Exemple #1
        internal static Activity FromPath(string filePath, Folder folder, Route route)
            Activity result;

                ActivityFile activityFile = new ActivityFile(filePath);
                ServiceFile  srvFile      = new ServiceFile(route.RouteFolder.ServiceFile(activityFile.Activity.PlayerServices.Name));
                Consist      consist      = Consist.GetConsist(folder, srvFile.TrainConfig, false);
                Path         path         = new Path(route.RouteFolder.PathFile(srvFile.PathId));
                if (!path.IsPlayerPath)

                    // Not nice to throw an error now. Error was originally thrown by new Path(...);
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Not a player path");
                else if (!activityFile.Activity.Header.RouteID.Equals(route.RouteID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    //Activity and route have different RouteID.
                    result = new Activity($"<{catalog.GetString("Not same route:")} {System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath)}>", filePath, null, null, null);
                    result = new Activity(string.Empty, filePath, activityFile, consist, path);
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
                result = new Activity($"<{catalog.GetString("load error:")} {System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath)}>", filePath, null, null, null);
        public string GetClassServiceFileFromInterface(
            ServiceFile interfaceServiceFile,
            string serviceClassName,
            string serviceNamespace,
            List <string> appendUsingDirectives,
            ClassInterfaceBody appendClassBody)
            var usingSet = interfaceServiceFile.UsingDirectives.ToHashSet();


            var classDeclaration = _serviceCommandParserService.GetClassFromInterface(

            var fieldDeclarations = appendClassBody?.FieldDeclarations;

            classDeclaration.Body.ConstructorDeclaration = appendClassBody?.ConstructorDeclaration;
            if (fieldDeclarations != null)
                classDeclaration.Body.FieldDeclarations = fieldDeclarations;

                       usingDirectives: usingSet.ToList(),
                       serviceNamespace: serviceNamespace,
                       service: classDeclaration));
Exemple #3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string strArg1, strArg2;

                if (args.Length >= 2)
                    strArg1 = args[0];
                    strArg2 = args[1];

                    ServiceFile objServiceFile = new ServiceFile(strArg1, strArg2);

                    string strResult = objServiceFile.BringFileInformation();


            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Some exception happened : " + e.ToString());
Exemple #4
      public ActionResult Get()
          ServiceFile service   = new ServiceFile();
          var         countries = service.GetFileData();

Exemple #5
        public void BringFileInformationTest()
            ServiceFile objTest = new ServiceFile("--size", "c:/test.txt");

            string strActualResult = objTest.BringFileInformation();

            Assert.IsTrue(strActualResult.Contains("File Size"));
Exemple #6
 protected Activity(string filePath, Folder folder, Route route)
     if (filePath == null)
         Name = catalog.GetString("- Explore Route -");
     else if (File.Exists(filePath))
         var showInList = true;
             var actFile = new ActivityFile(filePath);
             var srvFile = new ServiceFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.Combine(route.Path, "SERVICES"), actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_File.Player_Service_Definition.Name + ".srv"));
             // ITR activities are excluded.
             showInList  = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_Header.Mode != ActivityMode.IntroductoryTrainRide;
             Name        = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_Header.Name.Trim();
             Description = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_Header.Description;
             Briefing    = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_Header.Briefing;
             StartTime   = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_Header.StartTime;
             Season      = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_Header.Season;
             Weather     = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_Header.Weather;
             Difficulty  = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_Header.Difficulty;
             Duration    = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_Header.Duration;
             Consist     = new Consist(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.Combine(folder.Path, "TRAINS"), "CONSISTS"), srvFile.Train_Config + ".con"), folder);
             Path        = new Path(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.Combine(route.Path, "PATHS"), srvFile.PathID + ".pat"));
             if (!Path.IsPlayerPath)
                 // Not nice to throw an error now. Error was originally thrown by new Path(...);
                 throw new InvalidDataException("Not a player path");
             Name = "<" + catalog.GetString("load error:") + " " + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath) + ">";
         if (!showInList)
             throw new InvalidDataException(catalog.GetStringFmt("Activity '{0}' is excluded.", filePath));
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
             Name = "<" + catalog.GetString("unnamed:") + " " + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath) + ">";
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))
             Description = null;
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Briefing))
             Briefing = null;
         Name = "<" + catalog.GetString("missing:") + " " + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath) + ">";
     FilePath = filePath;
        public ServiceClassInjector(
            IStringUtilService stringUtilService,
            ICSharpParserService cSharpParserService,
            IServiceCommandParserService serviceCommandParserService,
            BufferedTokenStream tokenStream,
            string serviceClassInterfaceName,
            ServiceFile serviceFile,
            string tabString = null)
            _stringUtilService           = stringUtilService;
            _cSharpParserService         = cSharpParserService;
            _serviceCommandParserService = serviceCommandParserService;
            Tokens   = tokenStream;
            Rewriter = new TokenStreamRewriter(tokenStream);
            _serviceClassInterfaceName = serviceClassInterfaceName;
            _serviceFile      = serviceFile;
            _tabString        = tabString;
            _currentNamespace = new Stack <string>();
            _currentClass     = new Stack <string>();
            _isCorrectClass   = new Stack <bool>();
            _hasServiceNamespace   = false;
            _hasServiceClass       = false;
            _hasServiceConstructor = false;
            IsModified             = false;

            _usingSet = _serviceFile.UsingDirectives.ToHashSet();

            _ctorParamDict = new Dictionary <string, FixedParameter>();
            foreach (var fixedParam in
                _ctorParamDict.Add($"{fixedParam.Type} {fixedParam.Identifier}", fixedParam);

            _fieldDict = new Dictionary <string, FieldDeclaration>();
            foreach (var fieldDec in _serviceFile.ServiceDeclaration.Body.FieldDeclarations)
                _fieldDict.Add($"{fieldDec.Type} {fieldDec?.VariableDeclarator?.Identifier}", fieldDec);

            _ctorAssignmentDict = new Dictionary <string, SimpleAssignment>();
            var statements = _serviceFile.ServiceDeclaration?.Body?.ConstructorDeclaration?.Body?.Statements;

            if (statements != null)
                foreach (var statement in statements)
                    if (statement.SimpleAssignment != null)
                        var sa = statement.SimpleAssignment;
                        _ctorAssignmentDict.Add($"{sa.LeftHandSide}={sa.RightHandSide};", sa);
 public static DalFile ToDalFile(this ServiceFile file)
     return(new DalFile
         ID = file.ID,
         BookID = file.BookID,
         Path = file.Path,
         Format = file.Format,
Exemple #9
      public IActionResult GetCountry(string name)
          ServiceFile service = new ServiceFile();
          var         result  = service.GetFileData();
          var         cities  = result.countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Country == name);

          if (cities == null)
        public string GetInterfaceServiceFileFromClass(
            ServiceFile classServiceFile,
            string serviceInterfaceName,
            string serviceNamespace)
            var interfaceDeclaration = _serviceCommandParserService.GetInterfaceFromClass(

                       usingDirectives: classServiceFile.UsingDirectives,
                       serviceNamespace: serviceNamespace,
                       service: interfaceDeclaration));
Exemple #11
 public ServiceInterfaceInjector Create(
     BufferedTokenStream tokenStream,
     string serviceClassInterfaceName,
     ServiceFile serviceFile,
     string tabString)
     return(new ServiceInterfaceInjector(
 public ServiceClassScraper(
     ICSharpParserService cSharpParserService,
     BufferedTokenStream tokenStream,
     string serviceClassName,
     string serviceNamespace,
     List <TypeParameter> typeParameters)
     _cSharpParserService = cSharpParserService;
     Tokens            = tokenStream;
     ServiceClassName  = serviceClassName;
     TypeParameters    = typeParameters;
     _serviceNamespace = serviceNamespace;
     Rewriter          = new TokenStreamRewriter(tokenStream);
     Results           = new ServiceFile();
     _currentNamespace = new Stack <string>();
     HasServiceClass   = false;
Exemple #13
        //private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //    ServiceFile ClientAsked = new ServiceFile();
        //    serviceFileList = service.GetFileList("D:\\Folder1"); // Set folder that make client READ

        //    ServiceFileListForm serviceFileListForm = new ServiceFileListForm();
        //    serviceFileListForm.ShowDialog();
        //    string serviceFileName = serviceFileListForm.selectedFile;

        //    if (serviceFileName != "")
        //    {
        //        ClientAsked.FilePath = "D:\\Folder1\\" + serviceFileName;

        //        FolderBrowserDialog browsePath = new FolderBrowserDialog(); // Open a dialog make client select where to save file
        //        browsePath.ShowDialog();

        //        if (browsePath.SelectedPath != "")
        //        {
        //            string saveFilePath = browsePath.SelectedPath + "\\" + serviceFileName;
        //            saveFilePath = CheckFilePath(saveFilePath);
        //            double currentProgress = 0;
        //            int tillCurrentBytesRead = 0; // Current sum of bytes been read
        //            ClientAsked.BufferSize = 3000000;
        //            ClientAsked.isFirstTime = true; // Make file open until read file over

        //            fileStream = new FileStream(saveFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); // Accoring to saveFilePath create a file
        //            do
        //            {
        //                service.SendFile(ref ClientAsked); // Call Service1.cs function make ClientAsked.Buffer get part of file information
        //                fileStream.Write(ClientAsked.Buffer, 0, ClientAsked.Buffer.Length); // Write  part of file information into File

        //                tillCurrentBytesRead += ClientAsked.BytesRead;
        //                currentProgress = (((double)tillCurrentBytesRead) / ClientAsked.FileSize) * 100;
        //                pgbReadFile.Value = Convert.ToInt32(currentProgress);
        //            } while (currentProgress != 100);

        //            fileStream.Close(); // Close File makes it rest in peace

        //            rtbHistory.AppendText("- Download \"" + serviceFileName + "\" success -");
        //            rtbHistory.AppendText("\n---------------------------------------------------------\n");
        //        }
        //    }

        //    #region Test Time
        //    //Stopwatch sw_total = new Stopwatch();
        //    //ServiceFile ClientAsked = new ServiceFile();
        //    //serviceFileList = service.GetFileList("D:\\Folder1"); // Set folder that make client READ

        //    //ServiceFileListForm serviceFileListForm = new ServiceFileListForm();
        //    //serviceFileListForm.ShowDialog();
        //    //string serviceFileName = serviceFileListForm.selectedFile;

        //    //if (serviceFileName != "")
        //    //{
        //    //    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        //    //    {
        //    //        sw_total.Reset();
        //    //        sw_total.Start();
        //    //        ClientAsked.FilePath = "D:\\Folder1\\" + serviceFileName;

        //    //        string saveFilePath = "D:\\FolderDownload" + "\\" + serviceFileName;
        //    //        if (saveFilePath != "\\" + serviceFileName)
        //    //        {
        //    //            saveFilePath = CheckFilePath(saveFilePath);
        //    //            double currentProgress = 0;
        //    //            int tillCurrentBytesRead = 0; // Current sum of bytes been read
        //    //            ClientAsked.BufferSize = 3000000;
        //    //            ClientAsked.isFirstTime = true; // Make file open until read file over

        //    //            fileStream = new FileStream(saveFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); // Accoring to saveFilePath create a file
        //    //            do
        //    //            {
        //    //                service.SendFile(ref ClientAsked); // Call Service1.cs function make ClientAsked.Buffer get part of file information
        //    //                fileStream.Write(ClientAsked.Buffer, 0, ClientAsked.Buffer.Length); // Write  part of file information into File

        //    //                tillCurrentBytesRead += ClientAsked.BytesRead;
        //    //                currentProgress = (((double)tillCurrentBytesRead) / ClientAsked.FileSize) * 100;
        //    //                pgbReadFile.Value = Convert.ToInt32(currentProgress);
        //    //            } while (currentProgress != 100);

        //    //            fileStream.Close(); // Close File makes it rest in peace
        //    //        }
        //    //        sw_total.Stop();
        //    //        rtbHistory.AppendText("-No. " + (i + 1).ToString() + " transport " + sw_total.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms-\n");
        //    //    }
        //    //    rtbHistory.AppendText("---------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
        //    //}
        //    #endregion
        private void btnDownload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ServiceFile ClientAsked = new ServiceFile();

            serviceFileList = service.GetFileList("D:\\Folder1"); // Set folder that make client READ

            ServiceFileListForm serviceFileListForm = new ServiceFileListForm();

            string serviceFileName = serviceFileListForm.selectedFile;

            if (serviceFileName != "")
                ClientAsked.FilePath = "D:\\Folder1\\" + serviceFileName;

                FolderBrowserDialog browsePath = new FolderBrowserDialog(); // Open a dialog make client select where to save file

                if (browsePath.SelectedPath != "")
                    string saveFilePath = browsePath.SelectedPath + "\\" + serviceFileName;
                    saveFilePath = CheckFilePath(saveFilePath);
                    double currentProgress      = 0;
                    int    tillCurrentBytesRead = 0;                                                                   // Current sum of bytes been read
                    ClientAsked.BufferSize  = 300000;
                    ClientAsked.isFirstTime = true;                                                                    // Make file open until read file over

                    fileStream = new FileStream(saveFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); // Accoring to saveFilePath create a file
                        ClientAsked = service.Test(ClientAsked);                            // Call Service1.cs function make ClientAsked.Buffer get part of file information
                        fileStream.Write(ClientAsked.Buffer, 0, ClientAsked.Buffer.Length); // Write  part of file information into File

                        tillCurrentBytesRead += ClientAsked.BytesRead;
                        currentProgress       = (((double)tillCurrentBytesRead) / ClientAsked.FileSize) * 100;
                        pgbReadFile.Value     = Convert.ToInt32(currentProgress);
                    } while (currentProgress != 100);

                    fileStream.Close(); // Close File makes it rest in peace

                    rtbHistory.AppendText("- Download \"" + serviceFileName + "\" success -");
        public string InjectDataIntoServiceClass(
            ServiceFile classServiceFile,
            CSharpParserWrapper serviceClassParser,
            string serviceClassName,
            string tabString = null)
            var tree    = serviceClassParser.GetParseTree();
            var visitor = _serviceClassInjectorFactory.Create(
                tokenStream: serviceClassParser.Tokens,
                serviceClassInterfaceName: serviceClassName,
                serviceFile: classServiceFile,
                tabString: tabString


            return(visitor.IsModified ? visitor.Rewriter.GetText() : null);
Exemple #15
        CompareScraperResults(ServiceFile classResults, ServiceFile interfaceResults)
            var classMissingResults = new ServiceFile()
                ServiceNamespace = classResults.ServiceNamespace,
                UsingDirectives  = GetMissingStrings(
                    classResults.UsingDirectives, interfaceResults.UsingDirectives).ToList()

            var interfaceMissingResults = new ServiceFile()
                ServiceNamespace = interfaceResults.ServiceNamespace,
                UsingDirectives  =
                    GetMissingStrings(interfaceResults.UsingDirectives, classResults.UsingDirectives).ToList()

            if (classResults.ServiceDeclaration != null && interfaceResults.ServiceDeclaration != null)
                var interfaceBody = interfaceResults?.ServiceDeclaration?.Body ?? new ClassInterfaceBody();
                var classBody     = classResults?.ServiceDeclaration?.Body ?? new ClassInterfaceBody();

                classMissingResults.ServiceDeclaration = classResults.ServiceDeclaration.CopyHeader();

                classMissingResults.ServiceDeclaration.Body.MethodDeclarations =
                    GetMissingMethodDeclarations(classBody.MethodDeclarations, interfaceBody.MethodDeclarations);

                classMissingResults.ServiceDeclaration.Body.PropertyDeclarations =
                    GetMissingPropertyDeclarations(classBody.PropertyDeclarations, interfaceBody.PropertyDeclarations);

                interfaceMissingResults.ServiceDeclaration = interfaceResults.ServiceDeclaration.CopyHeader();

                interfaceMissingResults.ServiceDeclaration.Body.MethodDeclarations =
                    GetMissingMethodDeclarations(interfaceBody.MethodDeclarations, classBody.MethodDeclarations);

                interfaceMissingResults.ServiceDeclaration.Body.PropertyDeclarations =
                    GetMissingPropertyDeclarations(interfaceBody.PropertyDeclarations, classBody.PropertyDeclarations);

            return(classMissingResults, interfaceMissingResults);
Exemple #16
        internal static async Task <Activity> FromPathAsync(string filePath, Folder folder, Route route, CancellationToken token)
            return(await Task.Run(async() =>
                Activity result;

                    ActivityFile activityFile = new ActivityFile(filePath);
                    ServiceFile srvFile = new ServiceFile(route.RouteFolder.ServiceFile(activityFile.Activity.PlayerServices.Name));
                    var constistTask = Consist.GetConsist(folder, srvFile.TrainConfig, false, token);
                    var pathTask = Path.FromFileAsync(route.RouteFolder.PathFile(srvFile.PathId), token);
                    await Task.WhenAll(constistTask, pathTask).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    Consist consist = await constistTask;
                    Path path = await pathTask;
                    if (!path.IsPlayerPath)
                        return null;

                        // Not nice to throw an error now. Error was originally thrown by new Path(...);
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Not a player path");
                    else if (!activityFile.Activity.Header.RouteID.Equals(route.RouteID, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        //Activity and route have different RouteID.
                        result = new Activity($"<{catalog.GetString("Not same route:")} {System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath)}>", filePath, null, null, null);
                        result = new Activity(string.Empty, filePath, activityFile, consist, path);
                    result = new Activity($"<{catalog.GetString("load error:")} {System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath)}>", filePath, null, null, null);
                return result;
            }, token).ConfigureAwait(false));
        public ServiceInterfaceInjector(
            IStringUtilService stringUtilService,
            ICSharpParserService cSharpParserService,
            IServiceCommandParserService serviceCommandParserService,
            BufferedTokenStream tokenStream,
            string serviceClassInterfaceName,
            ServiceFile serviceFile,
            string tabString = null)
            _stringUtilService           = stringUtilService;
            _cSharpParserService         = cSharpParserService;
            _serviceCommandParserService = serviceCommandParserService;
            Tokens   = tokenStream;
            Rewriter = new TokenStreamRewriter(tokenStream);
            _serviceClassInterfaceName = serviceClassInterfaceName;
            _serviceFile         = serviceFile;
            _tabString           = tabString;
            _currentNamespace    = new Stack <string>();
            _hasServiceNamespace = false;
            _hasServiceInterface = false;
            IsModified           = false;

            _usingSet = _serviceFile.UsingDirectives.ToHashSet();
Exemple #18
 public void UpdateDownloadFile(ServiceFile serviceFile, double currentProgress)
     pgbReadFile.Value = Convert.ToInt32(currentProgress);
Exemple #19
 public void AddFile(ServiceBook book, ServiceFile file)
     unit.Books.AddFile(book.ToDalBook(), file.ToDalFile());
Exemple #20
 public void RemoveFile(ServiceFile file)
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Try to load the file.
 /// Possibly this might raise an exception. That exception is not caught here
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">The file that needs to be loaded</param>
 public override void TryLoading(string file)
     var srvFile = new ServiceFile(file);
 public string RenderServiceFile(
     ServiceFile serviceFile = null)
                serviceFile.UsingDirectives, serviceFile.ServiceNamespace, serviceFile.ServiceDeclaration));
        private void ValidateServiceClass(
            string serviceClassName,
            List <TypeParameter> typeParameters,
            List <InjectedService> injectedServices,
            string serviceClassFilePath,
            string serviceNamespace,
            string outServiceClassFilePath)
            var usingDirectives = new HashSet <string>();

            var fieldDeclarations = new List <FieldDeclaration>();

            var ctorParameters = new FormalParameterList();
            var fixedParams    = ctorParameters.FixedParameters;

            var ctorBody   = new ConstructorBody();
            var statements = ctorBody.Statements;

            var appendBody = new ClassInterfaceBody()
                FieldDeclarations      = fieldDeclarations,
                ConstructorDeclaration = new ConstructorDeclaration()
                    FormalParameterList = ctorParameters,
                    Body = ctorBody

            if (injectedServices != null && injectedServices.Count > 0)
                foreach (var injectedService in injectedServices)
                    var injectedServiceIdentifier = injectedService.ServiceIdentifier
                                                    ?? Regex.Replace(
                        m => m.ToString().ToLower());

                    if (!Regex.Match(serviceNamespace, "^" + Regex.Escape(injectedService.Namespace)).Success)

                        new FieldDeclaration()
                        Modifiers = new List <string>()
                        Type = injectedService.Type,
                        VariableDeclarator = new VariableDeclarator()
                            Identifier = "_" + injectedServiceIdentifier
                        new FixedParameter()
                        Type       = injectedService.Type,
                        Identifier = injectedServiceIdentifier
                        new Statement()
                        SimpleAssignment = new SimpleAssignment()
                            LeftHandSide  = "_" + injectedServiceIdentifier,
                            RightHandSide = injectedServiceIdentifier

            var serviceClassFile = new ServiceFile()
                UsingDirectives    = usingDirectives.ToList(),
                ServiceNamespace   = serviceNamespace,
                ServiceDeclaration = new ClassInterfaceDeclaration()
                    IsInterface = false,
                    Modifiers   = new List <string>()
                    Identifier     = serviceClassName,
                    TypeParameters = typeParameters.Copy(),
                    Body           = new ClassInterfaceBody()
                        FieldDeclarations      = fieldDeclarations,
                        ConstructorDeclaration = new ConstructorDeclaration()
                            Modifiers = new List <string>()
                            Identifier          = serviceClassName,
                            FormalParameterList = ctorParameters,
                            Body = ctorBody

            if (!File.Exists(serviceClassFilePath))
                //      Create <service> class file
                //      Create serviceClass StringTemplate with empty class body
                _logger.LogDebug("Creating new service class and writing it to file.");
                UpdateWrittenTo(serviceClassFilePath, outServiceClassFilePath);
                        usingDirectives: usingDirectives.ToList(),
                        serviceNamespace: serviceNamespace,
                        service: serviceClassFile.ServiceDeclaration),
                var serviceClassParser = new CSharpParserWrapper(GetPathFromWrittenTo(serviceClassFilePath));

                var serviceClassRewrite = _serviceCommandService.InjectDataIntoServiceClass(

                if (serviceClassRewrite != null)
                    _logger.LogDebug("Overwriting service class file.");
                    UpdateWrittenTo(serviceClassFilePath, outServiceClassFilePath);
                    _logger.LogDebug("Service class file was already up to date.");
        private void ConsolidateServiceClassAndInterface(
            SourceOfTruth sourceOfTruth,
            string serviceClassName,
            string serviceInterfaceName,
            List <TypeParameter> typeParameters,
            List <InjectedService> injectedServices,
            string serviceClassFilePath,
            string serviceInterfaceFilePath,
            string serviceNamespace,
            string outServiceClassFilePath,
            string outServiceInterfaceFilePath)
            var usingDirectives = new HashSet <string>();

            var fieldDeclarations = new List <FieldDeclaration>();

            var ctorParameters = new FormalParameterList();
            var fixedParams    = ctorParameters.FixedParameters;

            var ctorBody   = new ConstructorBody();
            var statements = ctorBody.Statements;

            var appendBody = new ClassInterfaceBody()
                FieldDeclarations      = fieldDeclarations,
                ConstructorDeclaration = new ConstructorDeclaration()
                    FormalParameterList = ctorParameters,
                    Body = ctorBody

            if (injectedServices != null && injectedServices.Count > 0)
                foreach (var injectedService in injectedServices)
                    var injectedServiceIdentifier = injectedService.ServiceIdentifier
                                                    ?? Regex.Replace(
                        m => m.ToString().ToLower());

                    if (!Regex.Match(serviceNamespace, "^" + Regex.Escape(injectedService.Namespace)).Success)

                        new FieldDeclaration()
                        Modifiers = new List <string>()
                        Type = injectedService.Type,
                        VariableDeclarator = new VariableDeclarator()
                            Identifier = "_" + injectedServiceIdentifier
                        new FixedParameter()
                        Type       = injectedService.Type,
                        Identifier = injectedServiceIdentifier
                        new Statement()
                        SimpleAssignment = new SimpleAssignment()
                            LeftHandSide  = "_" + injectedServiceIdentifier,
                            RightHandSide = injectedServiceIdentifier

            CSharpParserWrapper serviceClassParser     = null;
            CSharpParserWrapper serviceInterfaceParser = null;

            ServiceFile classScraperResults     = null;
            ServiceFile interfaceScraperResults = null;

            //Check if <service> class file exists:
            if (File.Exists(serviceClassFilePath))
                _logger.LogDebug("Service class file found. Pulling data from service class.");
                //  Else:
                //      Parse <service> class file
                //          Extract list of existing public method signatures

                serviceClassParser = new CSharpParserWrapper(GetPathFromWrittenTo(serviceClassFilePath));

                classScraperResults = _serviceCommandService.ScrapeServiceClass(
                _logger.LogDebug($"No service class file found at {serviceClassFilePath}.");

            //Check if <service> interface file exists:
            if (File.Exists(serviceInterfaceFilePath))
                _logger.LogDebug("Service interface file found. Pulling data from service interface.");
                //  Else:
                //      Parse <service> interface file
                //          Extract list of existing method signatures

                serviceInterfaceParser = new CSharpParserWrapper(GetPathFromWrittenTo(serviceInterfaceFilePath));

                interfaceScraperResults = _serviceCommandService.ScrapeServiceInterface(
                _logger.LogDebug($"No service interface file found at {serviceInterfaceFilePath}.");

            if (classScraperResults is null && interfaceScraperResults is null)
                _logger.LogDebug("Creating new service class and interface and writing them to file.");

                //      Create <service> class file
                //      Create serviceClass StringTemplate with empty class body
                var classDeclaration = new ClassInterfaceDeclaration()
                    IsInterface = false,
                    Modifiers   = new List <string>()
                    Identifier     = serviceClassName,
                    TypeParameters = typeParameters.Copy(),
                    Base           = new ClassInterfaceBase()
                        InterfaceTypeList = new List <string>()
                            serviceInterfaceName + _cSharpCommonStgService.RenderTypeParamList(typeParameters.Copy())
                    Body = new ClassInterfaceBody()
                        FieldDeclarations      = fieldDeclarations,
                        ConstructorDeclaration = new ConstructorDeclaration()
                            Modifiers = new List <string>()
                            Identifier          = serviceClassName,
                            FormalParameterList = ctorParameters,
                            Body = ctorBody
                UpdateWrittenTo(serviceClassFilePath, outServiceClassFilePath);
                        usingDirectives: usingDirectives.ToList(),
                        serviceNamespace: serviceNamespace,
                        service: classDeclaration),

                //      Create <service> interface file
                //      Create serviceInterface StringTemplate with empty interface body
                var interfaceDeclaration = new ClassInterfaceDeclaration()
                    IsInterface = true,
                    Modifiers   = new List <string>()
                    Identifier     = serviceInterfaceName,
                    TypeParameters = typeParameters.Copy()

                UpdateWrittenTo(serviceInterfaceFilePath, outServiceInterfaceFilePath);
                        serviceNamespace: serviceNamespace,
                        service: interfaceDeclaration),
Exemple #25
 public void UpdateDownloadFile(ServiceFile serviceFile, double currentProgress)
     _wcfForm.UpdateDownloadFile(serviceFile, currentProgress);
Exemple #26
        public Service(Content content)
            Debug.Assert(content.Type == ContentType.Service);
            if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(content.PathName).Equals(".srv", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var file = new ServiceFile(content.PathName);
                Name    = file.Name;
                Consist = file.Train_Config;
                Path    = file.PathID;

                Debug.Assert(content is ContentMSTSService);
                var msts    = content as ContentMSTSService;
                var actFile = new ActivityFile(content.Parent.PathName);
                if (msts.IsPlayer)
                    var activityTraffic = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_File.Player_Service_Definition.Player_Traffic_Definition;

                    ID        = "0";
                    StartTime = MSTSTimeToDateTime(activityTraffic.Time);
                    Stops     = from stop in activityTraffic.Player_Traffic_List
                                select new Stop(stop.PlatformStartID, stop.DistanceDownPath, MSTSTimeToDateTime(stop.ArrivalTime), MSTSTimeToDateTime(stop.DepartTime));
                    var trfFile         = new TrafficFile(msts.TrafficPathName);
                    var activityService = actFile.Tr_Activity.Tr_Activity_File.Traffic_Definition.ServiceDefinitionList[msts.TrafficIndex];
                    var trafficService  = trfFile.TrafficDefinition.TrafficItems[msts.TrafficIndex];

                    ID        = activityService.UiD.ToString();
                    StartTime = MSTSTimeToDateTime(activityService.Time);
                    Stops     = trafficService.TrafficDetails.Zip(activityService.ServiceList, (tt, stop) => new Stop(stop.PlatformStartID, stop.DistanceDownPath, MSTSTimeToDateTime(tt.ArrivalTime), MSTSTimeToDateTime(tt.DepartTime)));
            else if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(content.PathName).Equals(".timetable_or", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // TODO: Make common timetable parser.
                var file = new TimetableReader(content.PathName);
                Name = content.Name;

                var serviceColumn = -1;
                var consistRow    = -1;
                var pathRow       = -1;
                var startRow      = -1;
                for (var row = 0; row < file.Strings.Count; row++)
                    if (file.Strings[row][0] == "#consist" && consistRow == -1)
                        consistRow = row;
                    else if (file.Strings[row][0] == "#path" && pathRow == -1)
                        pathRow = row;
                    else if (file.Strings[row][0] == "#start" && startRow == -1)
                        startRow = row;
                for (var column = 0; column < file.Strings[0].Length; column++)
                    if (file.Strings[0][column] == content.Name && serviceColumn == -1)
                        serviceColumn = column;
                ID = serviceColumn.ToString();
                var timeRE         = new Regex(@"^(\d\d):(\d\d)(?:-(\d\d):(\d\d))?");
                var startTimeMatch = timeRE.Match(file.Strings[startRow][serviceColumn]);
                if (startTimeMatch.Success)
                    StartTime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, int.Parse(startTimeMatch.Groups[1].Value), int.Parse(startTimeMatch.Groups[2].Value), 0);
                var stops = new List <Stop>();
                for (var row = 0; row < file.Strings.Count; row++)
                    if (row != startRow)
                        var timeMatch = timeRE.Match(file.Strings[row][serviceColumn]);
                        if (timeMatch.Success)
                            var arrivalTime   = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, int.Parse(timeMatch.Groups[1].Value), int.Parse(timeMatch.Groups[2].Value), 0);
                            var departureTime = timeMatch.Groups[3].Success ? new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, int.Parse(timeMatch.Groups[3].Value), int.Parse(timeMatch.Groups[4].Value), 0) : arrivalTime;
                            // If the time is prior to this train's start time, assume it is rolling over in to "tomorrow".
                            if (arrivalTime < StartTime)
                                arrivalTime   = arrivalTime.AddDays(1);
                                departureTime = departureTime.AddDays(1);
                            stops.Add(new Stop(file.Strings[row][0].Replace(" $hold", "").Replace(" $forcehold", ""), arrivalTime, departureTime));
                Stops    = stops.OrderBy(s => s.ArrivalTime);
                Consist  = file.Strings[consistRow][serviceColumn].Replace(" $reverse", "");
                Reversed = file.Strings[consistRow][serviceColumn].Contains(" $reverse");
                Path     = file.Strings[pathRow][serviceColumn];
        public IActionResult AddService(AddServiceViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Car     car     = _carsrepository.GetCar(model.CarId);
                Service service = new Service
                    CarId       = model.CarId,
                    ClientId    = model.ServiceFacilityId,
                    Milage      = model.Milage,
                    Date        = model.Date,
                    ServiceType = model.ServiceType,
                    Cost        = model.Cost,
                    Id          = new Guid()
                MilageRecord record = new MilageRecord
                    CarId  = service.CarId,
                    Date   = service.Date,
                    Milage = service.Milage,
                    Id     = Guid.NewGuid()
                Guid fileid = Guid.Empty;
                if (model.IsInvoiceAdded)
                    FileHandler     fileHandler     = new FileHandler();
                    FileDescription fileDescription = fileHandler.UploadSingleFile(model.File, FileType.Serwis, car.RegistrationNumber, model.Date);
                    Invoice invoice = new Invoice
                        Id                = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        Number            = model.Number,
                        Date              = model.Date,
                        Amount            = model.Cost,
                        ClientId          = model.ServiceFacilityId,
                        InvoiceType       = InvoiceType.Koszt,
                        FileDescriptionId = fileDescription.Id
                    service.InvoiceId = invoice.Id;
                    fileid            = fileDescription.Id;

                car.Milage            = model.Milage;
                car.NextServiceMilage = model.Milage + car.ServiceInterval;
                if (model.IsInvoiceAdded)
                    ServiceFile serviceFile = new ServiceFile
                        ServiceId         = service.Id,
                        FileDescriptionId = fileid
                return(RedirectToAction("details", "cars", new { id = model.CarId }));
            return(RedirectToAction("addservice", "services", new { id = model.CarId }));