internal void SetCurrentConnection(Connection conn, ServerRequestInfo ri) { Object guid; SetCurrentConnection(conn, out guid); if (conn != null && guid != null) { ri.set_slot(_connectionIdSlotId, guid); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public void receive_request_service_contexts(ServerRequestInfo ri) { string interceptedOperation = ri.operation; Logger.Info(String.Format( "A operação '{0}' foi interceptada no servidor.", interceptedOperation)); bool legacyContext; ServiceContext serviceContext = GetContextFromRequestInfo(ri, true, out legacyContext); AnyCredential anyCredential = new AnyCredential(serviceContext, legacyContext); Logger.Debug( String.Format("A operação '{0}' possui credencial. É legada? {1}.", interceptedOperation, anyCredential.Legacy)); ConnectionImpl conn = null; try { conn = GetDispatcherForRequest(ri, anyCredential) as ConnectionImpl; if (conn == null) { Logger.Error( "Sem conexão ao barramento, impossível receber a chamada remota."); throw new NO_PERMISSION(UnknownBusCode.ConstVal, CompletionStatus.Completed_No); } if ((!conn.Legacy) && (anyCredential.Legacy)) { Logger.Error( String.Format( "Chamada negada devido a suporte legado inativo: login {0} operação {1} requestId {2}", anyCredential.Login, interceptedOperation, ri.request_id)); throw new NO_PERMISSION(NoCredentialCode.ConstVal, CompletionStatus.Completed_No); } Context.SetCurrentConnection(conn, ri); conn.ReceiveRequest(ri, anyCredential); } catch (InvalidSlot e) { Logger.Fatal("Falha ao inserir a credencial em seu slot.", e); throw; } finally { if (conn != null) { ri.set_slot(ReceivingConnectionSlotId, conn); } } }
public void receive_request(ServerRequestInfo ri) { // modify request scope after copy to the thread scope -> must not be propagated to the thread scope. if (ri.operation == "TestReceiveReqNotChangeThreadScope") { ri.set_slot(m_slotId, 2 * (int)ri.get_slot(m_slotId)); } else if (ri.operation == "TestReceiveReqChangeThreadScope") { ORB orb = OrbServices.GetSingleton(); current = ("PICurrent"); current.set_slot(m_slotId, 3 * (int)current.get_slot(m_slotId)); } }
public void receive_request_service_contexts(ServerRequestInfo ri) { object contextAsObject; try { contextAsObject = ri.get_request_service_context(1000); } catch (BAD_PARAM) { contextAsObject = null; } if (contextAsObject != null) { ServiceContext context = (ServiceContext)contextAsObject; TestServiceContext contextReceived = (TestServiceContext)m_codec.decode(context.context_data); ri.set_slot(m_slotId, contextReceived.TestEntry); } }