//        public void SendEmailWithAttachment(string fromEmail, string toEmail, string ccEmail, string emailSubject, string emailBody, Stream attachment, string attachmentFilename)
        public void SendEmailWithAttachment(EmailRequest request)
            SMTPClient emailClient = new SMTPClient();

                EmailHelper emailHelper = new EmailHelper(emailClient);
                emailHelper.SendMail(request.FromEmail, request.ToEmail, request.CcEmail, request.EmailSubject, request.EmailBody, request.Attachment, request.AttachmentFilename);

            catch (Exception ex)
                /*log error locally */
                string message = string.Format(
                    "Error in  public void SendEmail(string fromEmail:{0}, string toEmail:{1}, string ccEmail:{2}, string emailSubject:{3}, string emailBody:{4}); string attachment filename: {6}; Detailed exception:{5}",
                    request.FromEmail, request.ToEmail, request.CcEmail, request.EmailSubject, request.EmailBody, ex.ToString(), request.AttachmentFilename);
                Exception custom = new Exception(message);

                ServiceErrorFault fault = new ServiceErrorFault();
                fault.Operation   = "Send Email";
                fault.ProblemType = "Error sending email";

                throw new FaultException <ServiceErrorFault>(fault);
        public void SendEmail(string fromEmail, string toEmail, string ccEmail, string emailSubject, string emailBody)
            SMTPClient emailClient = new SMTPClient();

                EmailHelper emailHelper = new EmailHelper(emailClient);
                emailHelper.SendMail(fromEmail, toEmail, ccEmail, emailSubject, emailBody);

            catch (Exception ex)
                /*log erorr locally */
                string message = string.Format("Error in  public void SendEmail(string fromEmail:{0}, string toEmail:{1}, string ccEmail:{2}, string emailSubject:{3}, string emailBody:{4}); Detailed exception:{5}",
                                               fromEmail, toEmail, ccEmail, emailSubject, emailBody, ex.ToString());
                Exception custom = new Exception(message);

                ServiceErrorFault fault = new ServiceErrorFault();
                fault.Operation   = "Send Email";
                fault.ProblemType = "Error sending email";

                throw new FaultException <ServiceErrorFault>(fault);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns AD User for passed in Login Id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="samAccountName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ADUser SearchUserByLogin(string samAccountName)
                var searcher = new RealPrincipalSearcher();
                ActiveDirectoryHelper helper = new ActiveDirectoryHelper(searcher);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ///*log erorr locally */
                string    message = string.Format("Error in  SearchUserByLogin(string samAccountName:{0}); Detailed exception:{1}", samAccountName, ex.ToString());
                Exception custom  = new Exception(message);

                ServiceErrorFault fault = new ServiceErrorFault();
                fault.Operation   = "Directory Service";
                fault.ProblemType = "Error in SearchUserByLogin";

                var faultExp = new FaultException <ServiceErrorFault>(fault, ex.ToString());

                throw faultExp;
Exemple #4
        public void ShieldException(Exception e)

            ServiceErrorFault fault = new ServiceErrorFault();

            fault.Operation   = "Document Upload Service";
            fault.ProblemType = e.Message;

            throw new FaultException <ServiceErrorFault>(fault);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns List of AD Users, searched by first and last name,
        /// Supports wild card.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstName"></param>
        /// <param name="lastName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <ADUser> SearchUserByName(string firstName, string lastName)
                var searcher = new RealPrincipalSearcher();
                ActiveDirectoryHelper helper = new ActiveDirectoryHelper(searcher);
                return(helper.SearchUserByName(firstName, lastName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                /*log erorr locally */
                string    message = string.Format("Error in  SearchUserByName(string firstName:{0}, string lastName{1}); Detailed exception:{2}", firstName, lastName, ex.ToString());
                Exception custom  = new Exception(message);

                ServiceErrorFault fault = new ServiceErrorFault();
                fault.Operation   = "Directory Service";
                fault.ProblemType = "Error in SearchUserByName";

                throw new FaultException <ServiceErrorFault>(fault);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrives all users in Group
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <ADUser> GetUsersInGroupMembership(string groupName)
                var searcher = new RealPrincipalSearcher();
                ActiveDirectoryHelper helper = new ActiveDirectoryHelper(searcher);
            catch (Exception ex)
                /*log erorr locally */
                string    message = string.Format("Error in  GetUsersInGroupMembership(string groupName:{0} Detailed exception:{1}", groupName, ex.ToString());
                Exception custom  = new Exception(message);

                ServiceErrorFault fault = new ServiceErrorFault();
                fault.Operation   = "Directory Service";
                fault.ProblemType = "Error in GetUsersInGroupMembership";

                throw new FaultException <ServiceErrorFault>(fault);