internal void Build(IServiceCollection services)
            var descriptors = ServiceKeys.Distinct().Select(serviceKey =>
                var serviceType = serviceKey.ServiceType;
                ServiceDescriptor descriptor;
                if (serviceKey is KeyedServiceKey)
                    if (ImplementationFactory != null)
                        descriptor = RabbitServiceDescriptor.Create(serviceType, ImplementationFactory, Lifetime);
                    else if (ImplementationType != null)
                        descriptor = RabbitServiceDescriptor.Create(serviceType, ImplementationType, Lifetime);
                        descriptor = RabbitServiceDescriptor.Create(serviceType, ImplementationInstance);

                    ((RabbitServiceDescriptor)descriptor).ServiceKey = serviceKey;
                    if (ImplementationFactory != null)
                        descriptor = new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, ImplementationFactory, Lifetime);
                    else if (ImplementationType != null)
                        descriptor = new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, ImplementationType, Lifetime);
                        descriptor = new ServiceDescriptor(serviceType, ImplementationInstance);


            foreach (var descriptor in descriptors)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add Accessor to <see cref="IServiceCollection"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="services">Service collection</param>
        /// <returns>Service Provider</returns>
        public IServiceCollection AddAccessor(IServiceCollection services)
            // Get global values for undefined variables
            if (ParentAccessorBuilders != null)
                if (Lifetime == null)
                    Lifetime = ParentAccessorBuilders.Lifetime;
                if (ResolverType == null)
                    ResolverType = ParentAccessorBuilders.ResolverType;
                if (ServiceKeyResolver == null)
                    ServiceKeyResolver = ParentAccessorBuilders.ServiceKeyResolver;

            // Apply default Service Key Resolver?
            if (ServiceKeyResolver == null)
                ServiceKeyResolver = (key, keys) =>
                                     key is IComparable
                        ? keys.Any(i => ((IComparable)key).CompareTo(i) == 0)
                        : keys.Contains(key);

            // Validate Accessor Builder
            if (Lifetime == null)
                throw new Exception("Accessor Service Lifetime is not defined.");
            if (ResolverType == null)
                throw new Exception("Accessor's Resolver type is not defined.");
            if (!HasCustomResolver && !ServiceKeys.Any())
                throw new Exception("No Accessor Key(s) defined.");
            if (ServiceResolver == null && AsyncServiceResolver == null)
                throw new Exception("Neither a synchronous or asynchronous Service Resolver is defined.");

            // Define Service Resolvers
            if (ServiceResolver == null)
                ServiceResolver = (p, a) => AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => AsyncServiceResolver(p, a));
            else if (AsyncServiceResolver == null)
                AsyncServiceResolver = (p, a) => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ServiceResolver(p, a));

            // Create Factory
            Func <IServiceProvider, object> factory;

            if (ResolverType.Value == Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLifetime.Transient)
                factory = p => new TransientServiceAccessor <TService, TKey>(ServiceKeys, p, ServiceResolver, AsyncServiceResolver, ServiceKeyResolver);
                factory = p => new SingletonServiceAccessor <TService, TKey>(ServiceKeys, p, ServiceResolver, AsyncServiceResolver, ServiceKeyResolver);

            // Add Service to Collection
            services.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(IServiceAccessor <TService, TKey>), factory, Lifetime.Value));

            // Return Collection