Exemple #1
        public void ProcessPacket(SerialPacket packet, ShiftRegisterDriver.Session shiftRegisterSession)
            this.user = packet.Data.Substring(2, packet.Data.Length - 2);

            switch (packet.Data[0])
                case StatusCode.Away:
                    this.status = "away";

                    // first and third bit enabled
                case StatusCode.Busy:
                    this.status = "busy";

                    // first and fourth bit enabled
                case StatusCode.Free:
                    this.status = "free";

                    // first and second bit enabled
Exemple #2
 private static bool Predicate(SerialPacket arg)
     if (arg == null)
     Console.WriteLine($"Received package: {arg.Payload}");
            internal override byte[] GenerateCommand()
                List <byte> command = new List <byte>();

                return(SerialPacket.Packetize(command.ToArray(), 0x21));
Exemple #4
        private static void TestSerialData()
            Task.Run(() => CheckAlert());

            SerialPacket packet = SerialManager.Instnace.Receive();

            foreach (var channel in Instance.Channels)
                if (random.NextDouble() <= 0.3)
                    channel.Value = random.NextDouble() * channel.Max;
Exemple #5
        private void ProcessPacket(SerialPacket packet, ShiftRegisterDriver shiftRegisterDriver)
            switch (packet.DataType)
                case PacketDataType.Lync:
                    using (var shiftRegisterSession = shiftRegisterDriver.AcquireSessionLock())
                        this.lyncCache.ProcessPacket(packet, shiftRegisterSession);

                    var page = this.lcdScreen.CreatePage();
                    page.Write(0, packet.Data);
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// sends command to UM6 device
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        public void SendCommand(string command)
            byte address = 0;

            switch (command)
            case "ZeroRateGyros":
                address = SerialPacket.UM6_ZERO_GYROS;              // see UM2B.XML - UM6_ZERO_GYROS - "Zero Rate Gyros"
                // expect packet 11 in response () - two data words, "Bias of x-axis rate gyro" and "Bias of y-axis rate gyro"

            case "SetAccelRefVector":
                address = SerialPacket.UM6_SET_ACCEL_REF;           // see UM2B.XML - UM6_SET_ACCEL_REF - "Set Accelerometer Reference Vector"
                // no response expected.

            case "SetMagnRefVector":
                address = SerialPacket.UM6_SET_MAG_REF;             // see UM2B.XML - UM6_SET_MAG_REF - "Set Magnetometer Reference Vector"
                // no response expected. The Euler values and quaternion will slowly rotate to have current robot position show as
                // Magnetic North (0 degrees). It will take ~10 sec.

            if (address != 0)
                // Commands are initiated by executing a read command for the relevant command address using the UART.

                SerialPacket NewPacket = new SerialPacket(address);

                // If code reaches this point, then there enough bytes in the RX buffer to form a complete packet.
                NewPacket.PacketDescriptor = 0;         // data length 0, not a batch, doesn't have data

                byte[] bytes = NewPacket.ToByteArray(); // will also compute checksum

                _serialPort.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
 protected override void CopyData(SerialPacket oSerialPacket)
        /// <summary>
        /// Sensor Protocol:
        /// S,GX,GY,GZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ,Bat,M1,M2,M3,M4,E
        /// Settings Protocol:
        /// C,.......................................,E
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            string RxString;
            RxString = (mSerialPort.ReadExisting());

            byte[] array = new byte[8000]; 

            array = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(RxString);

            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; ++i) // j; ++i)
                // Sensors Start Tag .... Data of Gyros & Acc readinsg while flying is being recived.
                if ((!bStartCopy) && (array[i] == 'I'))
                    mRxDataType = ENUM_RxDataType.IMU;
                    bStartCopy = true;
                    Command = 0;
                    Idx = 0;
                if ((!bStartCopy) && (array[i] == 'S'))
                    mRxDataType = ENUM_RxDataType.Sensors;
                    bStartCopy = true;
                    Command = 0;
                    Idx = 0;
                // Configuration Start Tag .... Data of Config structure is being received
                if ((!bStartCopy) && (array[i] == 'C'))
                    mRxDataType = ENUM_RxDataType.Settings;
                    bStartCopy = true;
                    CommandLength = 999;

                    Idx = 0;
                // End Tag
                if ((!bStartCopy) && (array[i] == 'E'))
                    if (ExpectEOF == true) // message correct then copy
                        SerialPacket SP = new SerialPacket();
                        SP.DataType = mRxDataType;
                        SP.Array = cArray;
                        SP.Command = Command;
                        SP.CommandLength = CommandLength - 2;
                    mRxDataType = ENUM_RxDataType.Undefined;
                    ExpectEOF = false;
                // Incoming Data Copying
                if (bStartCopy)
                    switch (mRxDataType)
                        case ENUM_RxDataType.IMU:
                            if (Idx == 32)
                                Idx = 0;
                                bStartCopy = false;
                                ExpectEOF = true;
                                i -= 1; // stepback to check for 'E'
                            cArray[Idx] = array[i];
                        case ENUM_RxDataType.Sensors:
                            if (Idx == 32)
                                Idx = 0;
                                bStartCopy = false;
                                ExpectEOF = true;
                                i -= 1; // stepback to check for 'E'
                            cArray[Idx] = array[i];

                        case ENUM_RxDataType.Settings:
                            if (Idx == 1)
                                Command = (ENUM_SerialCommands)cArray[Idx-1];
                            if (Idx == 2)
                                CommandLength = cArray[Idx - 1] + cArray[Idx] * 0xff  +2 ;
                                // verify data is OK
                                if (array[i] == CONST_FIRMWARE_SIGNATURE)
                                { // signature is OK 

                            if (Idx == CommandLength)
                                Idx = 0;
                                bStartCopy = false;
                                ExpectEOF = true;
                               // i -= 1; // stepback to check for 'E'
                            cArray[Idx] = array[i];
                    Idx += 1;
               ExpectEOF = false;
        //   Idx += 1; // FIX bug when DataMisalignedException comes CONST_FIRMWARE_SIGNATURE two chunks cArray was shifted by one.
        public void CopyData(SerialPacket oSerialPacket)
            int Offset;
            switch (oSerialPacket.DataType)
                case ENUM_RxDataType.Sensors:
                case    ENUM_RxDataType.IMU:
                    Offset = 0;
                    SensorManager.Gyro_X.AddValue((Int16)(BitConverter.ToSingle(oSerialPacket.Array, 0 + Offset)));
                    SensorManager.Gyro_Y.AddValue((Int16)BitConverter.ToSingle(oSerialPacket.Array, 4 + Offset));
                    SensorManager.Gyro_Z.AddValue((Int16)BitConverter.ToSingle(oSerialPacket.Array, 8 + Offset));
                    SensorManager.Acc_X.AddValue((Int16)BitConverter.ToSingle(oSerialPacket.Array, 12 + Offset));
                    SensorManager.Acc_Y.AddValue((Int16)BitConverter.ToSingle(oSerialPacket.Array, 16 + Offset));
                    short Z = (Int16)(BitConverter.ToSingle(oSerialPacket.Array, 20 + Offset) - 100); 

                SensorManager.Motors[0].AddValue(BitConverter.ToInt16(oSerialPacket.Array, 24 + Offset));
                SensorManager.Motors[1].AddValue(BitConverter.ToInt16(oSerialPacket.Array, 26 + Offset));
                SensorManager.Motors[2].AddValue(BitConverter.ToInt16(oSerialPacket.Array, 28 + Offset));
                SensorManager.Motors[3].AddValue(BitConverter.ToInt16(oSerialPacket.Array, 30 + Offset));

                // Log Data into CSV file

                // UPdate Graph based on Timer Rate not actual received data rate.
                if (bRead == true)
                    bRead = false;
                    chartPlotterGyro.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate()
                    chartPlotterAcc.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(delegate()


                case ENUM_RxDataType.Settings:
                Offset = 3;
                QuadConfigurationManager.QuadConfigStructure.GyroParams[0].SetParameters(oSerialPacket.Array, 0 + Offset);
                QuadConfigurationManager.QuadConfigStructure.GyroParams[1].SetParameters(oSerialPacket.Array, 14 + Offset);
                QuadConfigurationManager.QuadConfigStructure.GyroParams[2].SetParameters(oSerialPacket.Array, 28 + Offset);

                QuadConfigurationManager.QuadConfigStructure.AccParams[0].SetParameters(oSerialPacket.Array, 42 + Offset);
                QuadConfigurationManager.QuadConfigStructure.AccParams[1].SetParameters(oSerialPacket.Array, 56 + Offset);
                QuadConfigurationManager.QuadConfigStructure.AccParams[2].SetParameters(oSerialPacket.Array, 70 + Offset);

                QuadConfigurationManager.QuadConfigStructure.SonarParams[0].SetParameters(oSerialPacket.Array, 84 + Offset);

               // QuadConfigurationManager.QuadConfigStructure.VoltageAlarm = vArray[84];
                mFlagUpdateSettings = true;
Exemple #10
        private int RXBufPtr;           // Points to the index in the serial buffer where the next item should be placed

        /// <summary>
        /// Serial Port data event handler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void serialPort_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            if (e.EventType == SerialData.Chars)
                int  BytesReturned;
                bool found_packet;
                int  packet_start_index;
                int  packet_index;
                int  bytes_to_read = 0;

                // See UM6 datasheet for more info. Source code in C++ for working with UM6 is at http://sourceforge.net/projects/chrinterface/  (get SVN tarball there)
                // The code below is direct translation from C++
                // See C:\Projects\Robotics\src\CHR Interface\CHR Interface\SerialConnector.cpp

                    bytes_to_read = _serialPort.BytesToRead;

                    if (bytes_to_read + RXBufPtr >= RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
                        bytes_to_read = RX_BUFFER_SIZE - 1 - RXBufPtr;

                    BytesReturned = _serialPort.Read(RXBuffer, RXBufPtr, bytes_to_read);

                    RXBufPtr += BytesReturned;

                    // If there are enough bytes in the buffer to construct a full packet, then check data.
                    // There are RXbufPtr bytes in the buffer at any given time
                    while (RXBufPtr >= 7)
                        // Search for the packet start sequence
                        found_packet       = false;
                        packet_start_index = 0;
                        int skippedBytes = 0;
                        for (packet_index = 0; packet_index < (RXBufPtr - 2); packet_index++)
                            if (RXBuffer[packet_index] == 's' && RXBuffer[packet_index + 1] == 'n' && RXBuffer[packet_index + 2] == 'p')
                                found_packet       = true;
                                packet_start_index = packet_index;

                        // for debugging, see if we are skipping any bytes between the packets:
                        //if (skippedBytes > 0)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("skipped " + skippedBytes);

                        // If packet start sequence was not found, then remove all but the last three bytes from the buffer.  This prevents
                        // bad data from filling the buffer up.
                        if (!found_packet)
                            RXBuffer[0] = RXBuffer[RXBufPtr - 3];
                            RXBuffer[1] = RXBuffer[RXBufPtr - 2];
                            RXBuffer[2] = RXBuffer[RXBufPtr - 1];

                            RXBufPtr = 3;

                        // If a packet start sequence was found, extract the packet descriptor byte.
                        // Make sure that there are enough bytes in the buffer to consitute a full packet
                        int indexed_buffer_length = RXBufPtr - packet_start_index;
                        if (found_packet && (indexed_buffer_length >= 7))
                            byte packet_descriptor = RXBuffer[packet_start_index + 3];
                            byte address           = RXBuffer[packet_start_index + 4];

                            // Check the R/W bit in the packet descriptor.  If it is set, then this packet does not contain data
                            // (the packet is either reporting that the last write operation was succesfull, or it is reporting that
                            // a command finished).
                            // If the R/W bit is cleared and the batch bit B is cleared, then the packet is 11 bytes long.  Make sure
                            // that the buffer contains enough data to hold a complete packet.
                            bool HasData;
                            bool IsBatch;
                            int  BatchLength;

                            int packet_length = 0;

                            if (((packet_descriptor & 0x80) != 0))                      // Has Data?
                                HasData = true;
                                HasData = false;

                            if (((packet_descriptor & 0x40) != 0))                      // Is Batch? (always is, two registers packed together, for example 100 and 101 for quaternions).
                                IsBatch = true;
                                IsBatch = false;

                            if (HasData && !IsBatch)
                                packet_length = 11;
                            else if (HasData && IsBatch)
                                // from the Datasheet p.24:
                                // Do some bit-level manipulation to determine if the packet contains data and if it is a batch
                                // We have to do this because the individual bits in the PT byte specify the contents of the packet.
                                // uint8_t packet_has_data = (PT >> 7) & 0x01; // Check bit 7 (HAS_DATA)
                                // uint8_t packet_is_batch = (PT >> 6) & 0x01; // Check bit 6 (IS_BATCH)
                                // uint8_t batch_length = (PT >> 2) & 0x0F; // Extract the batch length (bits 2 through 5)

                                // If this is a batch operation, then the packet length is: length = 5 + 4*L + 2, where L is the length of the batch.
                                // Make sure that the buffer contains enough data to parse this packet.
                                BatchLength   = (packet_descriptor >> 2) & 0x0F;
                                packet_length = 5 + 4 * BatchLength + 2;
                            else if (!HasData)
                                packet_length = 7;

                            if (indexed_buffer_length < packet_length)

                            SerialPacket NewPacket = new SerialPacket();

                            // If code reaches this point, then there enough bytes in the RX buffer to form a complete packet.
                            NewPacket.Address          = address;
                            NewPacket.PacketDescriptor = packet_descriptor;

                            // Copy data bytes into packet data array:
                            int data_start_index = packet_start_index + 5;
                            for (int i = 0; i < NewPacket.DataLength; i++)
                                NewPacket.SetDataByte(i, RXBuffer[data_start_index + i]);

                            // Now extract the expected checksum from the packet:
                            UInt16 Checksum = (UInt16)(((UInt16)RXBuffer[packet_start_index + packet_length - 2] << 8) | ((UInt16)RXBuffer[packet_start_index + packet_length - 1]));

                            // Compute the checksum on our side and compare with the one given in the packet.  If different, ignore this packet.

                            if (Checksum == NewPacket.Checksum)
                                string message = string.Format("Received packet with bad checksum {0} (expected {1}). Packet discarded.", Checksum, NewPacket.Checksum);

                                // debug:
                                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + message);

                                _chrDataPort.Post(new InvalidDataException(Resources.FailedChecksumValidation + " " + message));

                            // At this point, the newest packet has been parsed and copied into the RXPacketBuffer array.
                            // Copy all received bytes that weren't part of this packet into the beginning of the
                            // buffer.  Then, reset RXbufPtr.
                            for (int index = 0; index < (RXBufPtr - (packet_start_index + packet_length)); index++)
                                RXBuffer[index] = RXBuffer[(packet_start_index + packet_length) + index];

                            RXBufPtr -= (packet_start_index + packet_length);
                    }               // end while RXBufPtr >= 7
                catch (ArgumentException ex)
                    if (ex.Message == "Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.")
                        Exception invalidBaudRate = new ArgumentException(Resources.InvalidBaudRate);
                        Exception ex2 = new ArgumentException(Resources.ErrorReadingFromSerialPort, ex);
                catch (TimeoutException ex)
                    // Ignore timeouts for now.
                catch (IOException ex)
                    string errorInfo = Resources.ErrorReadingFromSerialPort;
                    if (bytes_to_read > 0)
                        byte[] b  = new byte[bytes_to_read];
                        int    ii = _serialPort.Read(b, 0, bytes_to_read);

                        errorInfo += "\r\nEnd of buffer: " + ii + " bytes wasted";

                    Exception ex2 = new IOException(errorInfo, ex);
                catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #11
        public void OnSerialPacketReceived(SerialPacket packet)
            //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("packet: {0} {1} {2}", packet.DataLength, packet.IsBatch ? " batch" : "", packet.Address));

            // see ...\ChrInterface\UM1B.XML for register addresses
            switch (packet.Address)
            case 92:
                 * expecting batch of two registers:
                 *          <Register address="92">
                 *                  <Name>UM6_GYRO_PROC_XY</Name>
                 *                  <Description>X and Y-axis rate gyro output after alignment, bias, and scale compensation have been applied. Stored as two 16-bit signed integers.</Description>
                 *          </Register>
                 *          <Register address="93">
                 *                  <Name>UM6_GYRO_PROC_Z</Name>
                 *                  <Description>Z-axis rate gyro output after alignment, bias, and scale compensation have been applied. Stored as 16-bit signed integer.</Description>
                 *          </Register>
                // convert 8 bytes into 4 signed shorts:
                short[] rates = new short[4];
                rates[0] = packet.Address;

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i += 2)
                    rates[i / 2 + 1] = (short)((packet.GetDataByte(i) << 8) + packet.GetDataByte(i + 1));

                if (doTracePackets)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("UM6_GYRO_PROC: {0} {1} {2}", rates[1], rates[2], rates[3]));


            case 94:
                 * expecting batch of two registers:
                 *          <Register address="94">
                 *                  <Name>UM6_ACCEL_PROC_XY</Name>
                 *                  <Description>X and Y-axis accelerometer output after alignment, bias, and scale compensation have been applied. Stored as two 16-bit signed integers.</Description>
                 *          </Register>
                 *          <Register address="95">
                 *                  <Name>UM6_ACCEL_PROC_Z</Name>
                 *                  <Description>Z-axis accelerometer output after alignment, bias, and scale compensation have been applied. Stored as 16-bit signed integer.</Description>
                 *          </Register>
                // convert 8 bytes into 4 signed shorts:
                short[] accels = new short[4];
                accels[0] = packet.Address;

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i += 2)
                    accels[i / 2 + 1] = (short)((packet.GetDataByte(i) << 8) + packet.GetDataByte(i + 1));

                if (doTracePackets)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("UM6_ACCEL_PROC: {0} {1} {2}", accels[1], accels[2], accels[3]));


            case 96:
                 * expecting batch of two registers:
                 *          <Register address="96">
                 *                  <Name>UM6_MAG_PROC_XY</Name>
                 *                  <Description>X and Y-axis magnetometer output after soft and hard iron calibration. Stored as 16-bit signed integers.</Description>
                 *          </Register>
                 *          <Register address="97">
                 *                  <Name>UM6_MAG_PROC_Z</Name>
                 *                  <Description>Z-axis magnetometer output after soft and hard iron calibration. Stored as 16-bit signed integer.</Description>
                 *          </Register>
                // convert 8 bytes into 4 signed shorts:
                short[] mags = new short[4];
                mags[0] = packet.Address;

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i += 2)
                    mags[i / 2 + 1] = (short)((packet.GetDataByte(i) << 8) + packet.GetDataByte(i + 1));

                if (doTracePackets)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("UM6_MAG_PROC: {0} {1} {2}", mags[1], mags[2], mags[3]));


            case 98:
                 * expecting batch of two registers:
                 *          <Register address="98">
                 *                  <Name>UM6_EULER_PHI_THETA</Name>
                 *                  <Description>Roll and pitch angles.  Stored as 16-bit signed integers.</Description>
                 *          </Register>
                 *          <Register address="99">
                 *                  <Name>UM6_EULER_PSI</Name>
                 *                  <Description>Yaw angle in degrees.  Stored as 16-bit signed integer.</Description>
                 *          </Register>
                // convert 8 bytes into 4 signed shorts:
                short[] eulers = new short[4];
                eulers[0] = packet.Address;

                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i += 2)
                    eulers[i / 2 + 1] = (short)((packet.GetDataByte(i) << 8) + packet.GetDataByte(i + 1));

                if (doTracePackets)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("UM6_EULER: PHI={0}  THETA={1}  PSI={2}", eulers[1], eulers[2], eulers[3]));


            case 100:
                 * expecting batch of two registers:
                 *  <Register address="100">
                 *      <Name>UM6_QUAT_AB</Name>
                 *      <Description>First two elements of attitude quaternion. Stored as two 16-bit signed integers.</Description>
                 *  </Register>
                 *  <Register address="101">
                 *      <Name>UM6_QUAT_CD</Name>
                 *      <Description>Third and fourth elements of attitude quaternion. Stored as two 16-bit signed integers.</Description>
                 *  </Register>
                // convert 8 bytes into 4 signed shorts:
                short[] quaternion = new short[5];
                quaternion[0] = packet.Address;

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 2)
                    quaternion[i / 2 + 1] = (short)((packet.GetDataByte(i) << 8) + packet.GetDataByte(i + 1));

                if (doTracePackets)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("UM6_QUAT: {0} {1} {2} {3}", quaternion[1], quaternion[2], quaternion[3], quaternion[4]));


                //if (doTracePackets)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Unexpected packet: Address={0}   descr={1:x4}   HasData={2}   IsBatch={3}   BatchLength={4}   DataLength={5}   CommandFailed={6}",
                                                packet.Address, packet.PacketDescriptor, packet.HasData, packet.IsBatch, packet.BatchLength, packet.DataLength, packet.CommandFailed));
 protected virtual void CopyData(SerialPacket oSerialPacket)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 internal override byte[] GenerateCommand()
     return(SerialPacket.Packetize(new byte[] { CommandCode }, 0x21));