public async Task RoleUpdated(SocketRole before, SocketRole after) { try { SocketGuild guild = before.Guild; ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(guild); IDMChannel dm = await guild.Owner.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); //Check all server role pings to make sure they are still mentionable List <ServerRoleToRoleMention> rolesToRemove = server.RoleToRoleMentions .Where(roleToRole => roleToRole.RoleId == after.Id && !after.IsMentionable).ToList(); foreach (ServerRoleToRoleMention roleToRemove in rolesToRemove) { await dm.SendMessageAsync( $"The **{after.Name}** role was changed to not mentionable so it was deleted from the **{RoleUtils.GetGuildRole(guild, roleToRemove.RoleNotToMentionId).Name}** => **{RoleUtils.GetGuildRole(guild, roleToRemove.RoleId).Name}** role to role ping list. ({guild.Name})"); server.RoleToRoleMentions.Remove(roleToRemove); ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("An error occured while managing role updated event! {@Exception}", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks all the bot's active auto voice channels /// </summary> /// <param name="server"></param> public static void CheckServerActiveVoiceChannels(ServerList server) { //Get all the active voice channels that have been deleted, or have no one in it List <ulong> autoVcChannelsToDelete = (from serverActiveAutoVoiceChannel in server.ActiveAutoVoiceChannels let vcChannel = _client.GetGuild(server.GuildId).GetVoiceChannel(serverActiveAutoVoiceChannel) where vcChannel == null select serverActiveAutoVoiceChannel).ToList(); foreach (ulong voiceChannel in autoVcChannelsToDelete) { server.ActiveAutoVoiceChannels.Remove(voiceChannel); } List <ulong> autoVcWithNoUsers = (from activeAutoVoiceChannel in server.ActiveAutoVoiceChannels let vcChannel = _client.GetGuild(server.GuildId).GetVoiceChannel(activeAutoVoiceChannel) where vcChannel.Users.Count == 0 select activeAutoVoiceChannel).ToList(); foreach (ulong autoVoiceChannel in autoVcWithNoUsers) { _client.GetGuild(server.GuildId).GetVoiceChannel(autoVoiceChannel).DeleteAsync(); server.ActiveAutoVoiceChannels.Remove(autoVoiceChannel); } ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); }
public async Task SetRoleToRoleMentionWarnings(int warnings) { ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild).AntiSpamSettings.RoleToRoleMentionWarnings = warnings; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The amount of role to role warnings will be {warnings}."); }
public async Task ChannelDestroyed(SocketChannel channel) { try { ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(((SocketGuildChannel)channel).Guild); //Check the server's welcome settings await BotCheckServerSettings.CheckServerWelcomeSettings(server); //Check the bot's auto voice channels BotCheckServerSettings.CheckServerVoiceChannels(server); BotCheckServerSettings.CheckServerActiveVoiceChannels(server); //Check the bot's rule message channel await BotCheckServerSettings.CheckServerRuleMessageChannel(server); } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG Logger.Log(ex.ToString(), LogVerbosity.Error); #else Logger.Log(ex.Message, LogVerbosity.Error); #endif } }
public async Task MessageDeleted(Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { try { SocketGuild guild = ((SocketGuildChannel)channel).Guild; ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(guild); if (cache.Id == server.RuleMessageId) { //The rule reaction will be disabled and the owner of the guild will be notified. server.RuleEnabled = false; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); IDMChannel dm = await guild.Owner.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await dm.SendMessageAsync( $"Your rule reaction on the Discord server **{guild.Name}** has been disabled due to the message being deleted.\n" + "You can enable it again after setting a new reaction message with the command `setuprulesmessage` and then enabling the feature again with `togglerulereaction`."); } } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG Logger.Log(ex.ToString(), LogVerbosity.Error); #else Logger.Log(ex.Message, LogVerbosity.Error); #endif } }
public async Task MessageBulkDeleted(IReadOnlyCollection <Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> > cacheable, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { try { SocketGuild guild = ((SocketGuildChannel)channel).Guild; ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(guild); //Depending on how many message were deleted, this could take awhile. Or well I assume that, it would need to be tested foreach (Cacheable <IMessage, ulong> cache in cacheable) { if (cache.Id != server.RuleMessageId) { continue; } //The rule reaction will be disabled and the owner of the guild will be notified. server.RuleEnabled = false; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); IDMChannel dm = await guild.Owner.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await dm.SendMessageAsync( $"Your rule reaction on the Discord server **{guild.Name}** has been disabled due to the message being deleted.\n" + "You can enable it again after setting setting a new reaction message with the command `setuprulesmessage` and then enabling the feature again with `togglerulereaction`."); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("An error occured while managing a message bulk deleted event! {@Exception}", ex); } }
public async Task SetRuleRole([Remainder] string roleName = "") { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(roleName)) //Make sure the user actually provided a role { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You need to provide a role name!"); return; } SocketRole role = RoleUtils.GetGuildRole(Context.Guild, roleName); if (role == null) //Make sure the role exists { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The role **{roleName}** doesn't exist!"); return; } //Modify the server settings to update for the new role ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild).RuleRoleId = role.Id; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( $"The role that users shell receive after successfully reacting to the rules will be the **{role.Name}** role."); }
public async Task LeftServer(SocketGuild guild) { try { //Remove the server settings from the serverlist.json file ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(guild); ServerListsManager.RemoveServer(server); ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); //Log that the bot left a guild, if enabled if ( { await Global.BotOwner.SendMessageAsync($"LOG: Left guild {guild.Name}({guild.Id})"); } } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG Logger.Log(ex.ToString(), LogVerbosity.Error); #else Logger.Log(ex.Message, LogVerbosity.Error); #endif } }
/// <summary> /// Checks that a given user is the owner of a guild, and returns the result /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="command"></param> /// <param name="services"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override Task <PreconditionResult> CheckPermissionsAsync(ICommandContext context, CommandInfo command, IServiceProvider services) { //Check if the user is the actual owner of the Guild if (context.User.Id == context.Guild.OwnerId) { return(Task.FromResult(PreconditionResult.FromSuccess())); } ulong userId = ServerListsManager.GetServer((SocketGuild)context.Guild).GetAGuildOwner(context.User.Id); if (allowOtherOwners && userId != 0) { return(Task.FromResult(PreconditionResult.FromSuccess())); } if (!allowOtherOwners && userId != 0) { return(Task.FromResult(PreconditionResult.FromError( "Sorry, but only the primary owner of this Discord server can run this command!"))); } return(Task.FromResult( PreconditionResult.FromError( "You are not a owner of this Discord server, you cannot run this command!"))); }
public async Task AddRoleToRoleMention(string roleToChangeName, string roleToNotAllowToMention) { SocketRole roleNotToMention = RoleUtils.GetGuildRole(Context.Guild, roleToChangeName); SocketRole role = RoleUtils.GetGuildRole(Context.Guild, roleToNotAllowToMention); if (roleNotToMention == null || role == null) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( $"Either the **{roleToChangeName}** role doesn't exist or the **{roleToNotAllowToMention}** role doesn't exist!"); return; } if (!role.IsMentionable) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The **{role}** role is already not mentionable by anyone!"); return; } ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild).CreateRoleToRoleMention(roleNotToMention.Id, role.Id); ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( $"The **{roleNotToMention.Name}** role will not be allowed to mention the **{role.Name}** role."); }
public async Task SetWarnsKick(int warningsNeeded) { if (warningsNeeded < 1) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( "You need to set warnings for auto kick to be 1 or more warnings!"); return; } ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild); server.WarningsKickAmount = warningsNeeded; //If the server's warnings for ban is lower then warnings for kick amount, then set it to one more then kick amount if (server.WarningsBanAmount < warningsNeeded) { server.WarningsBanAmount = warningsNeeded + 1; } ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( $"{warningsNeeded} warnings will now be required for a user to be automatically kicked."); }
public async Task SetupSpam() { IDMChannel dm = await Context.User.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Setup anti-spam status was sent to your dms."); //Initial embed setup embed.WithTitle("Anti-Spam Setup Status"); embed.WithColor(new Color(255, 81, 168)); embed.WithDescription( $"<:Menu:537572055760109568> Here is your anti-spam setup status for **{Context.Guild.Name}**.\nSee [here]({Global.websiteServerSetup + "anti-spam/"}) for more help.\n\n"); embed.WithThumbnailUrl(Context.Guild.IconUrl); embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); //Mention user spam string mentionUserTitle = "<:Cross:537572008574189578> Mention user spam is disabled!"; string mentionUserDes = $"If a message with more then {server.AntiSpamSettings.MentionUsersPercentage}% of the server's users are mentioned, they will be warned."; if (server.AntiSpamSettings.MentionUserEnabled) { mentionUserTitle = "<:Check:537572054266806292> Mention user spam is enabled!"; } //Role to role mentions embed.AddField(mentionUserTitle, mentionUserDes); embed.AddField("Role to Role mention", $"**{server.AntiSpamSettings.RoleToRoleMentionWarnings}** mentions of the same user will result in one warning"); await dm.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public async Task GetOptRoles() { //Get all opt roles OptRole[] optRoles = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild).RoleGives.ToArray(); //Setup string builder StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.Append("**Opt Roles**\n"); if (optRoles.Length == 0) { //There are no opt roles message.Append("There are no opt roles!"); } else { foreach (OptRole optRole in optRoles) { //There are opt roles, so add them to the String Builder IRole role = RoleUtils.GetGuildRole(Context.Guild, optRole.RoleToGiveId); message.Append(optRole.RoleRequiredId == 0 ? $"`{optRole.Name}` -> **{role.Name}**\n" : $"`{optRole.Name}` -> **{role.Name}** (Requires **{RoleUtils.GetGuildRole(Context.Guild, optRole.RoleRequiredId).Name}**)\n"); } } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(message.ToString()); }
public async Task ToggleGoodbyeMessage() { ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild); if (server.WelcomeChannelId == 0) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( "You need to set a channel first for were the message will be put. Use the command `setup welcomechannel [?channel]` to set a channel."); return; } bool isGoodbyeMessageEnabled = server.GoodbyeMessageEnabled = !server.GoodbyeMessageEnabled; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); if (isGoodbyeMessageEnabled) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The custom goodbye message is enabled."); } else { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The custom goodbye message is disabled."); } }
public async Task SetupWelcomeChannel([Remainder] SocketTextChannel channel = null) { ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild); if (channel == null) { //The welcome/goodbye channel hasn't been set if (server.WelcomeChannelId == 0) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( "There is no welcome/goodbye message channel set! Run the command `setup welcomechannel [channel]` with a text channel name as the argument to set one up."); return; } //Disable the welcome and goodbye message and set their channel to 0 server.WelcomeChannelId = 0; server.WelcomeMessageEnabled = false; server.GoodbyeMessageEnabled = false; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( "The custom welcome/goodbye message was disabled since no channel was provided when this command was ran."); return; } //Set the new channel server.WelcomeChannelId = channel.Id; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( $"The custom welcome/goodbye messages will be put into the {channel.Mention} channel."); }
public async Task SetRuleEmoji([Remainder] Emoji emoji) { ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild).RuleReactionEmoji = emoji.Name; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The emoji was set to '{emoji.Name}'."); }
public async Task UserLeft(SocketGuildUser user) { try { if (!user.IsBot) { ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(user.Guild); if (server.GoodbyeMessageEnabled) { //Format the message string addUserMention = server.WelcomeGoodbyeMessage.Replace("[user]", user.Username); //Get the welcome channel and send the message SocketTextChannel channel = client.GetGuild(server.GuildId).GetTextChannel(server.WelcomeChannelId); if (channel != null) { await channel.SendMessageAsync(addUserMention); } else { server.WelcomeMessageEnabled = false; server.WelcomeChannelId = 0; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("An error occured while managing on user left event! {@Exception}", ex); } }
public async Task SetMentionUserThreshold(int threshold) { ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild).AntiSpamSettings.MentionUsersPercentage = threshold; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( $"The threshold for amount of users in a message was set to {threshold}."); }
public async Task RoleDeleted(SocketRole role) { try { SocketGuild guild = role.Guild; ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(guild); //Setup the dm channel even though we might not even use it just makes it so I don't have to repeat this a whole bunch of times. IDMChannel dm = await guild.Owner.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); //The rule role was deleted if (role.Id == server.RuleRoleId) { server.RuleEnabled = false; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await dm.SendMessageAsync( $"Your rule reaction on the Discord server **{guild.Name}** has been disabled due to the role being deleted.\n" + "You can enable it again after setting a new role with the command `setuprulerole` and then enabling the feature again with `togglerulereaction`."); return; } //Check all server role points roles List <ServerRolePoints> rolePointsToRemove = server.ServerRolePoints.Where(rolePoint => role.Id == rolePoint.RoleId).ToList(); foreach (ServerRolePoints toRemove in rolePointsToRemove) { await dm.SendMessageAsync( $"The **{role.Name}** was deleted which was apart of the {toRemove.PointsRequired} server points role. This server points role was deleted. ({guild.Name})"); server.ServerRolePoints.Remove(toRemove); ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); return; } //Check to see if all the role to role pings still exist List <ServerRoleToRoleMention> rolesToRemove = server.RoleToRoleMentions .Where(roles => roles.RoleId == role.Id || roles.RoleNotToMentionId == role.Id).ToList(); foreach (ServerRoleToRoleMention roleToRemove in rolesToRemove) { await dm.SendMessageAsync( $"The **{role.Name}** role was deleted which was apart of the **{roleToRemove.RoleNotToMentionId}** => **{roleToRemove.RoleId}**. This role to role ping was deleted. ({guild.Name})"); server.RoleToRoleMentions.Remove(roleToRemove); ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); return; } //Check all permission roles BotCheckServerSettings.CheckServerPerms(server); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("An error occured while managing role deleted event! {@Exception}", ex); } }
public async Task ToggleRuleReaction() { ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild); //If the rule reaction feature is already enabled, disable it if (server.RuleEnabled) { server.RuleEnabled = false; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The rule reaction feature is now disabled."); return; } //Make sure the rule message channel still exists SocketTextChannel ruleChannel = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(server.RuleMessageChannelId); if (ruleChannel == null) { server.RuleMessageChannelId = 0; //Reset it back to 0 so we don't have to write it ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); return; } //Make sure the message still exists IMessage rulesMessage = await ruleChannel.GetMessageAsync(server.RuleMessageId); if (rulesMessage == null) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The rules message that is meant to belong in the {ruleChannel.Mention} channel doesn't exist anymore!"); return; } //Check the emoji if (!server.RuleReactionEmoji.ContainsUnicodeCharacter()) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The emoji that is meant to be used is invalid!"); return; } //Ok, everything is all good to go, now just to enable it //First add our reaction IUserMessage rulesMessageUser = (IUserMessage)rulesMessage; await rulesMessageUser.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(server.RuleReactionEmoji)); //And actually enable the feature server.RuleEnabled = true; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The rule reaction feature is now enabled!"); }
public async Task AddOptRole(string optRoleBaseName, string roleToAssignName, [Remainder] string requiredRoleName = "") { SocketRole roleToAssign = RoleUtils.GetGuildRole(Context.Guild, roleToAssignName); //Check to make sure the role exists first if (roleToAssign == null) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You need to input a valid role to give!"); return; } //If a required role was specified, check to make sure it exists SocketRole requiredRole = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requiredRoleName)) { requiredRole = RoleUtils.GetGuildRole(Context.Guild, requiredRoleName); if (requiredRole == null) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Role {requiredRoleName} doesn't exist!"); return; } } ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild); //Check to make sure a role give doesn't already exist first if (server.GetOptRole(optRoleBaseName) != null) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( $"An opt role with the name '{optRoleBaseName}' already exists!"); return; } //Create and add our new opt role OptRole roleGive = new OptRole { Name = optRoleBaseName, RoleToGiveId = roleToAssign.Id, RoleRequiredId = 0 }; if (requiredRole != null) { roleGive.RoleRequiredId = requiredRole.Id; } server.RoleGives.Add(roleGive); ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"An opt role with the name `{optRoleBaseName}` was created."); }
public async Task ToggleMentionUserSpam() { ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild); server.AntiSpamSettings.MentionUserEnabled = !server.AntiSpamSettings.MentionUserEnabled; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync( $"Mention user anti-spam was set to {server.AntiSpamSettings.MentionUserEnabled}."); }
public static async Task <RestVoiceChannel> CreateAutoVCChannel(SocketGuild guild, string baseName) { RestVoiceChannel vcChannel = await guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync($"➕ New {baseName} VC"); ServerAudioVoiceChannel audioVoiceChannel = new ServerAudioVoiceChannel(vcChannel.Id, baseName); ServerListsManager.GetServer(guild).AutoVoiceChannels.Add(audioVoiceChannel); ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); return(vcChannel); }
/// <summary> /// Checks all server settings, auto vc channels, active vc channels and the welcome message /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task CheckConnectedServerSettings() { Logger.Log("Checking pre-connected server settings..."); //To avoid saving possibly 100 times we will only save once if something has changed bool somethingChanged = false; List <ServerList> serversToRemove = new List <ServerList>(); ServerList[] servers = ServerListsManager.GetServers(); foreach (ServerList server in servers) { //The bot is not longer in this guild, remove it from the server settings if (_client.GetGuild(server.GuildId) == null) { somethingChanged = true; serversToRemove.Add(server); continue; } await CheckServerWelcomeSettings(server); await CheckServerRuleMessageChannel(server); CheckServerVoiceChannels(server); CheckServerActiveVoiceChannels(server); CheckServerPerms(server); //Start up all votes foreach (Vote serverVote in server.Votes) { #pragma warning disable 4014 Task.Run(() => VotingService.RunVote(serverVote, _client.GetGuild(server.GuildId))); #pragma warning restore 4014 } } //Like all the other ones, we remove all the unnecessary servers after to avoid System.InvalidOperationException foreach (ServerList toRemove in serversToRemove) { Logger.Log($"The bot is not longer in the {toRemove.GuildId}, Removing server settings..."); ServerListsManager.RemoveServer(toRemove); } //If a server was updated then save the ServerList.json file if (somethingChanged) { ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); } Logger.Log("Checked all server settings."); }
public async Task Permissions() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild); sb.Append("**__Permissions__**\n"); foreach (ServerList.CommandPermission perm in server.CommandPermissions) { sb.Append($"__`{perm.Command}`__\nRoles: {FormatRoles(perm.Roles, Context.Guild)}\n\n"); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(sb.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Ends a vote running on a guild /// <para>If the vote is running, it will END it!</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="vote">The vote to end</param> /// <param name="guild"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task EndVote(Vote vote, SocketGuild guild) { Logger.Log("The vote ended.", LogVerbosity.Debug); vote.CancellationToken.Cancel(); SocketUser user = guild.GetUser(vote.VoteStarterUserId); //Remove from user's last vote UserAccountsManager.GetAccount((SocketGuildUser)user).UserLastVoteId = 0; UserAccountsManager.SaveAccounts(); //Create a new embed with the results EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle(vote.VoteTitle); embed.WithDescription(vote.VoteDescription + $"\nThe vote is now over! Here are the results:\n**Yes**: {vote.YesCount}\n**No**: {vote.NoCount}"); if (user != null) { embed.WithFooter($"Vote started by {user} and ended at {DateTime.Now:g}.", user.GetAvatarUrl()); } else { embed.WithFooter("Vote started by: a person who left the guild :("); } //Modify the message IMessage message = await guild.GetTextChannel(vote.VoteMessageChannelId).GetMessageAsync(vote.VoteMessageId); await MessageUtils.ModifyMessage(message as IUserMessage, embed); //Send the user who started the vote a message about their vote is over if (user != null) { EmbedBuilder userDmEmbed = new EmbedBuilder(); userDmEmbed.WithTitle("Vote: " + vote.VoteTitle); userDmEmbed.WithDescription($"Your vote that you started on the **{guild.Name}** guild is now over.\n" + $"You can see the results [here]({guild.Id}/{vote.VoteMessageChannelId}/{vote.VoteMessageId})."); IDMChannel userDm = await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await userDm.SendMessageAsync("", false, userDmEmbed.Build()); } //Remove our vote from the server's vote list ServerListsManager.GetServer(guild).Votes.Remove(vote); ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); }
public async Task SetServerPoints(uint amount) { if (amount < 10) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The points amount cannot be less then 10!"); return; } ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild).PointGiveAmount = amount; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The amount of points given out will now be {amount}."); }
public async Task GetBannedChannels() { ServerList server = ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild); StringBuilder final = new StringBuilder(); final.Append("**All banned channels**: \n"); foreach (ulong channel in server.BannedChannels) { final.Append($"<#{channel}> (**Id**: {channel})\n"); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(final.ToString()); }
public async Task SetServerPointsCooldown(int time) { if (time < 5) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The time cannot be less then 5 seconds!"); return; } ServerListsManager.GetServer(Context.Guild).PointsGiveCooldownTime = time; ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The cooldown time is now {time} seconds."); }
/// <summary> /// Checks all the bot's auto voice channels /// </summary> /// <param name="server"></param> public static void CheckServerVoiceChannels(ServerList server) { //Get all the voice channels that have been deleted List <ServerVoiceChannel> autoVcChannelsToDelete = (from autoVoiceChannel in server.AutoVoiceChannels let vcChannel = _client.GetGuild(server.GuildId).GetVoiceChannel(autoVoiceChannel.Id) where vcChannel == null select autoVoiceChannel).ToList(); foreach (ServerVoiceChannel voiceChannel in autoVcChannelsToDelete) { server.AutoVoiceChannels.Remove(voiceChannel); } ServerListsManager.SaveServerList(); }