Text.Trim();
            person.LastName  = tbLastName.Text.Trim();

            if (tbBirthDate.Text.Trim() != string.Empty)
                try { person.BirthDate = DateTime.Parse(tbBirthDate.Text); }
                catch { }

            if (ddlMaritalStatus.SelectedValue != string.Empty)
                person.MaritalStatus = new Lookup(Int32.Parse(ddlMaritalStatus.SelectedValue));

            if (ddlGender.SelectedValue != string.Empty)
                try { person.Gender = (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), ddlGender.SelectedValue); }
                catch { }

            PersonAddress personAddress = new PersonAddress();

            personAddress.Address = new Address(
            personAddress.AddressType = new Lookup(SystemLookup.AddressType_Home);
            personAddress.Primary     = true;

            PersonPhone phone = new PersonPhone();

            phone.Number    = tbHomePhone.PhoneNumber.Trim();
            phone.PhoneType = new Lookup(SystemLookup.PhoneType_Home);

            if (tbWorkPhone.PhoneNumber.Trim() != string.Empty)
                phone           = new PersonPhone();
                phone.Number    = tbWorkPhone.PhoneNumber.Trim();
                phone.Extension = tbWorkPhone.Extension;
                phone.PhoneType = new Lookup(SystemLookup.PhoneType_Business);

            if (tbCellPhone.PhoneNumber.Trim() != string.Empty)
                phone            = new PersonPhone();
                phone.Number     = tbCellPhone.PhoneNumber.Trim();
                phone.PhoneType  = new Lookup(SystemLookup.PhoneType_Cell);
                phone.SMSEnabled = cbSMS.Checked;

            if (tbEmail.Text.Trim() != string.Empty)
                PersonEmail personEmail = new PersonEmail();
                personEmail.Active = true;
                personEmail.Email  = tbEmail.Text.Trim();

            person.Save(organizationID, userID, false);
            person.SaveAddresses(organizationID, userID);
            person.SavePhones(organizationID, userID);
            person.SaveEmails(organizationID, userID);

            Family family = new Family();

            family.OrganizationID = organizationID;
            family.FamilyName     = tbLastName.Text.Trim() + " Family";

            FamilyMember fm = new FamilyMember(family.FamilyID, person.PersonID);

            fm.FamilyID   = family.FamilyID;
            fm.FamilyRole = new Lookup(SystemLookup.FamilyRole_Adult);

            Arena.Security.Login personLogin = new Arena.Security.Login();
            personLogin.PersonID = person.PersonID;
            personLogin.LoginID  = loginID;
            personLogin.Password = tbPassword.Text.Trim();
            personLogin.Active   = true;

            // Use security system to set the UserID within a client-side Cookie
            FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(personLogin.LoginID, false);
            Response.Cookies["portalroles"].Value = string.Empty;

            if (ProfileIDSetting != string.Empty)
                int profileID  = -1;
                int sourceLUID = -1;
                int statusLUID = -1;

                    if (ProfileIDSetting.Contains("|"))
                        profileID = Int32.Parse(ProfileIDSetting.Split('|')[1]);
                        profileID = Int32.Parse(ProfileIDSetting);

                    sourceLUID = Int32.Parse(SourceLUIDSetting);
                    statusLUID = Int32.Parse(StatusLUIDSetting);
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    throw new ModuleException(CurrentPortalPage, CurrentModule, "If using a ProfileID setting for the NewAccount module, " +
                                              "then a valid numeric 'ProfileID', 'SourceLUID', and 'StatusLUID' setting must all be used!", ex);

                Profile profile  = new Profile(profileID);
                Lookup  sourceLu = new Lookup(sourceLUID);
                Lookup  statusLu = new Lookup(statusLUID);

                if (profile.ProfileID != -1 && sourceLu.LookupID != -1 && statusLu.LookupID != -1)
                    ProfileMember profileMember = new ProfileMember();
                    profileMember.ProfileID   = profile.ProfileID;
                    profileMember.PersonID    = person.PersonID;
                    profileMember.Source      = sourceLu;
                    profileMember.Status      = statusLu;
                    profileMember.DatePending = DateTime.Now;

                    if (profile.ProfileType == ProfileType.Serving)
                        ServingProfile       sProfile = new ServingProfile(profile.ProfileID);
                        ServingProfileMember sMember  = new ServingProfileMember(profileMember.ProfileID, profileMember.PersonID);
                        sMember.HoursPerWeek = sProfile.DefaultHoursPerWeek;
                    throw new ModuleException(CurrentPortalPage, CurrentModule, "'ProfileID', 'SourceLUID', and 'StatusLUID' must all be valid IDs");

            // If we are letting the user pick their own login ID then just redirect
            // the browser back to the originating page. Otherwise put up some text to
            // tell the user what their new login ID is.
            if (CustomLoginSetting == true)
                pnlCreateAccount.Visible = false;
                lbLoginCreated.Text      = "Your account has been created. Your login ID is \"" + loginID + "\".<BR /><BR />You may use this login ID the next time you visit this site.<BR />";
                pnlLoginCreated.Visible  = true;