Exemple #1
 public MessageModuleController()
     _messageModuleServices = new ServiceMessageModule();
     _auditLogService       = new ServiceAuditLog();
     _userId = Convert.ToInt32(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "user_id")
                               .Select(c => c.Value).SingleOrDefault());
 public ComServerClusterController()
     _comServerClusterService = new ServiceComServerCluster();
     _auditLogService         = new ServiceAuditLog();
     _userId = Convert.ToInt32(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "user_id")
                               .Select(c => c.Value).SingleOrDefault());
 public ApprovalRequestController()
     _approvalRequestService = new ServiceApprovalRequest();
     _auditLogService        = new ServiceAuditLog();
     _userId = Convert.ToInt32(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "user_id")
                               .Select(c => c.Value).SingleOrDefault());
Exemple #4
 public GroupController()
     _groupServices   = new ServiceGroup();
     _auditLogService = new ServiceAuditLog();
     _userId          = Convert.ToInt32(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "user_id")
                                        .Select(c => c.Value).SingleOrDefault());
 public ActiveImagingTaskController()
     _activeImagingTaskService = new ServiceActiveImagingTask();
     _auditLogService          = new ServiceAuditLog();
     _userId = Convert.ToInt32(((ClaimsIdentity)User.Identity).Claims.Where(c => c.Type == "user_id")
                               .Select(c => c.Value).SingleOrDefault());
        public DtoValidationResult GlobalLogin(string userName, string password, string loginType)
            var validationResult = new DtoValidationResult
                ErrorMessage = "Incorrect Username Or Password",
                Success      = false

            var auditLog        = new EntityAuditLog();
            var auditLogService = new ServiceAuditLog();

            auditLog.ObjectId   = -1;
            auditLog.ObjectName = userName;
            auditLog.UserId     = -1;
            auditLog.ObjectType = "User";
            auditLog.AuditType  = EnumAuditEntry.AuditType.FailedLogin;

            //Check if user exists in database
            var user = _userServices.GetUser(userName);

            if (user == null)
                //Check For a first time LDAP User Group Login
                if (ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.LdapEnabled) == "1")
                    foreach (var ldapGroup in _userGroupServices.GetLdapGroups())
                        if (new LdapServices().Authenticate(userName, password, ldapGroup.GroupLdapName))
                            //user is a valid ldap user via ldap group that has not yet logged in.
                            //Add the user and allow login.
                            var cdUser = new EntityToemsUser
                                Name       = userName,
                                Salt       = Utility.CreateSalt(64),
                                IsLdapUser = 1,
                                Membership = "User",
                                Theme      = "dark",
                            //Create a local random db pass, should never actually be possible to use.
                            cdUser.Password = Utility.CreatePasswordHash(Utility.GenerateKey(), cdUser.Salt);
                            if (_userServices.AddUser(cdUser).Success)
                                //add user to group
                                var newUser = _userServices.GetUser(userName);
                                _userGroupServices.AddNewGroupMember(ldapGroup.Id, newUser.Id);
                                auditLog.UserId          = newUser.Id;
                                auditLog.ObjectId        = newUser.Id;
                                validationResult.Success = true;
                                auditLog.AuditType       = EnumAuditEntry.AuditType.SuccessfulLogin;


            if (_userLockoutServices.AccountIsLocked(user.Id))
                validationResult.ErrorMessage = "Account Is Locked";
                auditLog.UserId   = user.Id;
                auditLog.ObjectId = user.Id;

            //Check against AD
            if (user.IsLdapUser == 1 && ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.LdapEnabled) == "1")
                //Check if user is authenticated against an ldap group
                if (user.UserGroupId != -1)
                    //user is part of a group, is the group an ldap group?
                    var userGroup = _userGroupServices.GetUserGroup(user.UserGroupId);
                    if (userGroup != null)
                        if (userGroup.IsLdapGroup == 1)
                            //the group is an ldap group
                            //make sure user is still in that ldap group
                            if (new LdapServices().Authenticate(userName, password, userGroup.GroupLdapName))
                                validationResult.Success = true;
                                //user is either not in that group anymore, not in the directory, or bad password
                                validationResult.Success = false;

                                if (new LdapServices().Authenticate(userName, password))
                                    //password was good but user is no longer in the group
                                    //delete the user
                            //the group is not an ldap group
                            //still need to check creds against directory
                            if (new LdapServices().Authenticate(userName, password))
                                validationResult.Success = true;
                        //group didn't exist for some reason
                        //still need to check creds against directory
                        if (new LdapServices().Authenticate(userName, password))
                            validationResult.Success = true;
                    //user is not part of a group, check creds against directory
                    if (new LdapServices().Authenticate(userName, password))
                        validationResult.Success = true;
            else if (user.IsLdapUser == 1 && ServiceSetting.GetSettingValue(SettingStrings.LdapEnabled) != "1")
                //prevent ldap user from logging in with local pass if ldap auth gets turned off
                validationResult.Success = false;
            //Check against local DB
                var hash = Utility.CreatePasswordHash(password, user.Salt);
                if (user.Password == hash)
                    validationResult.Success = true;

            if (validationResult.Success)
                auditLog.AuditType = EnumAuditEntry.AuditType.SuccessfulLogin;
                auditLog.UserId    = user.Id;
                auditLog.ObjectId  = user.Id;
            auditLog.AuditType = EnumAuditEntry.AuditType.FailedLogin;
            auditLog.UserId    = user.Id;
            auditLog.ObjectId  = user.Id;