private ResponseNotification Validation(Notification inputNotification) { ResponseNotification result = new ResponseNotification() { Error = false, Status = 1, Message = "OK" }; //Validamos Plantilla #region template if (inputNotification.TemplateSend.IdTemplate <= 0) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 101; result.Message = "Template has not an identifier(Template.id_template)"; return(result); } if (!ServiceTemplate.ExistTemplate(inputNotification.TemplateSend.IdTemplate)) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 102; result.Message = "Template identified don't exist "; return(result); } if (inputNotification.TemplateSend.Field.Length.Equals(0)) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 103; result.Message = "Plantilla no incluye parametros"; return(result); } foreach (var field in inputNotification.TemplateSend.Field) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field.Value)) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 104; result.Message = "The field:" + field.Field + " no puede estas vacio"; return(result); } } #region Mail #region from if (inputNotification.MailSend.From.Name.Trim() == string.Empty) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 201; result.Message = "Mail from sender there is not a name "; return(result); } if (inputNotification.MailSend.From.Address.Trim() == string.Empty) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 202; result.Message = "The Addres there is empty"; return(result); } var isMail = ServiceMessenger.IsMailValid(inputNotification.MailSend.From.Address.Trim()); if (isMail == false) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 203; result.Message = "The Address format is Incorrect"; return(result); } #endregion #region To foreach (var email in inputNotification.MailSend.To) { if (email.Name.Trim() == string.Empty) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 204; result.Message = "The Email to destination have not a name"; return(result); } if (email.Address.Trim() == string.Empty) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 205; result.Message = "the Email has not a Address available"; return(result); } isMail = ServiceMessenger.IsMailValid(email.Address.Trim()); if (isMail == false) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 206; result.Message = "The Email has not a correct format"; return(result); } } #endregion #region Cc if (inputNotification.MailSend.CC != null && inputNotification.MailSend.CC.Length > 0) { foreach (var email in inputNotification.MailSend.CC) { if (email.Name.Trim() == string.Empty) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 207; result.Message = "Mail to Copy has not a name"; return(result); } if (email.Address.Trim() == string.Empty) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 208; result.Message = "mail to Copy has not a Address Avalable"; } isMail = ServiceMessenger.IsMailValid(email.Address.Trim()); if (isMail == false) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 209; result.Message = "The Address has not the correct format"; return(result); } } } #endregion #region BCC if (inputNotification.MailSend.DCC != null && inputNotification.MailSend.DCC.Length > 0) { foreach (var email in inputNotification.MailSend.DCC) { if (email.Name.Trim() == string.Empty) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 210; result.Message = "Mail of Copy hidden has not a name"; return(result); } if (email.Address.Trim() == string.Empty) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 211; result.Message = "Adrress there are "; return(result); } isMail = ServiceMessenger.IsMailValid(email.Address.Trim()); if (isMail == false) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 212; result.Message = "The Address has not the correct format"; return(result); } } } #endregion if (inputNotification.MailSend.Subject.Trim() == string.Empty) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 213; result.Message = "The Mail there is not a Subject"; return(result); } #region Remainder if (inputNotification.ReminderSend.IsRemainder) { var dateNow = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours((int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UTC")) * -1)); if (inputNotification.ReminderSend.End <= dateNow) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 300; result.Message = "the date Begin have to be mayor than the date and hours now " + dateNow.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"); return(result); } if (inputNotification.ReminderSend.End <= inputNotification.ReminderSend.Begin) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 301; result.Message = "The expire date dont have equal or less than the date begin"; return(result); } if (inputNotification.ReminderSend.Timer == 0) { result.Error = true; result.Status = 302; result.Message = "The timer has not cero"; return(result); } } #endregion return(result); #endregion #endregion }